Peticion Al Concilio Del The Lord Archmage

Iniciado por EL KAISER, Junio 05, 2005, 05:10:35 PM

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si alguien del concilio tiene un poco de decencia, excluyendo a james claro q es el q la tenia toda, me gustaria saber kienes son actualmente los miembros del concilio
asi a botepronto se iratus, sam y mortadelo

y tambien me gustaria que explicaran los motivos del borrado

si los motivos son justos no tienen que tener ninguna verguenza ni miedo a decirlo

esto es una peticion formal como miembro de la comunidad de jugadores del Lord Archmage y puesto que creo q no viola ninguna de las leyes establecidas puesto que ya es una decision tomada decidida e irrevocable me gustaria saber la razon o los motivos por la que se ha tomado esta determinacion

agradecería q no empezeis a divagar todos aki abajo y nos dirigieramos con un minimo de cordura ya que estamos intentando hacer una peticion seria

y por ultimo, dejadme estudiar cabrones que en los descansos vengo a leeros que os exo de menos y mencuentro estas mierdas, vaya manera de estropear el juego
Aprendiendo...o no?
Ex-Nefao de la Casta Drukharis de la Torre del Destino


Aprendiz                 <------ MANDA WEBOS :P ya posteare mais
Mago                      <------ YA VOY CRECIENDO :P
Wizard                    <------ UN POKITIN MAIS
Conjurer                 <------ MAIS Y MAIS
Dragon Mage           <------ En Honor a mi amada granja el Esbirro :)


falta luzbel q tb es del concilio


weno como son datos publicos y todos los podeis obtener mirando el foro si abeis buscar bien pongo lo q he visto

admins :  james y iratus

officers : luzbel, mortadelo, evaluator, arbiter, sam1164 e istari

ahora por favor q desfilen con sus motivos

Aprendiendo...o no?
Ex-Nefao de la Casta Drukharis de la Torre del Destino


Aprendiz                 <------ MANDA WEBOS :P ya posteare mais
Mago                      <------ YA VOY CRECIENDO :P
Wizard                    <------ UN POKITIN MAIS
Conjurer                 <------ MAIS Y MAIS
Dragon Mage           <------ En Honor a mi amada granja el Esbirro :)


pos yo aki hablo en favor de los q conozco

luzbel, sam y james creo q son objetivos y buena gente, pero vamos q tp hable con ellos sobre el tema
"En la batalla mortiferos, en el juego campeones y en la cama triunfadores,
los guerreros de la Hlaalu House infunden miedo y terror y otorgan la muerte.
Señores, hoy demostraremos al mundo que deberan temblar al oir mi nombre"

RedChaos --> General Negro (Hlaalu House)


me dai gual si son buena gente, si tienen principios, si son incapaces no es un problema de honestidad...


Overtime a decision is made that someone does not like certain people want to cry unfair and unjust. They wish to point fingers at people and claim that they have motives. The only motive of the council is to provide a cheat free game.

Everyone on council send many hours at this work.all are just and do their work without bias.

The fact is there is a certain fraction within the gaming community which does not want the cheating to stop. The motivation is on their part because without cheating they would not be such good players.

I suppose that if those that cheat would put more time into playing the game fairly as they do cheating they would become a better player.

It is not the council or any member of this council which does not want to provide evidence to the community it is the rules established by the game owners.

I understand that people would defend their friends. However pointing fingers and attempting to change the actual issue from that of cheating to that of others honors is wrong.

The fact is that all council has spent many hours on this case and decision is one of majority not anyone person.

I do not understand why certain people in this community wants to defend cheating. It makes me pause and consider their motivation. Like it or not the Council is not going to change. Cheating will be dealt with.

My best advise to everyone is to play the game fairly and by the rules and none will have reason to worry about being deleted and leave the name calling out of it.

Council Admin/Leader Lord Archmage

High Sovereign King
The Empire of Excursion

[size=8]~~Try to be the kind of person your dog thinks you are~~[/size]


Muy bonito, un post q no dice nada....

Me pregunto donde andara el resto del concilio, no los vi ni una sola vez por el foro...  como se eligio esto?? a dedo supongo, si, ese dedo señalador q tanto habla iratus debio ser el q formo este concilio tan dudoso.


CitaMuy bonito, un post q no dice nada....

es hora de q el concilio cambie el discurso y asuma sus responsabilidades  :)  


Loky it is hour thet cheating players assume responsibility. Council fullfills its everyday. The bitter ramblimgs of those that cant cheat any more with have no impact on a thing.

follow the rules dont cheat and you will not ne deleted. Of you cant do this dont play the game.

Council Admin/Leader Lord Archmage

High Sovereign King
The Empire of Excursion

[size=8]~~Try to be the kind of person your dog thinks you are~~[/size]


CitaOvertime a decision is made that someone does not like certain people want to cry unfair and unjust. They wish to point fingers at people and claim that they have motives. The only motive of the council is to provide a cheat free game.

Everyone on council send many hours at this work.all are just and do their work without bias.

The fact is there is a certain fraction within the gaming community which does not want the cheating to stop. The motivation is on their part because without cheating they would not be such good players.

I suppose that if those that cheat would put more time into playing the game fairly as they do cheating they would become a better player.

It is not the council or any member of this council which does not want to provide evidence to the community it is the rules established by the game owners.

I understand that people would defend their friends. However pointing fingers and attempting to change the actual issue from that of cheating to that of others honors is wrong.

The fact is that all council has spent many hours on this case and decision is one of majority not anyone person.

I do not understand why certain people in this community wants to defend cheating. It makes me pause and consider their motivation. Like it or not the Council is not going to change. Cheating will be dealt with.

My best advise to everyone is to play the game fairly and by the rules and none will have reason to worry about being deleted and leave the name calling out of it.

Cheating is for losers!

I really do feel for the guys who lost their mages.  I have lost some in my early days on TL.
It just seems that the people that complain cheat the most.  Almost like you can't and wont play unless you can log multiple mages.

Anyway I do miss the old days of Maris AM when there were like 6K mages on Blitz.  When you prevent cheating you have a lot less mages.  It might not be as easy to play, but it does provide more of a challenge.

*Forgivers opinions*

I remember a time not long ago...I suffered the fate of Spanish admins.  Sometimes my friend plays at my house, we did not know about that concillo thing.  So they delayed Armageddon twice and then deleted us.  That was one of the toughest lessons every learned.  Remember even a simple log in can get you deleted.
Yeah...almost BS, but they strictkly enforce the rules.

Lord Forgiver of the Catastrophic Order of Terra (CO2)

Member of La Familia (LaFam) - Blitz Guild (retired ATM)
Leader of Catastrophic Order (CO2) - Super Blitz Guild (retired ATM)
Leader of Freelance Mercenary (MERCS) - Ager

Si vis pacem, para bellum.  If you want peace, prepare for war.

"Better to be hated for who you are than loved for who you're not." - Phlogiston Verdigris

"This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time." - Tyler Durden
"Its not until you lose everything that you are free to do anything." - Tyler Durden

The only correct actions are those that demand no explanation and no apology.
Ability may get you to the top, but it takes character to keep you there.

"Explosive you feel the impact hit your face
What makes you think I'll let you survive
You want a war I'm the front line

This ain't about me
I'm better than you'll ever be
You don't concern me
I know you'll never get to me
You want a shot
I can take your best bring it on
Get ready for the pain
Cause this where it's going down" - Slayer

"Look, if you had one shot, one opportunity
To seize everything you ever wanted, one moment
Would you capture it, or just let it slip? Yo"  - Eminem

"I hate, therefore I am." - Marilyn Manson


Acaso insinuas q yo soy un tramposo?

o tengo que recordarte las veces q borraste gente indebidamente y hubo que llamarte la atención?  :angry:
más de una vez estuviste más fuera del concilio que dentro debido a ello.

dejate ya de mariconadas de jugar legal o irse de akí, tu no eres dios, ni amo ni dueño!

Como se diría en una novela clásica, el pueblo ha hablado, iros y otros ocuparan el lugar  :)  


lo que os decia, akel famoso bot malvado de frank no tendria de nombre iratus?


Aki lo unico q se pide son razones (por q...  las teneis?) por las q se borraron unos magos.

Los sermoneos de jugar limpio ya los conocemos todos por q son las explicaciones q da el concilio ultimamente, ahora QUEREMOS DATOS.

¿ Cuales fueron las trampas q han llevado al concilio a borrar a COBRA ?


<^Istari> 1º porque se me insulto sin ningun motivo
<^Istari> 2º porque no se deben sacar los pies del tiesto... el daño esta hecho y eso no se puede remediar

Los dos motivos por los cuales uno de los miembros del concilio voto a que no nos devolviesen, hablado por el en el publico de thelord.

Vamos, primero por que estabamos mosqueados por que nos puteasen, y dos no podian reconocer su error, magnifico ;)

Tb decir que istari al menos dio la cara, y no tubo por que participar en el borrado inicial, aun q si en la no recuperacion, pero el premio gordo  se lo dejamos al colega iratus.


Esta gente (los del concilio) siempre dicen lo mismo es decir, nada.

A ver chavales el rollo de jugar limpio lo inventamos nosotros cuando vosotros todavía jugabais con muñequitos.

Es decir que como bien dice shox, dejar de dar discursitos y empezad a dar razones de borrado de mago, y que no sean tan penosas como las ya dadas
... aLGuN Dia LiNuX NoS DoMiNaRá a ToDoS...


Citafollow the rules dont cheat and you will not ne deleted. Of you cant do this dont play the game.
Seguí las reglas. No hice trampas. Me borraron.

I followed the rules. I didn't cheat. I was deleted.