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Mensajes - BugSICK

Server Super blitz - Union del honor / Re: MDO vs PH
Enero 25, 2010, 06:32:44 AM
is their a war???  :huh:
Cita de: MAGNUS_ALEXANDER en Diciembre 23, 2009, 05:48:30 AM
Bugsick, do you have a good guild yet?

they are nice, so far. 
hello just dropping by....  :mellow:
never expected  :ph34r:
Server blitz - Union del honor / Re: server starts?
Diciembre 02, 2009, 05:24:04 AM
need to practice spanish  :ke:

02-Dic-09 15:00     
Hall of Knowledge / Dreams Of Seduction + iron golem
Noviembre 23, 2009, 11:03:49 PM
why black mages using this strategy the Dreams Of Seduction (spell) + iron golem (unit)  :ke:
how many percent is this effective?

Consultas , nuevas ideas / Re: Enciclopedia Maritel
Noviembre 23, 2009, 10:57:25 PM
cant view.  :huh:
Server blitz - Union del honor / Re: server starts?
Noviembre 19, 2009, 02:39:33 AM
ahh ok thanks for the update.  B)
Server blitz - Union del honor / Re: server starts?
Noviembre 19, 2009, 01:48:18 AM
its already thursday, what time?  :plop:
Server blitz - Union del honor / Re: server starts?
Noviembre 18, 2009, 10:38:53 PM
yap im back  :ke:
Server blitz - Union del honor / server starts?
Noviembre 17, 2009, 02:22:26 AM
when the server starts??  :mellow:
Juegos / ResBaK Online
Marzo 17, 2009, 05:08:01 AM
This Game is still under Construction created by Me (BugSICK). Some Names, Items and Places will be based on the game The Lord of Archmage. This is based on a 2d RPG fantasy with Cute Characters.  :wub:


Here's a little Preview.

i need an graphic artist like making game logo, banner and other stuff regarding graphics.

for more information please visit my forum:

-BugSICK  :mellow:
Server blitz - Union del honor / Re: FOR LORD_FRANK
Marzo 13, 2009, 12:08:26 AM
what should i report? hmmm... i have to get a screenshot. like 8 oil flask and 5 ash invi. with same code of bidding numbers. ..  :quemate: :quemate:
Server blitz - Union del honor / Re: FOR LORD_FRANK
Marzo 12, 2009, 05:33:41 AM
Cita de: Deivi-R en Marzo 12, 2009, 05:32:03 AM
Yo ya reporté uno de ellos, aunque hay más sospechas, pero solo tengo pruebas concluyentes de uno

excuse me?? what?? :huh:

here you go

Cita de: Deivi-R en Marzo 12, 2009, 05:32:03 AM
I already reported one of them, although there are more suspicions, but I only have conclusive tests of one


Server blitz - Union del honor / FOR LORD_FRANK
Marzo 12, 2009, 05:00:06 AM
for Lord_Frank please detect those multi-maging in this server please. because i smell something fishy  :plop:

thanks  :mellow:
any english version???

by the way hello to the players out their.  :quemate:
did i miss something???  B)
Spells, Items and Heroes / Re: invisibility
Agosto 31, 2008, 10:42:27 PM
so at least 2 stack the invisibility will work on black. is it 100% working???and its a random unit, right?
Evolucion de Interfaz / Re: Nueva Interfaz
Agosto 22, 2008, 03:50:39 AM
Archivos / Re: Fuerza de Gravedad
Agosto 22, 2008, 02:33:50 AM
Cita de: Wizard en Agosto 21, 2008, 11:37:38 PM
el defensor perdió 0 unidades y tu perdiste 74005/193652
Tu ataque falló y no consiguió nada.
Tu ataque fallo!, perdiste mas poder que el defensor durante la batalla

wizard your units are non-flying except for the sprite but they cannot attack already because they are all ready wiped-out, if its their turn, lol. :plop:, . sorry dude you cant counter nor damage him even a single scratch.. land units cannot attack flying units unless its a ranged one

or maybe its a bug.  :mellow:
Server server - Union del honor / Re: top 100
Agosto 22, 2008, 02:18:14 AM
troso demolished  :mellow:
Spells, Items and Heroes / invisibility
Agosto 22, 2008, 01:51:47 AM
does invisibility works on black mages?
TEST + JUGO + SPAM / My MSN account ^_^
Agosto 22, 2008, 01:33:16 AM
dont know where to put the exact location of this, just landed on this section. lol  ^_^

well any one who will add me, this is my msn account

thanks  :grupito:

:azul :blanco :rojo :negro :verde :plano
Discusion general / Re: una Faccion Incolora
Agosto 13, 2008, 08:45:10 PM
is their any translation in this new evolution??  :huh:
Server server - Union del honor / Re: Top
Julio 30, 2008, 09:16:41 PM
where am i???

ops i am dead...  :grupito:
wow im in the top ten  :grupito:
thanks hehehhe its 1 againts all hahahhaha

i hope theres some pilipino people playing here  :mellow:
please visit pinoy guild for more details. 

Featuring Community:
PH = Poder Hispano
TE = Tercera Edad
just dropping..  ^_^
hey im back from the grave  :wacko: :quemate:
damn i cant understand  :mellow:
everybody is killing me  :mellow:
hello fellows... how's LDP going???  :mellow:
hmm..... i'll check  :grupito:

actually i got 1 archer lolx  ^_^

how come 1 militia can kill 9 dragons

weird hehehhe
good thats explains why it became 450.

well can anybody explain this

9 red dragon was killed and i got none.. still i'm defeated  B)
Server blitz - Union del honor / Re: GUERRA TE-BB
Enero 14, 2008, 09:31:51 PM
reopen?? i think this thread was locked yesterday  B)
Server blitz - Union del honor / Re: GUERRA TE-BB
Enero 11, 2008, 12:03:11 AM
hello.. im just reading without understanding.. lolx... hope to see me in top 10 in 6 days.. lolx .. dont crash me fellow players  B)
Server blitz - Union del honor / Re: GUERRA TE-BB
Enero 09, 2008, 06:55:41 AM
im back in the server.. guess whats my name??  B) B)
Server blitz - Union del honor / Re: GUERRA TE-BB
Enero 08, 2008, 03:43:36 AM
Cita de: RDuran en Enero 07, 2008, 07:59:18 AM
Yes BugSICK, we are waiting for you.

see me in next reset dude...  B)
Server blitz - Union del honor / Re: GUERRA TE-BB
Enero 07, 2008, 04:15:58 AM
war??? hmmmmm  B) B) B)
Server blitz - Union del honor / Re: y el nuevo Reset?
Diciembre 18, 2007, 06:01:58 AM
Cita de: Mago Viejo Verde en Diciembre 15, 2007, 12:02:16 PM
No es gringo , es filipino :)
De todas maneras usa yahoo messenger , no msn , asi que no hay drama

yes i am a filipino.. but i have already installed MSM  B)
Server blitz - Union del honor / Re: cambios en este reset
Diciembre 18, 2007, 06:00:14 AM
Cita de: Evil en Diciembre 17, 2007, 07:15:46 AM
Sorry if the translation isn't really "clean".

I was a little affected by the alcohol.

Well, see you ^^

its ok.. it is as clear as a water.. lolx  :ph34r:
Server blitz - Union del honor / Re: cambios en este reset
Diciembre 17, 2007, 01:49:27 AM
thanks for the translation...  ^_^ ^_^