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Mensajes - rbolisay

Spells, Items and Heroes / Hero abilities
Octubre 30, 2005, 11:24:06 PM
Thanks for the info m8yt. I really appreciate it.  :)  
Spells, Items and Heroes / Hero abilities
Octubre 28, 2005, 11:18:31 AM
Hi everyone! Just want to ask why some hero lacks abilities like for example the white knight has no dragonslayer ability and the Valkyrie has no Ice shield?

Also we maybe we can include in the battle report what the hero is doing in the battle. For example, a Veteran using Valor ability.

Another question is if the hero is not commanding a unit, is he still able to use his abilities in battle. For example i have 5 heroes and only got 3 stacks. Do the 2 heroes with no units to command still uses their ability during battle? Cause if they cant, I think its useless keeping them if they cant help you in battle.

I hope someone can enlighten me and please reply in English.

By the way thanks to the people who made this game available for us to enjoy for free. More power to you guys!!!  :D