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Mensajes - Aster

Translations and other language / Spanish To English
Agosto 05, 2004, 04:00:50 PM
Citammh italian mmmhh :D
:P Lord Frank, I hope your "mmh" means :"oh, how beautiful, nice and interesting are italians!"  B)  
Thanks for the explanation Wulfbait I didn't think that "mana" means simply...mana.:)...and thanks to LaVey for his kind offer...I'll think on it:)Aster.
Translations and other language / Spanish To English
Agosto 04, 2004, 04:48:51 PM
:) Hi everybody. Sorry, I'm a newbie  and an old archmage's player. Though I'm italian, I'm not very able in spanish-to-italian translation(i'm not able at all ;) ), and though I was an archmage player, I'm not sure to have a good memory for the game's messages after more than 4 years :blink: .
the period: "Te hace falta mana se desbandaron algunas unidades !!!" means I need to disband some units of my army? Or it means that my army got decreased? Or it means that I simply misunderstand the meaning of the message?*_* Well...what the hell does it means???? Oh, and second thing: I saw in this forum a topic just for bug. If I find a bug must I go there and report? Can I do this in english? (well, if you want I could write in italian, but I'm not sure this will be an help for you.)
Thank you for your time, and sorry for all these questions.  Aster :blink: