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Iniciado por lord_frank, Enero 21, 2004, 09:39:35 PM

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Ash of Invisibility / Ceniza de Invisivilidad

Book of Golem Summoning / Libro de evocación del Golem

Book of Prophecy / Libro de Profecías

Coffin / Ataúd

Crystal Ball / Bola de Cristal

Figurine of the Ice Queen / Figurilla de la Reina del Hielo

Flasks of Holy Water / Frasco de Agua Bendita

Head of Meduse / La Cabeza de Medusa

Horn of Valhalla / Cuerno de Valhala

Javelin of Lightning Bolt / Javalina de Relampago

Letter of the Thieves Guild / Carta del Gremio de Ladrones

Magical Compass / Compás Mágico

Mana Crystal / Cristal de Mana

Mana Vortex / Vortice de mana

Peaches / Bananas

Pipes of the Sewer / La Flauta del Mayordomo

Powder Keg / Barril de Polvora

Rotten Food / Comida Putrefacta

Sage Stone / Piedra Filosofal

Spider\'s Web / La Telaraña

Total Newbie Handbook / Manual del Novato

Voodoo Doll / Muñeca Vudu

Wine of Three Whips / Licor de las Tres Caderas

Carpet of Flying / Alfombra Magica

Drums of War / Tambores de Guerra

Oil Flasks / Frascos de Aceite

Ointment of Healing / Bolsa de Hierbas

Pouch of Herbs / Morral de Hierbas

Satchel of Mist / Saco de Niebla

Strange Metallic Can / Lata Extaña

Vial of Venom / Pomo de Ponzoña

-candle of sleeping / vela del sueño [31-oct-2003]

Teasure Chest / Cofre del Tesoro [oct-2003]

monkey brain/ sesos de mono [21-01-2004]                    
nuevo server :


frank you need to look at ash and stun there is something terribly wrong with it. i have seen many battle reports about this bug

one of them is posted here:                    


yes , tank, fixed soon ...                    
nuevo server :