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Mensajes - dd123

If everybody said like that then where is the RULES? Where is the GOD? Just starting play a week then see all multi until 10k land. lazy to play already. Now i know why ppl like the-reincarnation more than
All multi mage here, waste my time to play.
As wat the admin Lord_Frank said :-

1.8 You have till Wednesday 28th 23:00 server time to give me the information of your multis and to save from the banning your main mages.   

so that, this will not fair for both who are playing single mage. We just look for the Mega Blitz Solo as an example. 500+ players and top 10 all more than 10k lands, its imposible to do that with that short time! If can let the main mage survive, its not FAIR for those who playing single mage.
Hall of Knowledge / Re: Multimages
Enero 13, 2007, 11:17:19 AM
1.8 You have till Wednesday 28th 23:00 server time to give me the information of your multis and to save from the banning your main mages.   

Admin, this will not fair for both who are playing single mage. We just look for the Mega Blitz Solo as an example. 500+ players and top 10 all more than 10k lands. If can let the main mage survive, its not FAIR for those who playing single mage.
Almost all top 10 is multi mage also. Are ADMIN sleepy?
Super Multi Mage in Mega Blitz Solo and already 20k land  with only 500 user standing. Check the CR in game and found that only attacking his own mage. WHY ADMIN no take action? He is playing out of rules. Or we can playing multi mage ? No Multi is fool?