Validation Codes

Iniciado por Iratus, Marzo 24, 2004, 11:27:32 PM

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Some people are not getting their validation codes. If you did not get a vallidation code list your mage name, Your mage Number, and the server the mage is in.


JohnDoe #412 Super                    

Council Admin/Leader Lord Archmage

High Sovereign King
The Empire of Excursion

[size=8]~~Try to be the kind of person your dog thinks you are~~[/size]


Pues eso, cree un mago en este server, y no me a llegado el codigo de validacion.

El mago es CyRiC                    


i haven`t got my validation codes to.                    


Añade otro

No solo pasa en el super, en el mega tampoco                    


Me ocurre lo mismo. El nombre de mi mago es: la bestia                    


I haven\'t received my validation code. shade(#?)
super blitz                    


coppied over from the English forum:

I have to post this here as there is no \'Bugs\' section for all servers and it kinda concerns starting my mage.

I created mages on 3 servers yesterday: Mega Blitz, Super Blitz and Ager, all with the same magename and e-mail. I did my first 100 turns and waited for the confirmation mail to arrive. Nothing came. I did a few extra turns on Super Blitz until I got the window asking for the code. There I asked to get it sent again. Still nothing.
So I created another mage, this time on Server, with a different e-mail adress, thinking the one I used might not work for some reason. Again, I received no mail. I know the second adress is working because I receive other mail there.

All my mages are called Simba, they are on Mega, Super, Server and Ager (#40). The other numbers I can not see anymore because I would have to enter my validation code first ;-)

Another question: Is there no more protection in the first 100 turns ? I was attacked twice on Ager after doing exactly 100 turns.                    


I didn\'t receive my validation either.  Ravenwulf (#unknown)  I asked for it to be recent but didn\'t happen.                    


Frank just sent me the key for Server, the other 3 keys are still unknown.

Thx for the key, Frank !                    


Hi as Simba I haven\'t received any validation for my ager mage Daf(#30).

However I was attacked once before I even used my 100 turns this strange!!!

ok send me validation to thanx                    


VampirMon (#472) super blitz                    

Council Admin/Leader Lord Archmage

High Sovereign King
The Empire of Excursion

[size=8]~~Try to be the kind of person your dog thinks you are~~[/size]


Araenuroth (#84) Server = Server                    

Council Admin/Leader Lord Archmage

High Sovereign King
The Empire of Excursion

[size=8]~~Try to be the kind of person your dog thinks you are~~[/size]


Araenuroth (#84) Server jt7jr4sd8h4mwhd8    
VampirMon (#472) super 0i68weun4fwulolo   
Daf(#30) Ager  Got Code
shade(#188) Super mni0iwcytuaa8lfa                    

Council Admin/Leader Lord Archmage

High Sovereign King
The Empire of Excursion

[size=8]~~Try to be the kind of person your dog thinks you are~~[/size]


yo tambien recibi el code del super server pero aun estoy esperando los del mega y el ager

I´ve received Super server codes but Im still waiting the codes for the Mega and the ager.                    
Si yo hubiese robado el sol no se lo habría dado a los humanos para que estuviesen calientes. Lo habría sumergido en el mar y hubiera empezado a comprar sus almas a cambio de fuego.

Yoda: "Soy capaz de detectar sutiles cambios emocionales en cualquier persona, como el miedo y cosas así, pero por alguna extraña razón no fui capaz de detectar una conspiración global que involucraba a 200.000 soldados de asalto y a todos los miembros de la jodida República."


Must give me

mage name
mage number
and server mage is in                    

Council Admin/Leader Lord Archmage

High Sovereign King
The Empire of Excursion

[size=8]~~Try to be the kind of person your dog thinks you are~~[/size]


If I could log in I could give you my mage numbers ;-)

Magename is always Simba,
Servers are:

Mega Blitz

Thx :)                    


wow simba u play a lot and my mages are Onimaru

.............Ager and Server coming soon!!!! hahahaha                    
i jumped in the river
black-eyed angels swimming with me
a moon full of stars and astral cars
all the figures i used to see
all my lovers were there with me
all my past and futures
and we all went to heaven in a little row boat