Where can I report?

Iniciado por -=£s0d0r£=-, Julio 11, 2005, 07:23:30 AM

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First of all,excuse me to use english here.
Isn't this is a solo server?
But I suspect some person is using multiple account,
Where can I report to the GM?
Is that report available here?

To http://www.thelord.cl">The Lord Archmage GM,
Please help me to check out those person.

TheMeat (# 1)
Alejandrus II (# 132)

Your since,


Hi, this zone of forum is spanish & english ;), you can speak with your language always translate in english or spanish without excuse you :)

Send me a private message here (in forum) about yours suspect :)
Esto si es estar favorecido!!!

Sol, the Great Father Favored 1,470,000,000
Luna, La luz de la Noche Favored 1,265,000,000
Nature, the Wheel of Life Favored 659,000,000
Magic, the Mistress of Chaos Favored 664,000,000
Science, the Magic of Man Favored 1,217,000,000
Satan, Ruler of the Nine Hells Favored 940,000,000
Lucifer, the Light Bearer Favored 1,437,000,000

Sol, El grandioso Padre esta vigilando tu reino.
Luna, La luz de la Noche esta vigilando tu reino.
Naturaleza, the Wheel of Life esta vigilando tu reino.
Magia, the Mistress of Chaos esta vigilando tu reino.
Ciencia, the Magic of Man esta vigilando tu reino.
Satanas, Ruler of the Nine Hells esta vigilando tu reino.
Lucifer, the Light Bearer esta vigilando tu reino

Shurgan: Sol es un hijo puta, ojalá fuera un mago para petarlo <--- xDDD

Jame007, sr. de los efreetis xDD:

efreeti 10,744

Se recuerda que Jame007 es el principal gerente (junto ChaosSoldier y el cyber de Granada) de todas las cuentas bancarias de Hispano xDDD