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Mensajes - labdakos

Spells, Items and Heroes / gods ?
Diciembre 11, 2004, 10:35:04 AM
ohhh, and it has been said that when an opponent showers you with destructive spells and you have no mana to dispell it, just donate 1 gold to nature... you have 30% chance of getting a serenity in return... but you have 60% chance of getting more destructive spells with level 666.

tried it once... :) but hell i got the bad result...
Spells, Items and Heroes / gods ?
Diciembre 11, 2004, 10:32:41 AM
do the gods work in here?

anyway, in MARI archmage... you only need to donate 11% of your total gold after the God goes silent and after the accolytes get pleased by your donation...

i still have no idea how the gods work in TL.
Server mega blitz- Union del honor / borrando....
Diciembre 11, 2004, 10:23:23 AM
can we speak in english? lolz... anyway, i see it's milking so i guess the admin should do something about it...