
Iniciado por ridro, Junio 01, 2005, 04:05:48 PM

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voy a ser bueno y les comentare mi tactica, ya que la idea es mejorar todos no?

Aquí va toda la info q pude conseguir, esta en inglés pero no problem supongo, por otra parte, espero q se lea bien:

Casting nether enchantment spell CONTRACT OF THE SOUL (COS) will make devils fight with your army. The devils only show up during battle. On defense and offensive counters, thousands of devils will come for COS mages. If a COS mage attacks in a non-counter situation, then only a few dozen devils fight. When thousands of devils fight, they will be the top stack, and they should defeat the enemy's entire top stack in most situations. The three stages of development are: preparation for, attacking with, and recovery from CONTRACT OF THE SOUL.

During COS preparation several considerations are paramount: First, if you are short on geld, then you must use Gelding to increase your geld amount. Never cast Contract of the Soul if you have less than 100 million geld. During COS you will lose 30% of your geld and 40% of your population per turn. If you start with approximately 450,000 people, COS should last about 8 turns. CONTRACT OF THE SOUL will end when your population equals zero. Make sure your geld does not reach zero first because you might die due to upkeep costs.

A good way to preserve life is to buy many items on the Black Market before casting COS. By converting geld into items, your geld will not be wasted. For example, if you have 500 million geld before casting COS, you will only have about 29 million geld after 8 turns of COS. Instead of losing all that geld, it is much better to spend all but about 120 million geld on Black Market items. That way you can sell those items later when you are short on cash. Buy many expensive items such as Magical Compass, Treasure Map, and Treasure Chest. Have at least 1 Minor Indulgence because this item dispels all enchantments on you, including enemy destructive enchantments. (It may come in handy if someone is trying to kill you.) Now item Book of Golem Summoning is an excellent purchase because it has a good resale value. The most important item to buy is the Book of Prophecy. Have at VERY MINIMUM five of them. Their purpose will be explained later.

The COS army and kingdom revolve around upkeep. Many nether mages stack: 1. lich 2. zombie 3. skeleton for COS. Disband all geld-consuming troops and get rid of undisbandable population eaters such as mind ripper, vampire, or ghoul if possible. The pre-COS kingdom must have a population of at least 450,000 people. Here is an example of an army and a kingdom setup before casting COS:

Buildings Stack Number Stack Power Mana Geld
land 3198 wild 7 zombie 68119 1532678 1361 0
farm 968 town 346 skeleton 79337 1190055 793 0
work 482 barrack 70 orc raider 49500 891000 495 9901
node 1149 guild 12 lich 210 425670 1051 0
fort 79 barrier 85
Max Space 483K Food Prod 484K
For Units 50K Real Max 433K
Net Geld 166.8K Net Mana 0.3K

For this kingdom I have the usual four enchantment spells for nether and my only Assignment is item Bottle of Eversmoking 100%. I do not have Assignment spell FOUL WATER because I wish to conserve mana in case I get into trouble. This kingdom shows fewer lich, but you may stack lich higher. Mana charge until you are close to your maximum mana. Now cast COS.

Remember several things when attacking with CONTRACT OF THE SOUL. First, most devils come on counters, so only counterattack while with COS. On the blitz servers the devil counter is only for 12 hours, so you will have to get your counter fast there. Watch your population and geld carefully. If your population is 25,000 or less, DO NOT attack anyone. Under the onld system when population got this low, you would wait until 24 hours have passed since your last attack before using turns. Devils were with you on defense, so it is wise to wait out all enemy counters while they are with you. Now devils only last for 12 hours total time. If geld is dangerously low, sell one item on the Black Market. You don't want to sell too much right now because COS still causes you to lose geld as long as it is on. The best time to sell items is after COS has completely expired. Under this set up you should get about 4 attacks with COS.

The devils attack the enemy's first stack. In this case the ascendant enemy has top stack dominion. Because this is a counterattack, thousands of devils join me, and I kill all the enemy dominion stack. I attack with 10,717 devil, 61,870 zombie, 66,345 skeleton, 40,626 orc raider, and 188 lich. In retrospect, I wish I had stacked lich third because lich defend better than skeleton versus unicorn. Four hundred and ninety-one lich have greater stack power than 66,345 skeleton. Regardless I won the battle because the enemy lost all its dominion.

Defending against and winning offensively against COS are both possible. The easiest way to defeat a COS mage is to damage the mage more than you are damaged. Stack evenly. Have a flying unit, stacked first. If you have ten stacks, including flying unit first and the rest melee and/or ranged, then the flying unit might count for less than 10% of your stack power. With multiple strong complex units, stacked second through fourth, it is possible to damage the devil mage's main army. Item Ash of Invisibility helps because it will cause all your troops to hit before the enemy's devils. One of the most unsual anti-devil attacks is a blue mage stacking with 12,000 sprite, stacked first, and mind ripper, lich, archangel, vampire, and zombie stacked throughout. The sprite stack dies, and the other stacks damage the COS mage's army.

Recovering from COS is the most difficult COS procedure. Do not end COS until 24 hours after your last offensive battle. If you did not cease recruiting before, then you should Recruit 1 militia. This action will end a long recruiting order early. Dispel the black enchantment BLACK SABBATH. Wait until your population recovers before recasting it. Now you should use item Book of Prophecy. Open a Ranking window. Use Books of Prophecy on mages with a lot of land. You should steal between 5,000 to 9,000 people per each use. Use at least 5 Books of Prophecy. Using more than 7 or 8 is a waste. Here is an example of using Book of Prophecy:

You begin using the item Book of Prophecy on Utopia(#XXXX). 5,686 people ran away from Utopia(#XXXX) and join your country in search of a brighter future.
After using about 6 Books of Prophecy, you should have over 50,000 people. Now use Gelding for 100 turns. (If you are still losing geld rapidly, you might have to sell items on the Black Market.) Once population is close to its maximum, you may recast BLACK SABBATH. Mana charge or geld as needed to replenish resources.
The Devil Prince
Arriving when COS is cast, the hero Devil Prince has long-term effects. You cannot dismiss the hero Devil Prince in Audience. It will stay with you at least 3 days of turns. While Devil Prince is in a kingdom, the kingdom gains no geld or population from pillage. Buy many items before casting COS, so you can sell them if geld is low during Devil Prince restrictions. You also cannot recast COS until the Devil Prince is gone.

Estás atacando a Harboc(# 3)  

has atacado 205 veces en las ultimas 24 horas a este mago


No te mueres por lack de oro si tienes ingreso positivo. De un triple 0, con las granjas destruidas (por una oportuna tormenta de meteoros) y sin botella de efreeti no te salva nadie.

claro q puedes xD
otra cosa es q no se te haya okurrido xD <- by loky

upps, perdon  :blink:  


¿Y si te pillagean mientras tienes poco oro? ¿Y si te hacen oro de los tontos?
- ¿Te gusta mi sillon nuevo Garfield? - Jon Arbuckle

- Lo de "nuevo" dejemoslo correr. - Garfield

- Tengo las neuronas revueltas. - Mi madre

- ... - un mudo

- [ks] [ks] [ks] - un mejillón

- "Si no dormissim seria una millor persona" (Si no durmieramos seria una mejor persona) - gran frase filosófica de un amigo mio a las 7 de la mañana

- ¡Ya estoy de vuelta!... Pero... no he estado en ninguna parte asi que no estoy de vuelta... ¿Donde estoy? - Garfield

- Mmm... ¿No tenia cuatro mil tierras? - Noa

- Si tienes hambre comes, sino no. - Una amiga mia

- Solo tienes ojos para ver el culo que caga. - Mi madre

-Hoy me siento más vago que de normal... ¡OH NO! ¡SI ME SIENTO MÃS VAGO AÚN, PODRÃA ENTRAR EN COMA! - Garfield

- ¿No hay una pulsión que incite al estudio? - Kripper

- A veces nos toca vivir una vida que nos parece injusta... pero depende de nosotros hacer todo lo posible para hacer de esa vida lo mejor que podamos. - Zeridian

- El tiempo pone a cada uno en su lugar. - Anónimo

- Me estoy cagando. - Dos amigas mias empezar una excursión de tres horas y sin llevar papel de WC

- "Por fabor huseu la llabe para abrir la puerta" - Un cartel en la puerta de mi casa cuando hacian unas obras

-"Com més conec les persones, més m'agraden els animals". (Cuanto más conozco a las personas, más me gustan los animales)- Yo

--La Dama de los Dragones--[/size]


no esta activado morirte por lack de oro...
Estás atacando a Harboc(# 3)  

has atacado 205 veces en las ultimas 24 horas a este mago


Tu quieres comprobar como sí? Si quieres te lo explico


si ha estado siempre activa la muerte por lack de oro...  
El Tiempo me dio la Razon y el Color llego :)

Unete a =AMH=


muerte por oro? NO TE MUERES por no tener oro , si no ,por no mantener las fortalezas

nuevo server :


a eso iba a que si no tienes ingreso positivo que seguro no tendras despues de 3 o 4 atauqes, nesesitas las piedras y toda esa cosas que dije :D
Estás atacando a Harboc(# 3)  

has atacado 205 veces en las ultimas 24 horas a este mago


Citamuerte por oro? NO TE MUERES por no tener oro , si no ,por no mantener las fortalezas

pero el lack de oro = adios fortalezas, te lo digo yo que soy un experto en morir en mis primeros dias invetigando con 2000 gremios i pokas lands :P
Ecthelion de Gondolin
[span style=\'color:red\']Siervo de Poder Hispano

Assessino del Imperio[/span]

odiar es otrogar demasiada importancia a alguien... por eso mejor anikilarlo i olvidarse de que exisitio.

de los errores se aprende, i aprender es de sabios (por eso soy la ostia de sabio xD por mis multiples errores xD

Dios!!! menudo cheto eso del lore!!! xDxDxD


(nomin = > culpableman)
(cailhern => loreman)
(Davidoff => Autopilotman)
(tiopaco=> pokeman)
(Krisper => Ogroman)
(Avahor => Aweonaomen)
(chaos => anchoasman xD)
(yo  =>?? otrografiaman??)


sip a mi tambien me ha pasado unas cuantas veces XD
Mi honor es mi vida


Citamuerte por oro? NO TE MUERES por no tener oro , si no ,por no mantener las fortalezas

pero el lack de oro = adios fortalezas, te lo digo yo que soy un experto en morir en mis primeros dias invetigando con 2000 gremios i pokas lands :P
si tueres el REY del lak de oro :D
Estás atacando a Harboc(# 3)  

has atacado 205 veces en las ultimas 24 horas a este mago


Ah pues el reset anterior deseaba eliminar el mago despues de comerme un cos, destrui todas las fortalezas q pude, le done todo mi oro a lucifer, y antes habia destruido todas las granjas y los pueblos, desbande mi mercader.. y aun asi no me pude matar xD

Y q bueno q no lo hice... Por q despues mate a todos mis objetivos, menos al q le perdone la vida... aunq lo mataron en el arma! xDD

Pero bueno, a mi me parece q es buena estrategia la de ridro, quiza el proximo reset la ponga en practica por q esta vez soy rojo de nuevo!  ^^

Et siluit terra in conspectu eius
(<< Y la tierra enmudeció en su presencia>>)