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Mensajes - LoRDSoTH

There are several ND mages that targeting and spelling TCA mages , we know who are supporting those mages and this wont be tolerated ! If you want to play dirty , you will get it.. we can play way dirty then you... Take this as a treat or not but you will suffer for your dirty tricks!
good luck TCA , you are a very good guild.

ohh wait there's something wrong. I am the TCA leader. :unsure:  
can you at least write something english since you are at war with an english guild..

by the way , we were bored of doing the same thing everyday and we seem PTC very tasty while he is running.. So we decide to war with KDA.. I think that's a brave move..

I hope it will be a good war for both sides..

/me goes to deal with devils :D
Server Super blitz - Union del honor / War Truce
Abril 10, 2004, 02:53:37 PM
this was my sign once silmar!!!

This isnt the first time and will not be the last time of our victory!!!

You must get used to it spanish guys cause ;


:ban:  :ban:  :ban:                    
Once again EoE and TCA mages have proved the quality of playing this game...

I want to congrat all of our guildmates and allied mages for the victory!!!

TCA 4 EVER.                    
No se pudo conectar a la base de datos

was not possible to be connected to the data base

i cannot play super blitz!!!                    
NEWS / HoF is cancelled
Marzo 05, 2004, 12:59:37 PM
A HoF cannot be cancelled in a serious game which their admins doing their job truly. People use the bugs if you cannot close it so you dont have the right to cancel a HoF because of your faults!

According to you Frank , all english players are multies and all spanish players are playing fairly!! If you want to believe that you may but we are not stupid and can understand why not spanish players werent deleted instead of english ones!                    
NEWS / Rules for the uncoming armaggedon
Febrero 27, 2004, 06:29:20 PM
Arma will rule once again...

:ban:  :ban: