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Units / How to survive COS
Octubre 31, 2005, 05:35:08 AM
Yes! you are so correct Merc and Forgiver of course... damn! this game really suck now unlike before when I first played here.

Consultations, New Ideas / wondering..
Octubre 31, 2005, 05:23:38 AM
I see what you mean now forgiver... I was just countered heavily... from 4K I was down to 1.9K land. There is really a counter bug here. The game here is getting ghey.. Well I would just delete my mage then.

The only color who would benefit from this type of bug is green.. loring and whoring till the ends. tsk.. tsk.. tsk..  
Units / How to survive COS
Octubre 30, 2005, 08:26:40 AM
*Applicable to Nether mage above explore limit e.g. 3500-4000
For Nether mages who haven't cast COS (Contract of the Soul) even once for thier entire life, here is your chance to learn how and know the benefits of COS. First the description:

Contract of the Soul
Efecto Summons the Hero Devil Prince who leads a band of devils. Spell only ends when casters population reaches 0.
Magia Black Rank Ultimate
Tipo Enchantment Mana 1000000
Turnos 10 Costo de investigación  30000

Mantención por turno      
Oro/Gold 0
Gente/Gelding 6666
Mana/M.p. 0

When casting COS, you will have a level 25 hero devil prince who does nothing at all, I will explain more about the devil prince later. Anyway, based on the last time I've played this version of AM (ArchMage) devil prince will stay with you for 3 days or your until your pop reaches 0. COS is an ultimate spell for Black and would cost 1M mp. Devils will come to your aid for 24 hours since the time you casted COS. Aside from 6666 upkeep of COS, there is a hidden upkeep around 40 to 50% of your current total MP. Devils will come in masses if you are countering and defending. You can use COS in two scenario.

Countering - If a mage pisses you off, and keeps on attacking you. Cast COS and make a siege counter, this is a guaranteed stack wipe of his 1st stack and possibly killing a hero.

Defending - If a mage attacked you, there is 95% chance you can stack wipe his 1st stack, possibly killing a hero. After the 24 hours, you can check all the mages who attacked you and some of them maybe lower than 80% of your power... Siege them and gain some land. :)

Buy some wines of three whips and books of prophecy that you can get. Preferably you can prepare 10 books and 6-8 wines. With regards to stacking, you can use units that are not pop heavy or geld heavy... You can use the following stack.


Note: You must have atleast 200K geld, 1.3M mana and 500K pop to cast and survive COS.

IMPORTANT: When running COS, you can only attack 2-3 time.. beyond that, its suicide. Also take note do not attack if you are not countering.

After 24 hours, the devils will no longer help you... this is important so listen up! Your pop will be greatly reduced and so is your geld, disband any geld consuming units to make your geld income positive. Now use books first and then wine. Once you have a positive pop income, build up and counter those mages who attacked you.

Now, I mentioned that the devil prince will stay with you for 3 days or until your pop reaches 0. If you pillage or make a tribute with the devil prince... don't bother coz he will take all the geld and pop (from pillage) and offer them to satan.

If you casted COS and survived it, you will gain the respect of other mages, they will fear you and think twice before attacking you because of COS.
Consultations, New Ideas / wondering..
Octubre 30, 2005, 07:43:00 AM
Hmmm... I really don't get what you were saying Merc.. Anyway, I just devil counter a top 10 mage in Mega. It was fun! Hehehe... The trick with COS is how to survive after COS.
Hall of Banquets / How is everyone?
Octubre 21, 2005, 06:37:17 AM
Seems like everyone is having fun.. thanx for the greeting man.. :)
Consultations, New Ideas / wondering..
Octubre 21, 2005, 06:35:14 AM
Haha.. Which server are you playing??! Im playing in Mega just for the fun of it.. hehehe
Units / Red stacking
Septiembre 27, 2005, 09:03:27 PM
hmm.. red stackings... Why not go all flying. RD/Chims/Wraith/Griff use stun  
Consultations, New Ideas / wondering..
Septiembre 27, 2005, 08:56:35 PM
Hey is that you MercX??
Hall of Banquets / How is everyone?
Septiembre 27, 2005, 08:52:59 PM
Just wanna drop by and say Hi to everyone... Its been a long time since I played here. :)
Hall of Banquets / Happy Birthday /Forgiver\
Noviembre 06, 2004, 01:49:25 PM
Belated Hapi Bday.. ehehe
Consultations, New Ideas / Auto Disband
Noviembre 06, 2004, 01:46:30 PM
But tell me something faith... do you call that stupidity??
Spells, Items and Heroes / The Holy Light
Octubre 31, 2004, 05:08:23 PM
lets see how THL deals with devils.. ehehe
Spells, Items and Heroes / gods ?
Octubre 31, 2004, 05:05:56 PM
hey you guys... don't be so mean. Anyway, you need to donate 80% of your geld to the gods to gain favor
Hall of Banquets / Mega blitz
Octubre 26, 2004, 01:34:29 PM
yeah.. Lord Frank just posted it... Thanx!
Hall of Banquets / Mega blitz
Octubre 25, 2004, 11:43:37 AM
So when will it be open? I can't seem to create a mage...
Hall of Banquets / Blitz Server
Octubre 23, 2004, 08:51:30 PM
then time to exploit the bugs.. ehehe
Spells, Items and Heroes / Contract Of The Soul
Octubre 23, 2004, 08:50:42 PM
Hey Oni.. Are you stalking me? Hehehe
Spells, Items and Heroes / Contract Of The Soul
Octubre 19, 2004, 09:06:52 PM
Well, As I recall you just have to pay the upkeep for the Devil prince. No other hidden upkeep.. Of course we are talking about post-COS
Consultations, New Ideas / Black Sabbath bug
Octubre 16, 2004, 05:42:05 PM
hehehe.. yeah
Consultations, New Ideas / Bug in Status Report
Octubre 14, 2004, 01:31:18 AM
In mega blitz, it the sum of all the upkeep
Spells, Items and Heroes / Contract Of The Soul
Octubre 14, 2004, 01:27:57 AM
Yes that is exactly what the devil prince does... nothing.. but take note, hes a level 26 hero... so you also have to pay his upkeep... he will offer all your tribute or pillages to satan, so don't bother pillaging or tribute. :)
Consultations, New Ideas / Black Sabbath bug
Octubre 12, 2004, 05:29:10 PM
Just have to post again... I re compute it and the upkeep was there. :) eventhough its not shown in the report
Hall of Banquets / Blitz Server
Octubre 10, 2004, 10:42:19 PM
of course.. :)
Hall of Banquets / Blitz Server
Octubre 10, 2004, 09:28:41 PM
Oh.. thats how it is... Ok thanx man!!! :)
Hall of Banquets / nuevo diseño del sitio
Octubre 10, 2004, 09:26:51 PM
Thanx Marduk for the translation... Well to tell you Honestly, I like it!! Compare to the previous one, its much more organized, or centralized... The new site design looks great! :) However, the background image seem to tile.
Hall of Banquets / Blitz Server
Octubre 09, 2004, 09:39:31 AM
I always get a blank page when accessing blitz server these days... However, I can access other server just fine, like super and mega... but blitz I don't know.
Hall of Banquets / So....
Octubre 02, 2004, 07:27:31 AM
Welcome to the lord..
Hall of Banquets / Armageddon
Septiembre 30, 2004, 12:30:02 AM
Oh ok.. ehehe... well Thats alright.
Hall of Knowledge / green mage
Septiembre 30, 2004, 12:28:51 AM
I run pure wraith stack.. boosted by lots of heroes.. ehehe
Spells, Items and Heroes / The Holy Light
Septiembre 30, 2004, 12:25:15 AM
THL + Sword of light gives holy attacks to all units.
Hall of Banquets / Armageddon
Septiembre 28, 2004, 07:36:02 PM
OH well... It seems like I was beaten down low when Armageddon started. Anyway, Lord Frank... just a quick question: Why on earth did you announce arma for mega blitz just one day before? c'mon man, I did not have time to prepare. :(
Units / ripper
Septiembre 25, 2004, 08:21:20 AM
Really?... Haven't tried running MR in stack yet...  
Hall of Banquets / Please join Blitz.
Septiembre 25, 2004, 08:20:24 AM
Which blitz? Im playing in Mega...
Hall of Knowledge / Archmage 101 - Nether Mages
Septiembre 25, 2004, 08:19:03 AM
The stack that I suggest... Don't mind it, there will be not enough wraith to support your top stack. Anyway, I have tried revising the stack.. So here it goes.

Horned Demons - Damage doers
Salamander - Damage doers
Chims - fodder killers
Sirenes - Fodder killers
Dryads or Soul speaker

You can go head to head with a green mage... Flame blade/Candles or FB/Oil or Kiss of the Vampire/candles

You need to cast Touch of necromancy to be running in your country since you are using Zombies as your top stack.
Consultations, New Ideas / Black Sabbath bug
Septiembre 25, 2004, 08:04:28 AM
Well, try to compute your net pop income with your current Farms and towns... Even if the upkeep is not listed, its there. It seems that the upkeep is already been taken up by your gross pop income. :)
Hall of Banquets / Surviving Devil Counters
Septiembre 22, 2004, 12:22:15 AM
Hahahahaha!!! I just thought I'd share this... My unit killed over 1K devils and guess what?! The guy did not stack wipe me.. HAHAHAHAHAHA!! He left me with 11 units for my top stack.. Hahaha!! I just find this so funny.. hahaha!
Hall of Banquets / Tb the oppurtunist - Bad timing
Septiembre 20, 2004, 08:26:22 PM
hmmm... ehehe, I thought you are.. Anyway, tb still owes me a counter.
Hall of Banquets / Nomin... estudia!
Septiembre 19, 2004, 04:25:53 PM
So what are you guys talking about??
Hall of Banquets / Multimage in Mega Blitz..
Septiembre 19, 2004, 04:24:30 PM
so I just let those multimage be huh?!.. OOh well, I just kill them myself.
Hall of Banquets / Let me see your heroes..
Septiembre 19, 2004, 04:22:29 PM
Updates!!! :)

White Knight   16       299100/2410/220  
Crypt Keeper  16       299100/2410/220  
Bard              16       299100/2410/220  
Shieldmaiden  17      299100/2410/220  
Necromancer  17       299100/2410/220  
Veteran          18      299100/2410/220  
Dragon Knight  18     299100/2410/220  
Shaman          18      299100/2410/220  
Berserker        19      299100/2410/220  
Dread Knight   20      299100/2410/220  
Amazon         20       299100/2410/220  
Devil Prince   26       299100/2410/220

Oopss.. The devil prince.. argh!
Hall of Banquets / Multimage in Mega Blitz..
Septiembre 18, 2004, 10:38:43 AM
Today, I encounter a multi mage or an an Illegal guild... They really used a lot of items on me, pillage me, Spell me, attack me. A few items went through.. Spells went through but never thier sieges..

Anyway, Who do I email it to? or should I post them here? :)
Hall of Banquets / Let me see your heroes..
Septiembre 18, 2004, 10:35:22 AM
Too bad Im black.. :(
Consultations, New Ideas / summon devils
Septiembre 18, 2004, 10:34:08 AM
I cast COS every three days.. as soon as the devil prince leaves.. ehehe... I tend to use it defensively, but hey, If I like the mage who attacked me, I just counter them with devils. :D :D :D
Spells, Items and Heroes / Contract Of The Soul
Septiembre 18, 2004, 10:32:17 AM
For Mega blitz... The prince is just level 26..
Hall of Banquets / Tb the oppurtunist - Bad timing
Septiembre 15, 2004, 10:17:36 PM
Forgiver, are you tb?? :D  
Hall of Banquets / Let me see your heroes..
Septiembre 15, 2004, 10:16:48 PM
oohhh..1!! I like that vampire hunter!! hehehehe
Consultations, New Ideas / summon devils
Septiembre 15, 2004, 01:02:35 AM
hey Jello, what are you doin here?? Hehehe... You've been posting a lot from TR UBB.
Hall of Banquets / Let me see your heroes..
Septiembre 15, 2004, 01:00:56 AM
White Knight 16      120,657  
Crypt Keeper 16     124,494  
Bard 16                  125,008  
Dragon Knight 17     152,764  
Shieldmaiden 17      142,225  
Necromancer 17      146,772  
Veteran 18              159,984  
Berserker 18           170,620  
Shaman 18             154,923  
Dread Knight 19      188,014  
Amazon 20             190,149  

So far these are the heroes I have... Im still looking for a high level valkyrie. Hehehe.

My wraith got really boosted up from 1,200AP to 2,302AP. :)
Hall of Banquets / Tb the oppurtunist - Bad timing
Septiembre 14, 2004, 01:00:39 AM
Talk about bad timing... In mega blitz, the top tens are either nethers or Verdants. But there seem to be one Ascendant there named tb.. Hmm... I was kinda wondering what is he doing there??

Anyway, I attacked a verdant mage, and he countered me... tb saw what was going on, when he noticed I drop power he immediately attacked me, and thus causing precious land... Anyway, can't wait till arma
Spells, Items and Heroes / Contract Of The Soul
Septiembre 14, 2004, 12:42:47 AM
I think the figures are right...