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Mensajes - hydrus

Apprentice - Union del honor / MOD
Septiembre 14, 2004, 06:01:22 PM
I would suggest you learn spelling before making empty threats , you court-magician !
Apprentice - Union del honor / MOD
Septiembre 10, 2004, 10:14:43 AM
KENA ??? :blink:  :blink: ???

MOD = Marauders Of Doom !!  
Apprentice - Union del honor / MOD
Septiembre 09, 2004, 05:13:21 PM
Knowledge Is My Sword
Vengeance Is My Shield
Hatred Is My Armor
On Bloody Wings Ill Come.

Guild open to all!

Help with the game / Stacking
Agosto 27, 2004, 06:12:03 AM
OK now I got it I'm gonna try next time I attack! Thx a lot and no problem with your english :lol:  :lol:  
Help with the game / Stacking
Agosto 27, 2004, 05:49:59 AM
Hmm here is an extract of my status report:

knight  2.43%
djinni   9.18%
ice elemental 29.44%

Why are the knights first stack ?? <_<
Ice Elementals should be first, djinns second etc. right  :huh:  
Help with the game / Stacking
Agosto 27, 2004, 05:10:44 AM
Summon more or disband ?? How is this gonna change anything ?? :huh: ?
Help with the game / Stacking
Agosto 27, 2004, 04:49:01 AM
OK I got that with the order of attack!
But if my army list as ii appears when choosing attacking units is

1) Sprites
2) Mind Rippers

is there a way to send sprites+mind rippers AND have mind rippers as first stack??
Help with the game / Stacking
Agosto 26, 2004, 06:14:41 PM
It's me again  :D

I have a problem with stacking. for example mind ripper are fourth in my army list how can I put them as first stack during an attack (without removing the other three)! The first stack attacks the first stack defending and so on... what are the excpetions i.e. abilities that change this?
Thx in advance
Help with the game / Anybody could help me?
Agosto 24, 2004, 04:50:15 PM
Thank you all for your repiles!!! :lol:  :lol:  
Help with the game / Anybody could help me?
Agosto 21, 2004, 05:16:37 PM
My rate is 659:332 and I only have an income of 101 population !!
I have no spell , unit upkeep that costs population !!!
Is this normal??? How much land do I need to cast mind ripper a single unit costs 3 population !!!!
Help with the game / Anybody could help me?
Agosto 21, 2004, 06:39:59 AM
Building Info.  
Farm 451
Town 332
Workshop 541
Barrak 1
Node 681
Guild 664
Fortress 14
Barrier 0
Interior Info.
                            Gold        M.P.      POP
Income                2,027       5,781       62
Unit Upkeep        21,409         703         0
Building Upkeep  66,040             0         0
Hero Upkeep               0            0         0
Spell Upkeep               0         300         0
Unit Recruit Cost          0             0        0
Net Income         -85,422        4,777      62

Everything was OK and then my population dropped from 220k to 0, I had to disband many troops and now I am somehow F@#§°. What did I do wrong??
What can I do better?
Yes it's true they changed their name , I can't remember why though!
I was one of the five founders, the others were Nidhogg, Karakh, Arvoreen and another one I can't remember!
Did you know them?
Help with the game / Dispel Magic
Agosto 18, 2004, 07:24:53 AM
Thanks for your replies I tried it with 250k and it worked ! Now I dont't have any mana left...
Help with the game / Dispel Magic
Agosto 17, 2004, 07:48:08 PM

I need to dispel an enchantment, anyone could help me with this spell??
How does it work? How much mana should I put into it?

Mari?Is that
I used to play there 6 years ago, I started a guild back there. It was called Dark Pentagram and I was told it became a powerful guils after I left! (hmm strange)
Ah!! OK!!
Thank You!!!

what does "Tu guarnicion detecto a unos intrusos los hiciste polvo !! " mean??
