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Mensajes - koll

Maybe they are the place playing!!! :blink:

Server ager - Union del honor / Gremio TROYA ¬¬
Diciembre 03, 2004, 01:39:55 AM
yes, I think they are really MULTIS... :angry:  
~~~lol~~~ :blink:  
Apprentice - Union del honor / koll is a big DAMN NOOB
Octubre 11, 2004, 08:50:37 AM
by the way to despair

-you ask question hacking=bad or wrong?

--->Omg, Is that nedd to memorize..........HELERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!

Apprentice - Union del honor / koll is a big DAMN NOOB
Octubre 11, 2004, 08:47:21 AM
Oh! yeah! how could I hack my own acoount bitch!!!

by the way to kollHACKER--->may god bless you always ha!

How come--->If you are really good make your own way

Now are you happy? maybe you are the who is happy and the noobs in the app
