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Archivos / Re: Nuevo Bug UR
Julio 19, 2011, 01:51:56 AM
Here is the Accuracy formula if youre wondering, I got this few years ago.

Accuracy Formula:

A = total sum of accuracy modifiers.

if A >= 0 then accuracy=30+A
if 0 >= A >= -15 then accuracy = 30-A
if -15 >= A >= -30 then accuracy = 24-3/5*A
if A <= -30 then accuracy = 12-1/5*A


beauty (-5) = 30-5 = 25 ; unit is *1.2 tougher to beat
swift (-10) = 30-10 = 20 ; unit is *1.5 tougher to beat
fear (-15) = 30-15 = 15 ; units is *2 tougher to beat
swift+satchel (-20) = 24-3/5*20 = 12 ; unit is *2.5 tougher to beat
swift+fear (-25) = 24-3/5*25 = 9 ; unit is *3.33 tougher
swift+fog+satchel (-30) = 12-1/5*30 = 6 ; unit is *5 tougher to beat
swift+beauty+fog+satchel (-35) = 12-1/5*35 = 5 ; unit is *6 tougher to beat
swift+fog+satchel+siege penalty (-40) = 12-1/5*40 = 4 ; unit is *7.5 tougher to beat
fear+fog+satchel+siege penalty (-45) = 12-1/5*45 = 3 ; unit is *10 tougher to beat
fear+beauty+fog+satchel+siege penalty (-50) = 12-1/5*50 = 2 ; unit is *15 tougher to beat
Archivos / Re: Nuevo Bug UR
Julio 19, 2011, 01:44:34 AM
Hi, I have made my own calculation and here is what I got.

In the case of Unholy Reaver:

Name   Amount   Power   Type   Hit Point
Sprite   118620   200   Magic   75

Name            Amount   Hit Point
Unholy Reaver   ???   92688 (default hp=85000)

Determining Unit kills
Damage = #ofattackers * AttackPower * Efficiency * Accuracy * Rand * (1-(avgres)) * OtherMultipliers

#ofattackers    118620
AttackPower     200
Efficiency         1(first to attack)
Accuracy          0.3 - 0.15(fear) = 0.15
Rand               1(magic)
avgres             0.5 - 0.15(candle of sleeping) = 0.35
OtherMultip      1

Damage = 118620*200*1*0.15*1*(1-0.35)*1
             = 2313090

Using Buffed HP
Units Killed = Damage/Life
                 = 2313090/92688
                 = 24.955

Using Default HP
Units Killed = Damage/Life
                 = 2313090/85000
                 = 27.212

In the report 28 UR are killed, where is should be close to 24 because its HP is 92688.
The might be a bug/error in calculating units killed using the units HP.

In the case of Efreeti:

calculation 1: swift cancels swift?
Name   Amount   Power      Type       Hit Point
Sprite   102710   200          Magic    75

Name      Amount   Hit Point
Efreeti      ???           3600

Determining Unit kills
Damage = #ofattackers * AttackPower * Efficiency * Accuracy * Rand * (1-(avgres)) * OtherMultipliers

#ofattackers    102710
AttackPower     200
Efficiency         1
Accuracy          0.3 - 0.15(fear) = 0.15
Rand               1(magic)
avgres             0
OtherMultip      1

Damage = 102710*200*1*0.15*1*(1-0)*1
             = 3081300

Units Killed = Damage/Life
                 = 3081300/3600
                 = 855.916

In the report 855 efreetis are killed which is correct.
The problem here is why do units with swift cancels other units swift. It should not.

calculation 2: swift doesn't cancel
Name   Amount   Power      Type      Hit Point
Sprite   102710   200          Magic              75

Name      Amount   Hit Point
Efreeti      ???            3600

Determining Unit kills
Damage = #ofattackers * AttackPower * Efficiency * Accuracy * Rand * (1-(avgres)) * OtherMultipliers

#ofattackers    102710
AttackPower     200
Efficiency         1
Accuracy          swift+fear (-25%) = 24-3/5*25 = 9%
Rand               1(magic)
avgres             0
OtherMultip      1

Damage = 102710*200*1*0.09*1*(1-0)*1
             = 1848780

Units Killed = Damage/Life
                 = 1848780/3600
                 = 513.55

I believe that 513 is the correct and should be total number units killed here based on the calculation regarding the accuracy modifier.

Archivos / Re: fakes
Julio 17, 2011, 11:07:53 PM
Cita de: akerbeltz en Junio 29, 2011, 02:34:50 AM
El calculo de los fakes no se realizaba as铆 en mari, y considero que no se debiera realizar tan directo como dices:

Si en tu stack posees:

98% de poder en reds
0.1% treant
0.1% mandrake
0.1% driada
0.1% ninfa

y lo comparas con

50% reds
35 % chimeras
10% efrettis
0.1% treant
0.1% mandrake
0.1% driada
0.1% ninfa

Lo que deberia hacerse es comparar el poder que represan esas quimeras y compararlo al poder que representan esos treants.
Ya que a lo mejor, ese 35% de poder en stack de quimeras puede representar un 30% solo m谩s de poder respecto a ese 0,1% de treants, dependiendo del poder que posee cada uno. Y si la comparativa de poder es inferior al 5 o 10% por ejemplo, las quimeras deberian pasar a comprobar la relaci贸n de poderes con el stack superior, y as铆 sucesivamente, hasta localizar un stack que posee un poder que representa un minimo % de poder respecto al de esa unidad.

If this would be implemented in the near future, it will greatly improve the game-play and it will be much more fun to play.  :ps:
It is also not fair if you have 4000 chimeras hitting 30 treants....  :mfury:

Lets just hope and wait for Frank to think about this, maybe he would start working on this tomorrow, in a few weeks, months... we don't know when.  :please:
It says "Read Guild Msg(15)" in main page. But when I click it, there are no messages.
Still the same even if I refresh the page or logout/login.
I think the guild leader died yesterday.... so the guild have been disbanded.
Sala del conocimiento / Re: un solo post con info ?
Julio 13, 2011, 02:55:54 AM
 :azul Concentration spell also speeds up researching.
I cast it every 100 spell level
Consultas , nuevas ideas / Re: Pergamino
Julio 11, 2011, 11:59:34 PM
Hi everyone,

As far as I know, attack resistance is computed as an average...
To explain furthermore. Im not sure about this, correct me if i/m wrong

Example (1)
Attacker = Red Dragon - attack type (Fire Breath)
Defender= Archangel - fire resistance 75%, breath resistance 0%

Since red dragons have a combination of attack type, then the Archangel's resistance would be (75%+0%)/2 = 37.5%
In the case you used scroll of protection from fire item which gives +50% fire resist, it would be ((75%+50%)+0%)/2 -->((125%)+0%) --> 125% will round down to 100% --> (100%+0%) = 50%

Example (2)
Attacker = Salamander - attack type (Fire)
Defender= Archangel - fire resistance 75%+50%(scroll of protection from fire)

Archangel fire resistance = 125% --> round down to 100%

Edit: Sorry for posting in english,
I only understand spanish abit and using translator

Cita de: goltem en Mayo 14, 2008, 10:25:41 AM
magos Frost id 14 y yamiyama id 15 

cuando  lo haran miembros de la santa inquicision porque solo laboran en el super ?

es o son magos tramposos

y ademas confesos en el foro

siemrpe he apoyado la actuacion del concilio  pero a veces es deseperante que no se haga nada

estos tios solo molestan a mi clan y tienen nap con el clan que los hecho por tramposos Lord DArk actuo de acuerdo a su experiencia y elogio su decision de hecharlos pero que hace el juego pa limpiar el servidor de esta clase de tramposos

que los borren y que se han cuentas nuevas

solo joden a mi gente por haberlos denunciado publicamente y no es que sean tan importantes sus ataques pero si molesta que sigan jugando

stop whining because we are NOT CHEATING!!!
you are just degrading your reputation with your false accusations
mind your own mage and play fair, dont use the forum to post non-sense things like this if you dont have evidence or proof.

PS. I dont know what you are trying to say in your private message and you dont have to know what my country is.

Server ager - Union del honor / Re: multimago en LDP
Abril 25, 2008, 12:28:45 PM
so disappointing
Server ager - Union del honor / Re: multimago en LDP
Abril 25, 2008, 12:09:40 PM
Go ahead, check the ip's from the time we created our mages till the last time we played.
You can see that there are times that we have same and different ip's.

From my knowledge, multimage means a person is playing more than one mages.
wherein we only play one mage each and it happens that we play in the office and in our own houses.
Server ager - Union del honor / Re: multimago en LDP
Abril 24, 2008, 05:21:38 PM

I came here to answer your doubts and post my concern.

1. I play as Frost, I have been playing this game since the mari archmage.
2. Yavimaya is my office mate and im teaching him how to play this game and also, this is his first reset.
    We play in our office(during break periods) and also in our own houses.
3. I play this game as my past time and to establish friendship with other people.
4. I play 100% clean and I don't to cheat just to gain power and fame. Besides, I don't have enough time to play, I already abandoned my mages in super blitz and blitz because I'm very much busy in my work right now. That is why i only play in a slow server.
5. What do you mean by coordinated attack? I attack all mages within my range.

If you have any more questions or clarifications. Just post it here.
oh i see. never mind then.
by the way, i lost all my heroes. darn god...he gave me meteor storm
at least i managed my mage to survive.
Server: 1-Blitz Guild
Relationships to Gods: All Neutral

Blue Mage: Frost Spectral (#6)

Also, the upkeep of the Merchant is 15000Geld/240Mana and he is only giving 7000+ geld.

Gold     63,718,191
Net Income     1,509     89     -3,628

2008-03-23 00:02:57
< Turn 1536 >
You gained -2,891 gold 89 m. p. -3,760 people
You have earned7576 gold
You are under the effect of the Spell Concentration

Gold     63,719,700
Net Income     2,866     89     -3,684

2008-03-23 00:07:23
< Turn 1537 >
You gained -5,805 gold 89 m. p. 1,607 people
You have earned7314 gold
You are under the effect of the Spell Concentration

I have a lvl14 Merchant.
63,719,700 - 63,718,191 = 1509

This means that the geld i receive from my merchant does not add.
Errores ( bugs ) reparados / bubble wine
Marzo 13, 2008, 08:59:47 AM

yep, it decreases the hp instead of accuracy.
it should increase the attack,counterattack and gives +30%hp bonus
Unidades / Doble tiempo, spell level y otros
Marzo 11, 2008, 12:52:59 PM
they are working fine.
you can kill at least 2~4 dragons in a regular attack.

[Editado el titulo para seguir con el hilo. Saludos]
battle report
Ayuda con el juego / Re: que dificil es morirse隆
Marzo 02, 2008, 03:00:38 PM
destroy some of your fortress before casting meteor storm/death and decay on yourself.

Assault Result

Invader(#1)'s 158 militia are slain during battle.
Defender(#2) sufri贸 perdidas de 129 unidades militia durante la batalla. -> Defender(#2)'s 129 militia are slain during the battle.


el defensor perdi贸 60965 unidades y tu perdiste 57465/214287
Tu ataque fue exitoso, obtuviste 59 acres y destruiste 119 hect谩reas de tierras.
defensor perdi贸 m谩s poder que tu durante la batalla.

The defender lost 60965 units while you lost 57456/214287
Your attack was successful, you gained 59 acres while destroying 119 acres of lands.
Defender lost more power than you during the battle.
yep, very old topic. i might need to practice blue for now and use those leviathans  ^_^
Server mega blitz- Union del honor / Re: Arma....
Diciembre 06, 2007, 12:51:23 PM
Cita de: Zancudo en Diciembre 05, 2007, 03:38:38 PM
bueno. aca estamos...a duras penas quede top 10.

Phalastar me resultaste mas duro de lo que pense y fue solo mala suerte tuya haber caido en lack, que por supuesto aproveche de la mejor forma posible.
y aun no paro de reir con tu frase ""me la metio hasta el higadillo"

pero como dicen a tierras mal habidas, poco duran.

salto el aprovechado de spectral y cobro su comision.
el muy desgraciado me robo 5000 acres y me dejo un ejercito destruido.

ahora...porque ocurrio eso...simplemente porque en el tiempo que fui tester no probe que la asignacion no funcionaba al 200%

deje todos mis fracos que con paciencia reuni durante el reset para el tan anhelado momento para que saltaran al 200%
y como tenis 5.000.000 de mana sobrante. me dije a mi mismo
mismo: deja infierno care' raja para que les duela

los cuales obviamente tambien deje al 200%.

mayuscula fue la sorpresa cuando voy viendo mi reino en pelotas y vi que no salto nada de la gran asignacion. aun estaban mis frascos amontonados y mi mana intacto.

asi que rapidito la cambie la asignacion nuevamente, pero ahora sobre 100% que se que funciona.

y por lo menos le lleve un heroe a la tumba junto a 100000 ninfas.

muy movido hasta el final.

Buen reset a todos.

your defense assignments are working very well.
i only used my faerie dragons and phoenix to attack you because they have very high resistance to inferno and high initiative  :wacko:
Server mega blitz- Union del honor / Re: Arma....
Diciembre 04, 2007, 04:51:49 PM
2nd attack
Invader Spectral(#6)

Name  - # of Units  Attack Type  P. Attack  Counter  Extra Type  P. Extra  Hit Points 
faerie dragon  1,093,480 breath magic 222(5) 0 (0) 0 67
gorilla  890,272 melee 694(1) 172 (0) 0 534
sheep  21,751,180 melee 29(1) 0 (0) 0 18
efreeti  22,661 fire ranged 8,700(4) 1,392 magic ranged(2) 4000 3,744
wraith  41,545 magic paralyze 2,580(2) 0 (0) 0 1,040
nymph  178,956 ranged psychic 940(3) 0 (0) 0 167
dryad  405,878 magic ranged 258(3) 0 (0) 0 73
mind ripper  7,806 magic ranged 6,520(3) 3,260 ranged psychic(3) 8000 5,800
dark elf magician  100,188 magic ranged 753(3) 0 (0) 0 104
chimera  4,851 melee 5,600(1) 672 fire breath(3) 5000 1,560
squirrel  1,130 melee 29(1) 0 (0) 0 18

Defender 0.0(#46)

Name - # of Units Attack Type P. Attack Counter Extra Type P. Extra Hit Points
faerie dragon  ???? breath magic 213(5) 0 (0) 0 66
phoenix  ???? magic 156,000(1) 31,200 magic ranged(5) 300000 77,350
wraith  ???? magic paralyze 2,496(2) 0 (0) 0 1,040
unicorn  ???? magic 3,640(2) 728 melee(3) 1000 2,763
treant  ???? melee 12,825(1) 5,130 melee(1) 2500 8,475
vampire  ???? magic paralyze 5,460(1) 1,820 magic ranged(3) 6000 4,973
elven magician  ???? magic ranged 488(3) 0 (0) 0 104
efreeti  ???? fire ranged 8,000(4) 1,280 magic ranged(2) 4000 3,366
chimera  ???? melee 5,475(1) 657 fire breath(3) 5000 1,560
nymph  ???? ranged psychic 978(3) 0 (0) 0 156

  • [-]

  • Invader: hero Shieldmaiden starts to command unit faerie dragon.
    Invader: hero Shaman starts to command unit gorilla.
    Invader: hero Priestess starts to command unit sheep.
    Invader: hero Bard starts to command unit efreeti.
    Invader: hero Crypt Keeper starts to command unit wraith.
    Invader: hero Amazon starts to command unit nymph.
    Invader: hero White Knight starts to command unit dryad.
    Invader: hero Shepherdess starts to command unit mind ripper.
    Invader: hero Dread Knight starts to command unit dark elf magician.
    Invader: hero Veteran starts to command unit chimera.

    Defender: hero Witch starts to command unit faerie dragon.
    Defender: hero Vampire Hunter starts to command unit phoenix.
    Defender: hero Shaman starts to command unit wraith.
    Defender: hero Shieldmaiden starts to command unit unicorn.
    Defender: hero Necromancer starts to command unit treant.
    Defender: hero Crypt Keeper starts to command unit vampire.
    Defender: hero Amazon starts to command unit elven magician.
    Defender: hero Dragon Knight starts to command unit efreeti.
    Defender: hero Enchantress starts to command unit chimera.
    Defender: hero Berserker starts to command unit nymph.
    La Pared de Espinas de hero invasor Shaman atrap贸 a tu enemigo.
    hero invasor Summoner convoc贸 a las ardillas para bailar alrededor de tus enemigos.
    El valor de hero invasor Veteran aument贸 el poder de pelea de tus unidades.
    El valor de hero invasor White Knight aument贸 el poder de pelea de tus unidades.
    El valor de hero invasor Amazon aument贸 el poder de pelea de tus unidades.
    El valor de hero invasor Valkyrie aument贸 el poder de pelea de tus unidades.
    El valor de hero invasor Dragon Knight aument贸 el poder de pelea de tus unidades.
    El valor de hero invasor Berserker aument贸 el poder de pelea de tus unidades.
    El valor de hero invasor Dread Knight aument贸 el poder de pelea de tus unidades.
    La capacidad de reuni贸n de hero invasor Shieldmaiden increment贸 los puntos por batalla de tus unidades.
    hero invasor Berserker provoc贸 un estado de locura en tus unidades al atacar.
    hero invasor Amazon provoc贸 un estado de locura en tus unidades al atacar.
    hero invasor Shieldmaiden san贸 tus unidades.
    hero invasor Priestess san贸 tus unidades.
    Las t谩cticas de hero invasor Shieldmaiden aumentaron tu precisi贸n en la batalla.
    Las t谩cticas de hero invasor Warlord aumentaron tu precisi贸n en la batalla.
    hero invasor Enchantress hechiz贸 las armas de tus unidades.
    Las canciones de hero invasor Bard aumentaron la habilidad de ataque de tu unidad y disminuyeron la de tu enemigo.
    hero invasor Amazon comanda tus animales en el campo de batalla.
    hero invasor Crypt Keeper san贸 a tus no-muertos.
    hero invasor Necromancer san贸 a tus no-muertos.
    hero invasor Dragon Knight gui贸 al drag贸n a la batalla.
    Todos tus enemigos vieron a hero invasor Dread Knight con temor.
    hero invasor Priestess convirti贸 a los no-muertos del enemigo.
    hero invasor Dread Knight elev贸 tu resistencia a los ataques santos con esta barrera profana.
    hero invasor Valkyrie invoc贸 "escudo de hielo".
    hero invasor White Knight dio a tus unidades la capacidad de "Verdugo de Dragones"
    La Pared de Espinas de hero defensor Shaman atrap贸 a tu enemigo.
    Las canciones de hero defensor Bard aumentaron la habilidad de ataque de tu unidad y disminuyeron la de tu enemigo.
    Todos tus enemigos vieron a hero defensor Dread Knight con temor.
    hero defensor Shepherdess dom贸 los animales del enemigo.
    hero defensor Witch maldijo a tu enemigo.
    El valor de hero defensor White Knight aument贸 el poder de pelea de tus unidades.
    El valor de hero defensor Veteran aument贸 el poder de pelea de tus unidades.
    El valor de hero defensor Amazon aument贸 el poder de pelea de tus unidades.
    El valor de hero defensor Dragon Knight aument贸 el poder de pelea de tus unidades.
    El valor de hero defensor Berserker aument贸 el poder de pelea de tus unidades.
    El valor de hero defensor Valkyrie aument贸 el poder de pelea de tus unidades.
    El valor de hero defensor Dread Knight aument贸 el poder de pelea de tus unidades.
    La capacidad de reuni贸n de hero defensor Shieldmaiden increment贸 los puntos por batalla de tus unidades.
    hero defensor Berserker provoc贸 un estado de locura en tus unidades al atacar.
    hero defensor Amazon provoc贸 un estado de locura en tus unidades al atacar.
    hero defensor Shieldmaiden san贸 tus unidades.
    Las t谩cticas de hero defensor Warlord aumentaron tu precisi贸n en la batalla.
    Las t谩cticas de hero defensor Shieldmaiden aumentaron tu precisi贸n en la batalla.
    hero defensor Enchantress hechiz贸 las armas de tus unidades.
    hero defensor Necromancer san贸 a tus no-muertos.
    hero defensor Crypt Keeper san贸 a tus no-muertos.
    hero defensor Shaman empieza a ejercer "Control de Plantas" sobre tus unidades arb贸reas.
    hero defensor Dragon Knight gui贸 al drag贸n a la batalla.
    hero defensor Vampire Hunter convirti贸 a los no-muertos del enemigo.
    hero defensor Dread Knight elev贸 tu resistencia a los ataques santos con esta barrera profana.
    hero defensor Valkyrie invoc贸 "escudo de hielo".
    hero defensor Vampire Hunter dio a tus unidades la capacidad "Caza Vampiros".
    hero defensor Vampire Hunter dio a tus unidades la capacidad "Cazador de Demonios".

    El Invasor uso el Item Ash of Invisibility
    El Invasor uso el spell Enlarge Animal

    El defensor uso el Item Ash of Invisibility
    El defensor uso el spell Gravity Pull

    [112] Han muerto 370 wraith
    [112] Han muerto 93 chimera
    [112] Han muerto 1130 squirrel
    Hero defensor us贸 Turn Undead y caus贸 la muerte de 254 wraith
    Hero invasor us贸 Turn Undead y caus贸 la muerte de 33 vampire
    Hero invasor us贸 Turn Undead y caus贸 la muerte de 158 wraith
    1 - faerie dragon vs faerie dragon
    2 - gorilla vs unicorn
    3 - sheep vs treant
    4 - efreeti vs phoenix
    5 - wraith vs elven magician
    6 - nymph vs wraith
    7 - dryad vs vampire
    8 - mind ripper vs efreeti
    9 - dark elf magician vs chimera
    10 - chimera vs nymph
    1 - faerie dragon vs faerie dragon
    2 - phoenix vs gorilla
    3 - wraith vs sheep
    4 - unicorn vs efreeti
    5 - treant vs wraith
    6 - vampire vs nymph
    7 - elven magician vs dryad
    8 - efreeti vs mind ripper
    9 - chimera vs dark elf magician
    10 - nymph vs chimera

    Assault Note

    0.0(#46)'s faerie dragon attacked Spectral(#6)'s, faerie dragon
    0.0(#46)'s faerie dragon slew Spectral(#6)'s 296611 faerie dragon units.
    El hero Witch ataca a la unidad faerie dragon eliminando a 32

    faerie dragon's counter strike failed.
    Spectral(#6)'s faerie dragon attacked 0.0(#46)'s faerie dragon
    Spectral(#6)'s faerie dragon units slew 0.0(#46)'s 392112 faerie dragon units..
    El hero Shieldmaiden ataca a la unidad faerie dragon eliminando a 9

    0.0(#46)'s phoenix attacked Spectral(#6)'s, gorilla
    0.0(#46)'s phoenix slew Spectral(#6)'s 37754 gorilla units.
    El hero Vampire Hunter ataca a la unidad gorilla eliminando a 14
    Invasor con gorilla contra ataca a phoenix eliminando 19

    Spectral(#6)'s gorilla attacked 0.0(#46)'s unicorn
    Spectral(#6)'s gorilla units slew 0.0(#46)'s 10415 unicorn units..
    El hero Shaman ataca a la unidad unicorn su atake ha fallado
    0.0(#46)'s unicorn struck back Spectral(#6)'s gorilla
    0.0(#46)'s unicorn units slew Spectral(#6)'s 5731 gorilla units.

    0.0(#46)'s phoenix attacked Spectral(#6)'s, gorilla
    0.0(#46)'s phoenix slew Spectral(#6)'s 52240 gorilla units.

    0.0(#46)'s wraith attacked Spectral(#6)'s, sheep
    0.0(#46)'s wraith slew Spectral(#6)'s 3458247 sheep units.
    El hero Shaman ataca a la unidad sheep eliminando a 112
    Defender's are paralyzed, making them unable to counter strike.

    Spectral(#6)'s sheep attacked 0.0(#46)'s treant
    Spectral(#6)'s sheep units slew 0.0(#46)'s 4033 treant units..
    El hero Priestess ataca a la unidad treant su atake ha fallado
    0.0(#46)'s treant struck back Spectral(#6)'s sheep
    0.0(#46)'s treant units slew Spectral(#6)'s 1224765 sheep units.

    Spectral(#6)'s efreeti attacked 0.0(#46)'s phoenix
    Spectral(#6)'s efreeti units slew 0.0(#46)'s 28 phoenix units..
    El hero Bard ataca a la unidad phoenix su atake ha fallado
    counter strike failed.

    0.0(#46)'s unicorn attacked Spectral(#6)'s, efreeti
    0.0(#46)'s unicorn slew Spectral(#6)'s 5373 efreeti units.
    El hero Shieldmaiden ataca a la unidad efreeti su atake ha fallado
    Invasor con efreeti contra ataca a unicorn eliminando 504

    Spectral(#6)'s efreeti attacked 0.0(#46)'s, phoenix
    Spectral(#6)'s efreeti slew 0.0(#46)'s 55 phoenix units.

    0.0(#46)'s unicorn attacked Spectral(#6)'s, efreeti
    0.0(#46)'s unicorn slew Spectral(#6)'s 281 efreeti units.

    Spectral(#6)'s wraith attacked 0.0(#46)'s elven magician
    Spectral(#6)'s wraith units slew 0.0(#46)'s 65867 elven magician units..
    El hero Crypt Keeper ataca a la unidad elven magician eliminando a 18
    Defender's are paralyzed, making them unable to counter strike.

    0.0(#46)'s treant attacked Spectral(#6)'s, wraith
    0.0(#46)'s treant slew Spectral(#6)'s 34571 wraith units.
    El hero Necromancer ataca a la unidad wraith eliminando a 3

    0.0(#46)'s treant attacked Spectral(#6)'s, wraith
    0.0(#46)'s treant slew Spectral(#6)'s 6347 wraith units.

    wraith's counter strike failed.
    Spectral(#6)'s nymph attacked 0.0(#46)'s wraith
    Spectral(#6)'s nymph units slew 0.0(#46)'s 30825 wraith units..
    El hero Amazon ataca a la unidad wraith eliminando a 3
    counter strike failed.

    0.0(#46)'s vampire attacked Spectral(#6)'s, nymph
    0.0(#46)'s vampire slew Spectral(#6)'s 15957 nymph units.
    El hero Crypt Keeper ataca a la unidad nymph eliminando a 19
    Defender's are paralyzed, making them unable to counter strike.

    0.0(#46)'s vampire attacked Spectral(#6)'s, nymph
    0.0(#46)'s vampire slew Spectral(#6)'s 19947 nymph units.

    0.0(#46)'s elven magician attacked Spectral(#6)'s, dryad
    0.0(#46)'s elven magician slew Spectral(#6)'s 96263 dryad units.
    El hero Amazon ataca a la unidad dryad eliminando a 74
    El contraataque no fue posible.

    Spectral(#6)'s dryad attacked 0.0(#46)'s vampire
    Spectral(#6)'s dryad units slew 0.0(#46)'s 644 vampire units..
    El hero White Knight ataca a la unidad vampire eliminando a 1
    counter strike failed.

    0.0(#46)'s efreeti attacked Spectral(#6)'s, mind ripper
    0.0(#46)'s efreeti slew Spectral(#6)'s 439 mind ripper units.
    El hero Dragon Knight ataca a la unidad mind ripper su atake ha fallado
    El contraataque no fue posible.

    Spectral(#6)'s mind ripper attacked 0.0(#46)'s efreeti
    Spectral(#6)'s mind ripper units slew 0.0(#46)'s 1765 efreeti units..
    El hero Shepherdess ataca a la unidad efreeti su atake ha fallado
    counter strike failed.

    0.0(#46)'s efreeti attacked Spectral(#6)'s, mind ripper
    0.0(#46)'s efreeti slew Spectral(#6)'s 147 mind ripper units.

    Spectral(#6)'s mind ripper attacked 0.0(#46)'s, efreeti
    Spectral(#6)'s mind ripper slew 0.0(#46)'s 1698 efreeti units.

    0.0(#46)'s chimera attacked Spectral(#6)'s, dark elf magician
    0.0(#46)'s chimera slew Spectral(#6)'s 9321 dark elf magician units.
    El hero Enchantress ataca a la unidad dark elf magician eliminando a 7

    dark elf magician's counter strike failed.
    Spectral(#6)'s dark elf magician attacked 0.0(#46)'s chimera
    Spectral(#6)'s dark elf magician units slew 0.0(#46)'s 4751 chimera units..
    El hero Dread Knight ataca a la unidad chimera su atake ha fallado
    counter strike failed.

    0.0(#46)'s nymph attacked Spectral(#6)'s, chimera
    0.0(#46)'s nymph slew Spectral(#6)'s 4758 chimera units.
    El hero Berserker ataca a la unidad chimera su atake ha fallado
    El contraataque no fue posible.

    Invasor : Resucitaron 80093 faerie dragon
    Invasor : Resucitaron 25849 gorilla
    Invasor : Resucitaron 1264443 sheep
    Invasor : Resucitaron 621 efreeti
    Invasor : Resucitaron 9699 nymph
    Invasor : Resucitaron 26010 dryad
    Invasor : Resucitaron 158 mind ripper
    Invasor : Resucitaron 2518 dark elf magician
    Defensor: Resucitaron 35290 faerie dragon
    Defensor: Resucitaron 29 phoenix
    Defensor: Resucitaron 9295 wraith
    Defensor: 2959 wraith are created through battle
    Defensor: Resucitaron 982 unicorn
    Defensor: Resucitaron 362 treant
    Defensor: Resucitaron 203 vampire
    Defensor: 60 vampire are created through battle
    Defensor: Resucitaron 5929 elven magician
    Defensor: Resucitaron 311 efreeti

    Assault Result

    Spectral(#6)'s 216550 faerie dragon are slain during battle.
    Spectral(#6)'s 69890 gorilla are slain during battle.
    Spectral(#6)'s 3418681 sheep are slain during battle.
    Spectral(#6)'s 5033 efreeti are slain during battle.
    Spectral(#6)'s 41545 wraith are slain during battle.

    El heroe Crypt Keeper ha muerto en batalla
    [Crypt Keeper]Spectral(#6)'s 26224 nymph are slain during battle.
    Spectral(#6)'s 70327 dryad are slain during battle.
    Spectral(#6)'s 428 mind ripper are slain during battle.
    Spectral(#6)'s 6810 dark elf magician are slain during battle.
    Spectral(#6)'s 4851 chimera are slain during battle.

    El heroe Veteran ha muerto en batalla
    [Veteran]0.0(#46) sufri贸 perdidas de 356831 unidades faerie dragon durante la batalla.
    0.0(#46) sufri贸 perdidas de 73 unidades phoenix durante la batalla.
    0.0(#46) sufri贸 perdidas de 18732 unidades wraith durante la batalla.
    0.0(#46) sufri贸 perdidas de 9937 unidades unicorn durante la batalla.
    0.0(#46) sufri贸 perdidas de 3671 unidades treant durante la batalla.
    0.0(#46) sufri贸 perdidas de 415 unidades vampire durante la batalla.
    0.0(#46) sufri贸 perdidas de 59956 unidades elven magician durante la batalla.
    0.0(#46) sufri贸 perdidas de 3152 unidades efreeti durante la batalla.
    0.0(#46) sufri贸 perdidas de 4751 unidades chimera durante la batalla.

    El heroe Enchantress ha muerto en batalla

    el defensor perdi贸 457518 unidades y tu perdiste 3860339/24496817
    Tu ataque fue exitoso, obtuviste 794 acres y destruiste 1589 hect谩reas de tierras.
    defensor perdi贸 m谩s poder que tu durante la batalla.

Server mega blitz- Union del honor / Re: Arma....
Diciembre 04, 2007, 04:50:54 PM
First Attack - Regular
Second Attack - Regular
Here's your breps
I only saved two

Invader Spectral(#6)

Name  - # of Units  Attack Type  P. Attack  Counter  Extra Type  P. Extra  Hit Points 
faerie dragon  1,495,295 breath magic 222(5) 0 (0) 0 67
gorilla  1,016,108 melee 694(1) 172 (0) 0 534
sheep  24,237,876 melee 29(1) 0 (0) 0 18
efreeti  26,347 fire ranged 8,900(4) 1,424 magic ranged(2) 4000 3,906
wraith  65,358 magic paralyze 2,580(2) 0 (0) 0 1,040
mind ripper  11,613 magic ranged 6,480(3) 3,240 ranged psychic(3) 8000 5,575
nymph  206,112 ranged psychic 874(3) 0 (0) 0 167
dryad  552,081 magic ranged 258(3) 0 (0) 0 73
elven magician  150,000 magic ranged 503(3) 0 (0) 0 104
dark elf magician  106,669 magic ranged 707(3) 0 (0) 0 104
squirrel  1,590 melee 29(1) 0 (0) 0 18

Defender 0.0(#46)

Name - # of Units Attack Type P. Attack Counter Extra Type P. Extra Hit Points
faerie dragon  ???? breath magic 213(5) 0 (0) 0 66
wraith  ???? magic paralyze 2,496(2) 0 (0) 0 1,040
phoenix  ???? magic 168,000(1) 33,600 magic ranged(5) 300000 72,800
chimera  ???? melee 5,475(1) 657 fire breath(3) 5000 1,560
unicorn  ???? magic 3,640(2) 728 melee(3) 1000 2,763
treant  ???? melee 12,500(1) 5,000 melee(1) 2500 8,475
vampire  ???? magic paralyze 5,460(1) 1,820 magic ranged(3) 6000 4,973
efreeti  ???? fire ranged 8,350(4) 1,336 magic ranged(2) 4000 3,744
elven magician  ???? magic ranged 520(3) 0 (0) 0 104
mind ripper  ???? magic ranged 5,960(3) 2,980 ranged psychic(3) 8000 5,700

  • [-]

  • Invader: hero Shieldmaiden starts to command unit faerie dragon.
    Invader: hero Shaman starts to command unit gorilla.
    Invader: hero Priestess starts to command unit sheep.
    Invader: hero Bard starts to command unit efreeti.
    Invader: hero Crypt Keeper starts to command unit wraith.
    Invader: hero Amazon starts to command unit mind ripper.
    Invader: hero White Knight starts to command unit nymph.
    Invader: hero Shepherdess starts to command unit dryad.
    Invader: hero Dread Knight starts to command unit elven magician.
    Invader: hero Veteran starts to command unit dark elf magician.

    Defender: hero Witch starts to command unit faerie dragon.
    Defender: hero Vampire Hunter starts to command unit wraith.
    Defender: hero Shaman starts to command unit phoenix.
    Defender: hero Shieldmaiden starts to command unit chimera.
    Defender: hero Necromancer starts to command unit unicorn.
    Defender: hero Crypt Keeper starts to command unit treant.
    Defender: hero Amazon starts to command unit vampire.
    Defender: hero Dragon Knight starts to command unit efreeti.
    Defender: hero Enchantress starts to command unit elven magician.
    Defender: hero Berserker starts to command unit mind ripper.
    La Pared de Espinas de hero invasor Shaman atrap贸 a tu enemigo.
    hero invasor Summoner convoc贸 a las ardillas para bailar alrededor de tus enemigos.
    El valor de hero invasor Veteran aument贸 el poder de pelea de tus unidades.
    El valor de hero invasor White Knight aument贸 el poder de pelea de tus unidades.
    El valor de hero invasor Amazon aument贸 el poder de pelea de tus unidades.
    El valor de hero invasor Valkyrie aument贸 el poder de pelea de tus unidades.
    El valor de hero invasor Dragon Knight aument贸 el poder de pelea de tus unidades.
    El valor de hero invasor Berserker aument贸 el poder de pelea de tus unidades.
    El valor de hero invasor Dread Knight aument贸 el poder de pelea de tus unidades.
    La capacidad de reuni贸n de hero invasor Shieldmaiden increment贸 los puntos por batalla de tus unidades.
    hero invasor Berserker provoc贸 un estado de locura en tus unidades al atacar.
    hero invasor Amazon provoc贸 un estado de locura en tus unidades al atacar.
    hero invasor Shieldmaiden san贸 tus unidades.
    hero invasor Priestess san贸 tus unidades.
    Las t谩cticas de hero invasor Shieldmaiden aumentaron tu precisi贸n en la batalla.
    Las t谩cticas de hero invasor Warlord aumentaron tu precisi贸n en la batalla.
    hero invasor Enchantress hechiz贸 las armas de tus unidades.
    hero invasor Amazon comanda tus animales en el campo de batalla.
    hero invasor Crypt Keeper san贸 a tus no-muertos.
    hero invasor Necromancer san贸 a tus no-muertos.
    Las canciones de hero invasor Bard aumentaron la habilidad de ataque de tu unidad y disminuyeron la de tu enemigo.
    Todos tus enemigos vieron a hero invasor Dread Knight con temor.
    hero invasor Valkyrie lanz贸 "Ciclo de hielo".
    hero invasor Necromancer lanz贸 "Toque Fr铆o".
    hero invasor Priestess convirti贸 a los no-muertos del enemigo.
    hero invasor Dread Knight elev贸 tu resistencia a los ataques santos con esta barrera profana.
    hero invasor Valkyrie invoc贸 "escudo de hielo".
    hero invasor White Knight dio a tus unidades la capacidad de "Verdugo de Dragones"
    La Pared de Espinas de hero defensor Shaman atrap贸 a tu enemigo.
    Todos tus enemigos vieron a hero defensor Dread Knight con temor.
    hero defensor Shepherdess dom贸 los animales del enemigo.
    El valor de hero defensor White Knight aument贸 el poder de pelea de tus unidades.
    El valor de hero defensor Veteran aument贸 el poder de pelea de tus unidades.
    El valor de hero defensor Amazon aument贸 el poder de pelea de tus unidades.
    El valor de hero defensor Berserker aument贸 el poder de pelea de tus unidades.
    El valor de hero defensor Valkyrie aument贸 el poder de pelea de tus unidades.
    El valor de hero defensor Dread Knight aument贸 el poder de pelea de tus unidades.
    El valor de hero defensor Dragon Knight aument贸 el poder de pelea de tus unidades.
    La capacidad de reuni贸n de hero defensor Shieldmaiden increment贸 los puntos por batalla de tus unidades.
    hero defensor Berserker provoc贸 un estado de locura en tus unidades al atacar.
    hero defensor Amazon provoc贸 un estado de locura en tus unidades al atacar.
    hero defensor Shieldmaiden san贸 tus unidades.
    Las t谩cticas de hero defensor Warlord aumentaron tu precisi贸n en la batalla.
    Las t谩cticas de hero defensor Shieldmaiden aumentaron tu precisi贸n en la batalla.
    hero defensor Enchantress hechiz贸 las armas de tus unidades.
    Las canciones de hero defensor Bard aumentaron la habilidad de ataque de tu unidad y disminuyeron la de tu enemigo.
    hero defensor Necromancer san贸 a tus no-muertos.
    hero defensor Crypt Keeper san贸 a tus no-muertos.
    hero defensor Dragon Knight gui贸 al drag贸n a la batalla.
    hero defensor Shaman empieza a ejercer "Control de Plantas" sobre tus unidades arb贸reas.
    hero defensor Illusionist conjur贸 "Estallido Mental".
    hero defensor Valkyrie lanz贸 "Ciclo de hielo".
    hero defensor Vampire Hunter convirti贸 a los no-muertos del enemigo.
    hero defensor Dread Knight elev贸 tu resistencia a los ataques santos con esta barrera profana.
    hero defensor Valkyrie invoc贸 "escudo de hielo".
    hero defensor Vampire Hunter dio a tus unidades la capacidad "Caza Vampiros".
    hero defensor Vampire Hunter dio a tus unidades la capacidad "Cazador de Demonios".

    El Invasor trato de usar el Item Ash of Invisibility pero no pudo pasar las barreras
    El Invasor uso el spell Enlarge Animal

    El defensor uso el Item Ash of Invisibility
    El defensor uso el spell Gravity Pull

    [112] Han muerto 288 wraith
    [112] Han muerto 1590 squirrel
    Hero defensor us贸 Turn Undead y caus贸 la muerte de 254 wraith
    Hero defensor us贸 Icicle y caus贸 la muerte de 2 efreeti
    Hero defensor us贸 Mind Blast y caus贸 la muerte de 48 efreeti
    Hero invasor us贸 Turn Undead y caus贸 la muerte de 33 vampire
    Hero invasor us贸 Turn Undead y caus贸 la muerte de 158 wraith
    Hero invasor us贸 Child y caus贸 la muerte de 2 treant
    Hero invasor us贸 Icicle y caus贸 la muerte 1 treant
    1 - faerie dragon vs faerie dragon
    2 - gorilla vs unicorn
    3 - sheep vs treant
    4 - efreeti vs wraith
    5 - wraith vs efreeti
    6 - mind ripper vs phoenix
    7 - nymph vs chimera
    8 - dryad vs vampire
    9 - elven magician vs elven magician
    10 - dark elf magician vs mind ripper
    1 - faerie dragon vs faerie dragon
    2 - wraith vs gorilla
    3 - phoenix vs sheep
    4 - chimera vs efreeti
    5 - unicorn vs wraith
    6 - treant vs mind ripper
    7 - vampire vs nymph
    8 - efreeti vs dryad
    9 - elven magician vs elven magician
    10 - mind ripper vs dark elf magician

    Assault Note

    0.0(#46)'s faerie dragon attacked Spectral(#6)'s, faerie dragon
    0.0(#46)'s faerie dragon slew Spectral(#6)'s 552391 faerie dragon units.
    El hero Witch ataca a la unidad faerie dragon eliminando a 32

    faerie dragon's counter strike failed.
    0.0(#46)'s wraith attacked Spectral(#6)'s, gorilla
    0.0(#46)'s wraith slew Spectral(#6)'s 172364 gorilla units.
    El hero Vampire Hunter ataca a la unidad gorilla eliminando a 14
    Defender's are paralyzed, making them unable to counter strike.

    0.0(#46)'s phoenix attacked Spectral(#6)'s, sheep
    0.0(#46)'s phoenix slew Spectral(#6)'s 1354500 sheep units.
    El hero Shaman ataca a la unidad sheep eliminando a 112

    sheep's counter strike failed.
    0.0(#46)'s phoenix attacked Spectral(#6)'s, sheep
    0.0(#46)'s phoenix slew Spectral(#6)'s 2054578 sheep units.

    0.0(#46)'s chimera attacked Spectral(#6)'s, efreeti
    0.0(#46)'s chimera slew Spectral(#6)'s 2049 efreeti units.
    El hero Shieldmaiden ataca a la unidad efreeti su atake ha fallado
    Invasor con efreeti contra ataca a chimera eliminando 2069

    0.0(#46)'s chimera attacked Spectral(#6)'s, efreeti
    0.0(#46)'s chimera slew Spectral(#6)'s 2949 efreeti units.

    0.0(#46)'s unicorn attacked Spectral(#6)'s, wraith
    0.0(#46)'s unicorn slew Spectral(#6)'s 41929 wraith units.
    El hero Necromancer ataca a la unidad wraith eliminando a 3

    wraith's counter strike failed.
    0.0(#46)'s unicorn attacked Spectral(#6)'s, wraith
    0.0(#46)'s unicorn slew Spectral(#6)'s 1623 wraith units.

    0.0(#46)'s treant attacked Spectral(#6)'s, mind ripper
    0.0(#46)'s treant slew Spectral(#6)'s 3313 mind ripper units.
    El hero Crypt Keeper ataca a la unidad mind ripper su atake ha fallado

    0.0(#46)'s treant attacked Spectral(#6)'s, mind ripper
    0.0(#46)'s treant slew Spectral(#6)'s 1309 mind ripper units.
    Invasor con mind ripper contra ataca a treant eliminando 152

    0.0(#46)'s treant attacked Spectral(#6)'s, mind ripper
    0.0(#46)'s treant slew Spectral(#6)'s 593 mind ripper units.

    0.0(#46)'s vampire attacked Spectral(#6)'s, nymph
    0.0(#46)'s vampire slew Spectral(#6)'s 16522 nymph units.
    El hero Amazon ataca a la unidad nymph eliminando a 26
    Defender's are paralyzed, making them unable to counter strike.

    0.0(#46)'s vampire attacked Spectral(#6)'s, nymph
    0.0(#46)'s vampire slew Spectral(#6)'s 20652 nymph units.

    0.0(#46)'s efreeti attacked Spectral(#6)'s, dryad
    0.0(#46)'s efreeti slew Spectral(#6)'s 90732 dryad units.
    El hero Dragon Knight ataca a la unidad dryad eliminando a 74
    El contraataque no fue posible.

    0.0(#46)'s efreeti attacked Spectral(#6)'s, dryad
    0.0(#46)'s efreeti slew Spectral(#6)'s 109472 dryad units.

    0.0(#46)'s elven magician attacked Spectral(#6)'s, elven magician
    0.0(#46)'s elven magician slew Spectral(#6)'s 69930 elven magician units.
    El hero Enchantress ataca a la unidad elven magician eliminando a 7
    El contraataque no fue posible.

    0.0(#46)'s mind ripper attacked Spectral(#6)'s, dark elf magician
    0.0(#46)'s mind ripper slew Spectral(#6)'s 4009 dark elf magician units.
    El hero Berserker ataca a la unidad dark elf magician eliminando a 25
    El contraataque no fue posible.

    0.0(#46)'s mind ripper attacked Spectral(#6)'s, dark elf magician
    0.0(#46)'s mind ripper slew Spectral(#6)'s 4843 dark elf magician units.

    Spectral(#6)'s faerie dragon attacked 0.0(#46)'s faerie dragon
    Spectral(#6)'s faerie dragon units slew 0.0(#46)'s 463974 faerie dragon units..
    El hero Shieldmaiden ataca a la unidad faerie dragon eliminando a 9

    Spectral(#6)'s efreeti attacked 0.0(#46)'s wraith
    Spectral(#6)'s efreeti units slew 0.0(#46)'s 32440 wraith units..
    El hero Bard ataca a la unidad wraith eliminando a 1
    counter strike failed.

    Spectral(#6)'s mind ripper attacked 0.0(#46)'s phoenix
    Spectral(#6)'s mind ripper units slew 0.0(#46)'s 26 phoenix units..
    El hero Amazon ataca a la unidad phoenix su atake ha fallado
    counter strike failed.

    Spectral(#6)'s mind ripper attacked 0.0(#46)'s, phoenix
    Spectral(#6)'s mind ripper slew 0.0(#46)'s 29 phoenix units.

    Spectral(#6)'s nymph attacked 0.0(#46)'s chimera
    Spectral(#6)'s nymph units slew 0.0(#46)'s 21102 chimera units..
    El hero White Knight ataca a la unidad chimera eliminando a 3
    counter strike failed.

    Spectral(#6)'s dryad attacked 0.0(#46)'s vampire
    Spectral(#6)'s dryad units slew 0.0(#46)'s 651 vampire units..
    El hero Shepherdess ataca a la unidad vampire su atake ha fallado
    counter strike failed.

    Spectral(#6)'s elven magician attacked 0.0(#46)'s elven magician
    Spectral(#6)'s elven magician units slew 0.0(#46)'s 32893 elven magician units..
    El hero Dread Knight ataca a la unidad elven magician eliminando a 115
    counter strike failed.

    Spectral(#6)'s dark elf magician attacked 0.0(#46)'s mind ripper
    Spectral(#6)'s dark elf magician units slew 0.0(#46)'s 1298 mind ripper units..
    El hero Veteran ataca a la unidad mind ripper su atake ha fallado
    counter strike failed.

    Spectral(#6)'s efreeti attacked 0.0(#46)'s, wraith
    Spectral(#6)'s efreeti slew 0.0(#46)'s 18716 wraith units.

    Spectral(#6)'s wraith attacked 0.0(#46)'s efreeti
    Spectral(#6)'s wraith units slew 0.0(#46)'s 2471 efreeti units..
    El hero Crypt Keeper ataca a la unidad efreeti su atake ha fallado
    Defender's are paralyzed, making them unable to counter strike.

    Invasor : Resucitaron 149154 faerie dragon
    Invasor : Resucitaron 46542 gorilla
    Invasor : Resucitaron 920481 sheep
    Invasor : Resucitaron 1362 efreeti
    Invasor : Resucitaron 20284 wraith
    Invasor : Resucitaron 1408 mind ripper
    Invasor : Resucitaron 10044 nymph
    Invasor : Resucitaron 54075 dryad
    Invasor : Resucitaron 18882 elven magician
    Invasor : Resucitaron 2396 dark elf magician
    Defensor: Resucitaron 41758 faerie dragon
    Defensor: Resucitaron 15394 wraith
    Defensor: 4425 wraith are created through battle
    Defensor: Resucitaron 15 phoenix
    Defensor: Resucitaron 2085 chimera
    Defensor: Resucitaron 13 treant
    Defensor: Resucitaron 205 vampire
    Defensor: 62 vampire are created through battle
    Defensor: Resucitaron 222 efreeti
    Defensor: Resucitaron 2970 elven magician
    Defensor: Resucitaron 116 mind ripper

    Assault Result

    Spectral(#6)'s 403269 faerie dragon are slain during battle.
    Spectral(#6)'s 125836 gorilla are slain during battle.
    Spectral(#6)'s 2488709 sheep are slain during battle.
    Spectral(#6)'s 3686 efreeti are slain during battle.
    Spectral(#6)'s 23813 wraith are slain during battle.
    Spectral(#6)'s 3807 mind ripper are slain during battle.
    Spectral(#6)'s 27156 nymph are slain during battle.
    Spectral(#6)'s 146203 dryad are slain during battle.
    Spectral(#6)'s 51055 elven magician are slain during battle.
    Spectral(#6)'s 6481 dark elf magician are slain during battle.
    0.0(#46) sufri贸 perdidas de 422225 unidades faerie dragon durante la batalla.
    0.0(#46) sufri贸 perdidas de 31496 unidades wraith durante la batalla.
    0.0(#46) sufri贸 perdidas de 40 unidades phoenix durante la batalla.
    0.0(#46) sufri贸 perdidas de 21089 unidades chimera durante la batalla.

    0.0(#46) sufri贸 perdidas de 142 unidades treant durante la batalla.
    0.0(#46) sufri贸 perdidas de 417 unidades vampire durante la batalla.
    0.0(#46) sufri贸 perdidas de 2249 unidades efreeti durante la batalla.
    0.0(#46) sufri贸 perdidas de 30038 unidades elven magician durante la batalla.
    0.0(#46) sufri贸 perdidas de 1182 unidades mind ripper durante la batalla.

    el defensor perdi贸 508878 unidades y tu perdiste 3280015/27867459
    Tu ataque fue exitoso, obtuviste 836 acres y destruiste 1672 hect谩reas de tierras.
    defensor perdi贸 m谩s poder que tu durante la batalla.

mega server  ^_^
my shepherdess just got lvl18 and when i checked my status report. nothing has changed in my food production.
peace with should give extra bonus to food production. and i think its not working.
can someone check this out.
Server mega blitz- Union del honor / Re: Uni贸n del honor
Noviembre 15, 2007, 01:56:44 PM
no rules in mega...its a test server and 600turns is alot.
it would be much much fun if guilds are allowed.hehe

my advice:
play hard and smart.
just pray that you wont loose land until protection.
be aware of online attacks/spells, move fast.

good luck
Archivos / Re: Mana Charging with channeling(hero ability)
Noviembre 04, 2007, 02:00:33 PM
oh I see, if it is the same as the merchants trading ability then its working fine. sorry for the post. I just got curious.

thanks for the can close this topic now  :D
Archivos / Mana Charging with channeling(hero ability)
Noviembre 04, 2007, 06:40:47 AM
when I charge for example 10 turns and I have a mana income(with channeling) of 9999 (not net income).
It should give me 99990mana. the problem is that it gives me less than 99990. what I observed is it does not include the mana income from the channeling ability of heroes(shaman, cryptkeeper).

you read and analyze. Look at their mage numbers. plus he uses scrying mirror then multiattack.
such a pathetic loser, all he know is to cheat.

Cita2007-03-23 22:21:00

Te ataco el mago Twee Heeren(#13) !!!

El invasor perdi贸 2 red dragon
El invasor perdi贸 1475 chimera
El invasor perdi贸 6605 pegasus
El invasor perdi贸 319 sprite
El defensor perdio 33 phoenix
El defensor perdio 2379 treant
El defensor perdio 837 mandrake
El defensor perdio 121 nymph

Tu perdiste 3370 unidades y el invasor perdi贸 8401
No pudiste defender tu territorio , perdiste 464 de tierras
Perdiste mas poder que el invasor durante la batalla.

2007-03-23 22:13:08
el mago Zealus(#12) te ha conjurado el hechizo Scrying Mirror

2007-03-23 22:13:02
el mago Zealus(#12) te ha conjurado el hechizo Scrying Mirror

2007-03-23 22:12:54
el mago Zealus(#12) te ha conjurado el hechizo Scrying Mirror

2007-03-23 15:51:32

Te ataco el mago Twee Heeren(#13) !!!

El invasor perdi贸 2 red dragon
El invasor perdi贸 1916 efreeti
El invasor perdi贸 14615 nymph
El invasor perdi贸 4245 faerie dragon
El invasor perdi贸 541 pegasus
El invasor perdi贸 217 hell hound
El invasor perdi贸 748 ghoul
El invasor perdi贸 230 fire giant
El defensor perdio 5 phoenix
El defensor perdio 120 treant
El defensor perdio 1235 mandrake
El defensor perdio 104 gorilla
El defensor perdio 29 creeping vines

Tu perdiste 1493 unidades y el invasor 22514
Bloqueaste exitosamente el ataque
Spells, Items and Heroes / Re: White underpowered?
Marzo 18, 2007, 06:30:15 AM
I merely play at mega for testing/experimenting some stacks. I might play again in super blitz this reset.
you wont use them mostly on offense, and of course with a deep stack, its very hard to get in through.
Spells, Items and Heroes / Re: White underpowered?
Marzo 16, 2007, 08:47:09 AM
yeah lots of them being protected  ^_^
geez, you forgot about leviathans, they are the best in defense when it comes to blue mages
Archivos / militia
Julio 17, 2006, 07:05:40 AM
I recently found out that militia had a modifier of 1. It should be 1.5 because the unit uses melee attack.
Archivos / Re: liches o drakos
Junio 29, 2006, 11:02:32 AM
red dragon pawns any unit it passes
Sala del conocimiento / Re: Wand of the moon
Junio 25, 2006, 09:17:18 AM
I happen to have the wand of the moon... but when I used it.. it failed because of enemy's high barrier
then the item was lost.   :huh:
is it suppose to be a permanent
Sala del conocimiento / Re: Wand of the moon
Junio 25, 2006, 01:50:06 AM
Wand of the moon

The small wand is 1' long, with a metal cresent standing at the top of it. When exposed to moonlight, it will absorb moon energy which can be released in battle to does tremendous damages. Once the energy is released, it cannot be used again until one full moon is passed.

One full moon? Do you mean one month?

It happened again, when satan become neutral... I donated to moon and she casted resist elements on me.
but no resist elements in my mage
I have just donated to satan.
Offer 37,526,595 geld to Satan, Ruler of the Nine Hells
You are now favoured by Satan, Ruler of the Nine Hells
Satan, Ruler of the Nine Hells casted Resist Elements on you!.

when I checked/refresh my status report there was no resist elements casted by satan.

server: super blitz guild
Hall of Knowledge / Re: The White Style
Junio 21, 2006, 07:26:50 AM
yeah, its a very nice guide  &lt;_&lt; and its worth reading for.
I've learned alot from this guide.
black sabbath
they go up? I hit
Hall of Knowledge / The White Style
Junio 06, 2006, 08:34:39 AM
This is guide comes from Maerlyn and posted in the reincarnation UBB
I hope this guide will help you in better playing of white.
Enjoy reading   B)

CitaI played white for a very very long time now. I always been a rankwhore, and most of the time I been rather succesful with it (as long as there was no block beating the ***** out of me)
however, because of countless online BBQs I am done with ranking (hopefully forever).

quite often i been asked by other players about some tipps for white, but never posted any guide on the UBB. well, looks like its time.

the main reason for me to get here were all this dom-geld-mages who usually play white. my style differs a lot. i never ever cast doms, and usually i dont buy heroes. and yes, i play white.

i m not giving you any certain stacking to follow, because it all depends a lot on your land size, the numbers of attacks you get by different colors, your rank, and the time of the reset. so if something i suggest doesnt work well, try another thing. analyse your battles and eliminate the reason why you lost land (if you did)

your topstack should always and under any cicurmstances be AA. (except if you are kickstarting, then I`d suggest SW top for the first 2-2,5 weeks of the reset, but thats a whole different chapter)
AAs will also be your only flier stack for two reasons. phoenix and devils.
in case someone attacks (counters) you with a short stacking and heavy either one of em you ll loose your other flier stack (be it doms, angels or whatsoever) to the burst/counter.

top ground are two possibilities: SW or Unicorn.
usually at the beginning you ll like SWs there, cause you ll get more green attacks, later on you ll like unis because the nethers will become a problem. however, as soon as you can afford to defend with carpet, get unis top ground.

3rd and 4th you want the other one of the two (SW/Uni) and KTs. but this doesnt mean that KTs will always be 4th. experiment with em. in the beginning I'd rather go SW, KTs, Unis, later in the reset Unis, KTs, SWs.

now your stacking is becoming more difficult.
the most save but most likely too expensive version would be to get MRs here. but werebears are doing nice too. you can also get medusas and knights 5th. knights mainly in the beginning of the reset when they come cheap with gate, werebears later. medusas are very nice units, but can be countered hard. so if you use em, CHANGE THEIR POSITION, after every run.
once you use carpet in defense you can have knights higher, because of their large shield.
early on crusaders might do nice too because they are cheap and come in big numbers. and large shield is a good abbility. I dont recommend using paladins, as we will use THL very much anyway. all over because of the new THL I prefer melee type attacks.

as soon as you can afford them titans do REALLY nice in offense. however, they are really expensive to cast, and especially to upkeep. titans should be the last thing you cast (before the THL) and right after attacking you need to disband them. dont forget this or you ll be in income troubles. if you use carpet in defense they can be stacked 5th, if not I would recommend stacking them lower. but most likely once you got enough land to afford the titans you can also affort the carpets.

below this melee stacks you ll need some ranged ones, to counter the pure wraith attackers by fatigueing them (no clue how to spell that) MRs are perfect here. nymphs are nice too (try to get them from the market too) as are SS and PW. just dont stack SS or PW higher than 8, better 9&10, they can easily loose you the battle.
I also like highpriests now, because THL doesnt give holy to ranged anymore, and they got holy all the time. I dont like catapults anymore. they are very expensive and without the holy attack type they dont really work for me.

stack very close. this is important for two tricks you gonna use later on. this means your AAs should be between 9%-11% of your power, your last stack should have between 6%-8% of your power.

as you see it depends a lot on your current position, so i ll advice you on how to get into a good one wink

start the reset with a fast research. (if you dunno how to do a fast one get someone to tell you) you should be done with research somewhere between 1230 and 1400 turns.
then rebuild your country by using lottsa workshops and building farms last. build barrs up to 30-50% protection and get an army. for the beginning gate plus KTs plus HPs and SS and damage items will do well.
defend with BF/satchel.

now try to make as much land as possible. you need to get to 3,5k to 4k fast in order to participate in the top early on. (Edit: and you need to get to the top early on, because there are the most tasty nethers to feed on) for the first run you can attack whoever you want. either start with pure frogs and go for targets with no army, or go for mages with high land/little power ratio and use damage items and the gate army mentioend above.

after you finished your first run get L&P and keep it running ALL THE TIME. recast it 10 turns before it runs out. i start with 44,99% nodes and lower them with the time. i also keep ~10% workshops, depending on how many attacks you can do.
spend all your money on items and in the hatchery. get a few satchels for defense first. and get offensive items like potion o.V., flask of holy water, and if you use MRs, nymphs, SS and stuff use monkey brains. missile shields are good if you loose lottsa battles due to more damage dealt to you.
get some nymphs and MRs in the hatchery, cast the rest.

once you managed to get above 4k land start collecting carpets and build your barrs to max. once you've reached max barrs defend with carpets/BF or carpets/SoL depending if either green or black is the bigger threat. set carpets at 90% because you wont use em when you get devilled. from this moment on you shouldnt loose any land besides to BBQs or lucky online hits.

how to spend your turns:
wait till you got full turns. if you didnt manage to cast THL before you logged of cast it as soon as you can and wait for full turns again.

plan all steps carefully and open all windows, including charging, build, and all casting windows. you need to be very very fast. the higher you are the more people are watching you.
set carpet/bf on defense 50% before you start your run.

plan your attack run carefully. save all battlereps on black mages you get. the best would be if you do this together with your guild (HM always had a collection of stackings of ~90% of the top 200 mages)
I attack only black, and I siege most of the time.
in the first month you ll attack lottsa new mages, later on you will nearly always know what he is stacking.
attack new nether mages (meaning those you dont know the stacking) at the end of your run, because they might end the run sooner than you want. try to increase your breps collection stadily though.
and DONT attack the same mage in two following runs. he might get angry and nethers can do nasty things to you wink

because you stacked close you can now easily attapt your stacking to your targets. you dont want his URs to hit ANYTHING besides your Unis. you never ever want his lichs/efreeti hit your medusas (but you want your medusas to hit them)
you want your units with large shield (KTs, Knights...) be hit by ranged stacks. you want your SWs be hit by units with high primary/low secondary and stuff. and so on and so on. check out your units, check out his units. read BReps and learn.
if you dont know his stacking go for reg (except for the starting run) if you know his stacking, or feel good, go for a siege. your titans got siege anyway, and THL should win you the battle.

doing this you can attack people down to 50% of your usual power, or even lower, and still win.
if you see this tasty all skels/zombies nether 200k below your 80%, disband a few SS or stuff to get there before you need to try this UR/carpet/DoS guy.

done carefully you ll make 300-400 acres per run in the beginning, and once you know your targets, 500-700 acres.

I use web of the spider woman plus one of the mentioned items in attack. web because it is very cheap, nethers tend to use lottsa barrs, white spells are useless due to shroud, and a succesful web can prevent lottsa nether stacks from hitting at all. (Edit: additional nice spells if you need em or know he aint got full barrs are CH and RA)
if you know for sure that he runs no barrs, go for a siege and use carpet. you will win for sure and mostly dont take any damage at all. i love this kinda targets.

you can succefully beat EVERY nether mage who doesnt run full barrs/carpet. some of them need just a little more preparation and a reg instead of a siege.

once you are done dispell THL (forget this once and you are toasted) disband your titans and maybe some other units.
build (nodes first)
manacharge till there are 40-60 (+nr. of barrs to build) turns left (depends on your land size) dont forget to recast L&P if necessary.
build barrs.
cast your units, starting with simple/offcolor first, ending with SWs, gate, titans.
cast THL once you are finished. you can do this with the next 10 turns you get though if needed.
rechange your assignment. to carpets at 90% (you dont want your carpet to be triggered by a devil counter or you ll loose half your army if the nether runs a short stacking)

the next 24hours you are gonna leave your comp running. stay in IRC and let your guild mates/allies have an eye on you to highlight you if you been devilled, because you ll be devilled a lot.
BUT because you stacked so close and run THL you wont loose any land. be careful though to recast your AAs as soon as you been devilled because you might not block the second devil, and will very very likely loose the third one.
this is no big mouth talking. i block 80% of the devil attacks i receive. and once you get the hang on it it makes you thrilled wink

remember, once you passed 5k land its getting dangerous, and once you passed 6k land you ll be devilled after every run.
the most dangerous are the last hours before your counters expire, so stay online then, do some work on the computer, check the BM, and refesh your mage every ten minits wink.

dont overtarget any nether. write nice arrows. if someone feels pissed let him go for a week. you got enough targets. and if he starts multidevilling you and can do three devil attacks you are toasted, because after him all the other counters will come, and whoops, say goodbye to 1k land.

however, if this ever happens, dont give up. you can make a Loooooooot of land with this strat. and i lost lottsa lands to mass-devil-counter-BBQs.

sometimes, when you made too much land in too little time, and pissed of every nether in the top 100 twice in a row, make a break. do one turn-cycle of manacharging. fill your storage. get more MRs and stuff. doesnt hurt once in a while. dont be too greedy.

once youre in the top 10 (and given there is no block who prevents you from doing so you ll be there faster than you can imagine) be very careful. everyone will watch you from now on. so as long as possible i'd suggest you stay at rank ~12. but once its neccesary get up to the top three if possible. you wont receive any randoms there. but you ll receive lottsa online hits. so plan your runs very very exact. do like 2-3 sieges to targets you know and summon up again fast. up there a well done siege will earn you ~150-200 acres, so 2-3 are enough. dont even dare do be greedy, you ll get online BBQed and then countered like hell. everybody likes to jump on the fat top whitey.

now if you really managed to get up there you will have ***** of money (due to your landsize and L&P) dont bother gelding (except for the last 2 weeks before geddon) since L&P wont help then, and you ll have ***** of money anyway. a high lvl alchemist might be good now too, as you got enough mana also.

what you do now depends on your guild. if your guild has got a few gelders/hero heavy mages you should keep bouncing on all those fat nethers that noone else besides you will hit. try to get your hands on a good unique, and maybe some spells now. i dont ever buy MCs because I wanna be a battle mage and wanna help my guild. but buying MCs might be wise here too.

if however you are alone up there, get some heroes. because without the help of your gelding guild members suddenly a hero heavy white will arive and beat the ***** out of you. in this case you are going to get an alchemist first, and then the white heros that wont command your top stack. then a priestess and the rest (warlord, amazon...)
stop attacking nethers then and feet on whatever is tasty. your guild should provide you with sufficant breps about targets you can feed on. every color can be beaten by white (even green) however, if you dont manage to get carpets through his barrs do regs now. adapt your stacking to your new threats/targets/your heros.
be VERY careful if you are alone. do very few attacks, and dont touch the dominating block, or you ll be BBQed faster than you can imagine.

for arma get ~2mrd geld. i am not going into a detailed hall strat now (pretty similar for all colors) but white can lay his hands on many cheap units with much power. SS being great here, and crusaders come in masses for the last recruiting. you should end arma with no pop (because fully recruited) and no geld, little mana left, so plan carefully.

hope this helps and hope you have fun

Unidades / Re: wth! how did he do it?
Junio 05, 2006, 03:46:30 AM
I see, Im running full barriers (2.5%)

I guess im just unlucky that day  ^_^
Unidades / wth! how did he do it?
Junio 04, 2006, 07:46:06 AM
Im just wondering how the hell did I loose all my dominions.
You see, with a net power of 10~15 mil. It is impossible to kill 28 dominions.
Can someone explain how did this happen. Thanks

Cita2006-06-02   21:32:08

Te ataco el mago Shurgan(#25) !!!

El invasor perdi贸 18 efreeti
El invasor perdi贸 359 trained elephant
El invasor perdi贸 56947 frog
El invasor perdi贸 1422 dwarven deathseaker
El invasor perdi贸 91 griffon
El invasor perdi贸 427 assassin
El invasor perdi贸 1769 imp
El invasor perdi贸 275 mandrake
El invasor perdi贸 335 militia
El defensor perdio 28 dominion

El heroe Warlord ha muerto en batalla
El defensor perdio 7 archangel
El defensor perdio 6 unicorn
El defensor perdio 84 knight templar
El defensor perdio 19 spirit warrior
El defensor perdio 318 high priest

Tu perdiste 462 unidades y el invasor perdi贸 61643
No pudiste defender tu territorio , perdiste 170 de tierras
Perdiste mas poder que el invasor durante la batalla.
web of spider+web of spider woman/slow = 3 initiative?
with catapults 4 ini and/or sprites below your stack they will hit first.
Unidades / Re: Red Dragons
Mayo 31, 2006, 08:58:09 PM
I see, thanks for the reply.
so im going to use dominions as a meat shield  :lol:
Unidades / Re: Red Dragons
Mayo 31, 2006, 10:00:58 AM
since its almost impossible to kill a red dragon (execpt a red mage)
what im thinking is to defend.

Citaif you are white the best defend that you can use is Dominions+ resureccion+ lata extra帽a, pure or with AA in the 2潞 stack or using fakes if you haven't heros

if im putting 60 doms+resurrection as my top stack and a red mage with 100 red dragons attacks.
will the red dragons will wipe the doms? if no, how many will survive?
Unidades / Re: Red Dragons
Mayo 30, 2006, 08:58:05 PM
which unit is better to defend against red dragons? archangels or dominions?
never ever attack with cos without a counter! it will screw your mage. use it not more than 2 times unless you want suicide.  :rolleyes:

if a white mage feeds on you everyday.
this might be a solution:
1.set up your mage...
2.cast cos...
3.wait until he attacks you(12 hours)...
4.COUNTER! with devils  :wacko:

Note: check his chronicles to know what time he plays.