Para cuando el arma?

Iniciado por eru, Octubre 09, 2005, 03:47:23 PM

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Frank! Para cuando esta previsto el arma del solo? No se esta alargando demasiado? Lo digo pq:

CitaSuper Blitz Solo  4 1/3 min. 300  04-julio-2005 15:00 hrs  -

Eso esta en la pagina de logeo y ya hace 4 meses que tira este reset. Si, se que toy muy aburrido, pero es q se esta haciendo demasiado largooooo!

Bueno, sin prisa pero sin pausa, ya diras alguna cosa!




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Esto es komo el ke dice.

La suma de la raiz cúbica de 3/4 elevado a la novena potencia es mayor que la mitad del cuadrado de la potencia de 6/9 menos 5.

Por lo tanto, es el resultado un número primo ?

Respuesta: Mañana juega el barcelona

... aLGuN Dia LiNuX NoS DoMiNaRá a ToDoS...


So when is the big day?

I wanna be here so I can repower after I get cleared :P
Lord Forgiver of the Catastrophic Order of Terra (CO2)

Member of La Familia (LaFam) - Blitz Guild (retired ATM)
Leader of Catastrophic Order (CO2) - Super Blitz Guild (retired ATM)
Leader of Freelance Mercenary (MERCS) - Ager

Si vis pacem, para bellum.  If you want peace, prepare for war.

"Better to be hated for who you are than loved for who you're not." - Phlogiston Verdigris

"This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time." - Tyler Durden
"Its not until you lose everything that you are free to do anything." - Tyler Durden

The only correct actions are those that demand no explanation and no apology.
Ability may get you to the top, but it takes character to keep you there.

"Explosive you feel the impact hit your face
What makes you think I'll let you survive
You want a war I'm the front line

This ain't about me
I'm better than you'll ever be
You don't concern me
I know you'll never get to me
You want a shot
I can take your best bring it on
Get ready for the pain
Cause this where it's going down" - Slayer

"Look, if you had one shot, one opportunity
To seize everything you ever wanted, one moment
Would you capture it, or just let it slip? Yo"  - Eminem

"I hate, therefore I am." - Marilyn Manson


CitaLa suma de la raiz cúbica de 3/4 elevado a la novena potencia es mayor que la mitad del cuadrado de la potencia de 6/9 menos 5.

Por lo tanto, es el resultado un número primo ?

Respuesta: Mañana juega el barcelona
Jajajajajaja  :lol:  
General, woud you care to step outside?


Frank, podrias ser un poco mas preciso por favor? :)


SÃNTOMA: Movimientos circulares de la habitación.

PROBLEMA: Se ha tumbado y está muy borracho.

SOLUCIÓN: Levántese y vaya a por otra cerveza.

Miembro por derecho del asilo de terra.

mientras la muerte lo permita...


him quod Diabolus da vestri is can take absentis

elros alcarin


aaaaa ahora me quedo mas claro  :P

se esta alargando mucho...
him quod Diabolus da vestri is can take absentis

elros alcarin


Any word yet on Armageddon?
Lord Forgiver of the Catastrophic Order of Terra (CO2)

Member of La Familia (LaFam) - Blitz Guild (retired ATM)
Leader of Catastrophic Order (CO2) - Super Blitz Guild (retired ATM)
Leader of Freelance Mercenary (MERCS) - Ager

Si vis pacem, para bellum.  If you want peace, prepare for war.

"Better to be hated for who you are than loved for who you're not." - Phlogiston Verdigris

"This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time." - Tyler Durden
"Its not until you lose everything that you are free to do anything." - Tyler Durden

The only correct actions are those that demand no explanation and no apology.
Ability may get you to the top, but it takes character to keep you there.

"Explosive you feel the impact hit your face
What makes you think I'll let you survive
You want a war I'm the front line

This ain't about me
I'm better than you'll ever be
You don't concern me
I know you'll never get to me
You want a shot
I can take your best bring it on
Get ready for the pain
Cause this where it's going down" - Slayer

"Look, if you had one shot, one opportunity
To seize everything you ever wanted, one moment
Would you capture it, or just let it slip? Yo"  - Eminem

"I hate, therefore I am." - Marilyn Manson


la otra semana ^^ , se me habia olvidado ...
nuevo server :