\"It allows attack runs and mp recharges every day.\"
That is exactly my point. With so many turns, it does not take any real skill to do what you need to do.
When I was on a 1 turn per 10 min server, I was a white mage. Every day I had to go on my attack run and then summon lots of dominions and cast gate a few times to get some unis and AA for my defense against counters. Then the next day I would have to disband some dominoins to get my stack back in order and to allow me to not be in negative MP so that I can MP charge to get ready for my defense the next night. Then I would go on a few more attacks and if I played my cards right have just enough turns and mp to resummon my dominions and other units for my defense, not to mention have enough mp left for my defensive spell assignment. That took a lot of skill. With so many turns, a monkey can power up very effectively.
That is exactly my point. With so many turns, it does not take any real skill to do what you need to do.
When I was on a 1 turn per 10 min server, I was a white mage. Every day I had to go on my attack run and then summon lots of dominions and cast gate a few times to get some unis and AA for my defense against counters. Then the next day I would have to disband some dominoins to get my stack back in order and to allow me to not be in negative MP so that I can MP charge to get ready for my defense the next night. Then I would go on a few more attacks and if I played my cards right have just enough turns and mp to resummon my dominions and other units for my defense, not to mention have enough mp left for my defensive spell assignment. That took a lot of skill. With so many turns, a monkey can power up very effectively.