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Mensajes - WolfWarrior

Hall of Banquets / Retun Of The Wolf
Junio 02, 2004, 05:55:52 PM
no romans are gone, got tired of lame hackers, i know who it was...
Hall of Knowledge / Top 100 observation
Junio 02, 2004, 05:53:40 PM
Yes the Sniper is back and looking to do some damage again.  
Server Super blitz - Union del honor / Motion Bot
Mayo 24, 2004, 02:48:42 PM
most games consider auto-refresh, especially set high, scripting, which is the same as a bot and therefore illegal.  Now for the IRC bots. Bots always draw down the resources of the server, and they are constant draw downs.  The reason why bots are and should remain illegal is that the people that are benefitting them are not playing the game to obtain the information. Sure they may be logged into game and working on their mage(s) but they are not actively looking for the information, leaving the bot to do it.

To start I have read things like "guilty". Guilty of what? Of using a tool the admin implemented in the game? Of improving it? Then, why not forbide every tool that give certain advantages? Stack calculators, mana calculators, every kind of calculator (even the Casio type) cause not everyone has them and give his owner a considerable advantage over the one without them. Let's follow, we should forbid the IRC between players too, cause everyday info is shared about mages by that way and that's clearly an advantage over players, like me, who don't use it or rarely; also we should forbid any kind of instant message cause there are players who can't, or don't want, to use it. And what to say about excel bots? If we actualize every five minutes the top 100 rank and save it to an excel file, and then order it, the one who doesn't know how to do it will be in disadvantage.

Thats carrying things t0o far and is justifying bots.  There is nothing wrong with calculators,  they really do not give much in the way of benefit to the user. At least not enough to be decisive.  Most of em really only benefit the newbies anyway as most veterans, I would hope, would not need them except for some fine tuning which really doesnt give all that much advantage
Hall of Banquets / Retun Of The Wolf
Mayo 24, 2004, 02:14:38 PM
After a good break I have returned again to see how archmage has been surviviing. Just looking around here it seems interest seems to have diminished as of late.
Hall of Knowledge / Top 100 observation
Mayo 24, 2004, 02:00:05 PM
Wondered why this post was still here, being almost 6 monts old now, oni and anton were having a flame war.....

This is the first time ive played since mega blitz came out so it will be interesting to see how badly, or better?, things have gotten lol.  Ill figure it out after i research :P

this thing is slow especially on mega.                    
Hall of Knowledge / Top 100 observation
Marzo 12, 2004, 04:35:11 AM
LOL, came a little late to this one vaxreeb as this topic is not very relevant, for the most part as some things have changed....With black its rediculously easy to get any kind of rank you wanted as the rankings are showing. If you know how to stack effectively with mainly mana and geld eaters  you can power up easily with BS, whether you keep the zombs/skels or disband then is up to you :P Green is still the dominant color regardless.....                    
NEWS / HoF is cancelled
Marzo 04, 2004, 12:03:26 AM
bad, btw open mega! lol                    
NEWS / Tuesday new server open: Blitz
Febrero 17, 2004, 02:34:31 AM
Good to hear. Kinda nice to see going back to 5 minutes again. Just hope the servers are stable with everyone going to their favorite server and lightening the load on the others, of course some people like to play more than                    
NEWS / Rules for the uncoming armaggedon
Febrero 17, 2004, 02:31:33 AM
Draco, are you referring to the reset here or the armageddon period? The way you posted it sounds like the arma rules                    
Spells, Items and Heroes / Head of Medusa
Febrero 13, 2004, 01:30:04 AM
now that you mention it... that s right but i think earlier it was set for 10 all the time                    
Spells, Items and Heroes / Head of Medusa
Febrero 12, 2004, 05:39:27 PM
Doesn\'t Head of Medusa kill 10 of a random unit? Killing 3 second stack gorillas is bad return on investment.                    
That restriction is a good idea. Especially with preventing people getting a multi or multis into a guild                    
Hall of Banquets / :D
Enero 26, 2004, 03:50:50 AM
I think Hall of Banquets was how it was used on the MARI AM boards                    
Consultations, New Ideas / several minor changes
Enero 16, 2004, 03:16:03 AM
For 3) Yeah it shouldnt be to hard here. It is a very simple algorith to write: 1)Check setting of use 2) Check power of enemy against defender\'s by percentage  3) if power of enemy satisfies requirement of use, then item used. Should only take 20 give or take a few lines of code depending on style.

Have fun                    
Hall of Banquets / HAPPY NEW YEAR
Enero 08, 2004, 07:05:39 PM
Happy New year from the citizens of the Roman Empire!

:poin:  :poin:  :nomo:  :cool:  :nomo:  :poin:                    
Consultations, New Ideas / Fixing the forum!
Enero 08, 2004, 06:54:35 PM
For the most part, this is the oddest forum I have used. Normally, when someone makes a post, that thread jumps to the top of the forum, except for posts by admin that always stays at the top and the thread with the new post goes the next spot below.

We shouldn\'t, well maybe not but a lot of us get lazy :), have to scroll through posts 2 weeks old to get to the thread that was just posted too.                    
Are the  Unit Spell Resistance, Unit Attack Resistance, Abilities and Weaknesses. For example if a unit has 60% resistance to an attack, will the damage be reduced acccording ot the percent                    
Are these all done or partially completed?



Hall of Knowledge / Counters
Diciembre 15, 2003, 04:13:49 PM
I havent really been able to tell yet but has the \"minor\" counters enabled anymore? I havent had any so I am assuming it either doest work is disabled and should be removed from the counter page                    
Hall of Knowledge / Top 100 observation
Diciembre 12, 2003, 12:57:38 AM
Very true on the blacks. All you need to do is cast BS and geld all the time and you can get very high. Its keeping the land thats a problem.  Some stacks work and some are complete bombs                    
the guilds im used to do anyways lol. but since on the ranking page there is a guild tag, its not been too heavily enforced except to make sure allies dont hit each other                    
Consultations, New Ideas / english
Diciembre 09, 2003, 01:30:28 AM
theres another one for 75% also, Use if over 75%                    
Consultations, New Ideas / english
Diciembre 09, 2003, 01:15:37 AM
de nada                    
NEWS / New spells activated
Diciembre 09, 2003, 01:08:14 AM
You ought to get Gravity Pull up soon too                    
Thats probably a good idea though most guilds require members to post a description.                    
Consultations, New Ideas / english
Diciembre 09, 2003, 12:26:52 AM
BTW on the assigment page, you should add some more text on the usage options ie  Use Always, Use if over 25% power, Use if over 50% power etc                    
NEWS / New spells activated
Diciembre 09, 2003, 12:22:05 AM
whens corruption?                    
Consultations, New Ideas / english
Diciembre 08, 2003, 08:39:19 PM
LOL, let em come!                    
Hall of Knowledge / Top 100 observation
Diciembre 08, 2003, 06:51:14 PM
There are:

31 Black

46 green

7 white

9 blue

7 red

mages in the top 100                    
NEWS / New Items activated
Octubre 30, 2003, 06:46:43 PM
Sage stone does not work. It says You gained x amount of MP but its not added to the MP totals