
Vota por The Lord en el sitio
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Mensajes - Magfix

Server mega blitz- Union del honor / Arma en el Mega
Noviembre 24, 2004, 06:14:09 AM
I am who i am.. pls don't assosiate me with anyone.

Spells, Items and Heroes / The Holy Light
Noviembre 01, 2004, 06:52:44 AM
THL affects only certain units.. i had my THL on but AA n Dom didnt have any increase in AP
Consultations, New Ideas / God
Octubre 27, 2004, 05:38:43 AM
I think there is a need to make it more specific about the god's response.. I donated few times to them it kept saying accepted gratefully and i got favoured without any notice like "well done my faithful servant...." like last time in Mari.
Most favoured is nothing .. same benefit as favoured... still need much improvements. And you cant get favoured by more than 1 god.. i have tried many times...

i am saying this in mega blizt