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Mensajes - Onots

Consultations, New Ideas / Exotic Mageware
Mayo 16, 2004, 05:36:22 AM
Grrr, this is what I get for playing AM in the middle night when I'm not thinking straight. I've been wasting my money on spells I already had. Funny how a good night of sleep makes you see things you didn't see before.  :blink:

Maybe the server shouldn't let you bid on spells you already know. Just to make the game more idiot friendly. Yeah, I'd like that.

Anyway, thanks Marduk.
Consultations, New Ideas / Exotic Mageware
Mayo 15, 2004, 06:35:53 PM

The same thing happened again with two other spells. It's pretty weird. They just disappeared from the list of spells for sale. Even when I had a bid on them... So my money is gone, and so are the spells.  :unsure:  
Consultations, New Ideas / Exotic Mageware
Mayo 15, 2004, 03:04:12 PM

There's a bug in the exotic mageware shop somewhere. I made a bid on the spell Disintegrate, and I never got it. I did not get my money back either. Nor did I get a message from the blackmarket that I got the spell, or was outbid by another mage.

I should have either gotten the spell or my geld back...
