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Mensajes - Iratus

Hall of Banquets / where are the foreigners?
Febrero 16, 2006, 01:56:25 AM
The reason most English speakers as you put it left was because certain players of this game was allowed to cheat and others was clearly punished for doing the same or even less. Then when the pressure was on and it was clear that things was going to be fair for all. those within there little click group could not stand for this and ran a hell of a lot of good people off from this game.

Sad really this game has such high hopes if not for a certain few.
interresting julio
James if choose to display facts of council in public at the very least display correct ones

firstly, it was days that council worked on this case.

Second, unlike you I did not take it upon myself to just delete these mages. i spoke with majority of council on msn and irc to get their feelings Firther more before deleting the mage I spoke to frank about about case.

Thirdly, I did not set up seconf vote to cover myself i set up to revist the case after speaking to leader of cobra. And also after speaking to frank again.

fourth, everyone had their vote and was free to make any comments they wished.

If any felt that all or part should have been restored they was free to say so.

but when it was clear that things was not going to go the way you wanted run off to start trouble.

by your actions you are making clear to those fair and honest players just what kind of person you are!
Server Super blitz - Union del honor / Statement
Junio 06, 2005, 05:29:11 AM
Today I am very upset and offended. Certain ones want to try to put the screws to Iratus for an agenda that is for them and not the game. I have been insulted, called names, my honor has been questioned.

Always the same old people attempting to start trouble.

In fact I have spent countless hours working on behalf on this game and the players. Hours after hours I have spent working to make this a game of fair play. My only motivation a belief in">The Lord Archmage game and that this could be the best game to offer to people.

Never once have I slung insults or name calling to any person. I have treated everyone fairly, honesty, with honor and respect. I have always heard everyone that has come to me out. Even those wish to call me names and insults.

In case of cobra I even heard out their Leader. I spoke to him and treated him with all respect and he did the same with me. I made clear to him that I felt case was serious against them. But Made a promise to him that I would offer the case up for reconsideration and a vote. I kept my word to him I did this very thing. The vote did not come out favorable for them, however. Each on council had there vote this could have went wither way. Had the vote been to restore the mage I would have restored them.

I understand the mages who was deleted being upset. Many have in the past have been as well.

But part of my duties is to stand up for the councils decisions.  Many is the time I have not agreed with the finial decision of council. But I still stood behind those decisions. Because I believe in the work of the council as a whole.

This is called honor and character, being a stand up person. It is clear that this is something others lack. They prefer to run away and start a campaign of detraction and insults. I do not and will not names I have more honor than that. But you know who you are. Your the type of person that when do get his/her way you take your toys and go home.

Everyone can continue to sling there insults and name calling I care not. They can even go as far as tell me I am not welcome here and to leave as several have today. None of this will deter me from working to see this a fair and cheat free game.

I seek anyone's approval or kind words my ego is not so small that I require that. I do expect the same amount of respect I give to others, however. But that is too much to ask because it is clear that certain people are too childish to Stop insults and name calling.

I stand proud and tall for the work the council has done. Last set was one of cleanest we had ever had. I will be the first to admit that things are not perfect they never will be. And yes mistakes have been made and when we felt there was a mistake we correct it. But there simply come a time when a decision is made and you have to stand by it.

Truly I only want what is fair and just for those in this game that plays fair and not by cheats. I want what is best for this game which I believe in with all my heart. This is my only motivation and agenda not the falsehoods which have been spouted other with an agenda other than fair play and what is best for this game.

With respect a greeting to all.

Everyone that works on council is none bias and do good work. As I have said before this was majority decision based on evidence those which wanted to make a negative vote on the case had the same opportunity as those who voted to delete.

many the time on council have I not agreed with decision made. But majority ruled.

Also never during those times did I come forward and say that council is scandalous.

Friendships and other motivations never enter any decision which I make.  And I am offended that any would even suggest such a thing about Council.

Each has the right to his views. But however if to publicly come and attempt to make council look bad just because one did not get his way shows to me lack of judgment and character on that ones part.

I also find it disingenuous on some people parts that they would defend the actions of some and not others.

Where was the outrage in the past when others was deleted? And might I add for the very same thing. Entire guilds in the past and not a word. No because some have a bias and it not the Council.

None has a problem when it not them being deleted.

All on Council looked at case and made their decision. We see the evidence and others don't.

You can rant and rave falsehoods. You can even call names and attack the honor of those just doing their job. But the fact remains as I have said many times if you don't cheat you will not be deleted.

It is clear what the attempted agenda is here. A certain group in the players in the community wants it so a certain group can cheat and others not. Well, that's just not going to happen.  This game is for the fair players and the others can go play somewhere they can cheat.
Loky it is hour thet cheating players assume responsibility. Council fullfills its everyday. The bitter ramblimgs of those that cant cheat any more with have no impact on a thing.

follow the rules dont cheat and you will not ne deleted. Of you cant do this dont play the game.
Overtime a decision is made that someone does not like certain people want to cry unfair and unjust. They wish to point fingers at people and claim that they have motives. The only motive of the council is to provide a cheat free game.

Everyone on council send many hours at this work.all are just and do their work without bias.

The fact is there is a certain fraction within the gaming community which does not want the cheating to stop. The motivation is on their part because without cheating they would not be such good players.

I suppose that if those that cheat would put more time into playing the game fairly as they do cheating they would become a better player.

It is not the council or any member of this council which does not want to provide evidence to the community it is the rules established by the game owners.

I understand that people would defend their friends. However pointing fingers and attempting to change the actual issue from that of cheating to that of others honors is wrong.

The fact is that all council has spent many hours on this case and decision is one of majority not anyone person.

I do not understand why certain people in this community wants to defend cheating. It makes me pause and consider their motivation. Like it or not the Council is not going to change. Cheating will be dealt with.

My best advise to everyone is to play the game fairly and by the rules and none will have reason to worry about being deleted and leave the name calling out of it.
Server Super blitz - Union del honor / COBRA Borrado
Junio 03, 2005, 02:05:54 AM
Matters of Council not discussed in public.

None expects a cheater to admit his gult. but instead to offer excuses and falsehoods

If people are leaving the game of The Lord becaus they are not allowed to vheat here then the goal of being a cheat free fame is being obtained.

It is simple really play fair and dont cheat.

It is much better to have a game of fewer than a game full of cheating.

Being as all cases of Council it would be impossiblefor anyone to speculate the evidance or reasons for a mage being deleted.
Noticias / Announcement of Council
Junio 02, 2005, 11:58:33 PM
Today as Council Admin. it became necessary to take a coarse of action which had significant repercussions for an entire guild and somewhat the make up of the Super Blitz Server.

Because of this action I am aware that there will be much rumors and speculation by many. While it is Councils normal procedure not to make public comment on actions taken. I do feel that do to the gravity and the out right grievousness of the cheating that took place, that a general public statement is required.

The Council has worked for many days and hours on this single situation. When the evidence was totally gathered and looked at it became clear that the cheating was quite significant.

It has been said many times it is the responsibly of each player to know and follow the rules of the Lord Game. Excuses for cheating will not be accepted.

It is the goal of Every Admin. of">The Lord Archmage that this be as cheat free a game as possible. However there is a certain fraction of players in the community which wants to keep cheating without consideration those that play fairly. This will not be tolerated and such players will be dealt with most harshly.

Cheaters should not and will not be allowed to gain from their cheating period. And those that choose to continuously cheat will be banned from the game.

As for those that play fair and cheat free I am very proud of you. Keep the faith of fair play, get others like you to play The Lord.

A greeting to all.
this is a matter of the council this will not be discussed in public.
good luck
Server Super blitz - Union del honor / To Iratus
Junio 01, 2005, 04:31:08 AM
contact me in private will discuss with you

Noticias / Official Rules of Game
Junio 01, 2005, 03:20:32 AM
Al registrarte para jugar a">The Lord Archmage, aceptas los siguientes términos, condiciones y reglas del juego. En adelante, aceptas y comprendes que">The Lord Archmage esta actualmente como un Beta en desarrollo y que entrarás al foro para participar activamente en su desarrollo del juego. Avisar de cualquier error o bug que pueda ser encontrado mientras jueges. En adelante aceptas y entiendes que">The Lord Archmage se ofrece como un servicio gratuito para aquellos que se registren y participen.">The Lord Archmage no da garantias sobre el juego ni tu participación en el juego.">The Lord Archmage se reserva el derecho a rechazar o borrar tu cuenta en cualquier momento por cualquier razón y sin aviso ni explicación. Además, al registrarte para jugar y participar en">The Lord Archmage aceptas que has leido y estas de acuerdo, y que como jugador de">The Lord Archmage eres único responsable de conocer las siguientes reglas.

Reglas generales del juego

1. Cada jugador registrado tiene permiso para tener un mago en cada server que quiera jugar.

-Se aplicarán las siguientes excepciones:

1a. Aquellos jugadores que hayan sido designados como parte del equipo de desarrollo. Sin embargo, no podrán tener mas de un mago que participe activamente en cualquier servidor del juego.

1b. Aquellos que debidamente adviertan al concilio de">The Lord Archmage que juegan desde la misma ip con otro jugador.

a. Esos jugadores deberán reportarlo desde el link del concilio en el juego. Ningun otro medio de aviso sera aceptado.

b. Esos jugadores deberán avisar en todos los resets.

c. A estos jugadores se les pide que tengan sus reportes actualizados todo el tiempo. p.ej: si uno de esos magos muere, y se crea uno nuevo, deberá avisarse de esa situación.

d. A estos jugadores se les prohibe coordinar de cualquier forma con otro mago que juegue desde la misma IP.

-Participar en una guerra entre gremios de la que se haya avisado al concilio y esta haya sido aprobada.


2. Compartir cuentas está prohibido. Sólo el jugador registrado puede entrar en su cuenta.

2a. Cada jugador deberá jugar el mago que se haya creado. Está prohibido cambiar magos y/o dar magos a otro jugador.

2b. Está prohibido crear un mago de reserva o inactivo.

2c. Guarderías y/o cualquier otra forma de prestamo está prohibido. Sin embargo, circunstancias especiales pueden ser aprobadas por el concilio.


3. El Milking está prohibido.
(definición de Milking como: Obtener ventaja a través de cualquier forma de mutuo acuerdo entre dos o mas jugadores registrados.)

3a. Ejemplos de Milking son, pero no se limitan a:
-Ataques entre compañeros de gremio
-Ataques entre aliados declarados, naps, alianzas personales o naps personales.


4. El uso y abuso de bugs y/o errores de programacion que no hayan sido debidamente reportados a través del foro de">The Lord Archmage por ningun jugador para su ventaja está prohibido.


5. El uso de cualquier programa para intentar camuflar la IP esta prohibido.


6. El acoso a cualquier jugador en">The Lord Archmage esta prohibido.

Esto incluye pero no se limita a: insultos personales, lenguaje ofensivo, etc...


7. El uso de bots y/o programas por cualquier jugador y/o gremio que obtenga y use informacion desde">The Lord Archmage está prohibido.


Reglas adicionales especificas para servidores "SOLO".

1. Están prohibidos los gremios.
2. Aliados, NAPs y alianzas personales están prohibidas.
3. Pactos sobre Atacar/No atacarse entre jugadores están prohibidos.
4. Cualquier forma de coordinacion entre jugadores está prohibida.


Cualquier jugador descubierto violando cualquier regla estará sujeto a acciones disciplinarias sin que deba ser avisado, lo que incluye: una advertencia, suspension de la cuenta, borrado de la cuenta y/o restriccion permanente de los privilegios como jugador.

Cada jugador es responsable de conocer y obedecer las reglas del juego. Cada jugador es responsable de las acciones de su cuenta. Cualquier mago borrado por la violacion de cualquier regla, no será devuelto a menos que se pueda demostrar que se ha producido un error por parte del concilio.

Cualquier jugador que constantemente y habitualmente viole las reglas del juego será baneado de">The Lord Archmage.

Deliberaciones, hallazgos y conclusiones del concilio son privadas. La notificaciñon de cualquier tipo no se hara a menos que se vea como necesaria por parte del concilio.">The Lord Archmage se reserva el derecho a interpretar, revisar o modificar las reglas en cualquier momento e intentara avisar a los jugadores de cualquier cambio con adelanto suficiente en el foro.
Noticias / Official Rules of Game
Junio 01, 2005, 03:19:41 AM

By reregistering to play a mage in">The Lord Archmage game you agree to following terms, conditions and rules of game. You further agree and understand that">The Lord Archmage game is currently in Beta development and that you will enter our forum to actively participate in the process of the development of the game. Actively report any errors or bugs which might be encountered during game play. Further you agree and understand that">The Lord Archmage game is provided as a free service to those that register and participate.">The Lord Archmage game implies no guarantees of the game and/or your participation in the game.">The Lord Archmage game reserves the right to decline or remove you registered account at any time for any reason without notice and/or explanation. Further, By registering to play and participate in">The Lord Archmage game you agree that you have read and that you as a participating player of">The Lord Archmage game are required and responsible solely to know the following rules.

General Rules of game

1. Each registered player is allowed one mage per game server he/she chooses to play in.

- The following exceptions apply.

1a. Those players which have been designated as part of the beta test and development team. However they are allowed only one mage which actively participates in any server of the game.

1b. Those players which properly report to">The Lord Archmage Council that they play from the same IP as another player.

a. These players are required to report by the in game council link. No other form of reporting will be accepted.

b. These players are required to report each and very server reset.

c. These players are required to keep their reports updated at all times.
( Should one of these players mage expire during a reset and a new mage is created they are responsible to report the newly created mage. )

d. These players are prohibited from coordinating any form of attack with any other mage that plays from the same IP.

- Counters
- Participation in a guild war which has been reported to and officially approved by Council.


2. Sharing of registered accounts is prohibited. Only the registered player on record is allowed to enter his/hers account.

2a. Each player is required to play the mage they created. It is prohibited to exchange mages and/or give mages to another player.

2b. It is prohibited to create a backup mage active or inactive.

2c. Baby-sitting and/or tending of any players mage is prohibited. However special circumstances might be approved by Council.


3.Mage Milking is prohibited.
( Definition of milking: The obtaining of advantage through any form of mutual agreed attack between two or more registered players. )

3a. Examples of Milking are but not limited too:

- Attacks upon guild mates.
- Attacks upon declared allies, nap's, personal allies, or personal nap's


4. Use of bugs and/or programing errors which have not been properly reported thorough">The Lord Archmage forums by any player to their advantage is prohibited.


5. Use of any program to attempt to disguise IP information is prohibited.


6. Personal harassment of any player in">The Lord Archmage game is prohibited.

- This includes but is not limited too: Personal insults, use of profanity, or offensive language, ect.


7. The use of bots and/or programs by any player and/or guild which obtains from and uses any information from">The Lord Archmage Game is prohibited.


Additional rules specific to solo servers

1. Guilds are prohibited
2. Allies, Nap's, personal Allies and Nap's are prohibited
3. Attack/non-attack agreements between players are prohibited.
4. Any form of coordination between player is prohibited


Any player deemed in violation of rules is subject to disciplinary action without notice which could include: a warning, suspension of account, deletion of account, and/or permeant banning of gaming privileges.

Each player is responsible to know and obey the rules of the game. Each player is responsible for the actions of his/her account. Any mage deleted for a violation will not be restored unless it can be show a grievous error has been made on part of the council.

Any player who constantly and habitually violates the rules of the game will be premaritally banned from">The Lord Archmage Game.

Deliberations, findings, and conclusions of the Lord Council are private. Notification of any kind will not be made by council unless it is deemed necessary by council.">The Lord Archmage Game reserves the right to interpret, revise, and amend the game rules at any time and will attempt to advise players in a timely manner of any changes to rules in">The Lord Archmage forum.
Folloq all the rules and dont cheat and your mages will not be deleted ots that simple.

If a mage is deleted in error then coucil will correct that error.

Eules are posted and it is player that must be responicable to follow rules.

NEWS / Super Blitz Guild
Abril 26, 2005, 12:57:46 AM
Tentative Armageddon Date set for May 4th 2005
Server Super blitz - Union del honor / For a laugh
Abril 25, 2005, 02:41:15 AM
Server Super blitz - Union del honor / For a laugh
Abril 24, 2005, 06:00:35 PM
Recent some EoE members spent so time on holiday. They took this special picture for our fellow gamers in the guild SPQR. I hope you all enjoy and have a laugh as all us in EoE did.

They also bought SPQR tee shirts.

Private Servers ( todos | all ) / Pathetic Whining
Abril 20, 2005, 04:23:31 AM
I am sick of people who play this game and think they can sail through it without being attacked. They lurk in the upper ranks drop their power to feed on those of less power. Then if you hit them while they are disbanded they send messages to you like this:

Citaxxx(#xxx) 2005-04-20 03:46:20 1
You hit me when i was disbanded. Not very honorability. Don\\'t you think?.
Reply Delete

Giving out lesions in honor to me is no a way to invoke my sympathy. I find it less honorable to lower yourself to a power and expect to just be able to feed on those lower than you without recourse

This is an attack game you attack you take that chance of being counter while you weak and disbanded.  This lacking honor stuff is a bunch of crap! I find myself angered by the mere thought that someone would even suggest that a counter is dishonorable.

Attacking and countering is the name of the game. Get with the program!

I suppose the honorable thing according to this message would be for me to allow this person to drop down to my power attack me and then let him power back up before I attack him?  

I say that this person and people like him are pathetic whiners that have no understanding of this game much less what the concept of honor is!!

NEWS / Arma Super Blitz Guild
Abril 18, 2005, 08:21:39 PM
Arma for Super Blitz Guild will be delayed by 7 ro 14 days. This in order that game routines can be worked on.
Congrats on you new found leadership of Power.  I am glad to see that someone has stepped up to continue the guild. It would have been very sad to have seen Power and Majesty gone for good.

Best of Luck
NEWS / New Private Server
Abril 07, 2005, 07:13:26 PM
The Idea of a paif private server was one which was being considered once the game was at 100 percent. The idea was for those that which would like to pay the game with their friends alone. Due to many  having expressed a desire for such a server at this time and after careful consideration such a server wi9ll be opened.

The Payment will be the sum of 120.00 US Dollars. A brief explaination is:

-Mega server with unions allowable
-Mages 100 percent Investigated
-all spell ultimates

This server should be in place by Friday st 15:00 Hours

More details should be provided shortly


Gráfica e imágenes / imagenes del juego
Marzo 30, 2005, 05:18:40 PM
Citahola a todos, no se si se puede hacer, pero cada uno podria dibujar al mago que lo representa y ponerlo en los datos del mago ( como una especie de avatar ).....esto se podra hacer en el juego en si.

Images can be placed in Mage discriptions through bbcodes


Las imágenes se pueden poner en los discriptions de Mage a través de bbcodes
This is childish!!! Play with honor no fake guilds!
Report by council link not public forum

1b. Aquellos que debidamente adviertan al concilio de">The Lord Archmage que juegan desde la misma ip con otro jugador.

a. Esos jugadores deberán reportarlo desde el link del concilio en el juego. Ningun otro medio de aviso sera aceptado.
Server server - Union del honor / Adios a todos.
Marzo 28, 2005, 08:01:21 PM
James Irc I am in #thelord this moment
Al registrarte para jugar a">The Lord Archmage, aceptas los siguientes términos, condiciones y reglas del juego. En adelante, aceptas y comprendes que">The Lord Archmage esta actualmente como un Beta en desarrollo y que entrarás al foro para participar activamente en su desarrollo del juego. Avisar de cualquier error o bug que pueda ser encontrado mientras jueges. En adelante aceptas y entiendes que">The Lord Archmage se ofrece como un servicio gratuito para aquellos que se registren y participen.">The Lord Archmage no da garantias sobre el juego ni tu participación en el juego.">The Lord Archmage se reserva el derecho a rechazar o borrar tu cuenta en cualquier momento por cualquier razón y sin aviso ni explicación. Además, al registrarte para jugar y participar en">The Lord Archmage aceptas que has leido y estas de acuerdo, y que como jugador de">The Lord Archmage eres único responsable de conocer las siguientes reglas.

Reglas generales del juego

1. Cada jugador registrado tiene permiso para tener un mago en cada server que quiera jugar.

   -Se aplicarán las siguientes excepciones:

   1a. Aquellos jugadores que hayan sido designados como parte del equipo de desarrollo. Sin embargo, no podrán tener mas de un mago que participe activamente en cualquier servidor del juego.

   1b. Aquellos que debidamente adviertan al concilio de">The Lord Archmage que juegan desde la misma ip con otro jugador.   
a. Esos jugadores deberán reportarlo desde el link del concilio en el juego. Ningun otro medio de aviso sera aceptado.
b. Esos jugadores deberán avisar en todos los resets.
c. A estos jugadores se les pide que tengan sus reportes actualizados todo el tiempo. p.ej: si uno de esos magos muere, y se crea uno nuevo, deberá avisarse de esa situación.
d. A estos jugadores se les prohibe coordinar de cualquier forma con otro mago que juegue desde la misma IP.

         -Participar en una guerra entre gremios de la que se haya avisado al concilio y esta haya sido aprobada.


2. Compartir cuentas está prohibido. Sólo el jugador registrado puede entrar en su cuenta.

2a. Cada jugador deberá jugar el mago que se haya creado. Está prohibido cambiar magos y/o dar magos a otro jugador.
2b. Está prohibido crear un mago de reserva o inactivo.
2c. Guarderías y/o cualquier otra forma de prestamo está prohibido. Sin embargo, circunstancias especiales pueden ser aprobadas por el concilio.


3. El Milking está prohibido.
(definición de Milking como: Obtener ventaja a través de cualquier forma de mutuo acuerdo entre dos o mas jugadores registrados.)

   3a. Ejemplos de Milking son, pero no se limitan a:
      -Ataques entre compañeros de gremio
      -Ataques entre aliados declarados, naps, alianzas personales o naps personales.


4. El uso y abuso de bugs y/o errores de programacion que no hayan sido debidamente reportados a través del foro de">The Lord Archmage por ningun jugador para su ventaja está prohibido.


5. El uso de cualquier programa para intentar camuflar la IP esta prohibido.


6. El acoso a cualquier jugador en">The Lord Archmage esta prohibido.
   Esto incluye pero no se limita a: insultos personales, lenguaje ofensivo, etc...


7. El uso de bots y/o programas por cualquier jugador y/o gremio que obtenga y use informacion desde">The Lord Archmage está prohibido.


Reglas adicionales especificas para servidores "SOLO".

1. Están prohibidos los gremios.
   2. Aliados, NAPs y alianzas personales están prohibidas.
   3. Pactos sobre Atacar/No atacarse entre jugadores están prohibidos.
   4. Cualquier forma de coordinacion entre jugadores está prohibida.


Cualquier jugador descubierto violando cualquier regla estará sujeto a acciones disciplinarias sin que deba ser avisado, lo que incluye: una advertencia, suspension de la cuenta, borrado de la cuenta y/o restriccion permanente de los privilegios como jugador.

Cada jugador es responsable de conocer y obedecer las reglas del juego. Cada jugador es responsable de las acciones de su cuenta. Cualquier mago borrado por la violacion de cualquier regla, no será devuelto a menos que se pueda demostrar que se ha producido un error por parte del concilio.

Cualquier jugador que constantemente y habitualmente viole las reglas del juego será baneado de">The Lord Archmage.

Deliberaciones, hallazgos y conclusiones del concilio son privadas. La notificaciñon de cualquier tipo no se hara a menos que se vea como necesaria por parte del concilio.">The Lord Archmage se reserva el derecho a interpretar, revisar o modificar las reglas en cualquier momento e intentara avisar a los jugadores de cualquier cambio con adelanto suficiente en el foro.

By reregistering to play a mage in">The Lord Archmage game you agree to following terms, conditions and rules of game. You further agree and understand that">The Lord Archmage game is currently in Beta development and that you will enter our forum to actively participate in the process of the development of the game. Actively report any errors or bugs which might be encountered during game play. Further you agree and understand that">The Lord Archmage game is provided as a free service to those that register and participate.">The Lord Archmage game implies no guarantees of the game and/or your participation in the game.">The Lord Archmage game reserves the right to decline or remove you registered account at any time for any reason without notice and/or explanation. Further, By registering to play and participate in">The Lord Archmage game you agree that you have read and that you as a participating player of">The Lord Archmage game are required and responsible solely to know the following rules.

General Rules of game

1. Each registered player is allowed one mage per game server he/she chooses to play in.

- The following exceptions apply.

1a. Those players which have been designated as part of the beta test and development team. However they are allowed only one mage which actively participates in any server of the game.

1b. Those players which properly report to">The Lord Archmage Council that they play from the same IP as another player.

a. These players are required to report by the in game council link. No other form of reporting will be accepted.

b. These players are required to report each and very server reset.

c. These players are required to keep their reports updated at all times.
( Should one of these players mage expire during a reset and a new mage is created they are responsible to report the newly created mage. )

d. These players are prohibited from coordinating any form of attack with any other mage that plays from the same IP.

- Counters
- Participation in a guild war which has been reported to and officially approved by Council.


2. Sharing of registered accounts is prohibited. Only the registered player on record is allowed to enter his/hers account.

2a. Each player is required to play the mage they created. It is prohibited to exchange mages and/or give mages to another player.

2b. It is prohibited to create a backup mage active or inactive.

2c. Baby-sitting and/or tending of any players mage is prohibited. However special circumstances might be approved by Council.


3.Mage Milking is prohibited.
( Definition of milking: The obtaining of advantage through any form of mutual agreed attack between two or more registered players. )

3a. Examples of Milking are but not limited too:

- Attacks upon guild mates.
- Attacks upon declared allies, nap's, personal allies, or personal nap's


4. Use of bugs and/or programing errors which have not been properly reported thorough">The Lord Archmage forums by any player to their advantage is prohibited.


5. Use of any program to attempt to disguise IP information is prohibited.


6. Personal harassment of any player in">The Lord Archmage game is prohibited.

- This includes but is not limited too: Personal insults, use of profanity, or offensive language, ect.


7. The use of bots and/or programs by any player and/or guild which obtains from and uses any information from">The Lord Archmage Game is prohibited.


Additional rules specific to solo servers

1. Guilds are prohibited
2. Allies, Nap's, personal Allies and Nap's are prohibited
3. Attack/non-attack agreements between players are prohibited.
4. Any form of coordination between player is prohibited


Any player deemed in violation of rules is subject to disciplinary action without notice which could include: a warning, suspension of account, deletion of account, and/or permeant banning of gaming privileges.

Each player is responsible to know and obey the rules of the game. Each player is responsible for the actions of his/her account. Any mage deleted for a violation will not be restored unless it can be show a grievous error has been made on part of the council.

Any player who constantly and habitually violates the rules of the game will be premaritally banned from">The Lord Archmage Game.

Deliberations, findings, and conclusions of the Lord Council are private. Notification of any kind will not be made by council unless it is deemed necessary by council.">The Lord Archmage Game reserves the right to interpret, revise, and amend the game rules at any time and will attempt to advise players in a timely manner of any changes to rules in">The Lord Archmage forum.

Al registrarte para jugar a">The Lord Archmage, aceptas los siguientes términos, condiciones y reglas del juego. En adelante, aceptas y comprendes que">The Lord Archmage esta actualmente como un Beta en desarrollo y que entrarás al foro para participar activamente en su desarrollo del juego. Avisar de cualquier error o bug que pueda ser encontrado mientras jueges. En adelante aceptas y entiendes que">The Lord Archmage se ofrece como un servicio gratuito para aquellos que se registren y participen.">The Lord Archmage no da garantias sobre el juego ni tu participación en el juego.">The Lord Archmage se reserva el derecho a rechazar o borrar tu cuenta en cualquier momento por cualquier razón y sin aviso ni explicación. Además, al registrarte para jugar y participar en">The Lord Archmage aceptas que has leido y estas de acuerdo, y que como jugador de">The Lord Archmage eres único responsable de conocer las siguientes reglas.

Reglas generales del juego

1. Cada jugador registrado tiene permiso para tener un mago en cada server que quiera jugar.

   -Se aplicarán las siguientes excepciones:

   1a. Aquellos jugadores que hayan sido designados como parte del equipo de desarrollo. Sin embargo, no podrán tener mas de un mago que participe activamente en cualquier servidor del juego.

   1b. Aquellos que debidamente adviertan al concilio de">The Lord Archmage que juegan desde la misma ip con otro jugador.   
a. Esos jugadores deberán reportarlo desde el link del concilio en el juego. Ningun otro medio de aviso sera aceptado.
b. Esos jugadores deberán avisar en todos los resets.
c. A estos jugadores se les pide que tengan sus reportes actualizados todo el tiempo. p.ej: si uno de esos magos muere, y se crea uno nuevo, deberá avisarse de esa situación.
d. A estos jugadores se les prohibe coordinar de cualquier forma con otro mago que juegue desde la misma IP.

         -Participar en una guerra entre gremios de la que se haya avisado al concilio y esta haya sido aprobada.


2. Compartir cuentas está prohibido. Sólo el jugador registrado puede entrar en su cuenta.

2a. Cada jugador deberá jugar el mago que se haya creado. Está prohibido cambiar magos y/o dar magos a otro jugador.
2b. Está prohibido crear un mago de reserva o inactivo.
2c. Guarderías y/o cualquier otra forma de prestamo está prohibido. Sin embargo, circunstancias especiales pueden ser aprobadas por el concilio.


3. El Milking está prohibido.
(definición de Milking como: Obtener ventaja a través de cualquier forma de mutuo acuerdo entre dos o mas jugadores registrados.)

   3a. Ejemplos de Milking son, pero no se limitan a:
      -Ataques entre compañeros de gremio
      -Ataques entre aliados declarados, naps, alianzas personales o naps personales.


4. El uso y abuso de bugs y/o errores de programacion que no hayan sido debidamente reportados a través del foro de">The Lord Archmage por ningun jugador para su ventaja está prohibido.


5. El uso de cualquier programa para intentar camuflar la IP esta prohibido.


6. El acoso a cualquier jugador en">The Lord Archmage esta prohibido.
   Esto incluye pero no se limita a: insultos personales, lenguaje ofensivo, etc...


7. El uso de bots y/o programas por cualquier jugador y/o gremio que obtenga y use informacion desde">The Lord Archmage está prohibido.


Reglas adicionales especificas para servidores "SOLO".

1. Están prohibidos los gremios.
   2. Aliados, NAPs y alianzas personales están prohibidas.
   3. Pactos sobre Atacar/No atacarse entre jugadores están prohibidos.
   4. Cualquier forma de coordinacion entre jugadores está prohibida.


Cualquier jugador descubierto violando cualquier regla estará sujeto a acciones disciplinarias sin que deba ser avisado, lo que incluye: una advertencia, suspension de la cuenta, borrado de la cuenta y/o restriccion permanente de los privilegios como jugador.

Cada jugador es responsable de conocer y obedecer las reglas del juego. Cada jugador es responsable de las acciones de su cuenta. Cualquier mago borrado por la violacion de cualquier regla, no será devuelto a menos que se pueda demostrar que se ha producido un error por parte del concilio.

Cualquier jugador que constantemente y habitualmente viole las reglas del juego será baneado de">The Lord Archmage.

Deliberaciones, hallazgos y conclusiones del concilio son privadas. La notificaciñon de cualquier tipo no se hara a menos que se vea como necesaria por parte del concilio.">The Lord Archmage se reserva el derecho a interpretar, revisar o modificar las reglas en cualquier momento e intentara avisar a los jugadores de cualquier cambio con adelanto suficiente en el foro.

By reregistering to play a mage in">The Lord Archmage game you agree to following terms, conditions and rules of game. You further agree and understand that">The Lord Archmage game is currently in Beta development and that you will enter our forum to actively participate in the process of the development of the game. Actively report any errors or bugs which might be encountered during game play. Further you agree and understand that">The Lord Archmage game is provided as a free service to those that register and participate.">The Lord Archmage game implies no guarantees of the game and/or your participation in the game.">The Lord Archmage game reserves the right to decline or remove you registered account at any time for any reason without notice and/or explanation. Further, By registering to play and participate in">The Lord Archmage game you agree that you have read and that you as a participating player of">The Lord Archmage game are required and responsible solely to know the following rules.

General Rules of game

1. Each registered player is allowed one mage per game server he/she chooses to play in.

- The following exceptions apply.

1a. Those players which have been designated as part of the beta test and development team. However they are allowed only one mage which actively participates in any server of the game.

1b. Those players which properly report to">The Lord Archmage Council that they play from the same IP as another player.

a. These players are required to report by the in game council link. No other form of reporting will be accepted.

b. These players are required to report each and very server reset.

c. These players are required to keep their reports updated at all times.
( Should one of these players mage expire during a reset and a new mage is created they are responsible to report the newly created mage. )

d. These players are prohibited from coordinating any form of attack with any other mage that plays from the same IP.

- Counters
- Participation in a guild war which has been reported to and officially approved by Council.


2. Sharing of registered accounts is prohibited. Only the registered player on record is allowed to enter his/hers account.

2a. Each player is required to play the mage they created. It is prohibited to exchange mages and/or give mages to another player.

2b. It is prohibited to create a backup mage active or inactive.

2c. Baby-sitting and/or tending of any players mage is prohibited. However special circumstances might be approved by Council.


3.Mage Milking is prohibited.
( Definition of milking: The obtaining of advantage through any form of mutual agreed attack between two or more registered players. )

3a. Examples of Milking are but not limited too:

- Attacks upon guild mates.
- Attacks upon declared allies, nap's, personal allies, or personal nap's


4. Use of bugs and/or programing errors which have not been properly reported thorough">The Lord Archmage forums by any player to their advantage is prohibited.


5. Use of any program to attempt to disguise IP information is prohibited.


6. Personal harassment of any player in">The Lord Archmage game is prohibited.

- This includes but is not limited too: Personal insults, use of profanity, or offensive language, ect.


7. The use of bots and/or programs by any player and/or guild which obtains from and uses any information from">The Lord Archmage Game is prohibited.


Additional rules specific to solo servers

1. Guilds are prohibited
2. Allies, Nap's, personal Allies and Nap's are prohibited
3. Attack/non-attack agreements between players are prohibited.
4. Any form of coordination between player is prohibited


Any player deemed in violation of rules is subject to disciplinary action without notice which could include: a warning, suspension of account, deletion of account, and/or permeant banning of gaming privileges.

Each player is responsible to know and obey the rules of the game. Each player is responsible for the actions of his/her account. Any mage deleted for a violation will not be restored unless it can be show a grievous error has been made on part of the council.

Any player who constantly and habitually violates the rules of the game will be premaritally banned from">The Lord Archmage Game.

Deliberations, findings, and conclusions of the Lord Council are private. Notification of any kind will not be made by council unless it is deemed necessary by council.">The Lord Archmage Game reserves the right to interpret, revise, and amend the game rules at any time and will attempt to advise players in a timely manner of any changes to rules in">The Lord Archmage forum.

1b. Aquellos que debidamente adviertan al concilio de">The Lord Archmage que juegan desde la misma ip con otro jugador.

a. Esos jugadores deberán reportarlo desde el link del concilio en el juego. Ningun otro medio de aviso sera aceptado.

b. Esos jugadores deberán avisar en todos los resets.


2. Compartir cuentas está prohibido. Sólo el jugador registrado puede entrar en su cuenta.

2a. Cada jugador deberá jugar el mago que se haya creado. Está prohibido cambiar magos y/o dar magos a otro jugador.
hmmm didbt i make this observation in another post  :unsure:
As someone that knows just a little bit more than the average person about Maritel and Archmage. I will give you a little inside history on things.

First, Archmage was not developed by Maritel. The original Archmage game was in fact a card game not unlike Magic the Gathering. which was developed by two persons attending University in California. One of which went on to work with Magic the Gathering.  The other went on to develop an online version of Archmage. Later in that development he was brought into Maritel by friends.

Second, The down fall of Maritel began when it became clear to him that Maritel could not fulfill their comments to him and he left. This left Maritel in a desperate situation. No developer and Money issues breathing down their neck. They then hired a development team and attempted to continue developing the game. This worked for a while until the money pressures got so bad they attempted to bring in an American company to help bail them out. This might have worked but one big hitch to that Maritel did not hold the copyrights to Archmage.

Third, Maritel not only didn't do anything about cheaters. They in fact encouraged people to cheat due to the fact they needed the revenue and in looking for a company to back them. They was able to make claims of a player base which they in fact they did not have. When potential backs looked at the facts though it was clear they had cooked the numbers.

Maritel in the end went belly up due to their own action. Poor management, lack of development, lack of funding, and most important a lack of trust by their player base. They made promises to clean the servers of cheaters which they never had any intention of keeping. They made promises of future development which was never kept. And they had little if any interaction with the player base which a game like Archmage requires.

One thing I have learned people like to complain. People complain that there is cheaters and then complain when something is done about the cheaters.

Everyone that works for">The Lord Archmage does so voluntary. I have sat Online with Frank and watched him devote endless hours to this game. So mush so, to the point that I have even told him to go to bed before he made himself sick. I and others have devoted countless hours to">The Lord Archmage Game.

Not for monetary gain cause there is none. But because of a devotion and love for this game. We want everyone to have fun and play in a clean and as cheat free environment as possible. Is it asking too much that people play by the rules? After all this game is provided at no expense to the players.

How many other games are the admin. and such so readily available to the players to hear their complaints and their suggestions. I will tell you not many and certainly not ever Maritel.

I for one am thankful and privileged that I can have a place like">The Lord Archmage to play a game I love in.  It has been an honor for me to work with Frank and more importantly to have him as a friend. Personally I think that some people should start thanking him for what he does rather than always using him as punching bag.

The fact is">The Lord Archmage game is going to be as cheat free game as possible like it or not. The rules are going to be enforced like it or not. It is each players responsibility to know and follow the rules.

The way I see it each player has three choices. One, Play fair and by the rules with no worries. Two, Ignore the rules, cheat, and risk being deleted. or even worse banned from the game altogether. Or three, don't play the game at all. Whichever choice you take, you take it with your own responsibility.

Those that are so willing to choose to cheat will pay the consequences. Weak excuses, useless complaints, and meaningless threats will not deter the advancement of">The Lord Archmage being a cheat free and fair game.

EoE  Netural

Consultas , nuevas ideas / Otro mago desaparesio?
Marzo 26, 2005, 11:16:51 PM
. Cada jugador registrado tiene permiso para tener un mago en cada server que quiera jugar.

-Se aplicarán las siguientes excepciones:

1a. Aquellos jugadores que hayan sido designados como parte del equipo de desarrollo. Sin embargo, no podrán tener mas de un mago que participe activamente en cualquier servidor del juego.

1b. Aquellos que debidamente adviertan al concilio de">The Lord Archmage que juegan desde la misma ip con otro jugador.

a. Esos jugadores deberán reportarlo desde el link del concilio en el juego. Ningun otro medio de aviso sera aceptado.

b. Esos jugadores deberán avisar en todos los resets.

c. A estos jugadores se les pide que tengan sus reportes actualizados todo el tiempo. p.ej: si uno de esos magos muere, y se crea uno nuevo, deberá avisarse de esa situación.

d. A estos jugadores se les prohibe coordinar de cualquier forma con otro mago que juegue desde la misma IP.

-Participar en una guerra entre gremios de la que se haya avisado al concilio y esta haya sido aprobada.


and I do understand written spanish  
All mages must be proper reported through link. It is clearly stated in rules. you are resposiable to know the rules.

1b. Aquellos que debidamente adviertan al concilio de">The Lord Archmage que juegan desde la misma ip con otro jugador.

a. Esos jugadores deberán reportarlo desde el link del concilio en el juego. Ningun otro medio de aviso sera aceptado.

b. Esos jugadores deberán avisar en todos los resets.

c. A estos jugadores se les pide que tengan sus reportes actualizados todo el tiempo. p.ej: si uno de esos magos muere, y se crea uno nuevo, deberá avisarse de esa situación.

d. A estos jugadores se les prohibe coordinar de cualquier forma con otro mago que juegue desde la misma IP.

Server mega blitz- Union del honor / WARNING
Marzo 26, 2005, 05:52:24 AM
Today I ventured into the black market. Though I might see what kind of spells and heroes might be on sale. When I looked I noticed something very odd. People was placing bids on stuff using bid codes. Now this is common practice in a guild server however this is a solo server. Why would someone need to use a bid code in a solo server? After all solo does mean that your totally on your own. There is no guilds allies or naps. There should be bo coordination or agreements between mages.

Time Spell Color Present Supply Your supply
00:27:10  Resist Elements     8,000,009  
00:27:10  Dispel Magic     2,000,009  
00:27:10  Holy Word     2,000,009  
 Summon Sylph     1,000,013  
00:22:30  Animate Zombie     150,000  
 Phantasm Magic     143,000  
00:00:08  Blaze     300,000  

I thought it might be helpful to post what websters defines solo as:

Function: adverb
Etymology: Italian, from solo alone, from Latin solus
Date: 1712
: without a companion : ALONE

Server mega blitz- Union del honor / WARNING
Marzo 26, 2005, 03:44:06 AM
It is pitful, the reset has hardly even started and already people are cheating!
Multis, Mage sharing, Milking. I suggest that people read the rules you are responsible to know them. There is no excuse for your mage getting deleted.

Al registrarte para jugar a">The Lord Archmage, aceptas los siguientes términos, condiciones y reglas del juego. En adelante, aceptas y comprendes que">The Lord Archmage esta actualmente como un Beta en desarrollo y que entrarás al foro para participar activamente en su desarrollo del juego. Avisar de cualquier error o bug que pueda ser encontrado mientras jueges. En adelante aceptas y entiendes que">The Lord Archmage se ofrece como un servicio gratuito para aquellos que se registren y participen.">The Lord Archmage no da garantias sobre el juego ni tu participación en el juego.">The Lord Archmage se reserva el derecho a rechazar o borrar tu cuenta en cualquier momento por cualquier razón y sin aviso ni explicación. Además, al registrarte para jugar y participar en">The Lord Archmage aceptas que has leido y estas de acuerdo, y que como jugador de">The Lord Archmage eres único responsable de conocer las siguientes reglas.

Reglas generales del juego

1. Cada jugador registrado tiene permiso para tener un mago en cada server que quiera jugar.

   -Se aplicarán las siguientes excepciones:

   1a. Aquellos jugadores que hayan sido designados como parte del equipo de desarrollo. Sin embargo, no podrán tener mas de un mago que participe activamente en cualquier servidor del juego.

   1b. Aquellos que debidamente adviertan al concilio de">The Lord Archmage que juegan desde la misma ip con otro jugador.   
a. Esos jugadores deberán reportarlo desde el link del concilio en el juego. Ningun otro medio de aviso sera aceptado.
b. Esos jugadores deberán avisar en todos los resets.
c. A estos jugadores se les pide que tengan sus reportes actualizados todo el tiempo. p.ej: si uno de esos magos muere, y se crea uno nuevo, deberá avisarse de esa situación.
d. A estos jugadores se les prohibe coordinar de cualquier forma con otro mago que juegue desde la misma IP.

         -Participar en una guerra entre gremios de la que se haya avisado al concilio y esta haya sido aprobada.


2. Compartir cuentas está prohibido. Sólo el jugador registrado puede entrar en su cuenta.

2a. Cada jugador deberá jugar el mago que se haya creado. Está prohibido cambiar magos y/o dar magos a otro jugador.
2b. Está prohibido crear un mago de reserva o inactivo.
2c. Guarderías y/o cualquier otra forma de prestamo está prohibido. Sin embargo, circunstancias especiales pueden ser aprobadas por el concilio.


3. El Milking está prohibido.
(definición de Milking como: Obtener ventaja a través de cualquier forma de mutuo acuerdo entre dos o mas jugadores registrados.)

   3a. Ejemplos de Milking son, pero no se limitan a:
      -Ataques entre compañeros de gremio
      -Ataques entre aliados declarados, naps, alianzas personales o naps personales.


4. El uso y abuso de bugs y/o errores de programacion que no hayan sido debidamente reportados a través del foro de">The Lord Archmage por ningun jugador para su ventaja está prohibido.


5. El uso de cualquier programa para intentar camuflar la IP esta prohibido.


6. El acoso a cualquier jugador en">The Lord Archmage esta prohibido.
   Esto incluye pero no se limita a: insultos personales, lenguaje ofensivo, etc...


7. El uso de bots y/o programas por cualquier jugador y/o gremio que obtenga y use informacion desde">The Lord Archmage está prohibido.


Reglas adicionales especificas para servidores "SOLO".

1. Están prohibidos los gremios.
   2. Aliados, NAPs y alianzas personales están prohibidas.
   3. Pactos sobre Atacar/No atacarse entre jugadores están prohibidos.
   4. Cualquier forma de coordinacion entre jugadores está prohibida.


Cualquier jugador descubierto violando cualquier regla estará sujeto a acciones disciplinarias sin que deba ser avisado, lo que incluye: una advertencia, suspension de la cuenta, borrado de la cuenta y/o restriccion permanente de los privilegios como jugador.

Cada jugador es responsable de conocer y obedecer las reglas del juego. Cada jugador es responsable de las acciones de su cuenta. Cualquier mago borrado por la violacion de cualquier regla, no será devuelto a menos que se pueda demostrar que se ha producido un error por parte del concilio.

Cualquier jugador que constantemente y habitualmente viole las reglas del juego será baneado de">The Lord Archmage.

Deliberaciones, hallazgos y conclusiones del concilio son privadas. La notificaciñon de cualquier tipo no se hara a menos que se vea como necesaria por parte del concilio.">The Lord Archmage se reserva el derecho a interpretar, revisar o modificar las reglas en cualquier momento e intentara avisar a los jugadores de cualquier cambio con adelanto suficiente en el foro.

By reregistering to play a mage in">The Lord Archmage game you agree to following terms, conditions and rules of game. You further agree and understand that">The Lord Archmage game is currently in Beta development and that you will enter our forum to actively participate in the process of the development of the game. Actively report any errors or bugs which might be encountered during game play. Further you agree and understand that">The Lord Archmage game is provided as a free service to those that register and participate.">The Lord Archmage game implies no guarantees of the game and/or your participation in the game.">The Lord Archmage game reserves the right to decline or remove you registered account at any time for any reason without notice and/or explanation. Further, By registering to play and participate in">The Lord Archmage game you agree that you have read and that you as a participating player of">The Lord Archmage game are required and responsible solely to know the following rules.

General Rules of game

1. Each registered player is allowed one mage per game server he/she chooses to play in.

- The following exceptions apply.

1a. Those players which have been designated as part of the beta test and development team. However they are allowed only one mage which actively participates in any server of the game.

1b. Those players which properly report to">The Lord Archmage Council that they play from the same IP as another player.

a. These players are required to report by the in game council link. No other form of reporting will be accepted.

b. These players are required to report each and very server reset.

c. These players are required to keep their reports updated at all times.
( Should one of these players mage expire during a reset and a new mage is created they are responsible to report the newly created mage. )

d. These players are prohibited from coordinating any form of attack with any other mage that plays from the same IP.

- Counters
- Participation in a guild war which has been reported to and officially approved by Council.


2. Sharing of registered accounts is prohibited. Only the registered player on record is allowed to enter his/hers account.

2a. Each player is required to play the mage they created. It is prohibited to exchange mages and/or give mages to another player.

2b. It is prohibited to create a backup mage active or inactive.

2c. Baby-sitting and/or tending of any players mage is prohibited. However special circumstances might be approved by Council.


3.Mage Milking is prohibited.
( Definition of milking: The obtaining of advantage through any form of mutual agreed attack between two or more registered players. )

3a. Examples of Milking are but not limited too:

- Attacks upon guild mates.
- Attacks upon declared allies, nap's, personal allies, or personal nap's


4. Use of bugs and/or programing errors which have not been properly reported thorough">The Lord Archmage forums by any player to their advantage is prohibited.


5. Use of any program to attempt to disguise IP information is prohibited.


6. Personal harassment of any player in">The Lord Archmage game is prohibited.

- This includes but is not limited too: Personal insults, use of profanity, or offensive language, ect.


7. The use of bots and/or programs by any player and/or guild which obtains from and uses any information from">The Lord Archmage Game is prohibited.


Additional rules specific to solo servers

1. Guilds are prohibited
2. Allies, Nap's, personal Allies and Nap's are prohibited
3. Attack/non-attack agreements between players are prohibited.
4. Any form of coordination between player is prohibited


Any player deemed in violation of rules is subject to disciplinary action without notice which could include: a warning, suspension of account, deletion of account, and/or permeant banning of gaming privileges.

Each player is responsible to know and obey the rules of the game. Each player is responsible for the actions of his/her account. Any mage deleted for a violation will not be restored unless it can be show a grievous error has been made on part of the council.

Any player who constantly and habitually violates the rules of the game will be premaritally banned from">The Lord Archmage Game.

Deliberations, findings, and conclusions of the Lord Council are private. Notification of any kind will not be made by council unless it is deemed necessary by council.">The Lord Archmage Game reserves the right to interpret, revise, and amend the game rules at any time and will attempt to advise players in a timely manner of any changes to rules in">The Lord Archmage forum.

Server mega blitz- Union del honor / Ranking mega
Marzo 25, 2005, 06:10:41 PM

the items was nothing personal. I simply had them and wanted to use them. They didnt really hurt you and certain didnt help me any. lol

I guess I choose to use them on you because as I recall you was the only top 10 mage that attacked me in arma.

But you did an excellent job this set you have my salute

and yes Rofellos you one bad dude my friend  ;)
Server Super blitz - Union del honor / OMG AMDINS
Marzo 24, 2005, 06:12:53 PM

Forgiver you was not deleted for what you said.  
Hall of Banquets / Servers
Marzo 24, 2005, 06:08:56 PM
Arma lasts 24 hrs did not end till 15:00 server time today. Server will be back up tomorrow or next day if possible.
Server mega blitz- Union del honor / Ranking mega
Marzo 24, 2005, 06:04:36 PM
Wel i hope this arma was some better than in the past. I tried my best to make things a fair as possible for everyine. I realize that it was not perfect but I think it was better.

I hopeful that next set be even better. I hope all play fair and by the rules.

Be honorable an dont make me have to delete any this time :)
Al registrarte para jugar a">The Lord Archmage, aceptas los siguientes términos, condiciones y reglas del juego. En adelante, aceptas y comprendes que">The Lord Archmage esta actualmente como un Beta en desarrollo y que entrarás al foro para participar activamente en su desarrollo del juego. Avisar de cualquier error o bug que pueda ser encontrado mientras jueges. En adelante aceptas y entiendes que">The Lord Archmage se ofrece como un servicio gratuito para aquellos que se registren y participen.">The Lord Archmage no da garantias sobre el juego ni tu participación en el juego.">The Lord Archmage se reserva el derecho a rechazar o borrar tu cuenta en cualquier momento por cualquier razón y sin aviso ni explicación. Además, al registrarte para jugar y participar en">The Lord Archmage aceptas que has leido y estas de acuerdo, y que como jugador de">The Lord Archmage eres único responsable de conocer las siguientes reglas.

Reglas generales del juego

1. Cada jugador registrado tiene permiso para tener un mago en cada server que quiera jugar.

   -Se aplicarán las siguientes excepciones:

   1a. Aquellos jugadores que hayan sido designados como parte del equipo de desarrollo. Sin embargo, no podrán tener mas de un mago que participe activamente en cualquier servidor del juego.

   1b. Aquellos que debidamente adviertan al concilio de">The Lord Archmage que juegan desde la misma ip con otro jugador.   
a. Esos jugadores deberán reportarlo desde el link del concilio en el juego. Ningun otro medio de aviso sera aceptado.
b. Esos jugadores deberán avisar en todos los resets.
c. A estos jugadores se les pide que tengan sus reportes actualizados todo el tiempo. p.ej: si uno de esos magos muere, y se crea uno nuevo, deberá avisarse de esa situación.
d. A estos jugadores se les prohibe coordinar de cualquier forma con otro mago que juegue desde la misma IP.

         -Participar en una guerra entre gremios de la que se haya avisado al concilio y esta haya sido aprobada.


2. Compartir cuentas está prohibido. Sólo el jugador registrado puede entrar en su cuenta.

2a. Cada jugador deberá jugar el mago que se haya creado. Está prohibido cambiar magos y/o dar magos a otro jugador.
2b. Está prohibido crear un mago de reserva o inactivo.
2c. Guarderías y/o cualquier otra forma de prestamo está prohibido. Sin embargo, circunstancias especiales pueden ser aprobadas por el concilio.


3. El Milking está prohibido.
(definición de Milking como: Obtener ventaja a través de cualquier forma de mutuo acuerdo entre dos o mas jugadores registrados.)

   3a. Ejemplos de Milking son, pero no se limitan a:
      -Ataques entre compañeros de gremio
      -Ataques entre aliados declarados, naps, alianzas personales o naps personales.


4. El uso y abuso de bugs y/o errores de programacion que no hayan sido debidamente reportados a través del foro de">The Lord Archmage por ningun jugador para su ventaja está prohibido.


5. El uso de cualquier programa para intentar camuflar la IP esta prohibido.


6. El acoso a cualquier jugador en">The Lord Archmage esta prohibido.
   Esto incluye pero no se limita a: insultos personales, lenguaje ofensivo, etc...


7. El uso de bots y/o programas por cualquier jugador y/o gremio que obtenga y use informacion desde">The Lord Archmage está prohibido.


Reglas adicionales especificas para servidores "SOLO".

1. Están prohibidos los gremios.
   2. Aliados, NAPs y alianzas personales están prohibidas.
   3. Pactos sobre Atacar/No atacarse entre jugadores están prohibidos.
   4. Cualquier forma de coordinacion entre jugadores está prohibida.


Cualquier jugador descubierto violando cualquier regla estará sujeto a acciones disciplinarias sin que deba ser avisado, lo que incluye: una advertencia, suspension de la cuenta, borrado de la cuenta y/o restriccion permanente de los privilegios como jugador.

Cada jugador es responsable de conocer y obedecer las reglas del juego. Cada jugador es responsable de las acciones de su cuenta. Cualquier mago borrado por la violacion de cualquier regla, no será devuelto a menos que se pueda demostrar que se ha producido un error por parte del concilio.

Cualquier jugador que constantemente y habitualmente viole las reglas del juego será baneado de">The Lord Archmage.

Deliberaciones, hallazgos y conclusiones del concilio son privadas. La notificaciñon de cualquier tipo no se hara a menos que se vea como necesaria por parte del concilio.">The Lord Archmage se reserva el derecho a interpretar, revisar o modificar las reglas en cualquier momento e intentara avisar a los jugadores de cualquier cambio con adelanto suficiente en el foro.

By reregistering to play a mage in">The Lord Archmage game you agree to following terms, conditions and rules of game. You further agree and understand that">The Lord Archmage game is currently in Beta development and that you will enter our forum to actively participate in the process of the development of the game. Actively report any errors or bugs which might be encountered during game play. Further you agree and understand that">The Lord Archmage game is provided as a free service to those that register and participate.">The Lord Archmage game implies no guarantees of the game and/or your participation in the game.">The Lord Archmage game reserves the right to decline or remove you registered account at any time for any reason without notice and/or explanation. Further, By registering to play and participate in">The Lord Archmage game you agree that you have read and that you as a participating player of">The Lord Archmage game are required and responsible solely to know the following rules.

General Rules of game

1. Each registered player is allowed one mage per game server he/she chooses to play in.

- The following exceptions apply.

1a. Those players which have been designated as part of the beta test and development team. However they are allowed only one mage which actively participates in any server of the game.

1b. Those players which properly report to">The Lord Archmage Council that they play from the same IP as another player.

a. These players are required to report by the in game council link. No other form of reporting will be accepted.

b. These players are required to report each and very server reset.

c. These players are required to keep their reports updated at all times.
( Should one of these players mage expire during a reset and a new mage is created they are responsible to report the newly created mage. )

d. These players are prohibited from coordinating any form of attack with any other mage that plays from the same IP.

- Counters
- Participation in a guild war which has been reported to and officially approved by Council.


2. Sharing of registered accounts is prohibited. Only the registered player on record is allowed to enter his/hers account.

2a. Each player is required to play the mage they created. It is prohibited to exchange mages and/or give mages to another player.

2b. It is prohibited to create a backup mage active or inactive.

2c. Baby-sitting and/or tending of any players mage is prohibited. However special circumstances might be approved by Council.


3.Mage Milking is prohibited.
( Definition of milking: The obtaining of advantage through any form of mutual agreed attack between two or more registered players. )

3a. Examples of Milking are but not limited too:

- Attacks upon guild mates.
- Attacks upon declared allies, nap's, personal allies, or personal nap's


4. Use of bugs and/or programing errors which have not been properly reported thorough">The Lord Archmage forums by any player to their advantage is prohibited.


5. Use of any program to attempt to disguise IP information is prohibited.


6. Personal harassment of any player in">The Lord Archmage game is prohibited.

- This includes but is not limited too: Personal insults, use of profanity, or offensive language, ect.


7. The use of bots and/or programs by any player and/or guild which obtains from and uses any information from">The Lord Archmage Game is prohibited.


Additional rules specific to solo servers

1. Guilds are prohibited
2. Allies, Nap's, personal Allies and Nap's are prohibited
3. Attack/non-attack agreements between players are prohibited.
4. Any form of coordination between player is prohibited


Any player deemed in violation of rules is subject to disciplinary action without notice which could include: a warning, suspension of account, deletion of account, and/or permeant banning of gaming privileges.

Each player is responsible to know and obey the rules of the game. Each player is responsible for the actions of his/her account. Any mage deleted for a violation will not be restored unless it can be show a grievous error has been made on part of the council.

Any player who constantly and habitually violates the rules of the game will be premaritally banned from">The Lord Archmage Game.

Deliberations, findings, and conclusions of the Lord Council are private. Notification of any kind will not be made by council unless it is deemed necessary by council.">The Lord Archmage Game reserves the right to interpret, revise, and amend the game rules at any time and will attempt to advise players in a timely manner of any changes to rules in">The Lord Archmage forum.