The Admin Bug Again

Iniciado por noone, Mayo 09, 2004, 01:13:01 AM

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someone had their trigger on the happy button once again.


humm, were u deleted or something?, or is just an ironic commentary to piss people?
Kokleten, orgulloso miembro de GLH, gremio independiente anti malos rollos ^^


He got deleted again, Kokleten, he attacked twice a member of his guild, you know, milking, maybe disbanding, maybe just protection, who knows.

EDIT: As far as i know, of course :)


ban him!
The Acoseitor

Sexy Sadie, how did you know ?,
the world was waiting just for you.


then i apologize for my sarcasm, but that is bad, guy...
Kokleten, orgulloso miembro de GLH, gremio independiente anti malos rollos ^^


wulf are you in the council?  noone told me why i was deleted and no i do not cheat or milk.  do NOT throw around accusations like that.  i was deleted again for no reason.  and i think it's all apart of the world is coming to get me kinda conspiracy.


Citawulf are you in the council?  noone told me why i was deleted and no i do not cheat or milk.  do NOT throw around accusations like that.  i was deleted again for no reason.  and i think it's all apart of the world is coming to get me kinda conspiracy.
2004-05-04  21:30:28 Nick(#37) Crimson [a href= target=_blank]devil[/a](#515)
2004-05-04  21:28:56 Nick(#37) Crimson [a href= target=_blank]devil[/a](#515)

You were both TCA, didn't you?

And no, i'm not at the council


Encima de tramposo nos toma por tontos  :P  



Crimson [a href= target=_blank]devil[/a] and Nick were deleted by milking. If you want more reasons, speak with Iratus.
Esto si es estar favorecido!!!

Sol, the Great Father Favored 1,470,000,000
Luna, La luz de la Noche Favored 1,265,000,000
Nature, the Wheel of Life Favored 659,000,000
Magic, the Mistress of Chaos Favored 664,000,000
Science, the Magic of Man Favored 1,217,000,000
Satan, Ruler of the Nine Hells Favored 940,000,000
Lucifer, the Light Bearer Favored 1,437,000,000

Sol, El grandioso Padre esta vigilando tu reino.
Luna, La luz de la Noche esta vigilando tu reino.
Naturaleza, the Wheel of Life esta vigilando tu reino.
Magia, the Mistress of Chaos esta vigilando tu reino.
Ciencia, the Magic of Man esta vigilando tu reino.
Satanas, Ruler of the Nine Hells esta vigilando tu reino.
Lucifer, the Light Bearer esta vigilando tu reino

Shurgan: Sol es un hijo puta, ojalá fuera un mago para petarlo <--- xDDD

Jame007, sr. de los efreetis xDD:

efreeti 10,744

Se recuerda que Jame007 es el principal gerente (junto ChaosSoldier y el cyber de Granada) de todas las cuentas bancarias de Hispano xDDD


i was not deleted for milking because i do not milk.  that is wrong and i do not cheat.  if you would have checked you'd see he was not in tca at that time.  jame i did talk to iratus and i'm pretty sure he agreed with the evidence i showed him showing i was wrongfully deleted.  you are trying to hard to delete me and have to keep using these fake excuses even though i'm a legit mage and you know i've been touched by the hand of god and he's given me those godly skills.

wolf plz wait to bring up accusations till you have proof.  you obviously know very little.  ditto jame.


Noone I have been out for some days, but you know far that those two mages were TCA. Crimson [a href= target=_blank]devil[/a] were in top 10 the first weeks of the reset and was TCA, and Nick obviously is TCA. IF you say that they are not TCA, you would understand that it´s difficult to believe isn´t it??



Citai was not deleted for milking because i do not milk.  that is wrong and i do not cheat.  if you would have checked you'd see he was not in tca at that time.  jame i did talk to iratus and i'm pretty sure he agreed with the evidence i showed him showing i was wrongfully deleted.  you are trying to hard to delete me and have to keep using these fake excuses even though i'm a legit mage and you know i've been touched by the hand of god and he's given me those godly skills.

wolf plz wait to bring up accusations till you have proof.  you obviously know very little.  ditto jame.
I DID checked it, and they were both TCA at that time.

It does not change tha fact that run to push it away as soon as you knew that you were at the court.

:P :P :P :P :P

Noone, I KNOW what i'm talking about, i asked James to check you both :)


lo k pasa esk no entendeis al chico, el dice k en ese momento no era tca sobre el k milkeo, pero vamos,si le sacas del gremio, le pegas, y le vuelves a meter al gremio, deja de ser milking no ?, k tactica mas buena oiga, me salgo de kda, granjeo a todos los del top k estan con lore y stack cutre, me vuelvo a kda, y aki paz y despues gloria xDDDD
The Acoseitor

Sexy Sadie, how did you know ?,
the world was waiting just for you.


wolf it is funny you had to try and make up a story like this to get me killed because your guild can't kill me otherwise.  that is obviously the issue here.

and yes green i understand why you would be skeptical (we were but then he was kicked from tca, that's all that matters here) but it is the truth.  i have told iratus the deal and will not share the info w/ you, but you are wrong i did not milk and you all should feel horrible for accusing me of such a travesity.  i think i'd know what happened being one of the 2 mages you listed more than any of you.  


Citaand yes green i understand why you would be skeptical (we were but then he was kicked from tca, that's all that matters here) but it is the truth.  i have told iratus the deal and will not share the info w/ you, but you are wrong i did not milk and you all should feel horrible for accusing me of such a travesity.
Rgr then, maybe you should ask for your resurrection.

I'll apologize with you in that case, i've seen what i've seen, and i do not have to feel sorry b/c of it.

On the other hand, if you're not resurrected, excuse me if you loose a bit more of credit for me :)


Citai was not deleted for milking because i do not milk.  that is wrong and i do not cheat.  if you would have checked you'd see he was not in tca at that time.  jame i did talk to iratus and i'm pretty sure he agreed with the evidence i showed him showing i was wrongfully deleted.  you are trying to hard to delete me and have to keep using these fake excuses even though i'm a legit mage and you know i've been touched by the hand of god and he's given me those godly skills.

wolf plz wait to bring up accusations till you have proof.  you obviously know very little.  ditto jame.
I DID checked it, and they were both TCA at that time.

It does not change tha fact that run to push it away as soon as you knew that you were at the court.

:P :P :P :P :P

Noone, I KNOW what i'm talking about, i asked James to check you both :)
I Kick Ass


just give Nick his mage back so there arent all these accusations flying around and so we can't blame this for a turn in whats going on in the game. he's already lost like 6 days worth of turns.
I Kick Ass


I think the term milking is what is confusing the issue here. Milking in the traditional meaning has alwaysbeen the movement of resources from one mage to another in the same guild. This means the willing and agreeded upon.

In Lord Archamge however milking also means a agreed upon attack for the purpose of disbanning units.

Nick and Crimson [a href= target=_blank]devil[/a] was deleted for the later Disbanning of nicks units

Now Nick has claimed that Crimson [a href= target=_blank]devil[/a] was not part of TCA at the time of attack.

This may infact be true.

There are a lot of factors here which might not be able to be proven one way or another.

James a member of the council states that the mages was TCA at the time of the attack.

However in the intrest of fairness If can be be proven substanceally that Crimson [a href= target=_blank]devil[/a] was not TCA at the time of the attacks. Then I believe that both mages should be restored.

The problem however might be proving this. Perhaps Frank might be a resource for this.

However Nick it is clear that until I can obtain some proof in your favor I can not personally restore your mage.

Council Admin/Leader Lord Archmage

High Sovereign King
The Empire of Excursion

[size=8]~~Try to be the kind of person your dog thinks you are~~[/size]

Anton Draven LaVey

We know they just was looking for a reason to delete him, they know its not milking. Called disbanding (edit)


CitaNow Nick has claimed that CrimsonDevil was not part of TCA at the time of attack.

This may infact be true.

I noticed those attacks while i was doing my rutinary TCA's chrons check.

I checked boths mages guild at the time i was checking and they were BOTH TCA. As i was not truly aware about council politics in this issue, and, on the other hand, i was aware about Nick's Spell LVL, I just told James tho check it.

I can show you all the logs of the conversation y had with james, and you all will see how i paste their lines with both mages guild. On the other hand, as i am not a council member nor a reputated comunity member, i don't espect to be believed by everybody. Of course, James has the same logs than me.

CYA :)

EDIT: Anton, first, read the laws, second, remenber them, third, remember how to think while you write.


este tio no se k hace con acceso a este foro.
The Acoseitor

Sexy Sadie, how did you know ?,
the world was waiting just for you.


wolf like i said i have told iratus the situation and why.  and here i said crimson [a href= target=_blank]devil[/a] was not tca at that time bec he was not.  and you are right noone will believe you because you are very biased.  as well why does my spell level matter?  and how could you be aware of it if you dont have some way of hacking the game?  i might of only researched black spells for all you know.  that would of made it easier for me to run up to the top ranks.


Noone, esta es la última vez que te contesto respecto a este asunto. Como muy bien dices, Iratus y el resto del concilio tienen TODA la información (aún no he visto a tu mago resucitar).

Supongo que tenías spell lvl 0 por la sencilla razón de que fué más o menos al tiempo que tu mago era borrado la primera vez a causa de tu ofensiva y desagradable descripción.

Si tienes cualquier sospecha sobre mi o sobre mi mago, te diré que puedes hacer, denuncialo al concilio, o al mismo Frank por cualquier cosa que consideres rara.


edit: ignoradles, che

Señores de TCA, EOE y TI, con este tipo de estrategias van a conseguir lo que nunca antes nadie logró, que todos los gremios hispanos se unan de una vez por todas y de forma definitiva con una sola estrategia, destruirlos y mandarlos al estercolero del que nunca debieron dejar salir a este tipo de individuos. Si vosotros como responsables de gremios no haceis nada para evitarlo, nosotros SI haremos nuestro trabajo.

Ya me estais empezando a tocar las pelotas. He-Man Iratus, haced vuestro trabajo manteniendo la basura en su sitio o lo tendremos que hacerlo nosotros, solo que no preguntaremos antes.


wulf roxxx