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Mensajes - manhunt

When will the blitz servers be fix or be reset... Hope it would be soon... Thanks...                    
NEWS / cambio de server: hecho a perder el juego
Marzo 15, 2004, 01:13:16 AM

But in the old AM sending reinforcement matter...  and get them help alot.. anyway good work and hope you can fix this problem your having right now...                    
NEWS / Rules for the uncoming armaggedon
Marzo 15, 2004, 12:23:12 AM

Arma?????  who can cast Arma??? You can\'t research it so it\'s not in your spell book... So who is going to cast it...  :nomo:  :devil:                    
NEWS / cambio de server: hecho a perder el juego
Marzo 15, 2004, 12:11:19 AM

Is sending troops to your allied mage working???? I have not seen any of my allied mage troop helping out in any attack or defending... nether my sent to help out...