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Mensajes - /Forgiver\

Hall of Knowledge / THL + SOL ?
Marzo 15, 2006, 11:08:19 PM
From what I have seen here and remember from before:
SoL adds Holy attack to Melee.  (I have never noticed any AP increase from it, even back in Maris AM.)
THL gives all your units Holy attack.  (Not sure on that one really.)
Either way...can you stack double Holy if that is the case?
Most likely it will not show any AP increases.  (Game is still in Beta for many years now.)

Like I said...I have only played white once or twice, but I do use SoL a lot with green.  (At least before they made off color spells fail all the time.)
Pretty much, unless you speak Spanish and post in the Spanish section.
I just logged into my mage and found this:
2006-03-15   12:10:34
el mago Tao(#239) uso el item Mana Vortex sobre ti y perdiste 8812 mana

2006-03-15   11:55:55
el mago Tao(#239) te ha conjurado el hechizo Steal artifact, te ha robado el item Candle of Sleeping

2006-03-15   11:54:22
el mago Tao(#239) te ha conjurado el hechizo Steal artifact, te ha robado el item Head of Meduse

That is a very odd move.
Especially from a guild in which we have had no bad relations with and from a mage whom i have personally never attacked.

A very strong act of aggression...war.
Take my items then try to take my mana?

As Mercenaries we will not tolerate such actions.
We have put a bounty up on all Grim mages heads.
(Sorry to my former member Apoc.)  Shit happens.

Good luck.
The battle ravaged lands of my kingdom has kept me from sending out a messenger to post here.

The war rages like an inferno.  The frontline infantry storm the fields with no regrets from their decisions to join the army.  Their hands blister from the fighting, their souls growing weary, there will to fight is all that keeps their heads high!

What fun we have.

*Just wanted to post something...even fun*

:ph34r:  :ph34r:  :ph34r:  
This evens the odds too.
FyH + MERCS VS @-1
Sums up the numbers.

We are mercenaries and FyH has done nothing offensive to us.
We pick our battles, rather then have them picked for us.

My main reason for this war is the respect @-1 has shown us.
I have been planning this ever since Joseius(#85) attacked me twice through our NAP.
(This was when Alexa was still around and I talked to her.  Nothing was done about it.)

I wish everyone the best of luck in this war.
I guess many of you have seen this coming.

I think you can add things up to this point as in why we are declaring war.
1) Attacks through NAP.
2) Same mage breaching NAP at two different times.  (We talked about this, but never got a response.)
3) Multiple use of items on a MERCS mage after the NAP has been dropped.  (We talked about this and they asked me to disrespect our RoE and let him live.)
4) The disrespect they have for MERCS.

Let the games begin.

We have found @-1 weak and will feast upon that weakness.

When you have no respect for one, then how can you have their respect?
Help me get a better understanding of this:
@-1 wants it so that when one of their mages die, that they can reincarnate and research in peace then join back into the war?
Are you sure you did not declare war to prevent them from declaring on your guild?
I personally know that @-1 mages use multiple items on random mages...

I also witnessed the respect they had for NAPed guilds, by attacking them and then the same mage attacking again.

This is interesting...@-1 has made many enemies this reset.

My guild is currently hostile towards your guild, but we have yet to declare war on you.
I am currently patient for my personal purposes.
Server ager - Union del honor / aligator2(#141)
Febrero 10, 2006, 08:25:59 AM
Kill him.
Need help?
He added me to "Spy List", very offensive :D
Archivos / Turnos negativos
Febrero 10, 2006, 06:40:02 AM
CitaWell, I did not certainly know if I would kill you, but there were 5,5 million of power (remember the chimeras) of damage taken and all my guild prepared for spelling, attacking... But dyou know what I think? Next time don´t kill yourself and we can see what hapens :P

 I haven´t seen The Fast and the Furious, but I´ve seen XXX, I think it´s same characther, insn´t it?
Yes same character :D

Yes I wish I didn't die, so I could prove you could not kill me...but we will never know now.  (Like how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop.)
Archivos / Turnos negativos
Febrero 09, 2006, 09:23:27 PM
CitaI agree with you about the programming of the game, but I repeat you (third or fourth time) that noone was going to delete you, so stop using your mouth as your ass.
 And about the counter, you´ve haven´t undernstood a single word about it, as you always do, but I´ll explain your for a last time:

I attack you, causing you 10 million of damage.
12 hours later you counter me, causing me 4 million of damage. In this point I CAN´T attack you, cos you have only taken 4million of 10, right?
24 hours later my random (12 hours later you counter me more or less) I CAN hit you, doesn´t matter if you´re protected or not, and I can give you recounters (4 million power of damage).
 That worked that way on maritel, you can be sure (or you can again read what you want and undernstand what you want and keeping speaking bullshit).
Finally some sense...yes your damage against me will will have within 24 hours of my attack to counter.  Before you said 24 hours after your attack or so I took it.
Not enough counters to kill me considering my stack and the 60 turns I would have really had to repower.  Took some big land loss perhaps, but I would have survied your recounters.

A quote for you:
Dom: You almost had me? You never had me - you never had your car... Granny shiftin' not double clutchin' like you should. You're lucky that hundred shot of NOS didn't blow the welds on the intake! You almost had me?

Maybe you have seen the movie.  :P
Archivos / Turnos negativos
Febrero 09, 2006, 05:55:41 PM
CitaCounters expire after 24 hours.
If you are able to power counter after that period are you abusing some kind of bug?
No, that´s not a bug, that was that way in maritel, if you didn´t now that, it´s not my problem.
 Yes, ev´s must be give counters. About the COS, as I told you, there´s a problem with the quantity of devils, and that´s reported to frank.
 And there´s another bug: if you cast MS or D&D on a COS mage, and he counters you with devils, you don´t get counters (reported to frank too).
 So stop your victimism
 Frank, ¿que has sacado en claro con lode los turnos negativos?
Counters have never lasted over 24 hours, even back in Maris Archmage.
I have probably been playing longer than you have.

VE does not give counters here.
Fix them!
Fix CoS.
Fix the whole fucking game...don't even compare this game to Maris Archmage.
You insult that game severly...this game will never be that good.
How many years have you all worked on this game?  Yet it still has bugs...still in the beta...half the shit does not work.

If you all wanna play a real protege of Maris Archmage, go play The Reincarnation.
This game doesn't have shit compared to that one.

BTW - fucking looking at old Maris Archmage reports to go by data?
Yet you are messing the game up worse...not even close to the old mechanics, nor are you trying to make a different game.  Really what are you trying to do for this game?
Maybe you should have played the old one for a while, before you try to be like it.

Oh and you bug abusing Spainards...I know you never get deleted, so don't give me any bullshit about it.  I know your whine til we get deleted.
Server ager - Union del honor / MERCS
Febrero 09, 2006, 07:29:38 AM
We had a NAP with @-1.
That NAP has been dropped due to them have hitting us 4 times so far.
One of them hit me twice, after their leader susposed to have talked with them.

We will not tolerate NAPs that treat us in such a manor.
Archivos / Turnos negativos
Febrero 09, 2006, 07:22:46 AM
Hmm perhaps another bug.
No counters VS VEs?
I know on other servers you can counter them.
It is damage.

You know how many people VEed me, yet not one counter was I allowed.
This is sickening.

How many bugs must be reported and never fixed?
How many people abuse these bugs?

Shut the game down if it is this bad and fix it.
Would solve a lot of problems.

On and by the way...I will be back...Next reset for sure...I promise.
Archivos / Turnos negativos
Febrero 09, 2006, 07:14:05 AM
I should be dead anyway.  Right?
Tomorrow you´ll surely die, I only have to wait 24 hours for my random and I get counter on you for your COS attack.
 But as I told you, that´s not the discussion, noone was going to delete anyone, you´d just take the post as a persecuion agaisnt you and it wasn´t
One last thing.
Counters expire after 24 hours.
If you are able to power counter after that period are you abusing some kind of bug?
Archivos / Turnos negativos
Febrero 09, 2006, 07:07:02 AM
I should be dead anyway.  Right?
Tomorrow you´ll surely die, I only have to wait 24 hours for my random and I get counter on you for your COS attack.
 But as I told you, that´s not the discussion, noone was going to delete anyone, you´d just take the post as a persecuion agaisnt you and it wasn´t
How do you get that shit?
You Infernoed me down causing 14m power damage.
I CoS kill 54 RD, that only equals 3m power damage.  The game would have let me Devil you til I had 14m built up.
You never had me and never will.

The only chance you all had at my death was keeping me -turns until you could have clearned my stack, then fort sieged me and VEed me.

The game was bugged...I should be dead today considering you all would have kept my turns - long enough to accomplish the above.  I save you the time and agony...the game bugged up and cheated you and me.  I will come back to the server after a cool down period.

There are many bugs that need to be fixed...
I have reported many, but to no answer.

I think you even spoke of the CoS bug...10K Devils kill 54 RD...That is messed up...
I even sold some items...didn't get any gold for them but 170K each.  They sold for 10m gold.
Pillages...on Blitz I have done 6 pillages, they have countered til 1K land loss...that's not equal damage.
(Maybe someone will read them if I post them here.)
Archivos / Turnos negativos
Febrero 08, 2006, 10:28:02 PM
CitaForgiver, read my personal message, noone was going to delete you, you see ghosts where there was only a discussion about a bug.
You are Spanish?
Spanish do not like me...they find easy way to get rid of was the perfect chance...because of some ghey bug.
I should be dead anyway.  Right?
Archivos / Turnos negativos
Febrero 08, 2006, 09:58:43 PM
Look no fucking cheating in this!
I cheat you all out of the pleause!


Status report

Marilyn Manson (#385 )
Today is just another day in your life. You don't feel that anything special will happen today.
General Info.
Rank    153    Power    5,543,083
Land    3,003    Fortress    97
Geld    -0    Item    40
Units    0    Turns left    33

Spell Level    437
Population    0/1,000
Magic Power    75,350/0

Spell Resistance
Barrier Resistance    0%
Resistance on Eradication Magic    0%
Resistance on Verdancy Magic    0%
Resistance on Phantasm Magic    0%
Resistance on Ascendant Magic    0%
Resistance on Nether Magic    0%

Relation with God
Nature, the Beauty of Life    hatred
Moon, the Light in the Night    hatred
Magic, the Mother of All and Nothing    hatred
Science, the Magic of the Old World    hatred
Mr. Satan, the Ruler of Nine Hell    hatred
Lucifer, the Fallen Angel    hatred
Sol, el astro rey
Residental Info.
Max Residental Space    1,000
Food Production    1,000
Max Population Available    48,500
Food and Space for Units    0
Real Max Population    1,000

Interior Info
    Gold    M.P.    POP
Income    1,000    0    50
Unit Upkeep    0    0    0
Building Upkeep    308,460    0    0
Hero Upkeep    0    0    0
Spell Upkeep    0    0    0
Unit Recruit Cost    0    0    0
Net Income    -307,460    0    50

Building Info.
Land    3,003    Wilderness    2,906
Farm    0    Town    0
Workshop    0    Barrak    0
Node    0    Guild    0

   97    Barrier    0

Units Info.
    Cost    Upkeep    Number    Power

Spells Affecting Your Kingdom

Enchantment    Level    Caster    Life
Confuse    666    Sun, the Great Father    15
Death and Decay    666    Nature, the Wheel of Life    14
Meteor Storm    666    Magic, the Mistress of Chaos    26
Laziness    666    Science, the Magic of Man    11
Summon Locust Swarm    666    Science, the Magic of Man    11
Call Lightning    666    Lucifer, the Light Bearer    4

Your Spells in Effect
Spell Obj Upkeep

Defense Assignment
Defense Item     -
Defense Item Condition    Always
Defense Spell     Invisibility
Defense Spell Condition    Always
Your Spellbook

View Spellbook

Your Item List

View Items

Hero Info
Hero - Level Upkeep (G/M/P)
Devil Prince         25    0/0/0    

Archivos / Turnos negativos
Febrero 08, 2006, 09:57:04 PM
You delete me over some bullshit that you have fucked up with the game Frank.
Spanish always try to fuck me, but guess what I have killed myself.

Offer 1 geld to Magic, the Mistress of Chaos
Your head jabs of pain. Magic, the Mistress of Chaos this furious with your miserable donation.
You are now disfavoured by Magic, the Mistress of Chaos .
You lost 106,096,677 geld.

Offer 1 geld to Magic, the Mistress of Chaos
You hear roar in anger.
Magic, the Mistress of Chaos casted Meteor Storm on you!.

Offer 1 geld to Lucifer, the Light Bearer
Lucifer, the Light Bearer this furious with your miserable donation.
You are now disfavoured by Lucifer, the Light Bearer .
Lucifer, the Light Bearer casted Call Lightning on you!.

Offer 1 geld to Lucifer, the Light Bearer
Lucifer, the Light Bearer this furious with your miserable donation.
You lost Veteran

Offer 666 geld to Satan, Ruler of the Nine Hells
Satan, Ruler of the Nine Hells this furious with your miserable donation.
You are now disfavoured by Satan, Ruler of the Nine Hells .
You lost 94,516 m.p.

Offer 666 geld to Satan, Ruler of the Nine Hells
You hear roar in anger.
You lost 49,550 m.p.

Offer 555 geld to Science, the Magic of Man
Science, the Magic of Man this furious with your miserable donation.
You are now disfavoured by Science, the Magic of Man .
Science, the Magic of Man casted Laziness on you!.

Offer 555 geld to Science, the Magic of Man
Science, the Magic of Man this furious with your miserable donation.
Science, the Magic of Man casted Summon Locust Swarm on you!.

Offer 333 geld to Nature, the Wheel of Life
You hear roar in anger.
You are now disfavoured by Nature, the Wheel of Life .

Offer 333 geld to Nature, the Wheel of Life
Nature, the Wheel of Life this furious with your miserable donation.
Nature, the Wheel of Life casted Death and Decay on you!.

Offer 999 geld to Luna, La luz de la Noche
Your head jabs of pain. Luna, La luz de la Noche this furious with your miserable donation.
You are now disfavoured by Luna, La luz de la Noche .
Luna, La luz de la Noche casted Meteor Storm on you!.

Offer 999 geld to Luna, La luz de la Noche
You hear roar in anger.
Luna, La luz de la Noche casted Meteor Storm on you!.

Offer 111 geld to Sol, the Great Father
Your head jabs of pain. Sol, the Great Father this furious with your miserable donation.
You are now disfavoured by Sol, the Great Father .
Sol, the Great Father casted Confuse on you!.

Offer 111 geld to Sol, the Great Father
Sol, the Great Father this furious with your miserable donation.
Sol, the Great Father casted Serenidad on you!.

Destroyed 906
Destroyed 280
Destroyed 385
Destroyed 115

No se pueden destruir mas fortalezas
Destroyed 80

Destroyed 953

2006-02-08   21:52:02
< Turn 18310 >
Obtain -273,183,260 Gold 8,391 m. p. -70,404 Pop.
Spell tormenta de meteoros ha causado.
16 Farmland are destroyed.
10 Town are destroyed.
2 Workshop are destroyed.
43 Node are destroyed.
1 Fortess are destroyed.
Death & decay ha causado.
15 Farmland are destroyed.
7 Town are destroyed.
4 Workshop are destroyed.
43 Node are destroyed.
2 Barrier are destroyed.
1 Fortess are destroyed.

Has invocado 666 unidades Zombie a tu ejército.
Has invocado 666 unidades Skeleton a tu ejército.
Your country is under Sol, the Great Father wrath.
Your country is under Luna, La luz de la Noche wrath.
Your country is under Nature, the Wheel of Life wrath.
Your country is under Magic, the Mistress of Chaos wrath.
Your country is under Science, the Magic of Man wrath.
Your country is under Satan, Ruler of the Nine Hells wrath.
Your country is under Lucifer, the Light Bearer wrath.
You are under the power of the spell Summon Locust Swarm
You are under the power of the spell Confuse
You are under the power of the spell Laziness
You are under the power of the spell Black Stabbath
You are under the power of the spell Contract of the Soul
You are under the power of the spell Death and Decay
You are under the power of the spell Call Lightning
You are under the power of the spell Meteor Storm

Offer 492,049,924 geld to Satan, Ruler of the Nine Hells
The priest not this agreement with your donation.

2006-02-08   21:55:52
Te hace falta oro !!!
se ha destruido el edificio Fortalezas!!!!
jaja no FyH on the list now that a misunderstanding has been situaited :D


no MERCS as well.

@  Why you all multi-attacking everyone?
I am ashamed to be your NAPs :P
Server ager - Union del honor / MERCS
Enero 28, 2006, 10:19:29 PM
I would like to say hi to all the fellow mages of the game.  We started some last reset and we enjoy the Ager server.  Thus meaning we will stick around and play.

Our guild motto is:
"Si vis pacem para bellum. If you want peace prepare for war."

I have limited out guild relations to one guild alliance and one guild non aggression pact.  (Maybe just 1 total...will see how many mages and guilds are formed.)

We have basic RoE(It is pretty simple.):
1 s/r/p=1 s/r/p
2 s/r/p=3 s/r/p
3 s/r/p=DeathList

We consdier a random one attack of any kind within a 24 hour period.

I do try to restrain my guild for multi attacking other mages.  This is a Guild server, so non guilded mages are open game to multi attacks.

I don't mind accepting new mages into the guild.  An understanding of English is preferred so we can communicate.  Spanish speaking mages are welcome nonetheless.  (We are an equal guild.)

As you see by our guild name, we may help mages and guilds who pay a price.  (We are mercenaries.)  If we so choose to accept someones offer, we will report it here to prevent confusion and distrust.

Good luck for the reset everyone and keep it fair & real.
Lord Forgiver
Server Super blitz - Union del honor / CO2 VS VCM
Enero 27, 2006, 06:45:22 PM
Yes I have joined VCM.  They were nice to me jajaja!
They presented their Queen as an offer for my joining :D
Server Super blitz - Union del honor / CO2 VS VCM
Enero 18, 2006, 12:05:24 PM
Citaufffff forgiver, de verdad q ya me estas cayendo mal... dije claramente q de los q mataste primero eran inactivos, ahora no he dicho nada, asi q corta con tu sarcasmo.
don't be afraid, nobody is denying ur murderers, u r a real killer...  i admire u.... pffff i can't spell, nor items,  u 'cause u have tons of barriers, i can't attack u 'cause ur under prot.  so, i just can see u my dear... well, u know where i am :**

¬¬ til this ugly guy forced me to write in this fckd lang.  <_<
Haha it's all cool!
I keep wicked barriers!

Protection is sweet too :P

Your guild puts me there :D

w00t w00t
Server Super blitz - Union del honor / CO2 VS VCM
Enero 18, 2006, 12:02:04 PM
Cita3 days left...

only 3 days and you'll visit 9th hell

and I guarantee fire works for all terra.
Armageddon in 3 days?
Server Super blitz - Union del honor / CO2 VS VCM
Enero 18, 2006, 11:38:01 AM
Hmmm another inactive mage:
2006-01-18   11:33:30

Te ataco el mago Eudoxio(#1250) !!!
for VCM
El invasor perdió 2 dominion
El invasor perdió 46 archangel
El defensor perdio 540 horned demon
El defensor perdio 2 efreeti
El defensor perdio 1176 zombie

Tu perdiste 1718 unidades y el invasor 48
Bloqueaste exitosamente el ataque

2006-01-18   11:33:30

Has recibido 35 ice elemental tropas de refuerzo de tu aliado ZacaS(#119)

2006-01-18   11:31:21
el mago Eudoxio(#1250) te ha conjurado el Hechizo Temporal Stasis Field

Wait I just spelled and killed him!

Forgiver 6!!!

w00t w00t
Server Super blitz - Union del honor / CO2 VS VCM
Enero 18, 2006, 06:35:40 AM
Forgiver 5!!
Pepeius(#1142)  Another inactive who ran spells.

Check out these inactives below!
Wow so many lame and inactive mages!!!

2006-01-18   04:31:21
el mago Dalmir(#918) te ha conjurado el hechizo Fools gold

2006-01-18   04:30:15
el mago Dalmir(#918) te ha conjurado el hechizo Steal artifact, te ha robado el item Peaches

2006-01-18   04:30:13
el mago Dalmir(#918) te ha conjurado el hechizo Steal artifact, te ha robado el item Coffin

2006-01-18   04:30:09
el mago Dalmir(#918) te ha conjurado el hechizo Steal artifact, te ha robado el item Bottle of Eversmoking

2006-01-18   04:30:07
el mago Dalmir(#918) te ha conjurado el hechizo Steal artifact, te ha robado el item Strange Metallic Can

2006-01-18   04:30:04
el mago Dalmir(#918) te ha conjurado el hechizo Steal artifact, te ha robado el item Crystal Ball

2006-01-18   04:30:00
el mago Dalmir(#918) te ha conjurado el hechizo Steal artifact, te ha robado el item Rotten Food

2006-01-18   04:29:56
el mago Dalmir(#918) te ha conjurado el hechizo Steal artifact, te ha robado el item Monkey Brain

2006-01-18   04:28:17
el mago Dalmir(#918) te ha conjurado el hechizo Scrying Mirror

2006-01-18   04:27:18
el mago Dalmir(#918) te ha conjurado el hechizo Scrying Mirror

2006-01-18   04:26:00
el mago Dalmir(#918) te ha conjurado el hechizo Scrying Mirror

2006-01-18   04:25:35
el mago Dalmir(#918) te ha conjurado el hechizo Scrying Mirror

2006-01-18   02:04:05
el mago rashid(#535) te ha conjurado el Hechizo Call Lightning

2006-01-18   02:01:58
el mago rashid(#535) te ha conjurado el Hechizo Death and Decay

2006-01-18   01:57:12
el mago rashid(#535) te ha conjurado el Hechizo Meteor Storm

2006-01-18   00:52:57

Aliado ponchilukix(#1325) Ataco al mago smoketin(#630) !!!
¡¡ponchilukix(#1325) atacó el territorio de smoketin(#630)!!El ataque de smoketin(#630) provocó que ponchilukix(#1325) perdiera 6 unidades mientras que él perdió 30 unidadessmoketin(#630) no pudo defender su territorio. smoketin(#630) perdió 132 hectáreas de tierras fértiles

2006-01-18   00:51:28

Aliado ponchilukix(#1325) Ataco al mago Wish(#1243) !!!
¡¡ponchilukix(#1325) atacó el territorio de Wish(#1243)!!El ataque de Wish(#1243) provocó que ponchilukix(#1325) perdiera 131 unidades mientras que él perdió 0 unidadesWish(#1243) no pudo defender su territorio. Wish(#1243) perdió 154 hectáreas de tierras fértiles

2006-01-18   00:51:28

Has enviado 25460 zombie tropas de refuerzo a tu aliado ponchilukix(#1325)

2006-01-18   00:50:00

Aliado ponchilukix(#1325) Ataco al mago Lizmart(#713) !!!
¡¡ponchilukix(#1325) atacó el territorio de Lizmart(#713)!!
El ataque de Lizmart(#713) provocó que ponchilukix(#1325) perdiera 0 unidades mientras que él perdió 1 unidades
Lizmart(#713) bloqueó el ataque de ponchilukix(#1325) exitosamente.

2006-01-17   23:16:28

Aliado ponchilukix(#1325) Ataco al mago Porno(#1265) !!!
¡¡ponchilukix(#1325) atacó el territorio de Porno(#1265)!!El ataque de Porno(#1265) provocó que ponchilukix(#1325) perdiera 48 unidades mientras que él perdió 1 unidadesPorno(#1265) bloqueó el ataque de ponchilukix(#1325) exitosamente.

2006-01-17   23:14:11

Aliado ponchilukix(#1325) Ataco al mago Zeridian(#6) !!!
¡¡ponchilukix(#1325) atacó el territorio de Zeridian(#6)!!El ataque de Zeridian(#6) provocó que ponchilukix(#1325) perdiera 3 unidades mientras que él perdió 0 unidadesZeridian(#6) bloqueó el ataque de ponchilukix(#1325) exitosamente.

2006-01-17   23:09:52

Aliado ponchilukix(#1325) Ataco al mago Predicador(#176) !!!
¡¡ponchilukix(#1325) atacó el territorio de Predicador(#176)!!El ataque de Predicador(#176) provocó que ponchilukix(#1325) perdiera 243 unidades mientras que él perdió 0 unidadesPredicador(#176) bloqueó el ataque de ponchilukix(#1325) exitosamente.

2006-01-17   23:07:13

Aliado ponchilukix(#1325) Ataco al mago apolo(#838) !!!
¡¡ponchilukix(#1325) atacó el territorio de apolo(#838)!!El ataque de apolo(#838) provocó que ponchilukix(#1325) perdiera 5 unidades mientras que él perdió 1772 unidadesapolo(#838) no pudo defender su territorio. apolo(#838) perdió 164 hectáreas de tierras fértiles

2006-01-17   23:07:13

Has enviado 25460 zombie tropas de refuerzo a tu aliado ponchilukix(#1325)

2006-01-17   22:37:22
el mago yoda(#455) te ha conjurado el Hechizo Confuse

2006-01-17   22:32:49
el mago yoda(#455) te ha conjurado el Hechizo Temporal Stasis Field

2006-01-17   22:32:40
el mago yoda(#455) te ha conjurado el Hechizo Summon Locust Swarm

2006-01-17   21:51:21

Aliado ZacaS(#119) lo ataco el mago elGris(#1063) !!!
¡¡elGris(#1063) atacó el territorio de ZacaS(#119)!!El ataque de ZacaS(#119) provocó que elGris(#1063) perdiera 114 unidades mientras que él perdió 853 unidadesZacaS(#119) bloqueó el ataque de elGris(#1063) exitosamente.

2006-01-17   21:51:21

Has enviado 25460 zombie tropas de refuerzo a tu aliado ZacaS(#119)

2006-01-17   21:50:36

Te ataco el mago elGris(#1063) !!!


Tu perdiste 4201 unidades y el invasor perdió 422
No pudiste defender tu territorio , perdiste 153 de tierras
Perdiste mas poder que el invasor durante la batalla.

2006-01-17   21:15:01
el mago Drake(#1079) ha usado el item Crystal Ball contra ti

2006-01-17   21:13:50

Te ataco el mago Drake(#1079) !!!

¡ALERTA! Tu guarnición detectó un grupo de saqueadores de Drake(#1079). Los ahuyentaste exitosamente y mataste 2 de ellos.

2006-01-17   21:13:18

Te ataco el mago Drake(#1079) !!!

¡ALERTA! Tu guarnición detectó un grupo de saqueadores de Drake(#1079). Los ahuyentaste exitosamente y mataste 47 de ellos.

2006-01-17   21:12:49

Te ataco el mago Drake(#1079) !!!


Tu perdiste 2489 unidades y el invasor 222
Bloqueaste exitosamente el ataque

2006-01-17   21:11:07

Te ataco el mago Drake(#1079) !!!


Tu perdiste 1864 unidades y el invasor 151
Bloqueaste exitosamente el ataque

2006-01-17   21:09:51

Te ataco el mago Drake(#1079) !!!


Tu perdiste 12828 unidades y el invasor perdió 161
No pudiste defender tu territorio , perdiste 62 de tierras
Perdiste mas poder que el invasor durante la batalla.

2006-01-17   20:50:09

Te ataco el mago mandrake(#828) !!!

Tu perdiste 5543 unidades y el invasor 98
Bloqueaste exitosamente el ataque

2006-01-17   20:39:32
el mago mowgly(#1137) te ha conjurado el hechizo Volcano Eruption

starts to cast the spell Volcano Eruption on you
killed 8 of your efreeti
killed 336 of your horned demon
killed 248 of your zombie
destroyed 25 of your Farmland
destroyed 5 of your Town
destroyed 9 of your Workshop
destroyed 30 of your Node
destroyed 1 of your Fortress
destroyed 2 of your Barrier
finished casting the spell Volcano Eruption successfully

2006-01-17   18:37:09

Aliado ZacaS(#119) lo ataco el mago Ithilien(#626) !!!
¡¡Ithilien(#626) atacó el territorio de ZacaS(#119)!!
El ataque de ZacaS(#119) provocó que Ithilien(#626) perdiera 48 unidades mientras que él perdió 277 unidades
ZacaS(#119) bloqueó el ataque de Ithilien(#626) exitosamente.  
Server Super blitz - Union del honor / CO2 VS VCM
Enero 17, 2006, 06:07:52 PM
Citacmon forgiver, u can do better, u kill some mages, thats ok, howewer, try to kill top mages, u hide at the bottom of the classiffy, i wait 4 u.

forgiver has in the eternity of the protection.

many black mages do the same, but too many black mages are death now, i wait for a good fight.
Fair enough, I will be on my way.
Had to finish locking some mages below me...takes a lot of turns to cast spells because I lost my nodes :P

I promise to come to you :)

Just beware if you are a fat mage I might CoS you :D
Server Super blitz - Union del honor / guerra vs VCM
Enero 16, 2006, 09:05:06 PM
:lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
Seems someone else does not like VCM.
Server Super blitz - Union del honor / CO2 VS VCM
Enero 16, 2006, 07:26:07 PM
Citaforgiver, u're a really good competitor, and y hope to be able to finish with you, but, there's no a great merit to kill mages, that are no playing(howewer this our fault), good job, but i finish with you ASAP.
I will say the same thing as before.
You are funny as well.

Mages that do not play?  How do they run my spells, how do I catch them online casting spells on me?  That means they are not active?

You are full of shit and make excuses like the others.
If any VCM dies he is inactive, no matter that I caught him with spells, no matter he was playing his mage.

You make me sick, I wish I had declared war on your guild eariler.

Change your name to VWM.  VERY WHINEY MAGES

Server Super blitz - Union del honor / CO2 VS VCM
Enero 16, 2006, 04:41:01 PM
CitaTwo things:

1- Well, most of VCM's mages are in their summer vacations, so it isn't a great merit to kill mages who are not playing (I'm seeing something: if Maguita returns before your death, she's gonna give you a little piece of hell).

2- Do you want to know what's seccond? OK, take a look of your mage...


pa que los que no cachan (jajajaja)

1- La mayoria de los magos de VCM estan de vacaciones (es verano por acanga), asi que no hay ningun merito en matar magos inactivos (toy viendo que si maguita vuelve antes de tu muerte, ella te va a regalar un pedacito del infierno)

2- Quieres saber que va en segundo? mira tu mago.
VCM has never been a really good guild.
I do love cover stories when mages die.
If they are inactive mages, then how do they cast spells and how do they take turns to run my spells?
Can't answer that one can you?

As for second to check my mage.
*looked at it already*
He's doing pretty sweet right now.
Didn't quiet understand what I was suposed to see.

It is pitiful how one mage can destroy and piss all of you off so many.

Keep up the inactive playing VCM.

Server Super blitz - Union del honor / CO2 VS VCM
Enero 16, 2006, 12:41:46 PM
CitaNo Way, I'm not VCN, even I have no mage!! I'm just telling you to respect the rule: do not post Ids or atsck of mages in the forum, as simple as this

and speak well you have no need to say ugly worlds

see ya and good look in your crussade, may be you do not survive too much aginst all of this mages... if you do, i'll show you my respects...
I do not need your respect or anyone elses.

I have nothing to prove to any of you.
Server Super blitz - Union del honor / CO2 VS VCM
Enero 16, 2006, 12:30:13 PM
CitaEh, si quieres publicar tus stack ben, pero no los de los magos que te atacan

If you want to show your stack, very well, but do not show the stack of the mages who atck you...

VCM, pero maten al gringo, que es el solo no??
Gonna go cry now?

Don't hit me if you don't want your stack shown.

Are you VCM?  Maybe I can make you a priority.

God such whiney asses.

No wonder I am kill you all.

Showing stacks from defense battles is irrelavant.
In most cases the stacks are different Vs offense/defense.  You have no idea if I even kill any of the stacks.  Oh wow you know their top that is going to help you win.

Pussy ass babies!
Server Super blitz - Union del honor / CO2 VS VCM
Enero 16, 2006, 12:00:51 PM
2006-01-16   11:49:32
el mago ram(#287) te ha conjurado el hechizo Fools gold

2006-01-16   11:49:09
el mago ram(#287) te ha conjurado el hechizo Fools gold

Death and Decay ram(#287) 2000
Meteor Storm ram(#287) 2000

jaja caught him :P

Lets see....
Server Super blitz - Union del honor / CO2 VS VCM
Enero 16, 2006, 10:13:01 AM
Death and Decay sakyide(#286) 2000

Hmmm I only cast one spell on that mage and he ran it til he died.
w00t w00t

Forgiver  3!
VCM 0!!!!
Server Super blitz - Union del honor / CO2 VS VCM
Enero 15, 2006, 10:42:30 PM
VCM 0!

   maguita (# 872)

Fort sieged :D

w00t w00t

:ph34r:  :ph34r:  :ph34r:  :ph34r:  :ph34r:  :ph34r:  :ph34r:  
Server Super blitz - Union del honor / CO2 VS VCM
Enero 15, 2006, 10:41:27 PM
This was tough.
Meteor Storm mowgly(#1137)

God...I used 50K once, 100K once and 200K twice to dispel.
They all failed...I had to run your spell!!!

OMG I lost all my heros and spells too :P

Spells Affecting Your Kingdom
Concentration Marilyn Manson(#385)
Mind Bar Marilyn Manson(#385)
Black Stabbath Marilyn Manson(#385)
Shroud of Darkness Marilyn Manson(#385)
Meteor Storm mowgly(#1137)

Enchantment    Level    Caster    Life

Your Spells in Effect
Spell Obj Upkeep
Death and Decay tebacho(#346) 2000
Meteor Storm tebacho(#346) 2000
Concentration Marilyn Manson(#385) 300
Mind Bar Marilyn Manson(#385) 1000
Black Stabbath Marilyn Manson(#385) 0
Shroud of Darkness Marilyn Manson(#385) 300
Death and Decay XERYUS(#399) 2000
Meteor Storm XERYUS(#399) 2000
Death and Decay kratos(#456) 2000
Meteor Storm kratos(#456) 2000
Death and Decay Azz_Dreden(#509) 2000
Meteor Storm Azz_Dreden(#509) 2000
Death and Decay The Necro(#531) 2000
Meteor Storm The Necro(#531) 2000
Death and Decay a-ra-ya-shiki(#615) 2000
Meteor Storm a-ra-ya-shiki(#615) 2000
Death and Decay mailo(#863) 2000
Meteor Storm mailo(#863) 2000
Death and Decay negeo(#868) 2000
Meteor Storm negeo(#868) 2000
Death and Decay maguita(#872) 2000
Meteor Storm maguita(#872) 2000

Hero - Level Upkeep (G/M/P)
Witch         14    32000/240/19    
Berserker         14    15000/80/0    
Amazon         14    15000/240/0    
Enchantress         14    15000/240/0    
Dragon Knight         14    24000/80/0    
Valkyrie         15    42500/200/0    
Shieldmaiden         15    42500/85/0    
Bard         16    17000/260/0

I lived, but I am sad :P

2006-01-15   22:22:26
< Turn 13138 >
Obtain -227,365 Gold 0 m. p. 53 Pop.
Spell tormenta de meteoros ha causado.
3 Workshop are destroyed.
1 Fortess are destroyed.

You are under the power of the spell Meteor Storm

2006-01-15   22:22:26
< Turn 13137 >
Obtain -227,461 Gold 0 m. p. 52 Pop.
Spell tormenta de meteoros ha causado.
4 Workshop are destroyed.

You are under the power of the spell Meteor Storm

2006-01-15   22:22:26
< Turn 13136 >
Obtain -227,516 Gold 0 m. p. 51 Pop.
Spell tormenta de meteoros ha causado.
2 Workshop are destroyed.

You are under the power of the spell Meteor Storm

2006-01-15   22:22:26
< Turn 13135 >
Obtain -237,752 Gold 0 m. p. 51 Pop.
Spell tormenta de meteoros ha causado.
4 Workshop are destroyed.
2 Fortess are destroyed.

You are under the power of the spell Meteor Storm

2006-01-15   22:22:16
< Turn 13134 >
Obtain -151,187 Gold 0 m. p. 50 Pop.
Spell tormenta de meteoros ha causado.
3 Workshop are destroyed.
1 Fortess are destroyed.

You are under the power of the spell Meteor Storm

2006-01-15   22:22:15
< Turn 13133 >
Obtain -151,242 Gold 0 m. p. 49 Pop.
Spell tormenta de meteoros ha causado.
2 Workshop are destroyed.

You are under the power of the spell Meteor Storm

2006-01-15   22:22:15
< Turn 13132 >
Obtain -159,436 Gold 0 m. p. 49 Pop.
Spell tormenta de meteoros ha causado.
4 Workshop are destroyed.
2 Fortess are destroyed.

You are under the power of the spell Meteor Storm

2006-01-15   22:22:15
< Turn 13131 >
Obtain -167,831 Gold 0 m. p. 48 Pop.
Spell tormenta de meteoros ha causado.
2 Workshop are destroyed.
2 Fortess are destroyed.

You are under the power of the spell Meteor Storm

2006-01-15   22:22:15
< Turn 13130 >
Obtain -167,905 Gold 0 m. p. 47 Pop.
Spell tormenta de meteoros ha causado.
3 Workshop are destroyed.

You are under the power of the spell Meteor Storm

2006-01-15   22:22:15
< Turn 13129 >
Obtain -176,559 Gold 0 m. p. 47 Pop.
Spell tormenta de meteoros ha causado.
3 Workshop are destroyed.
2 Fortess are destroyed.

You are under the power of the spell Meteor Storm

2006-01-15   22:22:15
< Turn 13128 >
Obtain -176,613 Gold 0 m. p. 46 Pop.
Spell tormenta de meteoros ha causado.
2 Workshop are destroyed.

You are under the power of the spell Meteor Storm

2006-01-15   22:22:02
< Turn 13127 >
Obtain -104,847 Gold 0 m. p. 46 Pop.
Spell tormenta de meteoros ha causado.
2 Workshop are destroyed.
1 Fortess are destroyed.

You are under the power of the spell Meteor Storm

2006-01-15   22:22:02
< Turn 13126 >
Obtain -104,900 Gold -7 m. p. 45 Pop.
Spell tormenta de meteoros ha causado.
2 Workshop are destroyed.

You are under the power of the spell Meteor Storm

2006-01-15   22:22:02
Te hace falta mana !!!
se ha desbandado la tropa skeleton!!!!

2006-01-15   22:22:02
< Turn 13125 >
Obtain -108,119 Gold -13 m. p. -616 Pop.
Spell tormenta de meteoros ha causado.
4 Workshop are destroyed.
1 Fortess are destroyed.

Has invocado 666 unidades Zombie a tu ejército.
Has invocado 666 unidades Skeleton a tu ejército.
You are under the power of the spell Meteor Storm

2006-01-15   22:22:02
Te hace falta mana !!!
se ha desbandado la tropa zombie!!!!

2006-01-15   22:22:02
Te hace falta población
se ha revocado el spell Black Stabbath!!!!

2006-01-15   22:22:02
< Turn 13124 >
Obtain -109,635 Gold -7 m. p. -6,148 Pop.
Spell tormenta de meteoros ha causado.
1 Farmland are destroyed.
2 Workshop are destroyed.
1 Fortess are destroyed.

Has invocado 666 unidades Zombie a tu ejército.
Has invocado 666 unidades Skeleton a tu ejército.
You are under the power of the spell Black Stabbath
You are under the power of the spell Meteor Storm

2006-01-15   22:22:02
Te hace falta mana !!!
se ha desbandado la tropa skeleton!!!!

2006-01-15   22:22:02
< Turn 13123 >
Obtain -111,938 Gold -13 m. p. -4,524 Pop.
Spell tormenta de meteoros ha causado.
12 Farmland are destroyed.
3 Workshop are destroyed.
1 Fortess are destroyed.

Has invocado 666 unidades Zombie a tu ejército.
Has invocado 666 unidades Skeleton a tu ejército.
You are under the power of the spell Black Stabbath
You are under the power of the spell Meteor Storm

2006-01-15   22:22:02
Te hace falta mana !!!
se ha desbandado la tropa zombie!!!!

2006-01-15   22:22:02
< Turn 13122 >
Obtain -109,289 Gold -7 m. p. -9,763 Pop.
Spell tormenta de meteoros ha causado.
10 Farmland are destroyed.
4 Workshop are destroyed.

Has invocado 666 unidades Zombie a tu ejército.
Has invocado 666 unidades Skeleton a tu ejército.
You are under the power of the spell Black Stabbath
You are under the power of the spell Meteor Storm

2006-01-15   22:22:02
Te hace falta mana !!!
se ha desbandado la tropa skeleton!!!!

2006-01-15   22:22:02
< Turn 13121 >
Obtain -114,568 Gold -13 m. p. -6,871 Pop.
Spell tormenta de meteoros ha causado.
19 Farmland are destroyed.
3 Workshop are destroyed.
2 Fortess are destroyed.

Has invocado 666 unidades Zombie a tu ejército.
Has invocado 666 unidades Skeleton a tu ejército.
You are under the power of the spell Black Stabbath
You are under the power of the spell Meteor Storm

2006-01-15   22:22:02
Te hace falta mana !!!
se ha desbandado la tropa zombie!!!!

2006-01-15   22:21:49
< Turn 13120 >
Obtain -54,202 Gold -13 m. p. -8,286 Pop.
Spell tormenta de meteoros ha causado.
14 Farmland are destroyed.
2 Workshop are destroyed.

Has invocado 666 unidades Zombie a tu ejército.
Has invocado 666 unidades Skeleton a tu ejército.
You are under the power of the spell Black Stabbath
You are under the power of the spell Meteor Storm

2006-01-15   22:21:49
Te hace falta mana !!!
se ha desbandado la tropa skeleton!!!!

2006-01-15   22:21:49
< Turn 13119 >
Obtain -46,646 Gold -20 m. p. -10,640 Pop.
Spell tormenta de meteoros ha causado.
17 Farmland are destroyed.
3 Town are destroyed.
2 Workshop are destroyed.

Has invocado 666 unidades Zombie a tu ejército.
Has invocado 666 unidades Skeleton a tu ejército.
You are under the power of the spell Black Stabbath
You are under the power of the spell Meteor Storm

2006-01-15   22:21:49
Te hace falta mana !!!
se ha desbandado la tropa zombie!!!!

2006-01-15   22:21:48
< Turn 13118 >
Obtain -44,396 Gold 0 m. p. -2,559 Pop.
Spell tormenta de meteoros ha causado.
16 Farmland are destroyed.
7 Town are destroyed.
2 Workshop are destroyed.
1 Fortess are destroyed.

Has invocado 666 unidades Zombie a tu ejército.
Has invocado 666 unidades Skeleton a tu ejército.
You are under the power of the spell Black Stabbath
You are under the power of the spell Meteor Storm

2006-01-15   22:21:48
< Turn 13117 >
Obtain -37,497 Gold -9,020 m. p. -8,442 Pop.
Spell tormenta de meteoros ha causado.
10 Farmland are destroyed.
7 Town are destroyed.
3 Workshop are destroyed.

Has invocado 666 unidades Zombie a tu ejército.
Has invocado 666 unidades Skeleton a tu ejército.
You are under the power of the spell Black Stabbath
You are under the power of the spell Meteor Storm

2006-01-15   22:21:48
Te hace falta mana !!!
se ha desbandado la tropa zombie!!!!
se ha desbandado la tropa skeleton!!!!

2006-01-15   22:21:48
< Turn 13116 >
Obtain -33,237 Gold -33,020 m. p. -9,082 Pop.
Spell tormenta de meteoros ha causado.
17 Farmland are destroyed.
5 Town are destroyed.
2 Workshop are destroyed.
9 Node are destroyed.
1 Fortess are destroyed.

Has invocado 666 unidades Zombie a tu ejército.
Has invocado 666 unidades Skeleton a tu ejército.
You are under the power of the spell Black Stabbath
You are under the power of the spell Meteor Storm

2006-01-15   22:21:48
< Turn 13115 >
Obtain -31,786 Gold -28,020 m. p. -8,184 Pop.
Spell tormenta de meteoros ha causado.
18 Farmland are destroyed.
5 Town are destroyed.
2 Workshop are destroyed.
33 Node are destroyed.
2 Fortess are destroyed.

Has invocado 666 unidades Zombie a tu ejército.
Has invocado 666 unidades Skeleton a tu ejército.
You are under the power of the spell Black Stabbath
You are under the power of the spell Meteor Storm

2006-01-15   22:21:48
< Turn 13114 >
Obtain -22,415 Gold -29,020 m. p. -11,658 Pop.
Spell tormenta de meteoros ha causado.
17 Farmland are destroyed.
6 Town are destroyed.
2 Workshop are destroyed.
28 Node are destroyed.

Has invocado 666 unidades Zombie a tu ejército.
Has invocado 666 unidades Skeleton a tu ejército.
You are under the power of the spell Black Stabbath
You are under the power of the spell Meteor Storm

2006-01-15   22:21:37
< Turn 13113 >
Obtain -15,738 Gold -7,499 m. p. -4,160 Pop.
Spell tormenta de meteoros ha causado.
17 Farmland are destroyed.
9 Town are destroyed.
3 Workshop are destroyed.
29 Node are destroyed.
2 Fortess are destroyed.

Has invocado 666 unidades Zombie a tu ejército.
Has invocado 666 unidades Skeleton a tu ejército.
You are under the power of the spell Black Stabbath
You are under the power of the spell Meteor Storm

2006-01-15   22:21:37
< Turn 13112 >
Obtain -7,202 Gold 1,590 m. p. -13,665 Pop.
Spell tormenta de meteoros ha causado.
15 Farmland are destroyed.
5 Town are destroyed.
3 Workshop are destroyed.
31 Node are destroyed.
1 Fortess are destroyed.

Has invocado 666 unidades Zombie a tu ejército.
Has invocado 666 unidades Skeleton a tu ejército.
You are under the power of the spell Black Stabbath
You are under the power of the spell Meteor Storm

2006-01-15   22:21:37
< Turn 13111 >
Obtain -5,653 Gold 2,075 m. p. -4,874 Pop.
Spell tormenta de meteoros ha causado.
19 Farmland are destroyed.
10 Town are destroyed.
4 Workshop are destroyed.
31 Node are destroyed.
2 Fortess are destroyed.

Has invocado 666 unidades Zombie a tu ejército.
Has invocado 666 unidades Skeleton a tu ejército.
You are under the power of the spell Black Stabbath
You are under the power of the spell Meteor Storm

2006-01-15   22:21:37
< Turn 13110 >
Obtain -1,184 Gold 2,485 m. p. -5,070 Pop.
Spell tormenta de meteoros ha causado.
18 Farmland are destroyed.
10 Town are destroyed.
2 Workshop are destroyed.
26 Node are destroyed.
1 Fortess are destroyed.

Has invocado 666 unidades Zombie a tu ejército.
Has invocado 666 unidades Skeleton a tu ejército.
You are under the power of the spell Black Stabbath
You are under the power of the spell Meteor Storm

2006-01-15   22:21:37
< Turn 13109 >
Obtain 4,983 Gold 3,015 m. p. -12,463 Pop.
Spell tormenta de meteoros ha causado.
10 Farmland are destroyed.
6 Town are destroyed.
4 Workshop are destroyed.
34 Node are destroyed.
2 Fortess are destroyed.

Has invocado 666 unidades Zombie a tu ejército.
Has invocado 666 unidades Skeleton a tu ejército.
You are under the power of the spell Black Stabbath
You are under the power of the spell Meteor Storm

2006-01-15   22:21:27
< Turn 13108 >
Obtain 36,995 Gold 3,350 m. p. -5,773 Pop.
Spell tormenta de meteoros ha causado.
19 Farmland are destroyed.
7 Town are destroyed.
2 Workshop are destroyed.
21 Node are destroyed.
1 Fortess are destroyed.

Has invocado 666 unidades Zombie a tu ejército.
Has invocado 666 unidades Skeleton a tu ejército.
You are under the power of the spell Black Stabbath
You are under the power of the spell Meteor Storm

2006-01-15   22:21:27
< Turn 13107 >
Obtain 40,734 Gold 3,771 m. p. -6,004 Pop.
Spell tormenta de meteoros ha causado.
10 Farmland are destroyed.
10 Town are destroyed.
4 Workshop are destroyed.
31 Node are destroyed.
2 Fortess are destroyed.

Has invocado 666 unidades Zombie a tu ejército.
Has invocado 666 unidades Skeleton a tu ejército.
You are under the power of the spell Black Stabbath
You are under the power of the spell Meteor Storm

2006-01-15   22:21:27
< Turn 13106 >
Obtain 43,331 Gold 4,275 m. p. -6,245 Pop.
Spell tormenta de meteoros ha causado.
14 Farmland are destroyed.
7 Town are destroyed.
4 Workshop are destroyed.
38 Node are destroyed.
2 Fortess are destroyed.

Has invocado 666 unidades Zombie a tu ejército.
Has invocado 666 unidades Skeleton a tu ejército.
You are under the power of the spell Black Stabbath
You are under the power of the spell Meteor Storm

2006-01-15   22:21:26
< Turn 13105 >
Obtain 51,254 Gold 4,781 m. p. -6,495 Pop.
Spell tormenta de meteoros ha causado.
16 Farmland are destroyed.
6 Town are destroyed.
2 Workshop are destroyed.
40 Node are destroyed.

Has invocado 666 unidades Zombie a tu ejército.
Has invocado 666 unidades Skeleton a tu ejército.
You are under the power of the spell Black Stabbath
You are under the power of the spell Meteor Storm

2006-01-15   22:21:26
< Turn 13104 >
Obtain 61,114 Gold 5,124 m. p. -6,755 Pop.
Spell tormenta de meteoros ha causado.
20 Farmland are destroyed.
10 Town are destroyed.
2 Workshop are destroyed.
27 Node are destroyed.

Has invocado 666 unidades Zombie a tu ejército.
Has invocado 666 unidades Skeleton a tu ejército.
You are under the power of the spell Black Stabbath
You are under the power of the spell Meteor Storm

2006-01-15   22:21:17
< Turn 13103 >
Obtain 68,283 Gold 5,508 m. p. -7,026 Pop.
Spell tormenta de meteoros ha causado.
17 Farmland are destroyed.
6 Town are destroyed.
2 Workshop are destroyed.
31 Node are destroyed.
2 Fortess are destroyed.

Has invocado 666 unidades Zombie a tu ejército.
Has invocado 666 unidades Skeleton a tu ejército.
You are under the power of the spell Black Stabbath
You are under the power of the spell Meteor Storm

2006-01-15   22:21:17
< Turn 13102 >
Obtain 77,034 Gold 5,858 m. p. -7,308 Pop.
Spell tormenta de meteoros ha causado.
16 Farmland are destroyed.
5 Town are destroyed.
4 Workshop are destroyed.
29 Node are destroyed.

Has invocado 666 unidades Zombie a tu ejército.
Has invocado 666 unidades Skeleton a tu ejército.
You are under the power of the spell Black Stabbath
You are under the power of the spell Meteor Storm

2006-01-15   22:21:17
< Turn 13101 >
Obtain 83,447 Gold 6,102 m. p. -7,601 Pop.
Spell tormenta de meteoros ha causado.
11 Farmland are destroyed.
5 Town are destroyed.
4 Workshop are destroyed.
21 Node are destroyed.
1 Fortess are destroyed.

Has invocado 666 unidades Zombie a tu ejército.
Has invocado 666 unidades Skeleton a tu ejército.
You are under the power of the spell Black Stabbath
You are under the power of the spell Meteor Storm

2006-01-15   22:21:17
< Turn 13100 >
Obtain 88,876 Gold 6,377 m. p. -7,905 Pop.
Spell tormenta de meteoros ha causado.
19 Farmland are destroyed.
9 Town are destroyed.
3 Workshop are destroyed.
24 Node are destroyed.
2 Fortess are destroyed.

Has invocado 666 unidades Zombie a tu ejército.
Has invocado 666 unidades Skeleton a tu ejército.
You are under the power of the spell Black Stabbath
You are under the power of the spell Meteor Storm

2006-01-15   22:21:11
< Turn 13099 >
Obtain 100,913 Gold 6,607 m. p. -8,222 Pop.
Spell tormenta de meteoros ha causado.
15 Farmland are destroyed.
7 Town are destroyed.
3 Workshop are destroyed.
1 Barrack are destroyed.
21 Node are destroyed.
1 Fortess are destroyed.

Has invocado 666 unidades Zombie a tu ejército.
Has invocado 666 unidades Skeleton a tu ejército.
You are under the power of the spell Black Stabbath
You are under the power of the spell Meteor Storm

2006-01-15   22:21:11
< Turn 13098 >
Obtain 113,307 Gold 6,904 m. p. -8,552 Pop.
Spell tormenta de meteoros ha causado.
19 Farmland are destroyed.
9 Town are destroyed.
4 Workshop are destroyed.
4 Barrack are destroyed.
31 Node are destroyed.

Has invocado 666 unidades Zombie a tu ejército.
Has invocado 666 unidades Skeleton a tu ejército.
You are under the power of the spell Black Stabbath
You are under the power of the spell Meteor Storm

2006-01-15   22:21:11
< Turn 13097 >
Obtain 120,530 Gold 7,187 m. p. -8,895 Pop.
Spell tormenta de meteoros ha causado.
18 Farmland are destroyed.
10 Town are destroyed.
2 Workshop are destroyed.
4 Barrack are destroyed.
27 Node are destroyed.
2 Fortess are destroyed.

Has invocado 666 unidades Zombie a tu ejército.
Has invocado 666 unidades Skeleton a tu ejército.
You are under the power of the spell Black Stabbath
You are under the power of the spell Meteor Storm

2006-01-15   22:21:11
< Turn 13096 >
Obtain 130,666 Gold 7,438 m. p. -9,251 Pop.
Spell tormenta de meteoros ha causado.
10 Farmland are destroyed.
8 Town are destroyed.
3 Workshop are destroyed.
5 Barrack are destroyed.
25 Node are destroyed.
1 Fortess are destroyed.

Has invocado 666 unidades Zombie a tu ejército.
Has invocado 666 unidades Skeleton a tu ejército.
You are under the power of the spell Black Stabbath
You are under the power of the spell Meteor Storm

2006-01-15   22:21:11
< Turn 13095 >
Obtain 126,970 Gold 7,671 m. p. 2,362 Pop.
Spell tormenta de meteoros ha causado.
18 Farmland are destroyed.
6 Town are destroyed.
4 Workshop are destroyed.
5 Barrack are destroyed.
24 Node are destroyed.
1 Fortess are destroyed.

Has invocado 666 unidades Zombie a tu ejército.
Has invocado 666 unidades Skeleton a tu ejército.
You are under the power of the spell Black Stabbath
You are under the power of the spell Meteor Storm

2006-01-15   22:21:11
< Turn 13094 >
Obtain 124,976 Gold 7,896 m. p. 2,330 Pop.
Spell tormenta de meteoros ha causado.
16 Farmland are destroyed.
10 Town are destroyed.
2 Workshop are destroyed.
4 Barrack are destroyed.
24 Node are destroyed.
1 Fortess are destroyed.

Has invocado 666 unidades Zombie a tu ejército.
Has invocado 666 unidades Skeleton a tu ejército.
You are under the power of the spell Black Stabbath
You are under the power of the spell Meteor Storm

2006-01-15   22:20:24
< Turn 13093 >
Obtain 121,434 Gold 8,106 m. p. 2,299 Pop.
Spell tormenta de meteoros ha causado.
18 Farmland are destroyed.
7 Town are destroyed.
3 Workshop are destroyed.
3 Barrack are destroyed.
25 Node are destroyed.
1 Fortess are destroyed.

Has invocado 666 unidades Zombie a tu ejército.
Has invocado 666 unidades Skeleton a tu ejército.
You are under the power of the spell Black Stabbath
You are under the power of the spell Meteor Storm

2006-01-15   22:20:24
< Turn 13092 >
Obtain -81,377 Gold 2,405 m. p. 2,025 Pop.
Spell tormenta de meteoros ha causado.
10 Farmland are destroyed.
7 Town are destroyed.
2 Workshop are destroyed.
6 Barrack are destroyed.
35 Node are destroyed.
1 Barrier are destroyed.

Has invocado 666 unidades Zombie a tu ejército.
Has invocado 666 unidades Skeleton a tu ejército.
You are under the power of the spell Black Stabbath
You are under the power of the spell Meteor Storm

2006-01-15   22:20:24
Te hace falta mana !!!
se ha destruido el edificio Barreras!!!!
se ha revocado el spell Death and Decay!!!!
se ha revocado el spell Meteor Storm!!!!
se ha revocado el spell Mind Bar!!!!
se ha revocado el spell Concentration!!!!
se ha revocado el spell Shroud of Darkness!!!!
se ha desbandado la tropa horned demon!!!!
se ha desbandado el hero Bard!!!!
se ha desbandado el hero Witch!!!!
se ha desbandado el hero Amazon!!!!
se ha desbandado el hero Enchantress!!!!
se ha desbandado el hero Valkyrie!!!!
se ha desbandado el hero Shieldmaiden!!!!
se ha desbandado el hero Berserker!!!!
se ha desbandado el hero Dragon Knight!!!!
se ha desbandado la tropa zombie!!!!
se ha desbandado la tropa skeleton!!!!

2006-01-15   22:20:24

Atacaste el mago mowgly(#1137) !!!
Marilyn Manson(#385) sufrió perdidas de 3429 unidades horned demon durante la batalla. En la precipitada retirada , 3429 unidades horned demon fueron eliminadas por los valientes defensores

2006-01-15   22:18:54
< Turn 13091 >
Obtain -87,656 Gold 1,732 m. p. 1,321 Pop.
Spell tormenta de meteoros ha causado.
20 Farmland are destroyed.
7 Town are destroyed.
3 Workshop are destroyed.
3 Barrack are destroyed.
38 Node are destroyed.
1 Barrier are destroyed.
2 Fortess are destroyed.

Has invocado 666 unidades Zombie a tu ejército.
Has invocado 666 unidades Skeleton a tu ejército.
You are under the power of the spell Concentration
You are under the power of the spell Mind Bar
You are under the power of the spell Black Stabbath
You are under the power of the spell Shroud of Darkness
You are under the power of the spell Meteor Storm

2006-01-15   22:18:54
< Turn 13090 >
Obtain -94,671 Gold 1,872 m. p. 1,304 Pop.
Spell tormenta de meteoros ha causado.
20 Farmland are destroyed.
6 Town are destroyed.
2 Workshop are destroyed.
6 Barrack are destroyed.
29 Node are destroyed.
2 Barrier are destroyed.
2 Fortess are destroyed.

Has invocado 666 unidades Zombie a tu ejército.
Has invocado 666 unidades Skeleton a tu ejército.
You are under the power of the spell Concentration
You are under the power of the spell Mind Bar
You are under the power of the spell Black Stabbath
You are under the power of the spell Shroud of Darkness
You are under the power of the spell Meteor Storm

2006-01-15   22:18:54

Atacaste el mago mowgly(#1137) !!!
Marilyn Manson(#385) sufrió perdidas de 3429 unidades horned demon durante la batalla. En la precipitada retirada , 3429 unidades horned demon fueron eliminadas por los valientes defensores.

Server Super blitz - Union del honor / CO2 VS VCM
Enero 15, 2006, 10:37:46 PM

2006-01-15   16:33:05
el mago mowgly(#1137) uso el item Pipes of the Sewer sobre ti y perdiste 15000 población y 500000 de oro

2006-01-15   16:32:49
el mago mowgly(#1137) uso el item Book of Prophecy sobre ti y perdiste población

2006-01-15   16:32:48
el mago mowgly(#1137) uso el item Book of Prophecy sobre ti y perdiste población

2006-01-15   16:32:47
el mago mowgly(#1137) uso el item Book of Prophecy sobre ti y perdiste población

2006-01-15   16:32:46
el mago mowgly(#1137) uso el item Book of Prophecy sobre ti y perdiste población

2006-01-15   16:32:44
el mago mowgly(#1137) uso el item Book of Prophecy sobre ti y perdiste población

2006-01-15   16:32:42
el mago mowgly(#1137) uso el item Book of Prophecy sobre ti y perdiste población

2006-01-15   13:10:50

Te ataco el mago Zerodix(#909) !!!

¡ALERTA! Las fronteras de tu país han sido saqueadas por las tropas de Zerodix(#909). 29 granjas, 12 pueblos, 18 talleres,41 nodos fueron destruidos por los invasores. 3065 ciudadanos fueron victimados. Estimas que perdiste 18107636 oro en el asalto. Además, Staff of Illusion ha desaparecido.

2006-01-15   10:58:11

Te ataco el mago skin(#1166) !!!

El invasor perdió 5 archangel
El defensor perdio 813 horned demon

Tu perdiste 813 unidades y el invasor 5
Bloqueaste exitosamente el ataque

2006-01-15   10:43:14

Te ataco el mago Yasser Marrowfat(#147) !!!
Yo forgiver kill and destroy all VCM
El invasor perdió 103 mind ripper
El defensor perdio 4048 horned demon

Tu perdiste 4048 unidades y el invasor perdió 103
No pudiste defender tu territorio , perdiste 122 de tierras
Perdiste mas poder que el invasor durante la batalla.

2006-01-15   10:43:14

Has recibido 533 vampire tropas de refuerzo de tu aliado ZacaS(#119)

2006-01-15   09:17:39

Te ataco el mago Ithilien(#626) !!!

¡ALERTA! Tu guarnición detectó un grupo de saqueadores de Ithilien(#626). Los ahuyentaste exitosamente y mataste 6 de ellos.

2006-01-14   16:45:13

Te ataco el mago skin(#1166) !!!

El invasor perdió 230 spirit warrior
El defensor perdio 1132 horned demon

Tu perdiste 1132 unidades y el invasor 230
Bloqueaste exitosamente el ataque

2006-01-14   15:30:21

Te ataco el mago mandrake(#828) !!!
El invasor perdió 148 treant
El defensor perdio 211 horned demon

Tu perdiste 211 unidades y el invasor 148
Bloqueaste exitosamente el ataque

2006-01-14   14:07:39

Te ataco el mago ||skaos||(#1164) !!!

El invasor perdió 1812 chimera
El defensor perdio 1647 horned demon

Tu perdiste 1647 unidades y el invasor 1812
Bloqueaste exitosamente el ataque

2006-01-14   13:24:33

Te ataco el mago mowgly(#1137) !!!

El defensor perdio 2556 horned demon

Tu perdiste 2556 unidades y el invasor perdió 0
No pudiste defender tu territorio , perdiste 4 de tierras
Perdiste mas poder que el invasor durante la batalla.

2006-01-14   13:13:45
el mago mowgly(#1137) te ha conjurado el Hechizo Meteor Storm

2006-01-14   13:13:05
el mago mowgly(#1137) te ha conjurado el hechizo Volcano Eruption

starts to cast the spell Volcano Eruption on you
killed 17 of your horned demon
destroyed 13 of your Farmland
destroyed 4 of your Town
destroyed 6 of your Workshop
destroyed 26 of your Node
destroyed 1 of your Fortress
destroyed 1 of your Barrier
finished casting the spell Volcano Eruption successfully

2006-01-14   13:12:10
el mago mowgly(#1137) te ha conjurado el hechizo Volcano Eruption

starts to cast the spell Volcano Eruption on you
killed 1000 of your skeleton
killed 1000 of your zombie
destroyed 14 of your Farmland
destroyed 6 of your Town
destroyed 10 of your Workshop
destroyed 2 of your Barrack
destroyed 23 of your Node
destroyed 1 of your Fortress
destroyed 1 of your Barrier
finished casting the spell Volcano Eruption successfully

2006-01-14   13:11:38
el mago mowgly(#1137) uso el item Letter of the Thieves Guild sobre ti y perdiste 1 item Broche de proteción

2006-01-14   13:11:35
el mago mowgly(#1137) uso el item Letter of the Thieves Guild sobre ti y perdiste 1 item Comida Putrefacta

2006-01-14   13:08:22

Te ataco el mago mowgly(#1137) !!!

¡ALERTA! Las fronteras de tu país han sido saqueadas por las tropas de mowgly(#1137). 1 granjas,1 nodos fueron destruidos por los invasores. 53 ciudadanos fueron victimados. Estimas que perdiste 300089 oro en el asalto.

2006-01-14   13:08:21

Te ataco el mago mowgly(#1137) !!!

¡ALERTA! Las fronteras de tu país han sido saqueadas por las tropas de mowgly(#1137).,1 nodos fueron destruidos por los invasores. 53 ciudadanos fueron victimados. Estimas que perdiste 300419 oro en el asalto.

2006-01-14   13:08:19

Te ataco el mago mowgly(#1137) !!!

¡ALERTA! Las fronteras de tu país han sido saqueadas por las tropas de mowgly(#1137). 1 granjas,1 nodos fueron destruidos por los invasores. 53 ciudadanos fueron victimados. Estimas que perdiste 300749 oro en el asalto.

2006-01-14   13:08:17

Te ataco el mago mowgly(#1137) !!!

¡ALERTA! Las fronteras de tu país han sido saqueadas por las tropas de mowgly(#1137). 1 granjas,1 nodos fueron destruidos por los invasores. 53 ciudadanos fueron victimados. Estimas que perdiste 301080 oro en el asalto.

2006-01-14   13:08:16

Te ataco el mago mowgly(#1137) !!!

¡ALERTA! Las fronteras de tu país han sido saqueadas por las tropas de mowgly(#1137).,1 nodos fueron destruidos por los invasores. 53 ciudadanos fueron victimados. Estimas que perdiste 301411 oro en el asalto.

2006-01-14   13:08:02

Te ataco el mago mowgly(#1137) !!!

¡ALERTA! Las fronteras de tu país han sido saqueadas por las tropas de mowgly(#1137).,1 nodos fueron destruidos por los invasores. 53 ciudadanos fueron victimados. Estimas que perdiste 301743 oro en el asalto.

2006-01-14   13:08:00

Te ataco el mago mowgly(#1137) !!!

¡ALERTA! Las fronteras de tu país han sido saqueadas por las tropas de mowgly(#1137).,1 nodos fueron destruidos por los invasores. 53 ciudadanos fueron victimados. Estimas que perdiste 302074 oro en el asalto.

2006-01-14   13:07:57

Te ataco el mago mowgly(#1137) !!!

¡ALERTA! Las fronteras de tu país han sido saqueadas por las tropas de mowgly(#1137). 1 granjas,1 nodos fueron destruidos por los invasores. 53 ciudadanos fueron victimados. Estimas que perdiste 302407 oro en el asalto.

2006-01-14   13:07:53

Te ataco el mago mowgly(#1137) !!!

¡ALERTA! Las fronteras de tu país han sido saqueadas por las tropas de mowgly(#1137).,1 nodos fueron destruidos por los invasores. 53 ciudadanos fueron victimados. Estimas que perdiste 302739 oro en el asalto.

2006-01-14   13:07:51

Te ataco el mago mowgly(#1137) !!!

¡ALERTA! Las fronteras de tu país han sido saqueadas por las tropas de mowgly(#1137).,1 nodos fueron destruidos por los invasores. 53 ciudadanos fueron victimados. Estimas que perdiste 303072 oro en el asalto.

2006-01-14   13:07:50

Te ataco el mago mowgly(#1137) !!!

¡ALERTA! Las fronteras de tu país han sido saqueadas por las tropas de mowgly(#1137). 1 granjas,1 nodos fueron destruidos por los invasores. 53 ciudadanos fueron victimados. Estimas que perdiste 303406 oro en el asalto.

2006-01-14   13:07:48

Te ataco el mago mowgly(#1137) !!!

¡ALERTA! Las fronteras de tu país han sido saqueadas por las tropas de mowgly(#1137).,1 nodos fueron destruidos por los invasores. 53 ciudadanos fueron victimados. Estimas que perdiste 303739 oro en el asalto.

2006-01-14   13:07:46

Te ataco el mago mowgly(#1137) !!!

¡ALERTA! Las fronteras de tu país han sido saqueadas por las tropas de mowgly(#1137). 1 granjas,1 nodos fueron destruidos por los invasores. 53 ciudadanos fueron victimados. Estimas que perdiste 304074 oro en el asalto.

2006-01-14   13:07:45

Te ataco el mago mowgly(#1137) !!!

¡ALERTA! Las fronteras de tu país han sido saqueadas por las tropas de mowgly(#1137). 1 granjas,1 nodos fueron destruidos por los invasores. 53 ciudadanos fueron victimados. Estimas que perdiste 304408 oro en el asalto.

2006-01-14   13:07:44

Te ataco el mago mowgly(#1137) !!!

¡ALERTA! Las fronteras de tu país han sido saqueadas por las tropas de mowgly(#1137).,1 nodos fueron destruidos por los invasores. 53 ciudadanos fueron victimados. Estimas que perdiste 304743 oro en el asalto.

2006-01-14   13:07:43

Te ataco el mago mowgly(#1137) !!!

¡ALERTA! Las fronteras de tu país han sido saqueadas por las tropas de mowgly(#1137). 1 granjas,1 nodos fueron destruidos por los invasores. 53 ciudadanos fueron victimados. Estimas que perdiste 305078 oro en el asalto.

2006-01-14   13:07:41

Te ataco el mago mowgly(#1137) !!!

¡ALERTA! Las fronteras de tu país han sido saqueadas por las tropas de mowgly(#1137). 1 granjas,1 nodos fueron destruidos por los invasores. 53 ciudadanos fueron victimados. Estimas que perdiste 305414 oro en el asalto.

2006-01-14   13:07:11

Te ataco el mago mowgly(#1137) !!!

¡ALERTA! Las fronteras de tu país han sido saqueadas por las tropas de mowgly(#1137). 1 granjas,1 nodos fueron destruidos por los invasores. 53 ciudadanos fueron victimados. Estimas que perdiste 305750 oro en el asalto.

2006-01-14   13:07:10

Te ataco el mago mowgly(#1137) !!!

¡ALERTA! Las fronteras de tu país han sido saqueadas por las tropas de mowgly(#1137). 1 granjas,1 nodos fueron destruidos por los invasores. 53 ciudadanos fueron victimados. Estimas que perdiste 306086 oro en el asalto.

2006-01-14   13:07:08

Te ataco el mago mowgly(#1137) !!!

¡ALERTA! Las fronteras de tu país han sido saqueadas por las tropas de mowgly(#1137). 1 granjas,1 nodos fueron destruidos por los invasores. 53 ciudadanos fueron victimados. Estimas que perdiste 306423 oro en el asalto.

2006-01-14   13:07:06

Te ataco el mago mowgly(#1137) !!!

¡ALERTA! Las fronteras de tu país han sido saqueadas por las tropas de mowgly(#1137). 1 granjas,1 nodos fueron destruidos por los invasores. 53 ciudadanos fueron victimados. Estimas que perdiste 306760 oro en el asalto.

2006-01-14   13:07:04

Te ataco el mago mowgly(#1137) !!!

¡ALERTA! Las fronteras de tu país han sido saqueadas por las tropas de mowgly(#1137). 1 granjas,1 nodos fueron destruidos por los invasores. 53 ciudadanos fueron victimados. Estimas que perdiste 307097 oro en el asalto.

2006-01-14   13:07:02

Te ataco el mago mowgly(#1137) !!!

¡ALERTA! Las fronteras de tu país han sido saqueadas por las tropas de mowgly(#1137). 1 granjas,1 nodos fueron destruidos por los invasores. 53 ciudadanos fueron victimados. Estimas que perdiste 307435 oro en el asalto.

2006-01-14   13:07:01

Te ataco el mago mowgly(#1137) !!!

¡ALERTA! Las fronteras de tu país han sido saqueadas por las tropas de mowgly(#1137). 1 granjas,1 nodos fueron destruidos por los invasores. 53 ciudadanos fueron victimados. Estimas que perdiste 307773 oro en el asalto.

2006-01-14   13:06:59

Te ataco el mago mowgly(#1137) !!!

¡ALERTA! Las fronteras de tu país han sido saqueadas por las tropas de mowgly(#1137). 1 granjas,1 nodos fueron destruidos por los invasores. 53 ciudadanos fueron victimados. Estimas que perdiste 308112 oro en el asalto.

2006-01-14   13:06:57

Te ataco el mago mowgly(#1137) !!!

¡ALERTA! Las fronteras de tu país han sido saqueadas por las tropas de mowgly(#1137). 1 granjas,1 nodos fueron destruidos por los invasores. 53 ciudadanos fueron victimados. Estimas que perdiste 308450 oro en el asalto.

2006-01-14   13:06:56

Te ataco el mago mowgly(#1137) !!!

¡ALERTA! Las fronteras de tu país han sido saqueadas por las tropas de mowgly(#1137). 1 granjas,1 nodos fueron destruidos por los invasores. 53 ciudadanos fueron victimados. Estimas que perdiste 308790 oro en el asalto.

2006-01-14   13:06:54

Te ataco el mago mowgly(#1137) !!!

¡ALERTA! Las fronteras de tu país han sido saqueadas por las tropas de mowgly(#1137). 1 granjas,1 nodos fueron destruidos por los invasores. 53 ciudadanos fueron victimados. Estimas que perdiste 309129 oro en el asalto.

2006-01-14   13:06:53

Te ataco el mago mowgly(#1137) !!!

¡ALERTA! Las fronteras de tu país han sido saqueadas por las tropas de mowgly(#1137). 1 granjas,1 nodos fueron destruidos por los invasores. 53 ciudadanos fueron victimados. Estimas que perdiste 309469 oro en el asalto.

2006-01-14   13:06:51

Te ataco el mago mowgly(#1137) !!!

¡ALERTA! Las fronteras de tu país han sido saqueadas por las tropas de mowgly(#1137). 1 granjas,1 nodos fueron destruidos por los invasores. 53 ciudadanos fueron victimados. Estimas que perdiste 309810 oro en el asalto.

2006-01-14   13:06:50

Te ataco el mago mowgly(#1137) !!!

¡ALERTA! Las fronteras de tu país han sido saqueadas por las tropas de mowgly(#1137). 1 granjas,1 nodos fueron destruidos por los invasores. 53 ciudadanos fueron victimados. Estimas que perdiste 310151 oro en el asalto.

2006-01-14   13:06:48

Te ataco el mago mowgly(#1137) !!!

¡ALERTA! Las fronteras de tu país han sido saqueadas por las tropas de mowgly(#1137). 1 granjas,1 nodos fueron destruidos por los invasores. 53 ciudadanos fueron victimados. Estimas que perdiste 310492 oro en el asalto.

2006-01-14   13:06:46

Te ataco el mago mowgly(#1137) !!!

¡ALERTA! Las fronteras de tu país han sido saqueadas por las tropas de mowgly(#1137). 1 granjas,1 nodos fueron destruidos por los invasores. 53 ciudadanos fueron victimados. Estimas que perdiste 310833 oro en el asalto.

2006-01-14   13:06:45

Te ataco el mago mowgly(#1137) !!!

¡ALERTA! Las fronteras de tu país han sido saqueadas por las tropas de mowgly(#1137). 1 granjas,1 nodos fueron destruidos por los invasores. 53 ciudadanos fueron victimados. Estimas que perdiste 311175 oro en el asalto.

2006-01-14   13:06:43

Te ataco el mago mowgly(#1137) !!!

¡ALERTA! Las fronteras de tu país han sido saqueadas por las tropas de mowgly(#1137). 1 granjas,1 nodos fueron destruidos por los invasores. 53 ciudadanos fueron victimados. Estimas que perdiste 311517 oro en el asalto.

2006-01-14   13:06:42

Te ataco el mago mowgly(#1137) !!!

¡ALERTA! Las fronteras de tu país han sido saqueadas por las tropas de mowgly(#1137). 1 granjas,1 nodos fueron destruidos por los invasores. 53 ciudadanos fueron victimados. Estimas que perdiste 311860 oro en el asalto.

2006-01-14   13:06:40

Te ataco el mago mowgly(#1137) !!!

¡ALERTA! Las fronteras de tu país han sido saqueadas por las tropas de mowgly(#1137). 1 granjas,1 nodos fueron destruidos por los invasores. 53 ciudadanos fueron victimados. Estimas que perdiste 312203 oro en el asalto.

2006-01-14   13:06:38

Te ataco el mago mowgly(#1137) !!!

¡ALERTA! Las fronteras de tu país han sido saqueadas por las tropas de mowgly(#1137). 1 granjas,1 nodos fueron destruidos por los invasores. 53 ciudadanos fueron victimados. Estimas que perdiste 312547 oro en el asalto.

2006-01-14   13:06:35

Te ataco el mago mowgly(#1137) !!!

¡ALERTA! Las fronteras de tu país han sido saqueadas por las tropas de mowgly(#1137). 1 granjas,1 nodos fueron destruidos por los invasores. 53 ciudadanos fueron victimados. Estimas que perdiste 312890 oro en el asalto.

2006-01-14   13:06:30

Te ataco el mago mowgly(#1137) !!!

¡ALERTA! Las fronteras de tu país han sido saqueadas por las tropas de mowgly(#1137). 1 granjas,1 nodos fueron destruidos por los invasores. 53 ciudadanos fueron victimados. Estimas que perdiste 313235 oro en el asalto.

2006-01-14   13:05:43

Te ataco el mago mowgly(#1137) !!!

¡ALERTA! Las fronteras de tu país han sido saqueadas por las tropas de mowgly(#1137). 1 granjas,1 nodos fueron destruidos por los invasores. 53 ciudadanos fueron victimados. Estimas que perdiste 313579 oro en el asalto.

2006-01-14   13:05:41

Te ataco el mago mowgly(#1137) !!!

¡ALERTA! Las fronteras de tu país han sido saqueadas por las tropas de mowgly(#1137). 1 granjas,1 nodos fueron destruidos por los invasores. 53 ciudadanos fueron victimados. Estimas que perdiste 313924 oro en el asalto.

2006-01-14   13:05:39

Te ataco el mago mowgly(#1137) !!!

¡ALERTA! Las fronteras de tu país han sido saqueadas por las tropas de mowgly(#1137). 1 granjas,1 nodos fueron destruidos por los invasores. 53 ciudadanos fueron victimados. Estimas que perdiste 314269 oro en el asalto.

2006-01-14   13:05:37

Te ataco el mago mowgly(#1137) !!!

¡ALERTA! Las fronteras de tu país han sido saqueadas por las tropas de mowgly(#1137). 1 granjas,1 nodos fueron destruidos por los invasores. 53 ciudadanos fueron victimados. Estimas que perdiste 314615 oro en el asalto.

2006-01-14   13:05:35

Te ataco el mago mowgly(#1137) !!!

¡ALERTA! Las fronteras de tu país han sido saqueadas por las tropas de mowgly(#1137). 1 granjas,1 nodos fueron destruidos por los invasores. 53 ciudadanos fueron victimados. Estimas que perdiste 314961 oro en el asalto.

2006-01-14   13:05:33

Te ataco el mago mowgly(#1137) !!!

¡ALERTA! Las fronteras de tu país han sido saqueadas por las tropas de mowgly(#1137). 1 granjas,1 nodos fueron destruidos por los invasores. 53 ciudadanos fueron victimados. Estimas que perdiste 315308 oro en el asalto.

2006-01-14   13:05:30

Te ataco el mago mowgly(#1137) !!!

¡ALERTA! Las fronteras de tu país han sido saqueadas por las tropas de mowgly(#1137). 1 granjas,1 nodos fueron destruidos por los invasores. 53 ciudadanos fueron victimados. Estimas que perdiste 315654 oro en el asalto.

2006-01-14   13:05:22

Te ataco el mago mowgly(#1137) !!!

¡ALERTA! Las fronteras de tu país han sido saqueadas por las tropas de mowgly(#1137). 1 granjas,1 nodos fueron destruidos por los invasores. 53 ciudadanos fueron victimados. Estimas que perdiste 316002 oro en el asalto.

2006-01-14   13:05:16

Te ataco el mago mowgly(#1137) !!!

¡ALERTA! Las fronteras de tu país han sido saqueadas por las tropas de mowgly(#1137).23 ciudadanos fueron victimados. Estimas que perdiste 136762 oro en el asalto.

2006-01-14   13:05:08

Te ataco el mago mowgly(#1137) !!!

¡ALERTA! Las fronteras de tu país han sido saqueadas por las tropas de mowgly(#1137). 1 granjas,1 nodos fueron destruidos por los invasores. 53 ciudadanos fueron victimados. Estimas que perdiste 316500 oro en el asalto.

2006-01-14   13:05:01

Te ataco el mago mowgly(#1137) !!!

¡ALERTA! Las fronteras de tu país han sido saqueadas por las tropas de mowgly(#1137). 1 granjas,1 nodos fueron destruidos por los invasores. 53 ciudadanos fueron victimados. Estimas que perdiste 316848 oro en el asalto.

2006-01-14   13:04:22

Te ataco el mago mowgly(#1137) !!!

¡ALERTA! Las fronteras de tu país han sido saqueadas por las tropas de mowgly(#1137). 1 granjas,1 nodos fueron destruidos por los invasores. 53 ciudadanos fueron victimados. Estimas que perdiste 317196 oro en el asalto.

2006-01-14   13:04:18

Te ataco el mago mowgly(#1137) !!!

¡ALERTA! Las fronteras de tu país han sido saqueadas por las tropas de mowgly(#1137). 1 granjas,1 nodos fueron destruidos por los invasores. 53 ciudadanos fueron victimados. Estimas que perdiste 317545 oro en el asalto.

2006-01-14   13:04:15

Te ataco el mago mowgly(#1137) !!!

¡ALERTA! Las fronteras de tu país han sido saqueadas por las tropas de mowgly(#1137). 1 granjas,1 nodos fueron destruidos por los invasores. 53 ciudadanos fueron victimados. Estimas que perdiste 317894 oro en el asalto.

2006-01-14   13:04:13

Te ataco el mago mowgly(#1137) !!!

¡ALERTA! Las fronteras de tu país han sido saqueadas por las tropas de mowgly(#1137). 1 granjas,1 nodos fueron destruidos por los invasores. 53 ciudadanos fueron victimados. Estimas que perdiste 318244 oro en el asalto.

2006-01-14   13:04:05

Te ataco el mago mowgly(#1137) !!!

¡ALERTA! Las fronteras de tu país han sido saqueadas por las tropas de mowgly(#1137). 1 granjas,1 nodos fueron destruidos por los invasores. 53 ciudadanos fueron victimados. Estimas que perdiste 318594 oro en el asalto.

2006-01-14   13:03:59

Te ataco el mago mowgly(#1137) !!!

¡ALERTA! Las fronteras de tu país han sido saqueadas por las tropas de mowgly(#1137). 1 granjas,1 nodos fueron destruidos por los invasores. 53 ciudadanos fueron victimados. Estimas que perdiste 318945 oro en el asalto.

2006-01-14   13:03:51

Te ataco el mago mowgly(#1137) !!!

¡ALERTA! Las fronteras de tu país han sido saqueadas por las tropas de mowgly(#1137). 1 granjas,1 nodos fueron destruidos por los invasores. 53 ciudadanos fueron victimados. Estimas que perdiste 319295 oro en el asalto.

2006-01-14   13:03:43

Te ataco el mago mowgly(#1137) !!!

¡ALERTA! Las fronteras de tu país han sido saqueadas por las tropas de mowgly(#1137). 1 granjas,1 nodos fueron destruidos por los invasores. 53 ciudadanos fueron victimados. Estimas que perdiste 319647 oro en el asalto.

Server Super blitz - Union del honor / CO2 VS VCM
Enero 14, 2006, 11:50:46 AM
Come on guys I know more than one of you can be online at one time.

2006-01-14   09:40:03
el mago Gandalf the Red(#675) te ha conjurado el hechizo Volcano Eruption

starts to cast the spell Volcano Eruption on you
killed 522 of your horned demon
destroyed 13 of your Farmland
destroyed 4 of your Town
destroyed 6 of your Workshop
destroyed 24 of your Node
destroyed 1 of your Barrier
finished casting the spell Volcano Eruption successfully

2006-01-14   09:40:02
el mago Gandalf the Red(#675) te ha conjurado el hechizo Volcano Eruption

starts to cast the spell Volcano Eruption on you
killed 137 of your horned demon
destroyed 16 of your Farmland
destroyed 10 of your Town
destroyed 13 of your Workshop
destroyed 22 of your Node
destroyed 1 of your Fortress
finished casting the spell Volcano Eruption successfully

2006-01-14   09:38:28
el mago Gandalf the Red(#675) uso el item Letter of the Thieves Guild sobre ti y perdiste 1 item Anillo de Comando Animal

2006-01-14   09:38:09
el mago Gandalf the Red(#675) uso el item Letter of the Thieves Guild sobre ti y perdiste 1 item Muñeca Vudu

w00t w00t

I wonder how many VEs he wasted on my full barriers and Mind Bar?

Noone followed up either.
So it was useless for him :P
Server ager - Union del honor / Guerra
Enero 14, 2006, 11:46:55 AM
Citaw00t w00t
Not all HoF was F y H.
I will seek revenge next reset for your multi-attacks against my guild.
Consider yourself at war :D
you are wrong forgiver, i didn´t multiatack your guild, i only atack you one time because i don´t  know nothing about the nap, jejje
Luigi and yawar multied my guild.
Revenge is always sweet.
This is bullshit because F y H secretly had a NAP with them.
I heard first hand that F y H supports no allies or NAPs.  I was double crossed and fucked over.

What goes around comes around guys.
Server Super blitz - Union del honor / CO2 VS VCM
Enero 14, 2006, 01:27:43 AM
w00t w00t
First blood!!!

eviledx(#1071) = DEAD

Nice attempt VCM, but you are lacking...VaT did better a few sets back.

Two members casting the same spell?
lolz that is poor guild coordination and informing of cast spells!

Come on VCM, you can do better than this.
At least make this a challenge.

2006-01-13   22:19:41
el mago mandrake(#828) uso el item Pipes of the Sewer sobre ti y perdiste 15000 población y 500000 de oro

2006-01-13   22:17:26
el mago mandrake(#828) te ha conjurado el Hechizo Summon Locust Swarm

2006-01-13   22:11:26
el mago mandrake(#828) ha usado el item Crystal Ball contra ti

2006-01-13   21:24:49
el mago mowgly(#1137) te ha conjurado el Hechizo Meteor Storm

2006-01-13   21:17:56
el mago mowgly(#1137) ha usado el item Crystal Ball contra ti

2006-01-13   21:14:15
el mago mowgly(#1137) te ha conjurado el hechizo Volcano Eruption

starts to cast the spell Volcano Eruption on you
killed 18 of your horned demon
destroyed 21 of your Farmland
destroyed 10 of your Town
destroyed 12 of your Workshop
destroyed 22 of your Node
destroyed 1 of your Fortress
destroyed 1 of your Barrier
finished casting the spell Volcano Eruption successfully

2006-01-13   21:07:22
el mago yoda(#455) te ha conjurado el Hechizo Temporal Stasis Field

2006-01-13   21:07:08
el mago yoda(#455) te ha conjurado el Hechizo Summon Locust Swarm  
Server ager - Union del honor / Guerra
Enero 13, 2006, 07:33:08 PM
w00t w00t
Not all HoF was F y H.
I will seek revenge next reset for your multi-attacks against my guild.
Consider yourself at war :D
Server blitz - Union del honor / guerra lafam-la luz
Enero 13, 2006, 07:30:57 PM
CitaEn mi gremio hay que? xD

no te preocupes tornadito xD

por cierto que te paso?? un coma etilico? te caiste solo del top? y eso que le dije a astarot que te tratara bien.. pobresito xD

interesante :P cada dia me gusta mas XD

Pd: Forguiver good death&decay...
Server Super blitz - Union del honor / CO2 VS VCM
Enero 12, 2006, 07:30:15 PM
I am bored.
Tired of multi-pillaging mages.

I declare war on VCM!

Why you ask?

VCM has more mages than any other guild.  They need to be cut down to size!

Viva America!!!
Server ager - Union del honor / Guerra
Enero 11, 2006, 10:58:42 PM

Wahh you don't like Whoppers?
Server ager - Union del honor / Guerra
Enero 11, 2006, 09:11:11 PM
CitaWhere the fuck is the honor?
In Burger King :ph34r:  :ph34r:


At Burger King I have it my way!!!!
Whopper with only mayo, lettuce and cheese pls!!!!

w00t w00t
Server blitz - Union del honor / guerra lafam-la luz
Enero 11, 2006, 07:58:46 PM
w00t w00t

:huh:  :huh:  :huh:  :huh:  :huh:  
;)  ;)  ;)  ;)  ;)  ;)  ;)  
Server ager - Union del honor / Guerra
Enero 11, 2006, 07:56:08 PM
Next reset that is jajaja!
I will have my revenge on those who assault me for no reason.
Not once, not fucking once have a multi-attacked or spelled a F y H mage.
Where the fuck is the honor?
Server ager - Union del honor / Guerra
Enero 11, 2006, 08:28:28 AM
2006-01-11   07:40:29
el mago Cerevisa(#4) te ha conjurado el Hechizo Death and Decay

Thank you for my pre Armageddon present.
Too bad I am smart and didn't die.

I might have to hold a grudge next reset, since this one is over :P