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Mensajes - Legion

Private Servers ( todos | all ) / Welcome
Abril 23, 2005, 09:02:09 AM
Your welcome guys, Im glad so many are playing and having a good time.
Private Servers ( todos | all ) / Did admin modify?
Abril 23, 2005, 08:56:59 AM
New values assigned. :)    
Yes, looks good to me, so good in fact its already been done. keke  Sorry it took me so long to respond Ive been very busy with work. :(    
Private Servers ( todos | all ) / Did admin modify?
Abril 18, 2005, 05:36:02 AM
Yes there have been some changes :(   I have been gone so I havent had a chance to speak with Frank. I am back and will do so asap. I felt like all off color spell costs were resonable(before changes were made) what do you guys think?  

Yes I do agree that it puts some spells out of reach, youd have to have 5000 acres just to cast.... Although it might be better math, Ill see about having it changed back for fun sake. :)

Forgiver please see rule #3 and refer to it as often as you need too.  I appreciate any comments or ideas from great mages such as yourself but please leave the vulgarites out.

Private Servers ( todos | all ) / Welcome
Abril 15, 2005, 01:57:14 PM
Thank You KRIPPeR   B)  

I do not speek spanish, or very good english for that matter,  my only recourse is to run posts through translater :blink: It doesnt help much.... If you find any direct questions to me in the posts you read, please let me know as I do not want to seem a tit... ;)

Thanks again,


PS. Im having a great time!  
Private Servers ( todos | all ) / Welcome
Abril 11, 2005, 08:30:05 AM
As most have noticed a private server is open :)

Theses are the rules:

1)Have Fun!

2) No Multi Mages! If you are found to be a multimage your IP or IPs will be banned from server for the this reset,Period!

3)No Whinning.

4)Server has a limit of 400 active mages. Whats this mean? Do not die or become inactive as you may not be able to incarnate....If this happens, refer to  rule 3.

5)I am a "client" of Franks, I am not game Admin. I can not give turns,heros,mana etc. to you or myself.  

6)Please remember! this game is a "Machine", so to speak. I have asked Frank to run this machine in a manner it was not built or intended  for <_<  so please do not bust his balls or expect changes. Please refer to rule 3.

6a) Hint..You have a spell level of of 889.... :blink: This effects everything!
Consultations, New Ideas / Crazy Server
Diciembre 12, 2004, 07:40:52 PM
Sorry I dont understand?   " no quedara desbalanceado?"  :blink:  
Consultations, New Ideas / Crazy Server
Diciembre 12, 2004, 01:28:37 PM
Dragons of all colors would be very cool. :P  

I was refering too all colors getting eachothers ulitmates.  So all colors would have access to Dominions, Red Dragons,  Ice elemental , Contract of Soul, and so forth. Basicly you get to research all spells available in game.
Consultations, New Ideas / Crazy Server
Diciembre 12, 2004, 03:45:07 AM
How about a server that has all spells, even ultimates, for all colors, with a 600 turn max? Maybe a pay server? Would be absolute anarchy, but a hell of alot of fun. :jeje: