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Mensajes - Bane

lol yes i suppose that's possible...totally forgot about HoM

/me shuts up now

though it would be nice if there was a way that the defender could see the whole battle report rather than just the result
so i got hit by a white mage last night, and this is the result:

Te ataco el mago YYYYYYY(#XXX) !!!

El invasor perdi贸 77 archangel
El invasor perdi贸 595 unicorn
El invasor perdi贸 4 dominion
El invasor perdi贸 5593 pegasus
El defensor perdio 10 red dragon
El defensor perdio 55 efreeti
El defensor perdio 74 lich
El defensor perdio 1977 dryad

Tu perdiste 2116 unidades y el invasor perdi贸 6269
No pudiste defender tu territorio , perdiste 419 de tierras
Perdiste mas poder que el invasor durante la batalla.

now, there is absolutely no way that archangels should only lose 77 while killing 10 just SHOULD NOT happen, they have ZERO breath resist, and I only kill 77?  I had 22 RDs at the time, which should certainly kill more than 77 AAs, even with the new ridiculously overpowered PHoH.  There's a bug somewhere....
Hall of Banquets / Old Am Players
Julio 25, 2004, 02:07:13 AM
i mean that kin and other old app players are at the other new version of archmage,
Help with the game / Could Be A Bug...
Julio 24, 2004, 04:23:25 PM
quick correction...RD's have a 90% chance to resist valor from any hero (excepting the veteran, because he is colorless)...10% of the valors targeting them will have an effect...

result, if you have more than 10 AP boosting heros (not counting veteran) chances are good you will have a boosted attack, though RDs don't really need the primary attack boosted (it would rock if it boosted secondary attacks...but hey, ya take what you can get)

my suggestion is that if yer playing heroes with red, use efreeti, they have much lower resistances, my efreeti have gotten over 8k primary attack already this reset in megablitz
Hall of Banquets / Apprentice?
Julio 24, 2004, 04:19:44 PM
mari apprentice was 1/20, 120 max, server was 1/10 180 max...

the reincarnation is 1/15, 150 max, which i like better than 1/20...
Hall of Banquets / Old Am Players
Julio 24, 2004, 04:15:49 PM
most of the old apprentice guilds are on the reincarnation (kindred, shaolin, TWoR, GotR, etc.)
Spells, Items and Heroes / Many Heroes, One Stack
Julio 23, 2004, 04:29:06 PM
I know in Mari AM (and in TR) that if you have one stack and many heroes all of your hero abilities still go it the same here in Lord Archmage?  Because they aren't listed...

it would be quite frustrating if i bought 10 battle heroes for no reason...