Devils Too Strong? And How Long Does Cos Last?

Iniciado por He-Man, Mayo 03, 2004, 03:40:58 PM

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Citaif cos is bugged... which it is...


people have had <a href= target=_blank>[a href= target=_blank]devil[/a]</a> way loner than 12 hours...either cos lasts longer than it shouldd or you are able to cast cos way to fast.

it should take at least 4 days of turns to be able to cast again.

p.s. mages have been compensated for WAY less than this...i would imagine that mages affected by this obvious blunder would be compensated.
Sorry man, but i try Cos and i can say how it works until its repaired.

The devils were in my land for 12 hour, but the spell and the maintenance were for at least 23 hour whithout devils (ask mortadelo or gollum), until i can recover from him with your help, yes thank you for launchin me all that you have, it was perfect.

If you dont have an idea about using Cos dont use it. I have two guides about this use, and its difficult but not imposible, çXDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDddd

are you stressed? :D  :P  
Rendios ante el poder de Lord Bibe....jamas podreis volver a ser los mismos....


CitaOh man, you're crying about things that you dont understand.
The Cos has a bug (sorry have bug, but its reparied), but it's bad for de coser player.
The Cos has always been the most powerful spell in this game, but if you dont know what youre doing probably you'll die. But if you know it you will be a good kamikaze player.

Thats the costo of this spell in THIS server:

Ingreso Neto   -92,746,499   -960   -15,920
I have the completly report, and it works now well. If you dont like devils dont taste black mages, if you dont like hell, dont taste red mages, and if you dont like dying (im not sure about this word) dont declare the war.

One thing more, im Shogun and i use the most powerful machine to survive: two friends and my experience. That's all, if you dont know it its your problem, not mine.  Im sure that you're asking about Falquian and his lacks of population. You said that i have a bug, wrong again, always experience.

Ah, i forgot it, don't cry about the game, it's beta game and the same game to everyone.

And the last thing, surrender and you stay alive. ah, ah, ah, ah, staying alive, XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Sorry for my poor english. :rolleyes:
also when did you cast CoS and when did it "ware off?"
I Kick Ass


CitaOh man, you're crying about things that you dont understand.
The Cos has a bug (sorry have bug, but its reparied), but it's bad for de coser player.
The Cos has always been the most powerful spell in this game, but if you dont know what youre doing probably you'll die. But if you know it you will be a good kamikaze player.

Thats the costo of this spell in THIS server:

Ingreso Neto   -92,746,499   -960   -15,920
I have the completly report, and it works now well. If you dont like devils dont taste black mages, if you dont like hell, dont taste red mages, and if you dont like dying (im not sure about this word) dont declare the war.

One thing more, im Shogun and i use the most powerful machine to survive: two friends and my experience. That's all, if you dont know it its your problem, not mine.  Im sure that you're asking about Falquian and his lacks of population. You said that i have a bug, wrong again, always experience.

Ah, i forgot it, don't cry about the game, it's beta game and the same game to everyone.

And the last thing, surrender and you stay alive. ah, ah, ah, ah, staying alive, XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Sorry for my poor english. :rolleyes:
You're experience doesnt mean jack Crap to me. If you have 0 pop and 0 geld and have CoS you dont survive. and since when do you get to keep getting devils for 24 hours?
I repeat, i dont use any bug or resurrection water. But how you can understand i dont say the way to recover from this. Just using your brain, and experience.
Thats all.

Yes i know, you think that i was dead, but no, im not dead.

And one thing more, you helped me to recover from this, without you i think i would died. :P  
Rendios ante el poder de Lord Bibe....jamas podreis volver a ser los mismos....

Anton Draven LaVey

CitaTCA who used COS may don't know how to use, that's why they died.
Last time my mage died was because a bug, ironic, right?

No foolism, you died from being spelled and suck at playing. No bug.

CitaSorry man, but i try Cos and i can say how it works until its repaired.

The devils were in my land for 12 hour, but the spell and the maintenance were for at least 23 hour whithout devils (ask mortadelo or gollum), until i can recover from him with your help, yes thank you for launchin me all that you have, it was perfect.

If you dont have an idea about using Cos dont use it. I have two guides about this use, and its difficult but not imposible, çXDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDddd

are you stressed?

Akrahan,  your just making shit up because you know when you reach 0pop/0mana you just go ask your admin buddys to top it back up again. So none of this noob shit talk, CoS is fucked theres no talking around it.


Sorry man, but i try Cos and i can say how it works until its repaired.

The devils were in my land for 12 hour, but the spell and the maintenance were for at least 23 hour whithout devils (ask mortadelo or gollum), until i can recover from him with your help, yes thank you for launchin me all that you have, it was perfect.

If you dont have an idea about using Cos dont use it. I have two guides about this use, and its difficult but not imposible, çXDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDddd

are you stressed? :D  :P
we are not afraid of the FOUNDER OF ARCHMAGE ALL HAIL GOD HIMSELF!!!!

all we want is to make sure these spells work right.  i know for a fact that a mage has had devils for over 12 hours since yesterday.  The simple legistics of the spell dont enable it to last longer or let it be recasted within such a short timeframe.  

if you can get devils constantly even exactly after 12 hrs, please by all means ENLIGHTEN US WITH your SUPERIOR *cough cough* WISDOM!!


Citaif cos is bugged... which it is...


people have had <a href= target=_blank><a href= target=_blank>[a href= target=_blank]devil[/a]</a></a> way loner than 12 hours...either cos lasts longer than it shouldd or you are able to cast cos way to fast.

it should take at least 4 days of turns to be able to cast again.

p.s. mages have been compensated for WAY less than this...i would imagine that mages affected by this obvious blunder would be compensated.
Sorry man, but i try Cos and i can say how it works until its repaired.

The devils were in my land for 12 hour, but the spell and the maintenance were for at least 23 hour whithout devils (ask mortadelo or gollum), until i can recover from him with your help, yes thank you for launchin me all that you have, it was perfect.

If you dont have an idea about using Cos dont use it. I have two guides about this use, and its difficult but not imposible, çXDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDddd

are you stressed? :D  :P
You are lieing to our face. ChaosSoldier has had devils for more than 24 hours. and CoS should effect your land for 3-7 days.

"One thing more, im Shogun and i use the most powerful machine to survive: two friends and my experience. That's all, if you dont know it its your problem, not mine. Im sure that you're asking about Falquian and his lacks of population. You said that i have a bug, wrong again, always experience"

I'm sure you have two friends that help you. they are both mods. and we have experience too we have seen people die or be killed because of CoS. You dont just survive CoS like You did.
I Kick Ass


CitaTCA who used COS may don't know how to use, that's why they died.
Last time my mage died was because a bug, ironic, right?
The last time you died is because you were dumb and kept spelling mages who could attack you. So I guess you arent smarter than me. because I would have realized that I dispell, he gets counter. I dispell he gets counter. and the only reason you were able to dispell is because of that same bug. So you need to stfu.
I Kick Ass


CitaTCA who used COS may don't know how to use, that's why they died.
Last time my mage died was because a bug, ironic, right?
The last time you died is because you were dumb and kept spelling mages who could attack you. So I guess you arent smarter than me. because I would have realized that I dispell, he gets counter. I dispell he gets counter. and the only reason you were able to dispell is because of that same bug. So you need to stfu.
I know how Frank can fix all of this. He can make either more English mods. besides iratus who's never active and sucks at AM anyways. Or he can take the other mods power away. That way when you're dead you're dead. no more asking to be topped out again (shogun)
I Kick Ass


Edit: esto no es bilingüe, postea en ingles/this is not bilingual, post in english
Rendios ante el poder de Lord Bibe....jamas podreis volver a ser los mismos....

Anton Draven LaVey

This reminds me of last set they deleted half of tca and said we were cheating, then just as arma begin they deleted 3 high ranking members.

This is the reason why 5uck left.


akrahan me parece q no es forma de hacer las cosas. Primero pq si el foro es en ingles deberias postear en ese idioma (i no en castella o catala que encara potser t'endus alguna sorpresa ;)). Segundo pq he oido infinidad de veces a gremios "españoles", "hispanos" llamemosle como querais, tildar de maleducados y demas a los gremios "guiris" y tratandolos como si la unica cosa que supieran hacer es insultar. Por favor un poco de respeto y no caigas en lo que tanto criticais.

Segundo, admitiras al menos que el cos anda un poco "raro" y que en tu situacion quizas has podido salvar el mago pero que muchos otros estan jugandolo despues de tirarse cos y ahi siguen vivitos y coleantes.

Solo desearos suerte!

PD: sorry to all english-speaking people but i'll try to translate this when i can, i'm too tired now to do it and i wanted to answer akrahan and do it best in my  native language...


CitaTCA who used COS may don't know how to use, that's why they died.
Last time my mage died was because a bug, ironic, right?
The last time you died is because you were dumb and kept spelling mages who could attack you. So I guess you arent smarter than me. because I would have realized that I dispell, he gets counter. I dispell he gets counter. and the only reason you were able to dispell is because of that same bug. So you need to stfu.
I know how Frank can fix all of this. He can make either more English mods. besides iratus who's never active and sucks at AM anyways. Or he can take the other mods power away. That way when you're dead you're dead. no more asking to be topped out again (shogun)
once again you 're proving how ignoratn youo are, mods can alter mages stats, they can delete them but not change their status. I died cause you countered me the attacks, that's true, but if counter spell were fixed that wouldn't have happened
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Citaakrahan me parece q no es forma de hacer las cosas. Primero pq si el foro es en ingles deberias postear en ese idioma (i no en castella o catala que encara potser t'endus alguna sorpresa ;)). Segundo pq he oido infinidad de veces a gremios "españoles", "hispanos" llamemosle como querais, tildar de maleducados y demas a los gremios "guiris" y tratandolos como si la unica cosa que supieran hacer es insultar. Por favor un poco de respeto y no caigas en lo que tanto criticais.

Segundo, admitiras al menos que el cos anda un poco "raro" y que en tu situacion quizas has podido salvar el mago pero que muchos otros estan jugandolo despues de tirarse cos y ahi siguen vivitos y coleantes.

Solo desearos suerte!

PD: sorry to all english-speaking people but i'll try to translate this when i can, i'm too tired now to do it and i wanted to answer akrahan and do it best in my  native language...
Eru, take a time to read this post and many others ("to nick" in super - honor hall) and youo will see that most of thier post they just insult, it seems that is your main way of communicate.
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Citaakrahan me parece q no es forma de hacer las cosas. Primero pq si el foro es en ingles deberias postear en ese idioma (i no en castella o catala que encara potser t'endus alguna sorpresa ;)). Segundo pq he oido infinidad de veces a gremios "españoles", "hispanos" llamemosle como querais, tildar de maleducados y demas a los gremios "guiris" y tratandolos como si la unica cosa que supieran hacer es insultar. Por favor un poco de respeto y no caigas en lo que tanto criticais.

Segundo, admitiras al menos que el cos anda un poco "raro" y que en tu situacion quizas has podido salvar el mago pero que muchos otros estan jugandolo despues de tirarse cos y ahi siguen vivitos y coleantes.

Solo desearos suerte!

PD: sorry to all english-speaking people but i'll try to translate this when i can, i'm too tired now to do it and i wanted to answer akrahan and do it best in my  native language...
Eru, take a time to read this post and many others ("to nick" in super - honor hall) and youo will see that most of thier post they just insult, it seems that is your main way of communicate.
I've been insulted by atleast 5 of you already. so don't play that game.
I Kick Ass


CitaTCA who used COS may don't know how to use, that's why they died.
Last time my mage died was because a bug, ironic, right?
The last time you died is because you were dumb and kept spelling mages who could attack you. So I guess you arent smarter than me. because I would have realized that I dispell, he gets counter. I dispell he gets counter. and the only reason you were able to dispell is because of that same bug. So you need to stfu.
I know how Frank can fix all of this. He can make either more English mods. besides iratus who's never active and sucks at AM anyways. Or he can take the other mods power away. That way when you're dead you're dead. no more asking to be topped out again (shogun)
once again you 're proving how ignoratn youo are, mods can alter mages stats, they can delete them but not change their status. I died cause you countered me the attacks, that's true, but if counter spell were fixed that wouldn't have happened
yes it would have still happened because you wouldnt have taken any of my spells off, because you would have had to win the battle to take the spell of. so you would have lost the land from the spells.
I Kick Ass


He-man, I am starting to get tired of your manners, and the way you are blaming everyone. You said the mods are against you, and every non-spanish guild.
That's very frustrating for the people who made this game and allows you and your friends to play it. You won 3 resets, you have an english forum, an english member of the council, all the news are posted in english as soon as possible, the game will be translated soon to make it easier to play for you, and you still keep blaming.
More, english guilds would probably have won this reset if the war won't messed the things, a war EoE declared.
The effort made to make this BETA game playable for english people is big, but for you it means nothing, a rare exploit bug (as the hundred this game has suffered) is enough for you to claim a great complot to make the english players leave the server.
If the developing team wouldn't like to see english players around here, you would probably never play The Lord. If they would want for you to leave, you won't be posting here now. If they would like to help some part on the war, the other should be dead right now. And they don't have to give explanations to nobody, it's their game, and it is a beta.

So if you think bugs won't let you play this game as you want, just wait until the game is finished 100% to play.
If you think english guilds have a difficult time cause they are a minority, join and spanish guild. You won't be the first, not the last.

And finally, if you really think the administrators are working against you, just leave the game and never come back. Cause they won't do anything more for you than they are doing right now.  


Well, I guess nobody couldn't say better than Draco
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CitaHe-man, I am starting to get tired of your manners, and the way you are blaming everyone. You said the mods are against you, and every non-spanish guild.
That's very frustrating for the people who made this game and allows you and your friends to play it. You won 3 resets, you have an english forum, an english member of the council, all the news are posted in english as soon as possible, the game will be translated soon to make it easier to play for you, and you still keep blaming.
More, english guilds would probably have won this reset if the war won't messed the things, a war EoE declared.
The effort made to make this BETA game playable for english people is big, but for you it means nothing, a rare exploit bug (as the hundred this game has suffered) is enough for you to claim a great complot to make the english players leave the server.
If the developing team wouldn't like to see english players around here, you would probably never play The Lord. If they would want for you to leave, you won't be posting here now. If they would like to help some part on the war, the other should be dead right now. And they don't have to give explanations to nobody, it's their game, and it is a beta.

So if you think bugs won't let you play this game as you want, just wait until the game is finished 100% to play.
If you think english guilds have a difficult time cause they are a minority, join and spanish guild. You won't be the first, not the last.

And finally, if you really think the administrators are working against you, just leave the game and never come back. Cause they won't do anything more for you than they are doing right now.
Draco I am only fighting fire with fire. for almost 4 resets now all we have heard is complaining from all the spanish players on how we cheat and etc, because we always win. You guys cry and wine to get your ways and our mages have been erased for stupid stuff that made no sense. Sure I appreciate how you put a poorly done English section together, thanks. We do have an English forum, our English forum is also less imformed than the spanish forum also. we get maybe 1/3 the info that the other forum gets. Compare them, you'll see. You talk about us having a mod, Iratus. He is a nice guy and all but he doesn't know as much as he probably should about the game. I think we should be allowed 1 or 2 more mods. It's just like the CoS bug, it's taken what 3 days now and it still isn't fixed? truthfully if it were spanish players crying about it, it wouldn't be second guessed like it has been. It would just be "fixed." Thats the kind of stuff we're tired of. Yes we want that bug to be fixed because right now it presents a big disadvantage to us. Yes we are the minority, we have tried making alliances and NAPS with Spanish guilds we are trying to do out part also to make it so it isn't us vs you every reset but for some reason that is always the outcome. We tried to get KDA involved in the war. TIA involved but they are both so obsessed with Hall that they both declined. In closing I don't think all mods are working against us, I just don't think they are working as hard for us. and I think some of them are exploiting there power. Normally I wouldn't come and be an Ass like I have been But we've had this same thing going on for 4 resets almost and it's tired.  
I Kick Ass


lol damn right anton
i jumped in the river
black-eyed angels swimming with me
a moon full of stars and astral cars
all the figures i used to see
all my lovers were there with me
all my past and futures
and we all went to heaven in a little row boat


He-Man, make an online game and, without knowing a word of spanish, try to atract spanish players, make an spanish forum, read and answer all the spanish pleads, and keep them informed as fast as the english players.

Someone else would have leave the english players out till the game was finished, but Frank made a great effort to let you be beta-testers and have fun meanwhile(cause few, very few of you report bugs). He doesn't ask for thanks, but to claim against him, IMHO, it is a lack of respect.  


Draco we deserve the same treatment as the spanish player as Lanzer said, we at least should be as informed as the spanish player buddy and this is not about war and all that shit is about the admin responsabilities. If he wanted to make a game like this he should have consider first all the shit that could happened.
i jumped in the river
black-eyed angels swimming with me
a moon full of stars and astral cars
all the figures i used to see
all my lovers were there with me
all my past and futures
and we all went to heaven in a little row boat


Agree, Onimaru, but right now it is impossible due to idiom problem. To call it a racism or sectarism problem is stupid, cause there are people, like myself, working for english players. And we are doing it cause we want, Frank really don't need english players around here, if they all leave the developing phase won't be harmed, neither slowed a bit, and the money to maintain the servers will come the same way.
We work for you cause we want to see you around here, nothing else. I would thank a lot if an english game make the effort to translate the game(and I couldn't read english) only for the fun of having players of all the world, but it seems many people here only uses the name "Frank" to blame against the things they don't like. Do you think Frank will miss a player who didn't reported a bug, and simply played the game?
And you said that it was a mistake to atract english players if they could manage them as good as the spanish ones. Well, you could be right, if this would be a finished game. But right now is a beta, and it is stated everywhere things can be messed up for the players. If you can't stand it, wait until it is finished. Then english players will be treated exactly the same way as spanish, and if we can't do it, we will advice it.  


yeah that's a big problem and the beginning of this war
i jumped in the river
black-eyed angels swimming with me
a moon full of stars and astral cars
all the figures i used to see
all my lovers were there with me
all my past and futures
and we all went to heaven in a little row boat


well, I have just cast COS to check it out and it seems ok for the most part just a couple of things i remember differently,   just to try and help out in case COS is working incorreclty, here is how I remember it to work,   the casting cost was ! million mana and 150k population then the cost in pop was 6666+ 25%(give or take a little) of remaing pop and the geld was the same way costing a percentage each turn maybe a little more than the pop, but I remember being able to get around 6-7 attacks(counters or what not)with devils in mari, were here it seems I will only get about 3 before my resources are depleted.  As for the length they stay it was 12hrs for the devils and the [a href= target=_blank]devil[/a] prince stayed until you had used(not just earned but actually used) 3 days worth of turns.  as for the # of devils you get for the different times you attack(ie counter, counter spell, or random)  javieria sounds about right with his qauntities.

Leader of The Covenant  Server
Member The Imperium  Ager, Blitz, Superblitz


While you have COS on in this server the gold income is -3x (where x is the amount of total gold you have). I think that with more than 500000 population and enough gold you can us between 15 and 20 turns. I think there was some 6666 people maintenance. The [a href= target=_blank]devil[/a] prince stayed with me like for 3 weeks but it was because a bug, I think it stays only a week now. Concerning the number od devils that go into battle, I'm pretty sure is similar to Mari's.
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