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Mensajes - Uncle_Norse

Cita de: \"navoko\"hey guys!!

instead of playing slow yo can play superblitz  erasing this sign ~ when gives the error of the data base.

When I do that I get This.................................Oracle error 4534345                    
Well you still get this (lower) message when you go to log on to the Super Blitz Guild Server but  the link to the new game is posted below .

Apparently Lord Frank is going to reset the game back to a time before last Friday so that the people who couldn\'t get on will not be taken advantage of by those who could and attacked them for all they were worth .

No se pudo conectar a la base de datos

was not possible to be connected to the data base                    
NEWS / Rules for the uncoming armaggedon
Marzo 15, 2004, 01:04:51 AM
Lord Frank will cast it when Arma comes up again .  :ban:                    
NEWS / cambio de server: hecho a perder el juego
Marzo 15, 2004, 12:55:22 AM
I believe that\'s the same as it has been all along . You can have allys but they don\'t send reinforcements .

It\'s a waste of time right now but it\'s one of the things on the admin\'s to-do list .                    
Holy_Mox , are you saying that you were playing at the time you made the above post only it was SLOW ??!!

I\'ve been getting the same message as LordSoth and I thought everyone else was too !!

Post the link you\'re getting on with please .  :cheer:                    
The server is down at the moment . Is this going to be the link to it when it comes back up on the new one ?

Holy Mox , I believe you\'ll get your money back but it takes some time . It doesn\'t come back automatically when you get overbid on THE LORD .

I once wrote to the admins when this happened and my money was returned.                    
Hall of Banquets / A nice question to all.....
Diciembre 31, 2003, 01:17:13 AM
O.K. , a candy to the eloverlord who can tell me what i.r.m.q.t.p. means . You got me curious .                    
Hall of Knowledge / Disbanding with heros
Diciembre 25, 2003, 06:12:00 AM
I know this question has probably been answered before but i can\'t find it .

In old AM i have scouted with 1 militia or other fodder unit and when that unit died i didn\'t loose an expensive hero because my highest hero didn\'t take command of it  .  Pillaging there was also not commanded by a hero . This was discovered quite by accident there and i\'m wondering if it also holds true here ?

However , my main question concerns the \"undisbandable\" unit that i would sometimes like to get rid of on the Chilian server without having to loose a hero to do it !!

Does anybody know if there is a number of units below which a hero will NOT take command or if the hero fails to take command of a SINGLE stack ?

Although i\'ve been playing for a few years my experience with heros and colors other than Verdant is rather limited .                    
Hall of Banquets / A nice question to all.....
Diciembre 21, 2003, 04:44:07 AM
Athens at the moment but i think Rev. is from another city in Greece originally . I can\'t remember the name .                    
Hall of Knowledge / Rushing is cool!
Diciembre 09, 2003, 05:10:17 AM
Distinius ,

If you and your friends haven\'t found a guild or taken the invitation to join GoAP by our allied brother , Revenger , I\'d like to take a moment to recommend my guild , Knights of the Silver Order , KSO .  We\'re loads of fun . Ask anybody who really knows us .  :ban:

Just say Norse sent you , that ought to carry a little weight .  hehe

.......................and Revenger , thanks for your above invitation to join GoAP . If anything ever happend to KSO (rather doubtful) I\'d certainly make GoAP my 1st application .  :cheer: