Guild Message (minor bug)

Iniciado por Gomorrah, Julio 17, 2011, 10:28:05 PM

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It says "Read Guild Msg(15)" in main page. But when I click it, there are no messages.
Still the same even if I refresh the page or logout/login.
I think the guild leader died yesterday.... so the guild have been disbanded.
Power through honor and integrity.
     Perfect plan. Precise execution. Excellent result.


yes that bug was reported years ago.

if you go out of a guild you can´t read any unread messenges but neither can deleted. I guess that if the guild is disbanded this also happens.

Por un foro libre de tirania. No al abuso de poder
Nombre:     SephiroxVIII
Mensajes:    2051 (1.263 por día)
Grupo:    Hero level 12
Tierra:    -19

gracias frank


To read the messages of the guild, you must create a guild with the same name
Cita de: lord_frank en Enero 26, 2009, 05:40:15 PM
andan chistosos...


Su post Nº 10000


no se si estaba posteado pero lo muevo ...
nuevo server :