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Iniciado por manchild, Octubre 06, 2003, 06:33:50 PM

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well because some ppl are slackers (namely arkran) i\'ll post this info from the spanish boards...

son 31/48 ...

Ash of Invisibility / Ceniza de Invisivilidad

Book of Golem Summoning / Libro de evocación del Golem

Book of Prophecy / Libro de Profecías

Coffin / Ataúd

Crystal Ball / Bola de Cristal

Figurine of the Ice Queen / Figurilla de la Reina del Hielo

Flasks of Holy Water / Frasco de Agua Bendita

Head of Meduse / La Cabeza de Medusa

Horn of Valhalla / Cuerno de Valhala

Javelin of Lightning Bolt / Javalina de Relampago

Letter of the Thieves Guild / Carta del Gremio de Ladrones

Magical Compass / Compás Mágico

Mana Crystal / Cristal de Mana

Mana Vortex / Vortice de mana

Peaches / Bananas

Pipes of the Sewer / La Flauta del Mayordomo

Powder Keg / Barril de Polvora

Rotten Food / Comida Putrefacta

Sage Stone / Piedra Filosofal

Spider\'s Web / La Telaraña

Total Newbie Handbook / Manual del Novato

Voodoo Doll / Muñeca Vudu

Wine of Three Whips / Licor de las Tres Caderas

Carpet of Flying / Alfombra Magica

Drums of War / Tambores de Guerra

Oil Flasks / Frascos de Aceite

Ointment of Healing / Bolsa de Hierbas

Pouch of Herbs / Morral de Hierbas

Satchel of Mist / Saco de Niebla

Strange Metallic Can / Lata Extaña

Vial of Venom / Pomo de Ponzoña

Teasure Chest / Cofre del Tesoro                    


You better have been joking about that manchild... because I think you would know what is like to have work and real life duties... it is not my obligation to come here and be making posts so you can be informed because you can´t understand spanish.

I´m doing Frank a favor because I don´t mind helping him if I can, by coming here and translating what he needs to be translated.

Don´t bite the hand that feeds you...  If I come here to help, there is no need to disrespect that help just because it does not help as much as you would want.

I think you lacked a lot of respect...                    
\"...Two Roads diverged in a wood, and I

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.\"


\"The Titan\"


Activated Items:

Teasure Chest / Cofre del Tesoro                    
-------------------- The Lord --------------------
"... un server para reunirlos a todos ..."
Uno de los fundamentos de la libertad consiste en poder hacer mal uso de ella.


thanks sir_reo i appreciate your help                    


obviously i can understand spanish i wouldn\'t have translated the last 10-15 items that weren\'t arleady. I\'m did the others a favor