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Mensajes - daMaddcow

NEWS / new link : delete guild
Diciembre 03, 2003, 03:52:00 PM
just your own I hope   :ban:                    
Hall of Knowledge / Rushing is cool!
Diciembre 01, 2003, 09:20:41 PM
to answer the original question on what to expect....

Expect to get your arse farmed in about 3 days.                    
I like the last attack of the server.

Seperates the men from the boys.

People that don\'t like it are the obvious rank whores.  Those who power waaaaay down to find weak mages they can hit for land, then power up with every last turn they get to try and hide up top.

We all have access to it, so it is fair.  And this way, y\'all need to play a well-rounded game.  IE. know how to defend as well as attack, and learn how to attack people of equal power.  You know... learn how to stack and such.

NEWS / state
Noviembre 15, 2003, 03:59:05 PM
Hall of Knowledge / Question on multiattack
Noviembre 15, 2003, 03:31:14 PM
/me loves the blacklist.

Frank, how about the #1 mage on the blacklist gets in the hall of immortals?

NEWS / plant growth
Noviembre 14, 2003, 10:52:31 PM
Look, I lost a few k land too when Lord Frank made the change.  And we all know that green sucks arse after the PG was changed.

But in case you forget ... this is a BETA server.

let me repeat..... BETA SERVER

that means we\'re testing shit to help Lord Frank out while he works on this game.

Quit whining about land that you lost and give Frank information to work with to improve.                    
NEWS / plant growth
Noviembre 10, 2003, 02:14:27 PM
In my opinion, this makes matters worse rather than better.

The problem with treants is that the resistances are off-balance, making them too strong against red when they should  be weak.

Weaken them vs fire and lightning like the old AM, but leave PG alone.

Spells, Items and Heroes / Spell Availability
Octubre 21, 2003, 11:17:10 PM
There are major issues with this.

The main issue is that you learn spells but they never become available to you in battle or as an assignment.

Both for your own color spells as well as off-color spells.  For example, you learn Enlarge Animal as a green..... but never get to use it anywhere because it is not available.    There are many examples of these..                    
NEWS / hof guild
Octubre 21, 2003, 09:30:18 PM
congrats all                    
Consultations, New Ideas / how works the spell stun?
Octubre 21, 2003, 07:33:11 PM
No,  Stun spell (if I recall correctly) lowered the attack resistances of your enemy units.

Now, someone who played red (i never did) correct me if I am off on something here.... but,

It worked on one random stack (like other solo stack spells, it was done on a gradient, Ie. was more likely to hit the first stack than the second, etc.  I think about 60% first stack, 20% 2nd stack, etc)

This stack that was hit suffered a variable loss of resistances to all attack types... from what I recall, it was quite a bit.  You could often double casualties on the stack that got hit by stun.

It MAY also have reduced the accuracy of that stack.. but that was hard to test since the only way you knew it hit a stack was that you did double or triple carnage....and not much was left to judge how well they hit you.

My best guess would be that it hits one random stack, top stack 60% of the time.  It reduces resistance to attack types by at least half, probably even more.  And probably drops that stacks\' accuracy by half also.                    
NEWS / hof
Octubre 21, 2003, 06:52:58 PM
Congratulations to the Rank Whoores

:cheer:    :barf:                    
Images and Graphics / What do you need?
Octubre 21, 2003, 06:49:53 PM
Let me know what you need and I\'ll start plugging away at some stuff.                    
I like the 3 mins.  More turns = More carnage.

There is only one server and it\'s still not 100% perfect... I think the carnage possibilities are the only thing balancing that.

Perhaps if buddy can make this revenue neutral, we can get a second server that\'s a bit slower.