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Mensajes - Jet85Ng

Hall of Knowledge / green mage
Noviembre 02, 2004, 04:35:10 PM
i have seem the exact post Origin archmage forum.....
duh...was it you or you took from there?people there replied the same, something like the strategy sux  :unsure:

pure feary dragon is quite strong, still have a lot weakness...doesn't have counter,if 4 quite equal stack is there and flying...its gone risky, take up pops, take quite some time to build up....single stack never good...
Consultations, New Ideas / Shitty Heros, Shitty Spells
Noviembre 02, 2004, 04:19:21 PM
doesn't have those fun Witch, Soul Reaper, Alchemist and stuff...skills not fully implemented yet huh? seems other servers execpt super bliz already fully implemented those hero thing?..
Consultations, New Ideas / Auto Disband
Noviembre 02, 2004, 04:15:12 PM
i like that idea..
duh, auto disbanding is still something under our command, not like botting!
auto disband per turn should work well..
might be messy for people to do it though -.-

everyone might've been casted by laziness~!  :unsure:  
Spells, Items and Heroes / Other Heroes?
Noviembre 01, 2004, 10:04:49 AM seems there are no Soul Reaper, Witch, Bard in super blitz huh?will it be available later?

duh...wanna get a soul reaper and witch >.<

seems like other servers has..
Consultations, New Ideas / Fix the images...
Octubre 30, 2004, 11:34:13 AM
lol, same here, i thought i'm the only one who facing this monkey thing, and the main page the colour image not there too. or it was my PC problem?
Spells, Items and Heroes / Hero's Ability
Octubre 30, 2004, 11:06:14 AM
well..its count in spell resistance..

so for feary dragons, dragon rider won't work! because they immune to eradication! 400% resist!
Spells, Items and Heroes / gods ?
Octubre 30, 2004, 10:55:05 AM
wow..thats mean/cruel to that guy who ask
Server mega blitz- Union del honor / Milkers
Octubre 30, 2004, 10:40:59 AM
Citai thought lord frank was gonna do sumthing about them....i guess he's all talk and no action....sigh......well i hope you guys enjoy this multi filled going back to "TR-AM" least there the admins do sumthing about cheaters

um...may i know whats TR-AM?is it the old archmage?i thought its dead huh?