several minor changes

Iniciado por DarkLord, Enero 15, 2004, 01:39:45 PM

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1. I\'m using Chronicle a lot and it will be a way better that the link on the ranking page opens in new window. Right now it\'s unusable i\'m using the one on the main page typing mage id.

2. It will be better to have the max mp in the mp charge page.

3. The condition of using defensive items is a good thing to have. You don\'t want to loose all your 20 ashes of being multiattack by just created multimage.                    


I agree with you, but...

1-Right click on the link, and choose new window. I think every experienced player who doesn\'t use a warpanel has many open windows while playing, not only that one.

2-The right click trick works here too, but is not so important cause you can surpass that limit, though that extra mana will disappear if you don\'t use it.

3-That\'s a difficult thing to program...oh, I don\'t want to start the old debate about what\'s easy and what\'s not. I would lose. Let\'s say that is not a priority right now.                    


1. I\'m using a lot of browser windows and i\'m shift left clicking it\'s faster then the popup menu on right click. As for the link you can\'t open it in new window it\'s a javascript.

2. What do you mean to \"surpass that limit\"?

3. It\'s not even close to difficult it\'s easy to programm. And I hope it will get to the top of priority list before the arma. Think of all that mages that are high enough to be hit by everyone. Top 10 mages will loose their items and mana in the first hour of the arma.                    


For 3) Yeah it shouldnt be to hard here. It is a very simple algorith to write: 1)Check setting of use 2) Check power of enemy against defender\'s by percentage  3) if power of enemy satisfies requirement of use, then item used. Should only take 20 give or take a few lines of code depending on style.

Have fun                    
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