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Mensajes - DarkLord

Errores ( bugs ) reparados / Frank
Marzo 29, 2004, 07:19:19 AM
I don\'t speak spanish. I\'ve decided to test the fireball thing and i made some attacks with it and i killed several whole stacks of treants with it and 1 time a nymph stack.                    
Errores ( bugs ) reparados / Frank
Marzo 29, 2004, 06:56:16 AM
El defensor uso el spell Fireball

Han muerto 5839 treant                    
NEWS / HOF Last resets
Marzo 25, 2004, 05:36:04 AM
Hmm according to this post there should be a HoF.                    
Spells, Items and Heroes / Frank
Marzo 25, 2004, 05:27:59 AM
Will you post the heros with their abilites and what they do.                    
Well i\'m not playing on any of the server waiting for them to be fixed. The ones that you can log in are slow. I\'ll start playing again after they are fixed if there is a backup recovery.                    
NEWS / cambio de server: hecho a perder el juego
Marzo 14, 2004, 04:35:00 AM
I still can\'t login                    
Hall of Knowledge / Blue strategies
Marzo 10, 2004, 07:22:05 AM
You can\'t do anything with blue mage right now the game is not balanced. Each color easily stacks offcolor units except blue one. Example this are spell costs of blue mages. Listed below are 1 spell of each color.

Summon Archangel 104,000 5

Summon Lich 159,800 6

Summon Efreeti 304,200 4

Call Treants 224,900 4

Compare them with the other colors and you\'ll see why you can\'t play blue in here. Each color withough blue can buy spells on the market if don\'t have them and cast them like they are spells from a friendly color and this way making good stacking easily. Try that with blue one it\'s not possible. And one other thing right now blue and green rule withough weaknesses being implemented.                    
NEWS / Babysitting of mages
Marzo 08, 2004, 06:58:35 AM
Why don\'t you make the meditation 10 days with the availabilty to cancel after 24 hours passed. Also don\'t forget that you can\'t enter meditation if you made attack the last 24 hours.                    
NEWS / HoF is cancelled
Marzo 04, 2004, 03:16:15 PM
CitaLook Zarx, as far as agarwaen & friends are still alive, there\'s no hof. Can you understand the concept \"coward sweep milking\"?, ask Pyro_Templar if you don´t.

Get a good day

Well they didn\'t do anything illegal. Like jame007 did he deleted some 5uck mages right before the arma and he also delete the mages there were item bombing falq and skull. Why he didn\'t delete the ones that were item bombing us?                    
NEWS / HoF is cancelled
Marzo 04, 2004, 10:02:57 AM
There are no spanish mages in the top 10 so there will be no hof.                    
NEWS / Tuesday new server open: Blitz
Febrero 17, 2004, 05:58:05 AM
Why don\'t you reconsider making more max turns with 5 minutes turn. For example 300 turns so the people are able to play all their turns when logging only once per day.                    
NEWS / protection
Enero 19, 2004, 02:39:59 PM
How long is it now?                    
Consultations, New Ideas / several minor changes
Enero 15, 2004, 08:30:01 PM
1. I\'m using a lot of browser windows and i\'m shift left clicking it\'s faster then the popup menu on right click. As for the link you can\'t open it in new window it\'s a javascript.

2. What do you mean to \"surpass that limit\"?

3. It\'s not even close to difficult it\'s easy to programm. And I hope it will get to the top of priority list before the arma. Think of all that mages that are high enough to be hit by everyone. Top 10 mages will loose their items and mana in the first hour of the arma.                    
Consultations, New Ideas / several minor changes
Enero 15, 2004, 01:39:45 PM
1. I\'m using Chronicle a lot and it will be a way better that the link on the ranking page opens in new window. Right now it\'s unusable i\'m using the one on the main page typing mage id.

2. It will be better to have the max mp in the mp charge page.

3. The condition of using defensive items is a good thing to have. You don\'t want to loose all your 20 ashes of being multiattack by just created multimage.                    
NEWS / New spells activated
Enero 12, 2004, 10:26:54 AM
Weather Summoning is increasing your geld income not your food production as was in the AM.                    
Consultations, New Ideas / Spells
Enero 12, 2004, 05:14:59 AM
A agree that spells need to be finished but even with full set of spell nothing will change the valor of the heroes as is now is ridiculous.

I think that ap boost that it gives need to be lowered. Also it need to affect each of the attacks normal,extra,counter. Second it need to check units resistances. Each hero has a color and his valor act as a spell of that color and can be resisted by your units. That\'s the way it was in the AM. That\'s why veteran expensive and desired hero. Also all units abilites need to be finished because a lot of the units are unefective withought their abilities.

But with the current speed of implementing it will not be finished soon. I\'m playing from around 2 months can you tell me what changed in this 2 months?                    
NEWS / New spells activated
Enero 10, 2004, 01:51:50 PM
Yup and what about the ancient spells will they be added too?                    
Hall of Banquets / HAPPY NEW YEAR
Enero 09, 2004, 07:02:38 AM
Don\'t you think it\'s a little too late for new year greetings.                    
Consultations, New Ideas / Several questions
Enero 05, 2004, 05:34:12 AM
Thanks for the translation and now i think that the barriers are working i had spells stoped by them several times.                    
Hall of Banquets / connection to the server
Diciembre 31, 2003, 01:45:54 PM
I\'m in Europe and i can\'t log in for over 20 hours.                    
Consultations, New Ideas / Several questions
Diciembre 16, 2003, 02:28:45 PM
Can anyone translate the above 2 post?

Consultations, New Ideas / Several questions
Diciembre 16, 2003, 01:50:44 PM
Dracolich what\'s your mage name?                    
Consultations, New Ideas / Several questions
Diciembre 16, 2003, 05:25:21 AM
Frank if you really want to fix them. If you explain what\'s the problem i\'ll try to help.                    
Consultations, New Ideas / Several questions
Diciembre 15, 2003, 07:53:26 PM
Well this thing is also easy to implement you just take the barrier resistance for example 75% ans multiply it with the defendor_spell_level/attacker_spell_level*(constant if you want it). So as you see if a mage with higher spell level attacks you let\'s say you have 400 and he 450 for example you have 75*400/450=66% resistance as you see it\'s simple.                    
Consultations, New Ideas / Several questions
Diciembre 15, 2003, 01:25:09 PM

Well i insist that it\'s easy to do it. First there is nothing to combine you  make random(100) (i don\'t remember how it was on php maybe rand(0,100)) and it returns 0 to 99 now let\'s say you have 75% barrier resistance then if the result from the random is 0 to 74 spell fails if it\'s ]74 spell passes. And you make the same for the items. Now if the spell passes you start doing the same for each defensive spell that protects from spells untill you pass through all of them or the spell fails. And there is nothing to do with the units resistances they are checked later after the spell is sucessfully casted. As you see it\'s simple.

And you don\'t combine spell levels of the the both mages you just check the spell level of the defending mage spells to calculate the % chance of blocking a spell with them.                    
Consultations, New Ideas / Several questions
Diciembre 15, 2003, 09:35:34 AM
Well if the barriers are working for the items it can be easily modified to work for the spells too. Because it\'s checked in a similar way. So it seems that the they are not working because they don\'t want them to work not because they are trying to fix it.                    
Consultations, New Ideas / Several questions
Diciembre 15, 2003, 06:33:44 AM
1. Are the barriers working if not will they be fixed soon?

2. As i remember there was a units hp increase if you have % of your land in forts. Is it implemented if so can anyone post the formula?

3. If you lose more then 10% of your units on defense but you inflict more damage will you still lose.                    
CitaThe fact that the Units were too far away to be hit make no difference, the Pheonix attempted to counter and were fatigued as a result.

A agree. Each time a unit attempts to counter it\'s fatigued.                    
Consultations, New Ideas / Black Market
Diciembre 07, 2003, 08:09:29 AM
Can you increase the market\'s item generation rate because it\'s nearly impossible to buy items on the market right now. I\'m trying to buy some items from several days but with no luck. With the current low generation rate and a limit of 20% i suppose it\'s only possible with a bot.

Also it will be better to decrease the low level heroes generation rate because the market is full of them and noone buys them.                    
Well google translate is not so good so i can\'t understand the post entirely. Since i\'m zarxt i\'m curious why spiders web webed my treants isn\'t it supposed to be thrown on enemy units not on mine. And i don\'t like seeing my current stacking on a message bord.                    
Spells, Items and Heroes / A question about heroes
Noviembre 30, 2003, 05:20:54 AM
Thanks that was usefull.

So is there any difference between the heroes right now except veteran who is getting valor at lvl 14.                    
Spells, Items and Heroes / A question about heroes
Noviembre 28, 2003, 11:24:37 AM
Can anyone post heroes abilities and what they do.

Thanks in advance.