Is The Worst Bug On The Server Lord Frank?

Iniciado por He-Man, Mayo 02, 2004, 04:11:46 AM

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He-Man is correct

If you are indeed experimenting and not everything is fair to all players, you need to make a point by telling us whether there will be a hall in thsi server this reset.  I'm sure the guilds do not want suprises at the end of this reset.

Barriers that do nto block offensive spells but blocks serenity is an obvious disadvantage in this war, as you know and VCM still hasn't joined yet.

I wil get Cthuga to translate these two posts.  SOrry for the inconveniance.  If anybody who reads this understands both enlgish and sanish, please translate


English Council of Lord Archmage

Lord Chancellor

Empire of Excursion


Well, only in defense of spanish player i will say:
1) Spanish player are not adviced about changes, frank post the changes and all the player are adviced at the same time, spanish and english player.
2) Spanish report several bugs that still are not corrected
3) With the "ofensive spell" bug several Power player where killed and i think they don`t get resurrected (not sure about this, until yesterday they still remains dead)
4) As i say to Power player when they die cause the bug... bugs affect all players, spanish and english player
5) After VCM join the war no otrher guild join, also the only 2 other guilds that remains (i mean importante guilds, no 2 member guild) out of the war are TIA and KDA, and they will remain out of the war, also KDA has nap with EoE, TCA and Ti and reject any other nap, so is clearly and advantage for you that 10 top30 mages hit randoms to your enemys and not hit any of your players.
6) I think it was in priority 1 the fix of the serenity bug. I also adviced Frank that the spells betweng allies don`t get penalized.

About the request, 2 days for discuss any update of the game is too much time, Frank takes 1 day to put 100% white, green and blue spells, if any spell have to be discused the advanced of the game will be delayed too much.
About request nº 2, totally agree, also i think no mage has to be ressurrected, exept they use proved multimaging to kill him
About number 3, i think VCM do a voting about entering or not the war, is a guild decision no a frank decision, you can say frank movilize the guild to accept the war? i talk with frank and i don`t think he will do that, also i think the last days frank was too busy with programing to worry about guild problems.
Last, in the path of getting everithing 100% and working bugs could happens, remember bugs affect all the players and that is a beta, you are here to test the game, if you don`t understeand that is that you are in the wrong game.
An hours before several post descibe a suspect about EoE cheating, 4 EoE mages, all in 100 turns proteccion, all with the same land all with the same exact net power, all with correlatives id`s, people get suspicius when they see those things, i don`t say all eoe player are cheating, i don`t say you are cheting, but you can control every one of the 70 players?  i also don`t say spanish people don`t cheat, i think noone is saint here. If you wanna change the impresion that spanish people have of the guild when you find a cheater you should make it public and kill him, no only enemys cheaters, you know your guild, you know who is cheating, i can tell all 12 KDA players are clean, can you tell the same about all 70 eoe players?
La vida no tiene ni premios ni castigos, solo tiene consecuencias.

Visiten a los patrocinadores para que se pueda continuar con el proyecto.


PD1: sorry my english
PD2: if any paragraph is agressive understeand english is not my native languaje and that i don`t know the correct way of spress myself with correct words, i also don`t know all english words, so mi vocabulary is very limited
PD3: metallord leave the game for reason very similar to your reasons (metallord is power leader) betweng his reason he say english players where getting a bonus about bugs and spanish player where the more affected, as you can see, both sides thinnk their own side is the more affected, what tell you this fact? that both sides are affected in the same way.
PD4: good luck and I do think you are good people and i belive you want integrate spanish and english people, also more and more spanish people are knowing the kind of persons and player you are, this you can see it in the increasing spanish people recruiting for be member of english guilds
La vida no tiene ni premios ni castigos, solo tiene consecuencias.

Visiten a los patrocinadores para que se pueda continuar con el proyecto.


also about that with black death black players where in disadvantag and that this was changed because english players where mostly black? like a conspiration? i will tell you something that perhaps you don`t know, cos where to be installed and i personally advice Frank that a bug that make the spell active in the first turn of conjuration and not in the last, so if you cast lore, the turns of casting (10 turnos) give you land, wich is incorrect. Well if cos where activated with this bug, every black player casting it will be automaticaly a suicide mage, so believe me, we do the most things to keep the server without bugs an equitative to all colors.
La vida no tiene ni premios ni castigos, solo tiene consecuencias.

Visiten a los patrocinadores para que se pueda continuar con el proyecto.


lol guys
akellarre ahora esta bien su mantenimiento a cambiado y lo han puesto como debe ser ya k su mantenimiento de mana 666 es una tonteria ya k lo k ace el echizo es dar mana y si su mantenimiento es en mana no estaria bien.
ademas ahora teneis  cos y el problema de los magos negros es el consumo de poblacion eran sus incovenientes o no jugasteis al archmage de mari?
si alguien lo puede traducir se lo agradeceria


No creo que valga la pena, el criterio que suele usar He-Man es el de "a palabras necias, oidos sordos" aderezado con una creciente paranoia al respecto de la persecución a la que, según el, están sometidos los gremios no-hispanohablante, así que, no creo que haga ningún caso a ningún argumento razonable esgrimido en su contra.

Marduk tiene más razón que un santo, pero claro, ya te digo, en mi opinión, habla para una pared. De hecho, yo te contesto a ti Damalore, no a He-Man, porque me parece un mal sitio en el que invertir mi tiempo.

Un saludo :)


jejejeje... He-Man ....  Fury didn't say nothing about this theme jur jur...



1°- damalore, el problema es que al no avisar del cambio del bs, mucha gente se vio con un stack imposible de mantener, de ahi viene el problema.

2°- pat i haven't talked with you yet but i will translate ;)

Post de He-Man:

Lord Frank, Los gremios ingleses ya se estan cansando de como diferencias a los bandos y abusas de tu autoridad. Nos marcharemos todos los gremios a otro server el reset que viene EoE/TCA/TI si seguicom siendo tratados injustamente en este server, eso son mas de 100 jugadores activos. Primero demostrare como se nos trata de forma pobre y luego dare algunas propuestas.

Punto 1)  El dia que TCA se incorporo a la guerra contra LTDD, aquelarre fue cambiado. Encuentro que esto fue tan solo una gran coincidencia. Viendo que el 90% de los magos de TCA son negros. Aquelarre es un gran hechizo para un mago negro y es del que depende un mago negro. Por favor, mira en la propuesta 1.

Punto 2) Cuando un gremio español encuentra cualquier minucia, la cambias en escasas horas. Si un gremio ingles reporta algo que es obviamente un bug, o una gran desventaja, se nos pregunta porque, o el bug es ligeramente cambiado, o se nos ignora.  Por favor, propuesta 1.

Punto 3) Has estado usando tu autoridad para ventaja tuya y de tus amigos. Hemos visto magos que morian y al dia siguiente estaban vivos otra vez. Tambien dijiste a Patchan que tu gremio se unia a la guerra a "probar hechizos", influenciando a otros gremios a unirse tambien a la guerra. Por favor, propuesta 2.

Estoy cansado y creo que es hora de que escuches nuestras propuestas.

Prupuesta 1) Antes de que un encantamiento, hechizo, unidad o cualquier cosa que nos afecte de sobremanera se cambie querriamos saberlo con unos 2 dias de antelacion. Tambien antes de que cambies un Hechizo/Item/Unidad/etc... queremos que tu y los moderadores lo discutierais y os asegurarais de que es correcto. Queremos un mismo numero de moderadores. Hay 2 moderadores hispanos, queremos tambien 2 moderadores ingleses.

Propuesta 2) Si un mago es revivido queremos ver escrito el porque de la resurreccion y lo queremos publico. Tambien Frank queremos que no uses tu influencia de forma negativa contra nosotros. No tiene que ser positiva, pero tampoco negativa.

Propuesta 3) Haz que funcione todo Y correctamente. Hasta ahora muerte y destruccion, tormenta de meteores y erupcion volcanica no son bloqueadas por barreras. Asi que las barreras son un desperdicio. La unica razon de esto es que nuestros magos mas altos barrerian a vuestros magos mas bajos con hechizos. Asi es como ha sido siempre en el AM. No es necesario que nos quites todas nuestras ventajas para darnos. Queremos alguna habilidad vuestra (magos hispanos). Todo o que vemos es magos hispanos llorar a Lord Frank porque "TCA o EoE encontraron la forma de patearnos el culo" NOSOTROS NO HACEMOS TRAMPAS, asi que parad de decir eso. Somos mas habilidosos y menos activos que vosotros, no necesitais a vuestro moderador para cambiar todo para que tengais TODAS las ventajas.

No tomes esto a la ligera, viene de los lideres de TCA/EoE/TI, esto es una gran parte de tus jugadores ACTIVOS. Si quieres que sigamos aqui, necesitas darte cuenta que tambien somos jugadores y no estamos aqui solo para pegaros. No se necesitaria 10 gremios y un moderador tramposo para bajarnos. Queremos que este server tenga exito, pero si seguimos tratados de forma tan pobre aqui, NOS IREMOS:

Habra ams quejas y peticiones de otros jugadores, pero estas son las principales.

Post de Patchan:

He-Man esta en lo cierto.

Si necesitas experimentar y no todo es exacto para todos los jugadores, necesitas decirnos si va a haber un Hall en este server este reset. Estoy seguro de que ningun gremio quiere sorpresas al final de este reset.

Las barreras no protejen contra hechizos ofensivos pero bloquean serenidad. Esto es una clara desventaja en la guerra, como ya sabes y VCM no se ha unido aun.

Hare que Cthuga  ;) traduzca estos dos posts. Disculpas por la inconveniencia. Si alguien que lea estos postsentiende ingles y español, traduzca por favor.


esto... muy bonito quejarse de lo q os va mal, en cambio no decis nada de cuando se os favorece, asi q no vengais criticando q los hispanos lloramos xq vosotros no es q seais muxo mas diferentes en esto eh . Y en cuanto a lo q xarlas de moderadores, a q moderadores hablas??
Esto si es estar favorecido!!!

Sol, the Great Father Favored 1,470,000,000
Luna, La luz de la Noche Favored 1,265,000,000
Nature, the Wheel of Life Favored 659,000,000
Magic, the Mistress of Chaos Favored 664,000,000
Science, the Magic of Man Favored 1,217,000,000
Satan, Ruler of the Nine Hells Favored 940,000,000
Lucifer, the Light Bearer Favored 1,437,000,000

Sol, El grandioso Padre esta vigilando tu reino.
Luna, La luz de la Noche esta vigilando tu reino.
Naturaleza, the Wheel of Life esta vigilando tu reino.
Magia, the Mistress of Chaos esta vigilando tu reino.
Ciencia, the Magic of Man esta vigilando tu reino.
Satanas, Ruler of the Nine Hells esta vigilando tu reino.
Lucifer, the Light Bearer esta vigilando tu reino

Shurgan: Sol es un hijo puta, ojalá fuera un mago para petarlo <--- xDDD

Jame007, sr. de los efreetis xDD:

efreeti 10,744

Se recuerda que Jame007 es el principal gerente (junto ChaosSoldier y el cyber de Granada) de todas las cuentas bancarias de Hispano xDDD

Mago Viejo Verde

Tipica pataleta paranoica de niño malcriado...

Señores , aqui estamos colaborando para que el juego
este al 100%. Y lo que afecta a los magos guiris afecta
tambien a los hispanos , o te crees que las serenidades
las regalan a los hispanos?

Estais perdiendo la guerra y no podeis aceptar que sois
peores jugadores , eso es todo.
Spoiled brat paranoid crying...

Getlemen , we are here helping to make a 100% playable
game. What is wrong for you , is also wrong for spanish
players , or do you believe that serenity works free in
the spanish players?

You are losing the war , and cannot accept it is because
you are worse players , that's all.
A veces es mejor encender un lanzallamas que maldecir la oscuridad.

Mago Jubilado
Fundador del asilo de ancianos de terra "Tercera Edad
Ocupacion actual : Eje del Mal
Cactus Annulus Puteo , Et


ahi las dao javi  ;)  
Esto si es estar favorecido!!!

Sol, the Great Father Favored 1,470,000,000
Luna, La luz de la Noche Favored 1,265,000,000
Nature, the Wheel of Life Favored 659,000,000
Magic, the Mistress of Chaos Favored 664,000,000
Science, the Magic of Man Favored 1,217,000,000
Satan, Ruler of the Nine Hells Favored 940,000,000
Lucifer, the Light Bearer Favored 1,437,000,000

Sol, El grandioso Padre esta vigilando tu reino.
Luna, La luz de la Noche esta vigilando tu reino.
Naturaleza, the Wheel of Life esta vigilando tu reino.
Magia, the Mistress of Chaos esta vigilando tu reino.
Ciencia, the Magic of Man esta vigilando tu reino.
Satanas, Ruler of the Nine Hells esta vigilando tu reino.
Lucifer, the Light Bearer esta vigilando tu reino

Shurgan: Sol es un hijo puta, ojalá fuera un mago para petarlo <--- xDDD

Jame007, sr. de los efreetis xDD:

efreeti 10,744

Se recuerda que Jame007 es el principal gerente (junto ChaosSoldier y el cyber de Granada) de todas las cuentas bancarias de Hispano xDDD


segun tu javi...



CitaLord Frank, The English guilds are getting tired of how much you take sides and abuse your athority. We will ALL be moving to another server next reset EoE/TCA/TI if we keep being treated unfairly in this server, That is over 100 active players. First Off I need to prove how we are being treated poorly, then I am going to tell you some of our requests.

Point 1) almost the day TCA joined the war vs LTDD Black Sabbath(BS) was changed. I find this to be a big coincidence. Seeing that 90% of TCA are Black mages. BS is a big spell for a black mage and it is one a black mage depends on. Please refer to Request 1.

Point 2) Whenever a spanish guild brings up the slightest thing, you change it within hours of there request. if an English guild brings up something that is completely obvious as a bug, or as a major disadvantage, we are asked why, or the bug is barely changed, or we are ignored. Please Refer to Request 1.

Point 3) You have been using your athority to the advantage of you and your friends. We have seen mages that die and then the next day are alive again. Also you told Patchan that your guild joined the war to "test spells," influenicing other guilds to join the war also. Please refer to Request 2.
point 1) You were not the only damaged with BS change, the spell was giving too much mana (still I think that it shouldn't have been changed that much)
point 2) If that was true my mage (and many other "spanish" mages) would be alive when you took advantage of the counter spell bug.
point 3) What Frank does with his mage DOES NOT concern you. He is not hacking his own mage (I hope)

punto 1) No fueron los únicos damnificados con el cambio de Aquelarre, el hechizo estaba dando demasiada mana (aunk ahora da muy poca)
punto 2) Si eso fuese verdad m mago (y otros magos "españoles) estaría vivo cuando tomaron ventaja de bug del counter - spell.
punto 3) Lo que haga Frank con su mago no te concierne. No esta hackeando su mago (eso espero XD)
"point 1) You were not the only damaged with BS change, the spell was giving too much mana (still I think that it shouldn't have been changed that much)"

First off, BS did a lot more damage to our guild than Any other guild and it's pretty funny that it just so happened to be almost right when we joined the war.

"point 2) If that was true my mage (and many other "spanish" mages) would be alive when you took advantage of the counter spell bug."

Your mage would still be alive if you weren't dumb enough to not realize that there was a bug and stop attacking us. But like I said Earlier that "bug" was changed within moments of when you all started complaining about it.

point 3) What Frank does with his mage DOES NOT concern you. He is not hacking his own mage (I hope) I don't care what he does with his mage. He can name it "cher" and summon mono frogs and attack me for all I care. But I do care if he abuses authority and uses his influence in a negative manor. If he wants to test spells in a war, then he can start his own war.
I Kick Ass


Cuando se modifica un spell, se cambia para todos, asi q no os kejeis del akelarre ahora.....   en ltdd tb hay magos negros.

Las barreras no protejen contra hechizos ofensivos pero bloquean serenidad. Esto es una clara desventaja en la guerra, como ya sabes y VCM no se ha unido aun.

Las barreras no protegen contra hechizos....  eso solo a los ingleses???? :huh:

A TODOS  :angry:

Las barreras blokean serenidad....   solo a los ingleses???? :huh:

A TODOS :angry:



Point 1) almost the day TCA joined the war vs LTDD Black Sabbath(BS) was changed. I find this to be a big coincidence. Seeing that 90% of TCA are Black mages. BS is a big spell for a black mage and it is one a black mage depends on. Please refer to Request 1.

Everyone knew that Aquelarre duplicating the mana income wouldn't last forever. It was modified when ALL black spells were done and modified (everything was done at the same time). (big coincidence, as TCA has 90% black mages they are the most benefited because they can use all the spells!!)

"point 2) If that was true my mage (and many other "spanish" mages) would be alive when you took advantage of the counter spell bug."

Your mage would still be alive if you weren't dumb enough to not realize that there was a bug and stop attacking us. But like I said Earlier that "bug" was changed within moments of when you all started complaining about it.

If such bug didn't exist you wouldn't have thrown so many spells (I'm not saying that you wouldn't have thrown any). If I did such thing is my problem and does not have anything to do with this argument.

point 3) What Frank does with his mage DOES NOT concern you. He is not hacking his own mage (I hope) I don't care what he does with his mage. He can name it "cher" and summon mono frogs and attack me for all I care. But I do care if he abuses authority and uses his influence in a negative manor. If he wants to test spells in a war, then he can start his own war.

When did he abuse his authority? evidence?
Se busca "firma" original, interesados contactarse por PM


592 Hunter(#827) 2,503,909 2,291 10 .EoE. R S P Crónica MSG A
593 Hickie(#830) 2,503,909 2,291 10 .EoE. R S P Crónica MSG A
594 Ice Hag(#1670) 2,503,909 2,291 10 .EoE. R S P Crónica MSG A
595 trista(#1673) 2,503,909 2,291 10 .EoE. R S P Crónica MSG A
596 GT One(#1674) 2,503,909 2,291 10 .EoE. R S P Crónica MSG A
597 Vinnie(#1675) 2,503,909 2,291 10 R S P Crónica MSG A

now... how saint are your guilds partners to you get ofended when someone says some english player are cheaters?
crearly some of them ARE cheaters, it is proved and confirmed, is a fact
again, i don`t say spanish player don`t cheat, but accept that you aren`t Mother Teresa of Calcuta

now a good way of acting discovered all this is you kik out and kill the principal mage of this multis, you know who is he, so what are you going to do?
La vida no tiene ni premios ni castigos, solo tiene consecuencias.

Visiten a los patrocinadores para que se pueda continuar con el proyecto.


ey k pasa k ahora los hispano ablantes no tenemos magos negros o k? somos racistas anda. si no saben jugar cuando ponen la magia bien pues no se k aprendan no se k mas decir. pero por favor dejad de llorar y criticar.
y akaso eso de k os vais es una amenaza? pues si no estas de acuerdo tio es una beta y a nosotros tampoco nos avisaron de ke se cambiaba el akellarre(bs)
estamos iguales los dos jugamos al the lord y a los dos nos afectan  los cambios al mismo tiempo  


Cita592 Hunter(#827) 2,503,909 2,291 10 .EoE. R S P Crónica MSG A
593 Hickie(#830) 2,503,909 2,291 10 .EoE. R S P Crónica MSG A
594 Ice Hag(#1670) 2,503,909 2,291 10 .EoE. R S P Crónica MSG A
595 trista(#1673) 2,503,909 2,291 10 .EoE. R S P Crónica MSG A
596 GT One(#1674) 2,503,909 2,291 10 .EoE. R S P Crónica MSG A
597 Vinnie(#1675) 2,503,909 2,291 10 R S P Crónica MSG A

now... how saint are your guilds partners to you get ofended when someone says some english player are cheaters?
crearly some of them ARE cheaters, it is proved and confirmed, is a fact
again, i don`t say spanish player don`t cheat, but accept that you aren`t Mother Teresa of Calcuta

now a good way of acting discovered all this is you kik out and kill the principal mage of this multis, you know who is he, so what are you going to do?
Neat, Who is to say that they are multi's? Maybe EoE is doing Testing? I'm pretty sure if they were multis Lord Frank would have deleted them by now? Seeing that EoE accepts anyone that applies who are we to say that those aren't Spanish players who multi and then join EoE in an attemp to make them look bad. But Anyways in my original post i was refering to how if we do anything to damage any of your guilds we are "cheaters" When TCA joined the war there was a thread calling us cheaters because we started the war with out announcing it. When we were just playing by the same rules LTDD did when they attacked EoE first. I believe they attacked Shade with no warning. My point is, if we do something that hurts the Spanish guilds we are automatically "cheaters." And about those players with the same land and same power I'm not going to do anything about that. they oppose no threat they are obviously adandoned mages. None of them have made a single attack. So we arent using those mages in our advantage.
I Kick Ass


don`t worry aniways they are going to be deleted, together with the main mage.
So, until know, bugs affect everibody, thats clear, with the black color there was no intencion of damage english guilds (spanish guilds also have black mages, and BS is exactly like it was in Mary) and the only point that rest is about you entering the war or hurting a spanish guild or player you get called cheaters, well, just don`t listen them (or read them if that the case).
After that i think all the points in your inicial post are answered.
Many mages are called farms and they don`t do just a big deal of that.
La vida no tiene ni premios ni castigos, solo tiene consecuencias.

Visiten a los patrocinadores para que se pueda continuar con el proyecto.


CitaPoint 1) almost the day TCA joined the war vs LTDD Black Sabbath(BS) was changed. I find this to be a big coincidence. Seeing that 90% of TCA are Black mages. BS is a big spell for a black mage and it is one a black mage depends on. Please refer to Request 1.

Everyone knew that Aquelarre duplicating the mana income wouldn't last forever. It was modified when ALL black spells were done and modified (everything was done at the same time). (big coincidence, as TCA has 90% black mages they are the most benefited because they can use all the spells!!)

"point 2) If that was true my mage (and many other "spanish" mages) would be alive when you took advantage of the counter spell bug."

Your mage would still be alive if you weren't dumb enough to not realize that there was a bug and stop attacking us. But like I said Earlier that "bug" was changed within moments of when you all started complaining about it.

If such bug didn't exist you wouldn't have thrown so many spells (I'm not saying that you wouldn't have thrown any). If I did such thing is my problem and does not have anything to do with this argument.

point 3) What Frank does with his mage DOES NOT concern you. He is not hacking his own mage (I hope) I don't care what he does with his mage. He can name it "cher" and summon mono frogs and attack me for all I care. But I do care if he abuses authority and uses his influence in a negative manor. If he wants to test spells in a war, then he can start his own war.

When did he abuse his authority? evidence?
"Everyone knew that Aquelarre duplicating the mana income wouldn't last forever. It was modified when ALL black spells were done and modified (everything was done at the same time). (big coincidence, as TCA has 90% black mages they are the most benefited because they can use all the spells!!)"

-Actually all the black spells weren't modified at the same time. Black was also the LAST color to have all spells to work. So sure we benifit from the spells working. but all the other colors were benifit first.

"If such bug didn't exist you wouldn't have thrown so many spells (I'm not saying that you wouldn't have thrown any). If I did such thing is my problem and does not have anything to do with this argument."

-If the bug didn't exist you wouldn't have tried attacking it off with only one unit. And
you said, "If I did such thing is my problem and does not have anything to do with this argument." You were the one who brought up the bug and your mage and other mages dying. another Quote from you, "If that was true my mage (and many other "spanish" mages) would be alive when you took advantage of the counter spell bug." If you weren't taking advantage of the attacking spells off and losing and the spell still coming off we wouldnt have found out about the bug as fast. So don't make it seem like that bug was only an advantage to us.

"When did he abuse his authority? evidence?"

He told patchan that his guild is joining the war to "test spells." and he has revived atleast 3 of the mages that we've killed.
I Kick Ass



no acuso personalmentea frank de manipular el juego a su favor.

javi dijo una cosa que se que no es verdad y asi lo hice notar, supongo que frank no se aprovecha de eso y tan solo lo hace para testear spells, asi que no le doy mas impoertancia.


A fale, te entendería mal :)

No problem :)


592 Hunter(#827) 2,503,909 2,291 10 .EoE. R S P Crónica MSG A
593 Hickie(#830) 2,503,909 2,291 10 .EoE. R S P Crónica MSG A
594 Ice Hag(#1670) 2,503,909 2,291 10 .EoE. R S P Crónica MSG A
595 trista(#1673) 2,503,909 2,291 10 .EoE. R S P Crónica MSG A
596 GT One(#1674) 2,503,909 2,291 10 .EoE. R S P Crónica MSG A

Marduk, these mages that are EoE are actually EoE.  The Empire of Excursion plays on lord AM, but only a portion of them including me.  I can identify each one of those mages for you individually.  They are a part of our other guild.  If you look at the Empire of Excursion on old AM, you will see that we have 13 public subguilds, however becasuse of thier closure, we only have 1 left.  They consist of EMpire of Excursion's elite unit.  They are not called upon until war has started

And yes Marduk, we have 70 members, and we accept anyone.  Therefore it may be easy to say that these are multimages.  However, these names are always the same and I can vouch for each and every single one.  They indeed started at the same time and uses a formula to run thier turns

With all due respect Marduk, if you say this you do not have the experience of running a large guild.  It i shard to manage and our top command has been intact for 5 YEARS, with every royal command member having this much experience.


English Council of Lord Archmage

Lord Chancellor

Empire of Excursion


hola llege recien de mi descanso y ya me llamaron a comer, respondre brevemente

1. todos saben perfectamente que spell/color estoy arreglando esta perfectamente anunciado en los 2 foros ( ingles/epañol ), donde dice que spell estoi trabajando y que color y cual vendra despues, incluso hace semanas se dio la lista del orden de los colores a programar y terminar, eso lo sabian todos....

2. no tengo "intencion" ni tiempo para cer que lo que pasa en el server , estoi tan alehado de lo que pasa con respecto a gremios, top y demases que mi gremio lo maneja magita, no yo, estoi 100% con mi tiempo a desarrollar y terminar el juego, y como no tengo MAGO ACTIVO EN EL JUEGO realmente no se lo que pasa en el server , incluso solo tengo mago en el super blizt , con algo de 600 turnos usados y en la pos 600.

3. estoi abierto a escuchar cualquier peticion que se me haga de cualquier indole, y espero tener mas tiempo para coversar, pero si no quisiera a los gremios ingleses , no me tomaria la molestia de tener el foro en su idioma ni el juego en su idioma tambien.

bueno eso, despues posteao mas en extenso , haber si alguien lo traduce...

nuevo server :


well patchan, time will tell if they are multimages or not, and is not my duty to investigate, for that is the council, about the formula to gain the exact land and net power, i don`t know, if you say so i will believe in you until find proves that tell the contrary.
About managing big guilds, no experience, i am allways in 10 to 20 players guilds and i`m not the leader.
about all the other things in the main post of he-man i think i asnwered all of them, he says is not happy with the answers, well i did my best, i think i can clerly prove that bugs affect all player, that BS is like in original mary, that BD affect all and that frank wasn`t very involved in his guild and the decision are for voting. Also that no other guild or player has join the war from VCM announce.
La vida no tiene ni premios ni castigos, solo tiene consecuencias.

Visiten a los patrocinadores para que se pueda continuar con el proyecto.


question is, will there be a hall because of all these bugs?

una pregunta a lord frank, puedo un HALL este reset?

lo siento por mi mensaje en ingles y no espanol pero no tengo tiempo para traducir.


English Council of Lord Archmage

Lord Chancellor

Empire of Excursion


Citawell patchan, time will tell if they are multimages or not, and is not my duty to investigate, for that is the council, about the formula to gain the exact land and net power, i don`t know, if you say so i will believe in you until find proves that tell the contrary.
About managing big guilds, no experience, i am allways in 10 to 20 players guilds and i`m not the leader.
about all the other things in the main post of he-man i think i asnwered all of them, he says is not happy with the answers, well i did my best, i think i can clerly prove that bugs affect all player, that BS is like in original mary, that BD affect all and that frank wasn`t very involved in his guild and the decision are for voting. Also that no other guild or player has join the war from VCM announce.
Actually I think my post was about TCA/EoE/TI being treated unfair by the moderators of this server. Also frank told a leader of one of our guilds that his guild was joining the war to test spells. So here's the bottom line. There have been injustices done, if there hadn't our guilds wouldn't feel Cheated.
I Kick Ass


Citahola llege recien de mi descanso y ya me llamaron a comer, respondre brevemente

1. todos saben perfectamente que spell/color estoy arreglando esta perfectamente anunciado en los 2 foros ( ingles/epañol ), donde dice que spell estoi trabajando y que color y cual vendra despues, incluso hace semanas se dio la lista del orden de los colores a programar y terminar, eso lo sabian todos....

2. no tengo "intencion" ni tiempo para cer que lo que pasa en el server , estoi tan alehado de lo que pasa con respecto a gremios, top y demases que mi gremio lo maneja magita, no yo, estoi 100% con mi tiempo a desarrollar y terminar el juego, y como no tengo MAGO ACTIVO EN EL JUEGO realmente no se lo que pasa en el server , incluso solo tengo mago en el super blizt , con algo de 600 turnos usados y en la pos 600.

3. estoi abierto a escuchar cualquier peticion que se me haga de cualquier indole, y espero tener mas tiempo para coversar, pero si no quisiera a los gremios ingleses , no me tomaria la molestia de tener el foro en su idioma ni el juego en su idioma tambien.

bueno eso, despues posteao mas en extenso , haber si alguien lo traduce...

can someone translate To English for us please?
I Kick Ass


about hall, i think there will be one. the bugs where for all player and i think they did not change the facts about the top, for what i see the top has been with almost the same players for weeks, only belen hispana was kicked out and with no bug, is just she get overconfident.
La vida no tiene ni premios ni castigos, solo tiene consecuencias.

Visiten a los patrocinadores para que se pueda continuar con el proyecto.


Citaabout hall, i think there will be one. the bugs where for all player and i think they did not change the facts about the top, for what i see the top has been with almost the same players for weeks, only belen hispana was kicked out and with no bug, is just she get overconfident.
Fury was because VE was unstoppable and could be used 100's times w/o consiquence.
I Kick Ass


Quick traslation of frank post:

"hola llege recien de mi descanso y ya me llamaron a comer, respondre brevemente"

he arrive from his week rest and has no much time to answer your post so he will ansewer more detailed when he can

"1. todos saben perfectamente que spell/color estoy arreglando esta perfectamente anunciado en los 2 foros ( ingles/epañol ), donde dice que spell estoi trabajando y que color y cual vendra despues, incluso hace semanas se dio la lista del orden de los colores a programar y terminar, eso lo sabian todos...."

All know what spell i`m fixing, and is perfectly anounced in the forums, the list of the order of the colors that where going to be fixed was giving weeks ago and all know it.

"2. no tengo "intencion" ni tiempo para cer que lo que pasa en el server , estoi tan alehado de lo que pasa con respecto a gremios, top y demases que mi gremio lo maneja magita, no yo, estoi 100% con mi tiempo a desarrollar y terminar el juego, y como no tengo MAGO ACTIVO EN EL JUEGO realmente no se lo que pasa en el server , incluso solo tengo mago en el super blizt , con algo de 600 turnos usados y en la pos 600."

he has no intencion nor time to see what everithing is going on in the server, he doesn`t know what happens with guilds, top or anithing related to diplomacy, the diplomacy of VCM is managed by Maguita, I`m 100% of the time programing and fixing bugs, also I only have 1 mage in super blitz server with 600 used turns.

"3. estoi abierto a escuchar cualquier peticion que se me haga de cualquier indole, y espero tener mas tiempo para coversar, pero si no quisiera a los gremios ingleses , no me tomaria la molestia de tener el foro en su idioma ni el juego en su idioma tambien."

I`m open to listeng any peticion or sugestion of any kind and i hope to have more time to chat, if i do not want english guilds do you think i take care about translating the game and have multilenguaje forums? (i do not know if traslate this so exactly, he says he want english player in lord basically)

well, is just a basic traduction, but i think is prety underteandable

La vida no tiene ni premios ni castigos, solo tiene consecuencias.

Visiten a los patrocinadores para que se pueda continuar con el proyecto.


i wasn`t aware of the specific case of fury, but as well as fury was drop of the top i supouse many other player die or lost lot of land for the same or other bug so, i supouse there will be a hall, i say that only based in last reset decision of a transitory hall, and that this reset it woul be the definitive hall
La vida no tiene ni premios ni castigos, solo tiene consecuencias.

Visiten a los patrocinadores para que se pueda continuar con el proyecto.


CitaQuick traslation of frank post:

"hola llege recien de mi descanso y ya me llamaron a comer, respondre brevemente"

he arrive from his week rest and has no much time to answer your post so he will ansewer more detailed when he can

"1. todos saben perfectamente que spell/color estoy arreglando esta perfectamente anunciado en los 2 foros ( ingles/epañol ), donde dice que spell estoi trabajando y que color y cual vendra despues, incluso hace semanas se dio la lista del orden de los colores a programar y terminar, eso lo sabian todos...."

All know what spell i`m fixing, and is perfectly anounced in the forums, the list of the order of the colors that where going to be fixed was giving weeks ago and all know it.

"2. no tengo "intencion" ni tiempo para cer que lo que pasa en el server , estoi tan alehado de lo que pasa con respecto a gremios, top y demases que mi gremio lo maneja magita, no yo, estoi 100% con mi tiempo a desarrollar y terminar el juego, y como no tengo MAGO ACTIVO EN EL JUEGO realmente no se lo que pasa en el server , incluso solo tengo mago en el super blizt , con algo de 600 turnos usados y en la pos 600."

he has no intencion nor time to see what everithing is going on in the server, he doesn`t know what happens with guilds, top or anithing related to diplomacy, the diplomacy of VCM is managed by Maguita, I`m 100% of the time programing and fixing bugs, also I only have 1 mage in super blitz server with 600 used turns.

"3. estoi abierto a escuchar cualquier peticion que se me haga de cualquier indole, y espero tener mas tiempo para coversar, pero si no quisiera a los gremios ingleses , no me tomaria la molestia de tener el foro en su idioma ni el juego en su idioma tambien."

I`m open to listeng any peticion or sugestion of any kind and i hope to have more time to chat, if i do not want english guilds do you think i take care about translating the game and have multilenguaje forums? (i do not know if traslate this so exactly, he says he want english player in lord basically)

well, is just a basic traduction, but i think is prety underteandable
ok, thanks, i dont have time for a rebutle right now and i can tell this will be a long one... so probably tonight.
I Kick Ass


me debo ir a dormir mañana me espera una extensa jornada laboral ( estamos bajo presion en un proyecto muy importante para nuestra compañia ) , asi que en la noche de mañana recien podre responder y leer este asunto ..

nuevo server :


Firstly let me state as memebr of the council if the mages listed are in fact multis they will be deleted just like any other mage would be if multis. And I will delete them myself if this is the case.

I have never been a big one on deleting any mages due to bugs in the game. I see this admin issue.

There are many bugs in the game. And if the goal is to make it just like mari then there will always be bugs in the game. Mari am was full of bugs. I for one would hope that Frank as admin would make ths game better than mari am.

As for EoE we have no intentions of moving to another server. What game server would we move too? Mari Am is no more and that game reincarnation is a pile of crap.

EoE is play poorly in this war because our members have seem to have forgotten how to war in the am game. This is not the faught of the game or the admin of the game.

Poorly coded spells or bugs effect each person in this game the same I do not see this as an advamtage to one over the other. I have made this clear continuiously.

While it is true that EoE has been an open guild to anyone to become a member. I have always been fair as a member of the council and deleted any that was found to be multis.  This has not nor will not change now or in the future.

Honestly I have to give props to the spanish guilds this time around for being so well orgainized and coordinating so well.

Many in EoE have forgotten this is a war game. Many have become use to there being no spells and the game being all about halling. well this is no longer so.

So if EoE gets it butt kicked then so be it. maybe this will be a wake up call to the members of EoE. They grew lazy in the last few sets. EoE will be here and will grow and will better because of this experience.

My fairness and honor has never been questioned before in any matters concerning this game. I would hope that they would not now in war times. As I said before id EoE plays crappy its EoE's faught not Franks, the games, or anything else. I will make no excuses nor allow them to be made for EoE in this matter.


Council Admin/Leader Lord Archmage

High Sovereign King
The Empire of Excursion

[size=8]~~Try to be the kind of person your dog thinks you are~~[/size]


Once again I´m happy to read your words, Iratus.

I cannot make another thing, that agree with you. And you know that althought we are at war, I always have seen you as an honour mage and guild´s leader.

I was going after reading all that to answer He-Man and the supossed conspirancy against English guilds, but I will not waste my time, I think it´s a nonsense (with all my respect, of course).

I simply will say, that we are informed about changes at the same time that english guilds by the forums, and that bugs and changes are the same for all of us.
I will not extend myself as Iratus said the same.

Wow!!! I remembered a thing that He-Man seems to have forgotten, if Frank benefits spanish guilds, why he actived alliances just in the moment that th war was declared?? which guilds took advantage of allies?? Obviously the ones that are in the top 30, not?? But I supposse that this fact is not of your interest He-Man........

Good Luck in the war!!



My applause, Iratus. As always (almost), you demonstrate you are a truly good leader. Good luck on the war.  


Seria muxo pedir una traduccion de iratus y de green??  :unsure:  (ya te vale green feo, podias haber puesto tmb en castellano xD)
Esto si es estar favorecido!!!

Sol, the Great Father Favored 1,470,000,000
Luna, La luz de la Noche Favored 1,265,000,000
Nature, the Wheel of Life Favored 659,000,000
Magic, the Mistress of Chaos Favored 664,000,000
Science, the Magic of Man Favored 1,217,000,000
Satan, Ruler of the Nine Hells Favored 940,000,000
Lucifer, the Light Bearer Favored 1,437,000,000

Sol, El grandioso Padre esta vigilando tu reino.
Luna, La luz de la Noche esta vigilando tu reino.
Naturaleza, the Wheel of Life esta vigilando tu reino.
Magia, the Mistress of Chaos esta vigilando tu reino.
Ciencia, the Magic of Man esta vigilando tu reino.
Satanas, Ruler of the Nine Hells esta vigilando tu reino.
Lucifer, the Light Bearer esta vigilando tu reino

Shurgan: Sol es un hijo puta, ojalá fuera un mago para petarlo <--- xDDD

Jame007, sr. de los efreetis xDD:

efreeti 10,744

Se recuerda que Jame007 es el principal gerente (junto ChaosSoldier y el cyber de Granada) de todas las cuentas bancarias de Hispano xDDD


gracias Caliban :)

En cuanto a Iratus, tienes razon, lo unico q os ha pasado es q tabais algo obsoletos en tema guerra  :lol:  ;)  xDDD!! Y como miembro del Concilio nadie ha dudado de ti (y si alguien ha dudado, pos q no dude porque lo hace bien)
Esto si es estar favorecido!!!

Sol, the Great Father Favored 1,470,000,000
Luna, La luz de la Noche Favored 1,265,000,000
Nature, the Wheel of Life Favored 659,000,000
Magic, the Mistress of Chaos Favored 664,000,000
Science, the Magic of Man Favored 1,217,000,000
Satan, Ruler of the Nine Hells Favored 940,000,000
Lucifer, the Light Bearer Favored 1,437,000,000

Sol, El grandioso Padre esta vigilando tu reino.
Luna, La luz de la Noche esta vigilando tu reino.
Naturaleza, the Wheel of Life esta vigilando tu reino.
Magia, the Mistress of Chaos esta vigilando tu reino.
Ciencia, the Magic of Man esta vigilando tu reino.
Satanas, Ruler of the Nine Hells esta vigilando tu reino.
Lucifer, the Light Bearer esta vigilando tu reino

Shurgan: Sol es un hijo puta, ojalá fuera un mago para petarlo <--- xDDD

Jame007, sr. de los efreetis xDD:

efreeti 10,744

Se recuerda que Jame007 es el principal gerente (junto ChaosSoldier y el cyber de Granada) de todas las cuentas bancarias de Hispano xDDD


Translation (traducción)
Jame007 said
Thanks Caliban (you are welcome xD)

Iratrus, you are right, the only problem you had is that you were getting a little obsolet in war matters :lol:  ;)
xDDDD!!! And as a council member nobody had a doubt about you (and if somebody did, he shouldn't cos you are doing it fine).
He dicho.
Soy [span style=\'font-size:14pt;line-height:100%\']SiNiStEr
Siervo de PODER [span style=\'font-size:15pt;line-height:100%\']H[/size]ISPANO[/span],
Maestro de la destrucción,
Profanador de Hadas,
Señor en las Profundidades Abisales,
Maldición de Arcángeles y Demonios,
Dueño del Secreto Oscuro.[/span]

"Face each battle, each foe, as though it is your last,

One day it will be"


si abra HOF este reset  
nuevo server :


CitaOnce again I´m happy to read your words, Iratus.

I cannot make another thing, that agree with you. And you know that althought we are at war, I always have seen you as an honour mage and guild´s leader.

I was going after reading all that to answer He-Man and the supossed conspirancy against English guilds, but I will not waste my time, I think it´s a nonsense (with all my respect, of course).

I simply will say, that we are informed about changes at the same time that english guilds by the forums, and that bugs and changes are the same for all of us.
I will not extend myself as Iratus said the same.

Wow!!! I remembered a thing that He-Man seems to have forgotten, if Frank benefits spanish guilds, why he actived alliances just in the moment that th war was declared?? which guilds took advantage of allies?? Obviously the ones that are in the top 30, not?? But I supposse that this fact is not of your interest He-Man........

Good Luck in the war!!

"Wow!!! I remembered a thing that He-Man seems to have forgotten, if Frank benefits spanish guilds, why he actived alliances just in the moment that th war was declared?? which guilds took advantage of allies?? Obviously the ones that are in the top 30, not?? But I supposse that this fact is not of your interest He-Man........"

Allies started working about a week before the war. and you were able to have multiple amounts of allies. I think I saw someone with 25 allies. And I dont think any guild has taken advantage of allies. we never know what we are sending. 75%the time i send my two bottom stacks.
I Kick Ass


Hey, I´'m a neather mage, I'm spanish, I'm from PH guild, The BS  change caught me by surprise too. So? I don´t think you're being fair with Frank nor you're being wise.

Do you think he is going to be wasting his time with gilds or wars with all the job he has in hands? His only mage, as he said is in superblitz almost in the last positions. You have no idea how much effort those guys are expending. It seems you have got everithing done in your life. Is it so?

No voy a gastar más saliva contigo, te lo traduces tu.


Hey, soy un mago oscuro, soy español, soy del gremio PH, El cambio del Akelarre me pillo por sorpresa también. Y? No creo ke estes siendo justo con Frank, ni ke estes siendo justo.

Has pensado ke va a gastar su tiemmpo con gremios o guerras con todo el trabajoke tiene entre manos? Su unico mago, como dijo está en superblitz casi en las últimas posiciónes. No tienes ni idea de cuanto esfuerzo estan haciendo esos chicos. Parece ke te lo han dado todo hecho en la vida. ¿Es así?

Lo demás ya está traducido.
He dicho.
Soy [span style=\'font-size:14pt;line-height:100%\']SiNiStEr
Siervo de PODER [span style=\'font-size:15pt;line-height:100%\']H[/size]ISPANO[/span],
Maestro de la destrucción,
Profanador de Hadas,
Señor en las Profundidades Abisales,
Maldición de Arcángeles y Demonios,
Dueño del Secreto Oscuro.[/span]

"Face each battle, each foe, as though it is your last,

One day it will be"


CitaHey, I´'m a neather mage, I'm spanish, I'm from PH guild, The BS  change caught me by surprise too. So? I don´t think you're being fair with Frank nor you're being wise.

Do you think he is going to be wasting his time with gilds or wars with all the job he has in hands? His only mage, as he said is in superblitz almost in the last positions. You have no idea how much effort those guys are expending. It seems you have got everithing done in your life. Is it so?

No voy a gastar más saliva contigo, te lo traduces tu.


Hey, soy un mago oscuro, soy español, soy del gremio PH, El cambio del Akelarre me pillo por sorpresa también. Y? No creo ke estes siendo justo con Frank, ni ke estes siendo justo.

Has pensado ke va a gastar su tiemmpo con gremios o guerras con todo el trabajoke tiene entre manos? Su unico mago, como dijo está en superblitz casi en las últimas posiciónes. No tienes ni idea de cuanto esfuerzo estan haciendo esos chicos. Parece ke te lo han dado todo hecho en la vida. ¿Es así?

Lo demás ya está traducido.
If it isn't frank maybe it's one of the other mods from LTDD or power with other interests than making the server better. All I am saying is we arent dumb we know what makes people die. we've done it over and over and some how people make it out of a for sure death and have full pop and geld and mana in a matter of minutes. We see the abuses of admin and we want them to stop.  I think you are the one who is not "wise" because you sit there and try to pretend like nothing is happening. Even the best mages EVER couldnt get out of some of the situations we have put your mages in. but somehow they get out and are even better off then they were before. It's BULLSHI* and it has to stop. As for what iratus said about him not Moving EoE. he may not move his guild if we decide to move but i can guarantee he wont have as many members.
I Kick Ass


CitaEven the best mages EVER couldnt get out of some of the situations we have put your mages in. but somehow they get out and are even better off then they were before. It's BULLSHI* and it has to stop.
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

No te lo crees ni jarto a grifa, El-Machote!!, menos esteroides y más fosforo!!!

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D


CitaFirstly let me state as memebr of the council if the mages listed are in fact multis they will be deleted just like any other mage would be if multis. And I will delete them myself if this is the case.

I have never been a big one on deleting any mages due to bugs in the game. I see this admin issue.

There are many bugs in the game. And if the goal is to make it just like mari then there will always be bugs in the game. Mari am was full of bugs. I for one would hope that Frank as admin would make ths game better than mari am.

As for EoE we have no intentions of moving to another server. What game server would we move too? Mari Am is no more and that game reincarnation is a pile of crap.

EoE is play poorly in this war because our members have seem to have forgotten how to war in the am game. This is not the faught of the game or the admin of the game.

Poorly coded spells or bugs effect each person in this game the same I do not see this as an advamtage to one over the other. I have made this clear continuiously.

While it is true that EoE has been an open guild to anyone to become a member. I have always been fair as a member of the council and deleted any that was found to be multis.  This has not nor will not change now or in the future.

Honestly I have to give props to the spanish guilds this time around for being so well orgainized and coordinating so well.

Many in EoE have forgotten this is a war game. Many have become use to there being no spells and the game being all about halling. well this is no longer so.

So if EoE gets it butt kicked then so be it. maybe this will be a wake up call to the members of EoE. They grew lazy in the last few sets. EoE will be here and will grow and will better because of this experience.

My fairness and honor has never been questioned before in any matters concerning this game. I would hope that they would not now in war times. As I said before id EoE plays crappy its EoE's faught not Franks, the games, or anything else. I will make no excuses nor allow them to be made for EoE in this matter.
Wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, that's the most impresive post than i never see in this forum.

Iratus, sorry, would you come to LTDD?  :D  


Rendios ante el poder de Lord Bibe....jamas podreis volver a ser los mismos....

Anton Draven LaVey

I did'nt think it was that great.


CitaEven the best mages EVER couldnt get out of some of the situations we have put your mages in. but somehow they get out and are even better off then they were before. It's BULLSHI* and it has to stop.
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

No te lo crees ni jarto a grifa, El-Machote!!, menos esteroides y más fosforo!!!

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Jajjajajajjaj, se debe referir a mi. XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDd
Joder, lo que les fastidia que no me haya muerto. Por cierto madelman, o era argamboy? o un click?¿ en fin, tu, si tu el que persigue a su cerebro y nunca lo alcanza. Tengo testigos de mi recuperacion y si Iratus duda que me pregunte como lo hice.

Just translate the last, The click man says that its imposible to recover from that i have. I say to Iratus, that if you want to know it, i can tell, but just to you.

Bye. :P  :P  :P  :P

Por cierto, oxidadillos si estan pq deberian habernos barrido.  B)  
Rendios ante el poder de Lord Bibe....jamas podreis volver a ser los mismos....

Anton Draven LaVey

Esta la combo.


edit: no insults/sin insultos
I Kick Ass