The question remains, when will reinforcements work?

Iniciado por Anton Draven LaVey, Abril 03, 2004, 11:36:30 AM

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Anton Draven LaVey

The question remains, when will reinforcements work? I remember it use to work few sets ago, and everyone loves there reinforcements im sure they would agree.

:cheer:   :cheer:   :cheer:

So when will reinforcements work?  :cheer:                    


em lo estoi arreglando no funcionaba de la forma correcta                    
nuevo server :


i no comprende spanish???????????                    
Cogi Tu Ergo Sum

Est Modus In Rrebus

Gulae Punit Gulax



he s working on them...

isnt working in the correct way                    

Anton Draven LaVey

ok  :cheer:                    


that was a good question :)                    


shut up joni!!!! and btw i need that crap of allies working please                    
i jumped in the river
black-eyed angels swimming with me
a moon full of stars and astral cars
all the figures i used to see
all my lovers were there with me
all my past and futures
and we all went to heaven in a little row boat



the question is questioned!


what question the reins are working ok for me :D
i jumped in the river
black-eyed angels swimming with me
a moon full of stars and astral cars
all the figures i used to see
all my lovers were there with me
all my past and futures
and we all went to heaven in a little row boat

Anton Draven LaVey

Now the question is, when will they work on other servers?


good question anton!!!
are they working in the other servers???
i jumped in the river
black-eyed angels swimming with me
a moon full of stars and astral cars
all the figures i used to see
all my lovers were there with me
all my past and futures
and we all went to heaven in a little row boat


ok let me understand all changes are only for SuperBlitz ok?
i jumped in the river
black-eyed angels swimming with me
a moon full of stars and astral cars
all the figures i used to see
all my lovers were there with me
all my past and futures
and we all went to heaven in a little row boat


yup, all advances are for super blitz, but when the other servers resets, they will start with the changes super has at that moment
Kokleten, orgulloso miembro de GLH, gremio independiente anti malos rollos ^^


ohhhh i c when are you gonna make the schedue of the war???
i jumped in the river
black-eyed angels swimming with me
a moon full of stars and astral cars
all the figures i used to see
all my lovers were there with me
all my past and futures
and we all went to heaven in a little row boat


schedule of da war? what're u talking about?
Kokleten, orgulloso miembro de GLH, gremio independiente anti malos rollos ^^


that thingie you did last big war between Ynosc, Power, LTDD and other guilds I don't remember like two sets ago
i jumped in the river
black-eyed angels swimming with me
a moon full of stars and astral cars
all the figures i used to see
all my lovers were there with me
all my past and futures
and we all went to heaven in a little row boat