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Mensajes - Revenger

Consultations, New Ideas / disband unit page
Marzo 31, 2004, 02:36:29 PM
Is it possible to make the stacks to be sortlisted according to % ?

For example:
Red Dragons 50%
Efreeti 25%
lizardmen 15%
skeletons 5%

Instead of random one that applies to it till today.
It will be handy if the same applies to Status Report List ;)

Thanks :D                    
Consultations, New Ideas / Guild Admins
Marzo 31, 2004, 02:00:00 PM
It will be convinient if you add up to 3 positions in a guild that can use admin contols. This will prevent a guild to be unable to continue existing if it\'s leader gets killed.

By the time that each mage has next to him in the rank list his guild tag this prevents anyone from looking his description, and by the this way it is most important a guild to be always secured, either his leader dies or not.                    
Consultations, New Ideas / nonactive spells&items
Marzo 31, 2004, 01:54:16 PM
It will be very convinient for all if a list of nonactive spells&items is declared. We are alone testing and searching but a list will enlight us and make us be sure if the spells and items we use are indeed activated.

This implies most for items but also for some spells like concentration                    
Consultations, New Ideas / exploration
Marzo 31, 2004, 01:51:33 PM
If it is easy, I think that exploration should be allowed till 3,500 acres of land. This will help both newbie and experienced players in many ways and also will boost up the amount of items found in the black market.                    
Consultations, New Ideas / mana cost of spells
Marzo 31, 2004, 01:46:51 PM
It\';s impossible to see how much mana an instant battle spell costs.

I suggest you put the cost of each spell next to it\'s color at the spellbook that appears in status report.                    
Server blitz - Union del honor / GoAP
Marzo 27, 2004, 07:31:57 PM
don\'t pay attention to 50 member limit statement... it\'s for reasons of tact.  :cat:   :clown:                    
Server blitz - Union del honor / GoAP
Marzo 26, 2004, 08:22:01 AM
We are bacl  :nomo:

Recruiting open for everyone.

Member limit at 50  :cheer:


We want one ally as well  :poin:                    
Consultations, New Ideas / Renuntio
Marzo 26, 2004, 08:11:27 AM

 I think that you should add to each turn\'s report which spells are currently activated.For example someone who has concentration and protection from evil on should have this message at his renuntio:

You are under the effects of the spell Protection from Evil
You are under the effects of the spell Concentration
You gained 20000 geld, 2000 MP, 0 people

Also, I wonder if allies are gonna to work up again, and if you are going to procceed in making the messages that appear in renuntio in english.

Translation really important here :P                    
This is very important and must be added as soon as possible, I haven\'t yet proposed that believing that it will be added but the time has shown that someone needs to mention it.

It should be added an option, to every guilded mage, so he can part from the guild he is currently seeded.

For example, let\'s say the mage named Goro is seeded in GoAP. Goro wakes up a morning and says: \"Me wanna leave GoAP!\" (Nearly impossible but never mind)

Goro should be able to leave instantly, by clicking some buttons alone, not by asking the guild leader to do so. This is vital in order to keep... democracy?                    
Translations and other language / Translation?
Enero 18, 2004, 02:34:27 PM
hehhehe I will make the first post in this thread!

So please translate:

Αναρωτιέμαι γιατί μιλάτε όλοι εσείς ισπανικά και αγγλικά την στιγμή που η ελληνική γλωσσα είναι αποδεδειγμένως η πιο πλήρης, επεξηγηματική και η πλέον κατάλληλη για διδασκαλία. Δεν θα αναφερθώ καθόλου στην αρχαία ελληνική γλωσσα διότι εκεί η διαφορα είναι πραγματικά τεράστια κ εκτός συναγωνισμού, στηρίζοντας πάντοτε την ανωτερώτητα της.


:cat:  :cat:                    
Consultations, New Ideas / Spells
Enero 12, 2004, 01:22:14 AM
My humble proposal to will be to finish all spells. The game has become a \"WHO GOT THE MORE HEROES\" game. This needs no real skill than sit down, geld and buy aroun 10 heroes, so you don\'t even cry about losing one or two.

Even I don\'t play the game lately, I wish to do, but I get dissapointed with results as I never was a heroe collector. It seems that the time to become one have risen...

Apart from jokes, finishing these spells will be good. There has been so much time without all spells.                    
Hall of Banquets / HAPPY NEW YEAR
Enero 08, 2004, 01:42:12 AM


:nomo:  :cat:  :cheer:  :poin:  :BID:  :ban:  :nut:  :barf:  :cold:  :clown:  :cool:  :confu:  :nomo:  :alien:  :pazbr:  :cat:  :poin:                    
Hall of Banquets / A nice question to all.....
Enero 08, 2004, 01:35:38 AM
l.r.m.q.t.p  = Irrestible riverside mountain quite THE PLACE

hmmm... something like this :P                    
Hall of Banquets / A nice question to all.....
Diciembre 21, 2003, 10:57:26 PM
hehehehhe... correct correct                    
Hall of Banquets / A nice question to all.....
Diciembre 19, 2003, 12:11:22 PM
A candy to the one that finds where I am from...

Hall of Banquets / To be or not to be a GoAPerrr?
Diciembre 18, 2003, 02:51:47 PM
Well, this is a worthy question... hehe :D  :nomo:

We have friends that love us and enemies that hate us!! :D

Of course there is the neutral part of the world which is unaffected by our Influence, bad or good.

Either way it is very challenging to be part of our guild and also challenging to be an enemy of it.

I can say we have marked our way through... what do you think?

:cat:  :cat:                    
NEWS / New spells activated
Diciembre 18, 2003, 02:30:18 PM
I agree with Dracolich for all his comments.

And yes, SL affects your spell actions                    
NEWS / New spells activated
Diciembre 16, 2003, 10:34:54 PM
Hey, post us again which spells are activated. It is unfair for us to search find them. For example, I think that concentration should work in some way as I fail to cast off color spells.                    
Hall of Knowledge / Counters
Diciembre 14, 2003, 11:26:50 AM
I think that the counter policy must change so it much Archamge\'s one.                    
Wow! Sorry Distinius, I don\'t have the courage to read all this :P                    
Hall of Banquets / *~Kisses from Heaven~*
Diciembre 07, 2003, 08:04:50 PM

(/me gets to work immediately...)

You have a guild? No?????

hehehe, there is a link at my signing... the best choice ;) :nomo:                    
Consultations, New Ideas / LAST CRONICLE
Diciembre 07, 2003, 07:58:33 PM

I already stated what displeases me. And keep these Last Cronicle for council members and moderators if you want to detect cheaters with this.                    
Hall of Banquets / woot!
Noviembre 29, 2003, 09:03:20 PM
Panther? Are you EoE? Shame on you... you should sign so other people know!                    
Hall of Banquets / woot!
Noviembre 29, 2003, 08:20:40 AM
:P ok ok, but anyone can change mind later... and you will do....

This is a guild server, you can\'t survive in top with no guild. Wait till research period finishes and you will see.

:cat:  :cat:  :cat:

Have a nice day,                    
Hall of Knowledge / Rushing is cool!
Noviembre 29, 2003, 08:13:07 AM
Of course Distinius :PPPP You will also get good ranks inside GoAP for being pals between you as this increases trust level.

/me invites Phim! to join GoAP

/me invites Norse...

/me invites Sphynx

/me invites False GoD

/me invites Dash

/me invites Dailkin

/me invites _exit_

/me invites rest KSO members

/me doesn\'t invite KSO leader, ARGANAS!

\"Find more so I can recruit again\"

hheheheheh  :ban:   (<--First time to use this :P )                    
Hall of Banquets / woot!
Noviembre 28, 2003, 09:31:44 PM

I invited him to GoAP!  :poin:  :pazbr:                    
Hall of Knowledge / Rushing is cool!
Noviembre 28, 2003, 09:18:59 PM
Ok...... you are invited to join us then :D

You won\'t regret it  :nut:

:cat:  :cat:  :cat:

P.S:These are my cats... :PPPPPPP                    
Hall of Knowledge / Rushing is cool!
Noviembre 28, 2003, 03:47:17 PM
People have guilds for such advice.... What\'s your guild Distinius?                    
Hall of Banquets / Question about guilds
Noviembre 26, 2003, 01:00:24 PM
the more guilds the higher research rate is.

However in this server if you build more than a certain number you don\'t get any other bonus.

Just build 1.200, research all spells, and then delete them all.

The item generation is based on luck btw                    
Noviembre 25, 2003, 04:18:34 AM
Civilungo, we are simply better. We come from B2, b2 was always the most difficult server, you will get better with time.

And we are not cheating. We are not the ones that hecked mages, we are the one that had mages hacked.

Keep this in mind when you easily say: \"GoAP winds because it cheats\"

This is a gum in the mouth and easy to say, hard to believe and impossible to prove. When both resets, top spanish guild(Imperio Griego last set) loses more than 700 million powers, then we have to speak about unorganized guilds. We are organized, we have an irc room that it is always full and that\'s why we make all the difference.

Results till now:

GIH lost 800 millions power

GoAP lost 100

Also, we have nothing to share with GIH and they are the ones to start banging us, starting by my mage.

The GIH mages that have been banged was because of Guild

All other un-GIH mages that has been banged it\'s because they did something(black list, rein to GIH, rein to people in BLACK list etc)                    
Consultations, New Ideas / LAST CRONICLE
Noviembre 22, 2003, 03:45:32 PM
This thing has to end somewhere. It\'s the second time I am appealing for it. It\'s the most stupid thing in the game currently and it ruins the game completely.                    
I am mentioning LAST CHRONICLE. This is the one I refer too, @!@#@!$                    
Hey, this have to stop. This is very stupid indeed! We don\'t need this stupid thing! It only make us to dislike the game. This has to be excluded.

Will you make us the favor?

It is silly, you restack, and you lose what you get in much time of hard work.Then, you feel dissapointed, you blame the game and you have no courage to keep playing.

Then it happens again, you feel stupid to play it.

When it happens for 3rd time, you either desert it, eithr post to blame and blame anyway.                    
indeed Phim!  :nomo:                    
NEWS / 4 spell activated
Noviembre 12, 2003, 07:58:10 PM
I hope the next one will be Love and Peace... hehehehehehhee                    
Images and Graphics / What do you need?
Noviembre 10, 2003, 05:57:01 PM
Hey KARN! I warn you! You post too much! How I am supposed to ever reach your posts if you post too many? Come on... take a break! hehehehhehee  :nomo:                    
Consultations, New Ideas / questions
Noviembre 10, 2003, 05:29:01 PM
1.Contact administrators to delete your guild

2.Find the best guild around to join: GoAP hehehhehe

3.Find the guild name and click ingreso.

4.Then it is up to the guild leader (me to your occassion :P) if he will accept you or not.

5.If he accepts you then you will be that guild till the end. The only way to get out is to message the leader again asking him to let you go. If he doesn\'t wan\'t too, simply you can\'t.

I find the guild system nice. Perhaps a very smart move would be to add an Ally lock attacking as well. Meaning that it will be to the leader of each guild to choose and forbid attacking from his members towards specific guilds. This will make guild Councils to sleep better :D :nomo:                    
Uhm, ok ok. Now that the game is more shaped, the turns are ok. But in the beggining... it was messy!

However, with so many turns, you can\'t sleep well at any time :PPPPPPp

I just hope that the counters thingie becomes as it has to become, like official am(It never was official though).

ALSO, this Last attacks of the Server link and engine... has to be excluded. It is really annoying to get attacks while you are attacking. I personally don\'t use it as I find it pathetically dishonorable.                    
NEWS / Spells by color that we most need working right
Noviembre 10, 2003, 05:19:42 PM
hm, I read that Lord Frank is going to make all speall available in this month :P

Also, isn\'t my avatar terrific? I know, this is the reason I post, like to see my avatar :P                    
NEWS / plant growth
Noviembre 10, 2003, 05:09:48 PM
Hehehehe, It was about time, now greens will not anylonger be the bosses here :P                    
NEWS / Spells by color that we most need working right
Noviembre 09, 2003, 08:17:43 PM
Hm, WHITES are currently very DULL! We need Love and Peace with both its gelding and battle goodies to make our lifes easier and then more fun with Holy Light.

For, BLACKS...  don\'t think COS is important, and it will take the most time of everything else, Death and Decay should start working as it is one of main attacking spells.

REDs, are lighting strike and meteor storm working? If not... these are my inquiries.

Blues... I don\'t know which spells work.

Greens, don\'t make RUST armor available before you make LP and Holy light. It will be most unfair. Greens are too powerful in this game while whites the most weak. If rust comes then greens will rule more easily as they already rule.                    
Welcome! A wish you a nice reign here. However even if my guild existed in blitz II never heard of you. Maybe because I am not that old.                    

 I strongly believe that the minutes of the server must change cuase thay are too many.If you want a healthy game this is the beswt to do. I can witness ocassions for my guild and allies where people played about a week and then got sick of it because its many turns.

    I won\'t add much here as it is obvious how important this is. The decision is your and of course it will be nice for other to add their opinion here!

\"A reward is worthless if you are not around to enjoy it\"