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Mensajes - despair

Apprentice - Union del honor / koll is a big DAMN NOOB
Octubre 04, 2004, 12:40:38 PM
hacking = bad and wrong
if you are a good player should be able to kill someone ingame without hacking,
so hacking woul dmake you a noob yourself and not a good playeing game right?

btw whatever,  i am making my way up to show you what i got, nice and friendly competiton is always welcomed by me

Hall of Banquets / So....
Octubre 01, 2004, 04:32:51 PM
there should be several TI players around like tekno, daf, simba,  i think we play mostly ager and blitz or super, but were also on server and some of us even play app
Server server - Union del honor / NAPs con BGA?
Septiembre 29, 2004, 12:50:27 PM
I did want to post here that TC does have a nap with BGA,  I believe arioch already stated that but since the online translators are not that great I wanted to confirm.  I have also addressed this with my guildmates as well.  Good luck to all
Apprentice - Union del honor / Strong Hold
Septiembre 22, 2004, 08:39:12 AM
yep app is a little more my speed with my current schedule, but i play under a different name, hope to see you back in the top 10 soon, oh btw i am red here on app :rolleyes:  
Apprentice - Union del honor / Strong Hold
Septiembre 17, 2004, 09:17:55 AM
gonna kill you for leaving the guild huh? oh well, let'em try and btw  i am a little sad to see that era is not controlling like the top 30 or holding the most of those spots anyway, means that I cant just make my way back up the middle of you :)  but i will see you up top hisoka :P  
Consultations, New Ideas / summon devils
Septiembre 17, 2004, 09:06:43 AM
i dont agree with getting rid of it.  leave it, seems to me the main people that cry about it are the ones that are new to the game, the vets have a knowledge that either says stay away from black or take a chance of getting hit by devils.  it makes it fun and interesting and i say if you cry you should get hit more because your a wimp
Server server - Union del honor / ANTU V/S TR
Septiembre 07, 2004, 03:45:59 PM
just wanted to note that Blacksol is now TC as of 9/7 and he is an old TC member that has just come back but at the time that he was hit by the TR members he was not in TC so there is no problem between us with that hit now, that he is a member i do ask that you respect the usual rules of engagement
i have heard of DPE dark pentagram elite they were allies to tc on blitz good people and players
Apprentice - Union del honor / Mercado
Agosto 12, 2004, 02:51:32 PM
nice to see yoru still here belen,  havent seen much of you (by a familiar name anyway) in the games
Hall of Banquets / Apprentice?
Agosto 11, 2004, 05:54:02 PM
question about app, and i will post on app boards as well, but on app server there should be no ultimates unless frank has decided to allow them could you let me know if we will ave ultimates on app or not.
Apprentice - Union del honor / Era Everywhere
Agosto 06, 2004, 04:20:40 PM
i plan to try and be in there within a few days just to be a thorn in there side :D  
Apprentice - Union del honor / Era Everywhere
Agosto 05, 2004, 02:48:25 PM
hehe looks like this will be a good challange to get anywhere with all of the era around  B)  
ok now my turn to post,  i am a little late as i was not aware that i was the topic of such a heated debate.  I did use devils to attack diox as a strategic move.  DDD was running the top and diox had a nice lead.  As far as devils being an act of war, that has already been debated in this topic by many others.  I personally feel that COS is a well known risk that anyone who hits a nether is aware of.  I took a large risk hitting him with devils as they do/did  take most of my population, but just like in mari if you have experience with it you can recover easier.  Seeing as how this is a war game i am willing to defend myself if needed, but as of yet I have not been spelled or anything more than randomed.  I played side by side with DDD last reset and have no hard feelings against them or any of their members and I look forward to a good reset.

ps  oh yeah um  just to warn anyone else for the future I do and will devil if I want to or if there is a strategic reason for doing so :rolleyes:  
qbot and a couple of the others are correct, sheperdess is a good hero and her main abilities that are useful are the animal taming and peace with nature, just gotta watch out for the sheep, and make sure to disband them if you dont like them, i learned that the hard way in mari one time.  and dont mess with the devils, its fun to wipe out a top stack with them, but there are heavy penalties to use them, but like blob said should be power for power not attack for attack
Spells, Items and Heroes / Dispell Bug
Julio 28, 2004, 08:12:32 AM
unless it is a new bug caused by the server switch.  I was spelled last reset on ager by loky and a few others and i tseemed to take around 250,000 to dispell
Hall of Banquets / Apprentice?
Julio 26, 2004, 03:38:27 PM
ok here are the list for the servers

app  1 turn 20 min  max 120 turns   (NO ULTIMATES)
ager  1 turn 15 min max 180 turns  (unlimited exploration)
server  1 turn 10 min  max 180 turns
blitz  1 tun 5 min max 200 turns

and frank could you verify if on app here we can use ultimates?  as it seems I can research them
Server server - Union del honor / Saludos
Julio 22, 2004, 05:03:23 PM
greetings and good luck to A4,  coudnlt make much out of the forum since in spanish but hey your another guild and the more players the better  
Server server - Union del honor / Ti/tc
Julio 22, 2004, 05:01:24 PM
yep the top 10 really didnt see much action for the longest time unless you dropped down to hit people from the 10-12range like i did  :)  
Server server - Union del honor / Ti/tc
Julio 15, 2004, 03:43:01 PM
i think the only difference from denadors post was that wladimir dropped down to where i was and me and simba both moved up a spot, but i couldnt find a copy of the HOF on my pc , so this is from memory
Hall of Banquets / Old Am Players
Julio 15, 2004, 03:14:30 PM
oh just saw the post and yep lots of old am players,  i know TI was on ager and should be again this reset
Server server - Union del honor / Ti/tc
Julio 14, 2004, 08:03:12 AM
can anyone translate for me, the online translator is not workign to well, and congrats on gettin a member in the top DDD
well if loky hadnt locked me down you(morn) would have been one o f my main targets, but great job in top 10, oh btw here on ager i'm just a member, so i say good job to the others who took charge here like daf, blackthorn, and ice cold, and simba
4 out of ten is good and yeah i think with TI and FyH at war that let several other mages just power up to get to the top
anyone got the final top 10?
i will say good victory to FyH they fought with honor in a nice clean battle.  and to loky nice job spelling me while all my spells were disbanded from the update, without BS on i didnt get enough mana to dispell,a nd you finished me off congrats.  I look forward to next reset being as exciting as this with a clean battle as well, until next reset
it was a good war and hadas and rct have fought valiently, i also commend DDD in our alliance as we have had no problems, even though we were against each other in the beginning trying to take the top, we have since built a trusting relationship.  Good luck to all mages during arma,  whether part of my guild or any others
yes with alot of allies and naps on such a small server it is hard to play let alone enjoy a war game without the war.  That is the only reason TC was reluctant to have any naps or allies, now during the war since we were way out numbered to start we have 1 ally and 1 nap which total around 15 mages so it is not awful but it does limit our play as they are now ranked just below TC, but good luck to all and maybe next reset we will see many more members on our server
Server ager - Union del honor / Guerra T.i Vs F Y H
Junio 29, 2004, 04:39:25 PM
yes good fight and the active members of FyH all ahve my respect, specially fr booting Karn for bug abuse, I have fun fighting the skilled mages in the lower ranks for a while now I want the big boys again  see you soon sek :D  
man english would be nice here, but maybe i can figure it out form the online translator
Server ager - Union del honor / Guerra T.i Vs F Y H
Junio 14, 2004, 01:28:54 PM
a kill is a kill whether active or not and as far as being removed before or during the war, that really doesnt matter either, what matters is the end result whether the active members play or not and whether they live;   as the active ones are the ones that gain land and gain power and help.  So I say congrats to FyH on their Kills and congrats to TI for theres, now lets keep this war fun and just think eventually whether just removed for inactivity or active and killed off those mages are still gone one way or the other
Server server - Union del honor / War Between Ti Vs
Junio 11, 2004, 09:19:00 AM
see now this should be a fun time, yes we are at war, but we can still have a good time, after all it is a game and that is what it's about, now all we have to do is win and i'll be even happier  :D  
Server server - Union del honor / War Between Ti Vs
Junio 10, 2004, 09:08:18 AM
um wladimir and james are on our side hisoka :)    
Server server - Union del honor / War Between Ti Vs
Junio 09, 2004, 03:02:22 PM
I am sorry to say that this must be short and to the point, as i really like the elaborate stories that usually accompany these, but  At this time due to several multi attacks from A HADAS and RCT member we are declaring war on both of those guilds.  I have also recieved word that several other guilds would like to war us to remove us from the top.  As I have had no complaints about other guilds i have no will to declare on them.  The war will begin at 06:00 serevr time.  Good luck and have fun.
Server ager - Union del honor / Guerra T.i Vs F Y H
Junio 09, 2004, 02:42:11 PM
him atleast 2 kills already  :(  not looking so good but dont worry we are killed vets and will put up a good fight  :D  
Hall of Knowledge / Red Strategy
Junio 04, 2004, 01:35:19 PM
i did okay as red on server for a while last reset, efreet are pretty good up top they can take damage, but sometimes you need the dragons top to deal damage.  I ran a stack with effreet top then either [a href= target=_blank]treant[/a] or nether unit like [a href= target=_blank]lich[/a] or vamp, then tried to get dragons around 4-5 to kill the other fodder units, then had some fodder stacks.  I think i got to like 4500 land and around 5 on the serevr with something like that until it was decided to reset the server early
Hall of Banquets / From Where You Play?
Junio 04, 2004, 01:29:26 PM
i play at work and parents homes if I am visiting them on the weekends
Server ager - Union del honor / War Declaration
Junio 04, 2004, 01:07:51 PM
greetings and good luck to all in the battle.  From what I have seen from the most part this should be a nice clean and fun battle, I look forward to testing the skills of of my fyh opponents, especially my guildmates on server, like goltem and wladimir :rolleyes:  
Server server - Union del honor / War
Mayo 27, 2004, 02:32:02 PM
this was fun to try and read, couldnt understand most of it, but keep posting, I like to here about battles of a war
well, I have just cast COS to check it out and it seems ok for the most part just a couple of things i remember differently,   just to try and help out in case COS is working incorreclty, here is how I remember it to work,   the casting cost was ! million mana and 150k population then the cost in pop was 6666+ 25%(give or take a little) of remaing pop and the geld was the same way costing a percentage each turn maybe a little more than the pop, but I remember being able to get around 6-7 attacks(counters or what not)with devils in mari, were here it seems I will only get about 3 before my resources are depleted.  As for the length they stay it was 12hrs for the devils and the [a href= target=_blank]devil[/a] prince stayed until you had used(not just earned but actually used) 3 days worth of turns.  as for the # of devils you get for the different times you attack(ie counter, counter spell, or random)  javieria sounds about right with his qauntities.
yes far from boring and some very good battles, I myself hav elost several heroes :lol:
Server server - Union del honor / Tc/ti
Abril 29, 2004, 02:12:56 PM
hello Anton,

I look forward to our battles, and good luck to both of us, it looks as though it we will have close ones, but ill try not to be to rough on you if you take it easy on me too  :P
congratulations on taking most of the top at the start, but I plan to give good competition.  See you in the top guys.

member TI
Server server - Union del honor / Tc/ti
Abril 27, 2004, 12:12:23 PM
Greetings from TC/TI

just wanted to post since a few others had.
I am glad frank and the others have begun this project and i think it has almost surpassed the original, good job guys, and to the fellow server players, good luck the rest of the reset