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Mensajes - Simba

Help with the game / How Many Units Do You Need
Mayo 12, 2004, 05:26:58 AM
That is my question. In old times you needed a certain number of surviving units to destroy one or more forts on an attack. Now there seems to be no such limit.

Is this intended - a new 'feature' - or not ? Is there a new minimum number orf units needed or is any successful attack enough to destroy a fort ?  
Consultas , nuevas ideas / Validation Codes
Marzo 29, 2004, 03:33:29 AM
If I could log in I could give you my mage numbers ;-)

Magename is always Simba,
Servers are:

Mega Blitz

Thx :)                    
Errores ( bugs ) reparados / No validation received
Marzo 27, 2004, 05:05:41 PM
Could I please have a validation for Ager, too ? Thx a lot, SImba

Mage: Simba                    
Consultas , nuevas ideas / Validation Codes
Marzo 26, 2004, 02:01:30 PM
Frank just sent me the key for Server, the other 3 keys are still unknown.

Thx for the key, Frank !                    
Help with the game / No confirmation e-mail ?
Marzo 26, 2004, 03:14:47 AM
Coppied to Super Blitz Bugs section.                    
Consultas , nuevas ideas / Validation Codes
Marzo 26, 2004, 03:08:05 AM
coppied over from the English forum:

I have to post this here as there is no \'Bugs\' section for all servers and it kinda concerns starting my mage.

I created mages on 3 servers yesterday: Mega Blitz, Super Blitz and Ager, all with the same magename and e-mail. I did my first 100 turns and waited for the confirmation mail to arrive. Nothing came. I did a few extra turns on Super Blitz until I got the window asking for the code. There I asked to get it sent again. Still nothing.
So I created another mage, this time on Server, with a different e-mail adress, thinking the one I used might not work for some reason. Again, I received no mail. I know the second adress is working because I receive other mail there.

All my mages are called Simba, they are on Mega, Super, Server and Ager (#40). The other numbers I can not see anymore because I would have to enter my validation code first ;-)

Another question: Is there no more protection in the first 100 turns ? I was attacked twice on Ager after doing exactly 100 turns.                    
Help with the game / No confirmation e-mail ?
Marzo 26, 2004, 02:43:25 AM
I have to post this here as there is no \'Bugs\' section for all servers and it kinda concerns starting my mage.

I created mages on 3 servers yesterday: Mega Blitz, Super Blitz and Ager, all with the same magename and e-mail. I did my first 100 turns and waited for the confirmation mail to arrive. Nothing came. I did a few extra turns on Super Blitz until I got the window asking for the code. There I asked to get it sent again. Still nothing.
So I created another mage, this time on Server, with a different e-mail adress, thinking the one I used might not work for some reason. Again, I received no mail. I know the second adress is working because I receive other mail there.

Am I the only one with that problem ?                    
Congratulations to those who won and those who fought fair and did not.                    

I had 540 SL during the last super-blitz reset (yes, the deleted HoF one), it\'s great. I tried to get it again, but complex spells seem to have become rarer somehow.                    
Yes, I\'m playing Super Blitz, Mega is still faster and simply too time consuming for me. Ager works, but is very slow, too.

Ah well, I guess we will have to sit and wait until Frank gets the thing up and running again. /me crosses his fingers                    
All I get is this:

No se pudo conectar a la base de datos

was not possible to be connected to the data base                    
NEWS / plant growth
Noviembre 19, 2003, 05:30:43 AM
Hi Indur :)

Usually you have to recast spells to get the benefits of a higher SL, but it look like here those differences do not affect spell. I have a much higher SL, too, but I do not get more PG power out of it. Looks like it has not yet been implemented.                    
NEWS / plant growth
Noviembre 14, 2003, 06:12:03 AM
CitaI apologize if the posts made any of the skilled green mages here feel inadequate.


I will not complain anymore. As I am in the forums now I might read the post warning of changes like these coming early on, before it is done. Then I will be able to prepare in time and change my stacking acordingly.                    
NEWS / plant growth
Noviembre 13, 2003, 10:52:25 AM
CitaI propose all greens now go mass zombies so I can feed on them with my white mage  :cheer:

We don\'t have to do that, trees die to whatever units you use now, anyway.                    
NEWS / plant growth
Noviembre 13, 2003, 08:00:11 AM
This masterstroke has effctively disarmed green mages.

There is no other good unit for green to use as Nixies die like flies to almost any enemy and griffons are useless without Enlarge Animal and/or Ring. Earth Elementals are decent medium stacks but not first stack material.

All that green has left now are decent - or even very good -  units for filling up long stackings, but it has no good top stack anymore.

If you have to weaken Trees do it in good meassure.

There are no Shamans here anyway so they don\'t even have their \'personal heroes\'.

Maybe trees are stronger than most ground units, but they have a weakness and they can be beat. Now they are simply fodder for any red, blue or black who happens to come by.