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Server Super blitz - Union del honor / Motion Bot
Mayo 17, 2004, 05:58:44 PM
motion bot = mirc or web based bot that allow u to identify if an enemy is moving so that you can spell him.

Unless the spanishs do not sleep and refresh their spy page 24/7 every minutes, I am sure they are using one. Myself and a few of my friends have been spelled within few turns of movement few days in a row (I am not bluffing). No doubt it can be just pure coincidence (or some lifeless members being online 24/7), but being caught every time every day is just too suspicious. Someone ought to check this out. We don't want The Lord to become a game of bots. Are we playing this game based on skill or a bot? I know a few very good programmers too that can create all sort of bots if this is the type of game u guys want the lord to end up with.

And draco, I am suprised to hear u do not know of a "motion" bot given the spanish hacking reputation in Mari. You must be one of the cleanest mage. And before you even begin, no worry, I will be leaving next reset for good. So one less english mage for you to trouble yourself with.
Citathis world would be a better place if we all just watched and lived south park

let's all get naked and get in a big orgy and have sex.

it worked and the people from the future left, so many we'll all fall in love and live happily ever after.

btw english mages suck.

i like AMERICAN mages!

they are the bestestest ;)  'ep 'ep!!
You are a fag.  English mages >> than american fat asses. End of story.
This is to make it official that The Imperium has decided to stand by our allies and will declare war on LTDD.

LTDD's leader should have received a mail by now from our leader Simba about the timing of war. We will hold back our attacks (except counters) until the time as stated in the mail.  Good luck to all of us!  
Spells, Items and Heroes / Assignment
Abril 21, 2004, 04:44:34 PM
I currently cannot assign the new blue spells for defense e.g. lovesick
Errores ( bugs ) reparados / Black Sabbath
Abril 18, 2004, 05:58:27 PM
CitaThat is the eldest bug, dude, read the "already known bugs"
ops... sorry. I haven't been active recently :)
Errores ( bugs ) reparados / Black Sabbath
Abril 18, 2004, 12:43:16 PM
Black Stabbath
Spell Upkeep 0 666 0

BS upkeep is 666 pop, not mana.  
Spells, Items and Heroes / Frank
Abril 05, 2004, 04:03:30 AM
Thanks Draco!

I saw your post in the news section and it was really helpful. Btw, welcome back!  :ban:                    
Errores ( bugs ) reparados / multi
Abril 04, 2004, 09:04:32 PM
I am not sure where to post for possible multi so i am going to do it here.

I saw 2 mages from the same guild who played one right after the other within minutes (I saw them gained lands. It is not hard to notice given that only 100 mages play in that server). I have check their chronicles but they haven\'t attacked anyone which led me to conclude they were exploring for lands. I am not 100% certain they are multi but I guess there is no harm checking.

Can council members (if there is still a council) help check this out? Thanks.

Spells, Items and Heroes / Frank
Abril 03, 2004, 08:21:20 AM

The offensive spells are working but you didn\'t say!  :cry:

Can you give an update of what is working and what is not? It is rather important to know these things..........                    
NEWS / Heros to test
Abril 01, 2004, 08:32:27 PM
How can we test hero abilities when we have no clue what they have?

Can u alter the hero description to include their abilities?                    
Can I get my hero please?                    
I paid 189 mil for a lv 18 amazon and got nothing after 30 minutes (not even a refund :/). Someone should really go and fix it.

My mage is qbot (#45). Check it if you don\'t believe :/                    
Spells, Items and Heroes / Frank
Marzo 25, 2004, 06:07:29 AM
And which items/spells are working now? I remembered reading a post some time ago that most of the spells (and items?) will be working soon.                    
NEWS / Heros to test
Marzo 19, 2004, 11:42:39 AM
when are they coming out?]                    
NEWS / cambio de server: hecho a perder el juego
Marzo 14, 2004, 10:22:37 AM
Will the restoration affects all servers or just super blitz? (coz I think everyone can play in blitz server). If you are going to reset all servers, please let us know, so I don\'t have to waste my time playing blitz for now  :ban:                    
I read that all the red spells except chain lighting will be working next Monday. However, I can hardly remember which spells are working for the other colours. The last update on the english forum about spells and items was a long time ago. Can someone kindly tell me which spells and items will work after the NEW implementation this coming Monday (15th March 2004)?

Another question, when you said all red spells will work, does that mean inferno has been fixed? That it targets all enemies units instead of one random group like before?

And.. how about resistance? will it be fixed too? I am referring to both attack resistances, hero resistances and spell resistances.

Lastly, have the population bug been fixed? Will recruiting units reduce your population now? As you may know, it currently takes up zero population space in blitz (not sure about other servers).  Last reset in super blitz, if you have more than one group of recruitables, the population reduction is only based on ONE of those groups. i.e you can have 1 militia and 100k EM and the pop reduction is just 1. Has that been fixed yet?

Thanks to whoever that is going to answer my queries  :ban:                    
hm... This is odd. Somehow the link works fine with me......                    
I received an email from a spanish friend today and I think it may be of interest to the players here (especially the spanishs). I have signed the petition and I hope some of you may do so too. (Admin, please don\'t delete this)

[This is for real and many people have died. So don\'t take the piss out of this and show your respect to the deads. (These goe especially to the Americans. We shared our grieves with you during the twin towers so it may be time you do the same to us europeans)  ]


Dear friend,

I guess that you must have heard or read today\'s bombing in Madrid city  - in a train in the rush hour.

Media companies like the CNN of BBC still call them \'Basque separatists\'.  Such a term might have been more appropriate during their first few years.  However, the reality is that they have been killing for more than 40 years.  Victims are from all over Spain, and this includes Basques.  

Their true name is TERRORISTS.

A request has been launched to ask CNN to start calling them TERRORISTS.  This would help with the wrong appreciation of this problem outside Spain.  

I would like to ask you to support such an initiative.  All you have to do is log on to the link below, and inserting your name and e-mail address and some comments if you consider it appropriate.  You can CHOOSE TO KEEP YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS PRIVATELY.  By the time I am writing this, there\'s over 16000 signatures already.  

Let\'s make a difference today.

NEWS / New spells activated
Enero 12, 2004, 11:38:11 AM
yea.. I remember I complained some time ago that chain lighting and inferno only target ONE group and kills almost next to nothing...                    
NEWS / New spells activated
Enero 10, 2004, 11:52:01 AM
It has been a while now and I wonder if any more new spells /items been activated! :~)                    
Consultations, New Ideas / good idea
Enero 05, 2004, 11:20:07 AM
willibomb, I think the best solution is DON\'T PLAY. No one will realised if you are gone, so don\'t worry.                    
Hall of Banquets / HAPPY NEW YEAR
Diciembre 31, 2003, 10:52:44 AM
I too wish everyone a HAPPY NEW YEAR. Time to get really drunk!                    
Hall of Banquets / connection to the server
Diciembre 31, 2003, 08:07:56 AM
Still can\'t log in after 12 hours. I reckon it is something to do with the US-EUROPE connection. A friend of mine was able to login my mage (from US) while I am here hanging dry.

Are you lots (who has the same problem) from Europe?                    
Hall of Banquets / connection to the server
Diciembre 30, 2003, 10:54:48 PM
When I tried to log on just now, I got this message.


No se pudo conectar a la base de datos

was not possible to be connected to the data base


Apparently, not everyone is affected by this. Some of my friends managed to log on while I was stuck in the cold. Why is this? I got this message a couple of times already before.....                    
Hall of Knowledge / Top 100 observation
Diciembre 11, 2003, 05:42:47 PM
Because many people want to lore. Currently, the server is full of alliance block, so whichever block (english or spanish) that dominate the top can then continue to get lands by loring :)                    
It is very clear. Thanks you very much!  :cheer:                    
A very good point. Thank you.                    
Who are those people in team GD?


I might be wrong but I thought a unit become fatigued for being attacked. For example, say I have 1 stack of ghouls (initiative 1), if it got attacked numerous time and lost a certain % of units, it become \"fatigued\" and may not even attack. But then, I am only a newbie and more likely to be wrong  :poin:                    
Can you tell me where I can find these new changes? What is the new rules for fatigues? Thanks                    
NEWS / Spells by color that we most need working right
Diciembre 05, 2003, 07:20:02 PM
Can you fix the barriers and unit resistances before activating \"slow\"?                    
Spells, Items and Heroes / how things work?
Diciembre 02, 2003, 06:12:09 PM
Habilidad MARKSMANSHIP SWIFT FEAR  <---- are the units abilities working?