Several questions

Iniciado por DarkLord, Diciembre 15, 2003, 06:33:44 AM

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1. Are the barriers working if not will they be fixed soon?

2. As i remember there was a units hp increase if you have % of your land in forts. Is it implemented if so can anyone post the formula?

3. If you lose more then 10% of your units on defense but you inflict more damage will you still lose.                    


1-No, only stop the item sometimes. I hope they can be fixed soon, they are working on it.

2-No, it is not implemented yes. The formula was:

less than 1.5% of forts=0% increase

1.5% forts=10% HP increase

between 1.5% and 2.5% forts=gradually increase until 20%

More than 2.5% forts=20% HP increase

3-No, the message is wrong and still says (to the attacker) that you didn\'t inflict enough damage, instead of advicing the defender inflicted more damage than you, but the defense is succesful.                    


Well if the barriers are working for the items it can be easily modified to work for the spells too. Because it\'s checked in a similar way. So it seems that the they are not working because they don\'t want them to work not because they are trying to fix it.                    


Don\'t be so harsh, Darklord. Even if it was the easier thing to do, you don\'t have proof that they don\'t want to fix it, you must be respectful with the people who works for free and let you play this game.

And for your info, it is not easy at all. You must combine barriers with spells like protection for evil, mental barrier, and so, and not for items. Also, you must program the spell level of both wizards to decide if there is more chance to pass the barriers or not, also not for items. And finally, you must combine with the specific protection of the units for that kind of magic.

Last of all, you must thank Dracolich with your best smile for answering so fast and accurate to your post, and send flowers on his birthday.                    



Well i insist that it\'s easy to do it. First there is nothing to combine you  make random(100) (i don\'t remember how it was on php maybe rand(0,100)) and it returns 0 to 99 now let\'s say you have 75% barrier resistance then if the result from the random is 0 to 74 spell fails if it\'s ]74 spell passes. And you make the same for the items. Now if the spell passes you start doing the same for each defensive spell that protects from spells untill you pass through all of them or the spell fails. And there is nothing to do with the units resistances they are checked later after the spell is sucessfully casted. As you see it\'s simple.

And you don\'t combine spell levels of the the both mages you just check the spell level of the defending mage spells to calculate the % chance of blocking a spell with them.                    


Well, I am not a programmer, so I cannot deny your thoughts, except one point.

The spell level must be combined, cause is not independient. When a mage with higher spell level attacks, the efect of the barriers are reduced, and viceversa. You cannot do first the barriers, then the spell level, it must be done at the same time. Perhaps it is that what is ruining the barriers.                    


Well this thing is also easy to implement you just take the barrier resistance for example 75% ans multiply it with the defendor_spell_level/attacker_spell_level*(constant if you want it). So as you see if a mage with higher spell level attacks you let\'s say you have 400 and he 450 for example you have 75*400/450=66% resistance as you see it\'s simple.                    


But you don\'t know if that exactly the way....

Ok, I surrender. It may be simple, easy, and with little effort it will work fine.

But I still think that you must give Frank a chance, to control every aspect of this game is really, really, really, not easy. And I hope this time you can agree with me.

The topic of the barriers don\'t working yet was created only 2 days ago on the spanish forum, patience.                    


how did the barriers stop working all of the sudden? because they used to work in this game before. i remember my spells being blocked, so why are they not working now if they were working before?                    


Frank if you really want to fix them. If you explain what\'s the problem i\'ll try to help.                    


Dracolich what\'s your mage name?                    


no hay problema ;) los bug no se corrigen de inmediato ya que el equipo de desarrollo esta en labores mas importantes, ya se tomara y se corregiran los bugs a su tiempo. gracias de todas formas ..

paciencia ;)

nuevo server :


en el caso concreto de las barreras se desactivo a proposito , no es un bug, y al subirlas la otra vez no lo hize bien ;)....

nuevo server :


Can anyone translate the above 2 post?



CitaCan anyone translate the above 2 post?

There\'s no problem ;) the bugs won´t be inmediatedly solved because in the development team there are more important tasks to do. They will be solved in time. Thanks anyway...

In the barriers case it was deactivated incidentally, its not a bug, and at uploading them last time I didn´t do it right ;)...                    
He dicho.
Soy [span style=\'font-size:14pt;line-height:100%\']SiNiStEr
Siervo de PODER [span style=\'font-size:15pt;line-height:100%\']H[/size]ISPANO[/span],
Maestro de la destrucción,
Profanador de Hadas,
Señor en las Profundidades Abisales,
Maldición de Arcángeles y Demonios,
Dueño del Secreto Oscuro.[/span]

"Face each battle, each foe, as though it is your last,

One day it will be"


Thanks for the translation and now i think that the barriers are working i had spells stoped by them several times.                    


Hehe The Barriers works now fine!also It Depends on the level you have the higher level the more sure is to cast a spell and penetrate the barriers!

Also dark lord You are right abut the numbers!                    

Anton Draven LaVey

I was just wondering, doe\'s \"Brooch of Protection\" work?                    


No, it doesn`t work yet                    
La vida no tiene ni premios ni castigos, solo tiene consecuencias.

Visiten a los patrocinadores para que se pueda continuar con el proyecto.


pooooor anton...

so many brooch and they serve for anything  :nut:  :nut:  :nut: