no que es un server solo?

Iniciado por Shinigami, Marzo 04, 2005, 04:32:18 PM

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pos eso en el top 20 hay un par de magos gringos que estan coordinando de lo lindo hace rato, resulta que tenia 5000 tierras y se me jodio el pc un par de dias cuando volvi tenia 3000 tierras mucho ataques de 3 gringos y muerte y destruccion de un 4 que me tiene mala por que me lo granjeaba a diario.

Me gustaria saber si esos 3 gringos hay una manera de hacer que revicen y su estado y si no cumplen con las reglas sean borrados por coordinar ataques en un server solo
Todos estamos conectados....¿no crees??

Ofreces 1,738,837,226 monedas a Sol, El grandioso Padre
El sacerdote te ignora.

-449 turno(s) disponibles. 8219 turno(s) utilizados.


Yo sé de 2 blanquitos gringos.. como dices. que van cojidos de la mano. los tios pegan al mismo tio tan tranquilamente.. me ha pasado dos veces. pero con suerte.. pasaran hoy a mejor vida ^^


Aqui etos dos individuos son blancos. mueven a la misma hora y se quedan con las mismas fortalezas practicamente.. ademas suelen pegar a los mismos magos.. coincidencia? XDDD. Y para colmo alguien se me adelante con la myd a bohica!!! bueno tiraremos myd.. que sale mas cara XDDDD.
Los dos moviendo a la misma hora y pegando a los mismos..
Incandescente las llamas de los dragones abrasando tus cosechas...
Transparente el frio hielo de los muertos y los seres estraplanares convocados para repelerlos...
Los muertos se levantan.. alguien los llamó..las hadas,sirenas y otras criaturas de estrema belleza corren a tus filas..


El de la M&D fui yo pq uno de ellos se ha dedicao a multiatacarme hasta que lo pille moviendo y lo rebente a placer xDDD

Despues de unas cuantas vaciladas mandandome msg (por cierto, aviso q soy un n00b o eso me dijo xDDDDD) y diciendo qu el dia del arma me mataria etc etc al final me comi una M&D cargando mana mientras charlaba por IRC (midas t la corto!!! (es broma melon xD))

Nada, solo dejar muy claro q ya tengo mago nuevo y voy a probar un par d cosillas que siempre me han hehco gracia.

De todas formas si teneis alguna queja usad el link que hay para el consejo y reportadlo alli para que los investiguen.

suerte y buena caza!!!


ya lo hice con ese bohica y wesed o como se llame, tb me atacan todos los dias, el otro que pensaba que tb estaba metido era mighty mouse(#522), pero ahora he visto que a atacado a wesed, a menos que sea milkeo, pero para que tan paranoico  :ph34r:

lamentablemente me he llevado muy mala impresion de los server solo, en poco mas de un mes he visto trampas a destajo  <_<

en fin saludos y suerte :P
Todos estamos conectados....¿no crees??

Ofreces 1,738,837,226 monedas a Sol, El grandioso Padre
El sacerdote te ignora.

-449 turno(s) disponibles. 8219 turno(s) utilizados.


Las trampas ocurriran en todos lados.. es algo casi inevitable.. Es solo sobreponerse y jugar nada mas..En el solo pienso cargarme a esos dos.. A ver si los pillo moviendo. pero como apenas miro el solo nolos pillo XDDD
Incandescente las llamas de los dragones abrasando tus cosechas...
Transparente el frio hielo de los muertos y los seres estraplanares convocados para repelerlos...
Los muertos se levantan.. alguien los llamó..las hadas,sirenas y otras criaturas de estrema belleza corren a tus filas..


wesed(#701)  <--paso a mejor vida ;). Eso de ir con 8 fortalezas confiando en tus barreras. y te metan una myd.una tormenta y el campo de extasis XDDDDD.

Que en paz descanses yankie coordinador ;)
Incandescente las llamas de los dragones abrasando tus cosechas...
Transparente el frio hielo de los muertos y los seres estraplanares convocados para repelerlos...
Los muertos se levantan.. alguien los llamó..las hadas,sirenas y otras criaturas de estrema belleza corren a tus filas..


joder, estba en una batalla contra bohica y wesed con la cual sali mal parado, pero los deje mal a ellos tb (poco poder para las tierras que tenian), esperaba ver como sufrian perdiendo tierras y wesed se muere antes de que por ultimo pueda aprovechar y recuperar las tierras que perdi u_u.

En fin felicitaciones Sam, para que aprendan los tramposos :P
Todos estamos conectados....¿no crees??

Ofreces 1,738,837,226 monedas a Sol, El grandioso Padre
El sacerdote te ignora.

-449 turno(s) disponibles. 8219 turno(s) utilizados.


Arrepentido que yo no hablo español.

It is very difficult to maintain a true "solo" server because everyone has friends here, and even if no NAP is in place, people will grant them certain courtesies.  Coordination is also difficult to eliminate, because if you hit someone stacked poorly, it's tough to keep that information from your friends.

For instance, Chocvi and KARONTE are obviously friends, because with their army size+ lore, they CAN'T be running barriers, yet neither has attacked.  Same with LaRata and Ursus.  
And Eru, though I have no doubt you are an honorable mage, can you dispute that you had a non-spoken bond with the greens when you were in the top ten? How else would you have remained with 7500 land as a blue with no barriers?  Any of those greens- barbol, mamathru, ursus at the time- could have beaten you any time they wanted, yet you remained.

Mighty Mouse and Bohica are brothers, and they were in the same guild as me once. I don't know who wesed is, so I cannot speak about him.  But brothers will obviously not attack each other, and by being in the same power rank as each other, it may appear like coordination when it might not be.

At one point, mouse, bohica, and I were all around 17-20 million power.  On this server, there are very few targets that fall into that power range.  As a result, if you were trying to sit around 12-15 million power, you were going to get well acquainted with all of us- you would probably assume coordination.

What *I* think is happening is that mouse and bohica are playing a very aggressive style- multi-attacking without fear---which is very aggravating to people trying to play the accepted "one attack per 24h rule."  If I'm wrong, then I'm wrong- i just ask you all to not cast judgment without more proof than has been given.

Good luck this armageddon- it could be pretty crazy!  20 million might get a hall spot.


Of course there was a non-spoken bond with those that were around me but it was much more like "we won't hit each other cause we take both too much damage" but i repeat it was non-spoken. When u attack 2 times someone and see u don't win and they don't win their counters, or both win, u stop attacking them and look for other targets. Why i could be there without barriers? very easy: I was targeting red mages and hit them hard enough to lower them so they used not to counter me AND i had the necessary items to defend my mage without barriers of those that were around me (green mages) cause i knew his stack after hitting them and praying they didn't had changed their stacks. The problem arrived when a blue and a white mage powered up and i run out of items in defense. Then i had to put barriers on. It's just that.

Something else, if they want to play in aggresive mode and hit within a difference of 24 hours it's ok, u can do it. But what i won't tolerate is receiving a message after having one of them disbanding (just after attacking me again in less than 24h) and farming him TAKING MY 2 COUNTERS telling me i'm a noob and that i don't play with honour, with a stupid stack etc etc.  If u want to play this way assume u have to move faster and take care of urself. If not it's ur problem, not mine. If i decide to play without bars it's risky of course, but it's my risk.

And something else, i supose that those 2 mages, brothers, i supose they haven't passed any stack each other or this kind of things ;) If it's a server solo it should be this way... only it should be :)

I finally was killed by bohica with a meteor storm due to my laziness, i was chating to a friend and moved my maged without taking enough care of what i was doing. That's the result, i'm dead, it's my fault. But next time i play this server i won't stand some things that we have to see in there. Only this.

Good luck to everybody :)


Evidentemente habia un pacto no hablado de no pegarnos, pero no era un NAP sino mas bien un "si nos damos salimos perdiendo ambos" y repito que eso no estba hablado. Así que cuando pegas 2 veces a un mago y ves que no le entras y no te entra en el counter, o q ambos ganais vuestra ostia, pues te vas a buscar otros objetivos mas claros. Pq estaba sin barreras?  Pues es bien fácil: le estaba dando a magos rojos que se iban bastante para abajo y o no daban contra o no la podian dar en codiciones suficientemente buenas y los que tenia alrededor no me daban dolores de cabeza pq tenia items suficientes como para pararlos (sabia su stack despues de darles alguna vez y rezando para que no lo hubieran cambiado). el problema llego cuando se subieron esos 2 magos, uno azul y otro blanco y me quede sin items para defender en condiciones. Así que tuve que ponerme barreras. Eso es todo.

Otra cosa, si esos magos quieren jugar de forma agresiva me parece muy bien, que lo hagan. Lo qu eno voy a tolerar es que me peguen 2 ostias en menos de 24 horas, que la segunda me pille online, que se desbande y me cobre, granjeandolo, MIS 2 COUNTERS (pq eran counters!!) i tenga q recibir un mensaje diciendome que soy un noob, que no tengo honor, que no se jugar, que uso una mierda stack y que solo entro si los pillo desbandados. Si quieren jugar de forma agresiva que se atengan a las consecuencias, y asuman que tienen que mover mas rapido y vigilar sus culos. Si los pillan moviendo no es mi problema sino el suyo. Si los pillo desbandados, no e smi problema sino le suyo. Si yo decido jugar sin barreras sera mi problema,peor yo lo decido.

Y otra cosa, esos 2 magos, que son hermanos, al ser un server solo supongo que no habran compartido informacion verdad? xD

Al final me mato bohica por descuido mio. Estaba hablando por msn mientras movia y me comi una tormenta de meteoros por no tener suficiente prudencia  prestar suficiente atencion a lo que hacia. culpa mia y punto xD L aproxima vez que juegue el server no voy a guantar ciertas cosas que estoy harto de ver ciertas cosas que se ven en el solo. Y siquieren jugar de forma agresiva... asi lo haremos y que luego no se quejen pq t cobras 2 counters estando desbandados. Solo eso.

Buena suerte a todos :)  


I understand your point. But I guarantee that if I was a green anywhere near you and found out you had no barriers, I would start salivating and summon treants with an ash or a carpet.  I have a hard time believing those greens didn't realize this.

As far as the insults go, yes, I would be angry too--it probably would lead to a personal war.  But of course it doesn't matter what they think of you (does it?) and it certainly does not justify guild action, which from what I've understood in this thread, is what people are using to fight them.

I don't think anyone has the moral high ground here.


Guild action? Nobosy can acuse me of this ;) i play alone in this server cause it's solo ;)

Lots of treants with carpet or ash? xDDDDD good idea, but maybe i defend with somtehing thinking about this possibilitie ;)


No, you weren't.   ;)  
I was there, remember?  :)  


No, who were u? xDD

And about karonte and chocvi not hitting each other... hmmm it's easy to understand and i know u know why they don't attack even if they have low barriers. It could be too dangerous to loose the battle and loose land in the counter etc... This way it's safier to lore and gain less land but having them for sure and without risk. It's what happens when u have too much power and too much land. People become less aggressive xD


this is solo server period

No guilds
No allies
No Naps
No coordnating attacks of any kind

Those that report same ip can not coordnate attacks period
(ie: the brothers)

Play in this solo server with honor, dont cheat or I will delete

Council Admin/Leader Lord Archmage

High Sovereign King
The Empire of Excursion

[size=8]~~Try to be the kind of person your dog thinks you are~~[/size]


Iratus, only one thing. Is there any control of multimaging or coordination in the super solo? Because it's not only coordinatin in  a period of 5 mins but playing knowing what other mages are stacking. If someone hit u  and 2 hours later from the same ip but a different mage  attacks u it's not coordination but they know what u'r stacking. I'm not acusing anybody, it's just to know what are exactly the rules of playing in a SOLO server. I like playing there cause u can test lots of things but sometimes there are strange coincidences and stacks made to break ur defense after receiving an attack 10 minutes before.

I like u beeing there taking care of those solo servers cause u're someone i trust and i know u'll do what's needed to do with any cheating player. It's good to know there's someone looking for cheaters and making those servers a bit less wild.


Any persons which have reported playing from the same ip. Should not attack the same mages within 24 hours of each other. Unless both mages have a counter on the same mage.


Council Admin/Leader Lord Archmage

High Sovereign King
The Empire of Excursion

[size=8]~~Try to be the kind of person your dog thinks you are~~[/size]


hmm....why dont we change the rules to this server.  I mean we already have a solo server with mega right?  Y not do this.  We can set this server to have allies.  2 allies no more.  No guilds, no naps, just 2 allies.  This way we a completely different server.This can eliminate alot of dispute about coordination and stuff.  

Personally i dunt coordinate with anyone.  I'm pure solo, attacking all who i am able, including members of my guilds in other servers., and friends i have met in mirc.  Its solo...also can give bragging rights if  you beat them terribly :D
And to ensure that i do get attacked by fellow members (sounds weird but true) i use names i never used before.  Names that don't even describe me.  Thus i recieve an attack and i counter (hopefully i win both  :P ).  

Well, gotta go and be ready for arma...GL to everyone there and hope you arent on my black list.  Cuz Imma clean that list today  :D ...well try anywayz


as long as we're on cheaters, Mote is attacking Obreverde into protection without taking any land.


....yea i just saw chron just now...all those attacks....from the naked eye i would say a which neither side is winning nor losing.  Well...only 2 more days to geddon....I wanna be the first to wish everyone good luck and hope you all the best.  

..of course i hope for me to have the greatest amount of hope!! hehe


you think that's a war?  Really?
A red mage from far below him in power attacks him under protection every 12 hours (on the dot) without ever taking land, and you think it's a war?


i did say naked eye didnt i  :P

Another set of attacks with no land loss that i did see again land loss on both sides yet again.  And the more i look at that green mage, the hungrier im getting  :P

PS naked eye meaning just looking with your own 2 eyes, without much thought involved.  Only judging from what we see directly, not what is microscope vs someones eyes, or telescope vs someones im started to sound like a know.... :P  


rest assured...if the lorers don't take me out 5 minutes into geddon, obrevelde will not hall.


Citarest assured...if the lorers don't take me out 5 minutes into geddon, obrevelde will not hall.


both of them wont be going anywhere now..I hate cheaters, that i do.