No confirmation e-mail ?

Iniciado por Simba, Marzo 26, 2004, 02:43:25 AM

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I have to post this here as there is no \'Bugs\' section for all servers and it kinda concerns starting my mage.

I created mages on 3 servers yesterday: Mega Blitz, Super Blitz and Ager, all with the same magename and e-mail. I did my first 100 turns and waited for the confirmation mail to arrive. Nothing came. I did a few extra turns on Super Blitz until I got the window asking for the code. There I asked to get it sent again. Still nothing.
So I created another mage, this time on Server, with a different e-mail adress, thinking the one I used might not work for some reason. Again, I received no mail. I know the second adress is working because I receive other mail there.

Am I the only one with that problem ?                    


No you are not the only one with this problem. I suggest that you post this in the super blitz bug section. You might also list the mage names, mage numbers, and the servers they are in.                    

Council Admin/Leader Lord Archmage

High Sovereign King
The Empire of Excursion

[size=8]~~Try to be the kind of person your dog thinks you are~~[/size]


Coppied to Super Blitz Bugs section.