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Mensajes - doomscythe

Hall of Knowledge / THL + SOL ?
Marzo 19, 2006, 04:51:28 PM
well this is where i destroy my useless white mage........ without the use of an ulimate and one of white strongest combos pointless bein white
Hall of Knowledge / THL + SOL ?
Marzo 13, 2006, 07:16:41 PM
sorry but thats wrong........thl makes all melle attacks gain holy and swords of light makes all melee attacks stronger......i do not notice my wearbear killin off lich as easy as they do in the-reincarnation whihc makes me beleive they forgot to add somethign =p hopefully an admin could answer this for me
Hall of Banquets / where are the foreigners?
Marzo 10, 2006, 05:48:43 PM
you gonna listen to some guy who probably copy and pasted that sentence off a website what you want i dont really see how your gaining anythign out of it.....

and someone read my danm post in hall of knowlesge
Hall of Knowledge / THL + SOL ?
Marzo 09, 2006, 12:10:08 PM
ok i use this server to mess aroudn tryin new thing i noticed when i casted the holy light and used swords of light in battle my units did not recieve the extra ap and also i dont beleive that any o fmy melee units are gettin the extra holy attack maybe someone missed something>???? anyway i was hopin someone could prove me wrong
Hall of Banquets / where are the foreigners?
Febrero 26, 2006, 07:18:33 PM
ya i got that as well good to see im not the only one =p
Help with the game / Oracle Error ORA-113
Febrero 26, 2006, 07:13:40 PM
Oracle Error ORA-113

signed up a mage on blitz and this came up when i finshed making him than again when i try to log in